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Chris Evans | 15:11 UK time, Wednesday, 30 April 2008

So I'm working out today, well more looking for a mat to stretch on really, I spy one and make my way over. There's a lady on the next mat and she's...

... singing. I've seen this lady before, many times and she has always struck me as an exceptionally happy sort.

"Are you always like this?" I asked her.

"Like what ?"

"Always so up."

"I married a very good many, I think that's the key," she repiled.

"And he a good woman back."

"I met him here actually."

"Really ?"

"Yes fifteen years ago, I used to see him working out and he used to always finish on one of these two mats. So one day I made sure I was on the next mat at about the right time and I left my tracksuit top and bag on the other. He came over and had to ask me to move them, so we got talking and wham bam a year later we were married. I planned it all. You have to don't you ?"

"Wow," I mouthed.

"I do miss him," she went on.

"Excuse me ?"

"Oh, he sadly died 6 months ago unexpectedly."

"Oh my goodness I'm sorry about that." This was the last thing I'd expected her to say next.

"No, not at all, we had an amazing time, we were very very lucky."

I thought it maybe best to get on with some stretching now. I looked down to start but there was a bag and a tracksuit in the way.

"Oh would you like me to move those ?" she smiled.





  • Comment number 1.


    debbie - big hugs to you - I also feel a bit like crying at the moment - not sure why as life seems to be going in a good direction but you can never tell can you :-( Me and the fella had a bit of a tussel of his birthday present as he wants me to buy him a second hand electrical item at ?350 and I would rather get him the new one at ?450 with his help so its got a full gaurentee - is this strange or what?

    I love love actually - actually the bridget jones movies too and the end of notting hill when they are sat in the garden - how come real life is never like that as you get pins and needles or cramp etc ?

    Bess mum - only got cats and they get a foot full of encoragement to go out in the rain - all day by themsekves - well cats should be more hardy :-)

    happy hum day one and all

    bp x

    (copied and pasted from yesterdays blog in case you thought you were going mad)

  • Comment number 2.


    What a brilliant story. And if she's ready to move on, then why not? Everyone must go down their own road. For myself, never in a million years could I live with another man, no way. I have been married for 32 years - MrS has been my life since I was 17 and I just cannot imagine having a life with anyone else.

    But .... one never knows, I guess!

    Anyway, loved the blog today, it really made me smile.

    C xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hee heee, that story has put a smile on my face! Yep I have heard of clever girls too :o) Apparently I was one, but I think my cleverness was down to another part of my brain taking over because otherwise I have no idea how this clueless version of the female form would have ever managed to get her man! Looking back at that time of my life it is all rather embarrassing... but, hey ho, I got my man (and many others didn't get him hee heee) and now, 7+ years later we're looking forward finally to an addition :o)

    Happy lass today despite the sickness and the rain!

    Happy Hump Day (again) to all :o)


  • Comment number 4.

    What a fab lady. Oh if only we ruled the world, what a great place it would be...


  • Comment number 5.

    Lovely story CLP. Made me smile!

    Bring on the hot vet!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 6.

    I feel really, really stupid now. I know that I'm very lucky, I have my family and my health. I am counting my blessings right now and will give Mr Debbie a hug when he comes through the door. Thank you Chris.

    Tomorrow, lunch with my mother in law, Friday, lunch with a good friend. I have spent the afternoon making plans and chatting on the phone. Now off to get dinner ready, bangers, mash and onion gravy tonight I think.

    And it's stopped raining and some sun is peeking through the clouds, hurray!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 7.

    Debbie- Oh babe dont cry, although I had a little cry today! Just try to smile and think of something silly like Gingembre walking round Norwich with my pink dotty walking stick. You are so lovely and don't let anything get you down. I sending you a big cuddle xxxx

    Gingembre- sorry for having to use you to cheer debs up!

    Cheryl you DIVA- You little typing lady!!

    CLP- great story, it was a bit sad in the middle but good ending. I will admit I did plan meeting the fella. I had to keep hinting and hinting about meeting for a starbucks as otherwise we were going to meet with a group of friends and it wouldn't be the right situation so in the end I said 'come on lets just get together for a casual coffee' and 7 months later here we are. Sorry to make you all feel sick!!!!!

    Right about to have a rest before the show starts. Love to you all, missy xxxx

  • Comment number 8.

    CLP Man - Do you know you've 'it on one of my worries in life there. This life it seems it's just one big test for the next... sometimes yer just not able ter 'ave yer life bagged... sorted......

  • Comment number 9.

    Greetings from Vancouver, Canada,

    Having dealt with the loss of my dear wife 15 months ago, also unexpectedly, I can entirely embrace the sentiments of today's offering. I too had a great time and we were very fortunate to have had 5 years of joy, happiness and all the things attendant upon such a special union.

    Though grief can be profound, loss painful, shock palpable and questions unanswered, memoires remain undiminsihed and for that, I must be and shall always remain thankful.

    As my life goes on, I have a wonderful new girfriend who embraces my past and encourages me to treasure it. She is helping me live in a way my past love would have been proud, and for that, there are not enough platitudes in the world to express my true thanks. I have always had a love for live and it is the seminal events in life that certainly help me focus on that even more than before.

    To one and all, love life, enjoy what you have and for the love of all things good, don't let life keep you down, that's what gravity is for.


  • Comment number 10.

    too find ultimate 'appiness in life... then you do... you meet your soulmate.....

  • Comment number 11.

    then suddenly.... bang the're gone.... either through cancer or an accident.....

  • Comment number 12.

    I've seen/ 'eard of it so many times... sometimes this life is so cruel to people!

  • Comment number 13.

    Oh well onter light 'earted stuff.... I notice Wrightie is off this week.... wonder 'as 'e gone ter Ukraine too??? Ter find love?

  • Comment number 14.


  • Comment number 15.


  • Comment number 16.

    Dr T:

    I know what I said earlier, and as explained, that's how I feel today. However, I am so delighted for you. It must be wonderful for you to have met someone who understands that you really loved your wife and nothing can change that. But, she is secure in herself that she's the new person in your life, and that's lovely. All the best to you both.

    C xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi Chris,

    Lovely blog today, made me smile xx

    I don't have a pet but can I come and see your hunky vet?

    Mary xx

    note to self get a pet! That's my planning started! lol

  • Comment number 18.

    Thanks Chrissie, your words are most generous and your kind best wishes truly welcomed.

    Dr. T

  • Comment number 19.

    CLP great story - all part of lifes great tapestry and again I quote Del boy you do get the odd dropped stitch. Take note Bingo sometimes you just have to go for it.
    All I can say is crumbs Dr T! Just 5 years but it goes to show life goes on.
    I'm up to 24 years - sometimes is seems 5 mins others a lifetime!!
    BP I tried the foot thing but doggie was too quick and shot back in between my legs! like lightning he is.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Dr.T, thankyou so much for writing that. You always write so eloquently. Very well said, it's gravity's job to keep us down :) I shall be remembering that one. You are a very lucky chap to have found love again, and love like that too. Long may it last :)

    Debbie - don't feel stupid, unless you're chuckling as you think it :) enjoy the hug with MrDebbie :)

    Oh dear.... 5 o'clock and the casserole still isn't in the oven....

    Missy, the thought of Gingembre walking around with your pink polka dot walking stick has also put a big smile on my face (sorry Gingembre!) - what an image!

    Right must get this food in the oven else it'll be a 9 o'clock dinner again...


  • Comment number 21.

    What a Lovely Story.

    And good on her to keep going! - Hard as it is, he aint gonna come back!

    Know what struck me about the story????

    I didn't realise that people went to the gym for 15 years. Flipping Hairies. I usually start, and then stop, and then find something else to do.

    I'm 44 today... and this weeks fad is walking. Yep. I'm walking. Up in the morning - 3500 steps. 6000 steps during the day and then another 3000 if I can manage during the evening.

    And Guess What ... Since you CLP declared you were giving up Alcohol for March....... I'm still off it! TWO WHOLE MONTHS!!!

    And I'm still Partying... Like its' ma Birthday...



  • Comment number 22.

    Aaaaaah - 5 more mins til home time! I really love this new job but have spent the entire day number crunching and I'm shattered! I even rang Mr Diva up to ask him to stick a bottle of Pinot G in the fridge!!

    I'm cooking pasta tonight, so not too taxing, thank heavens!

    And Yipppeeeeeee - it's the pointy firey finger of Sugar tonight!!


    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Brilliant! Made me smile! :o) x

  • Comment number 24.

    Thank you Jeni.

    It never ceases to amaze me that, as a professional writer, the most eloquently expressive words are never those commisioned for a published piece, they are always those inspired by experience and imbued with genuine emotion.

    I am indeed a 'lucky chap' and that is something I will never lose sight of.

    Many Happy Returns/Joyeux Anniversaire DWNB....(must observe the bilingual laws here in Canada, even though I am a Brit)


  • Comment number 25.

    Evening each

    CLP - lovely story and what a lovely lady.
    Dr. T - what a nice man you are. You're new lady is lucky to have you.

    DWNB: Is it your birthday today??

    Anne x

  • Comment number 26.

    Me again

    Chris: just had a shuftie at the webcam. Are you PICKING YOUR NOSE???

    Anne x

  • Comment number 27.

    CLP what a sweet story.

    Except if I tried that one I'd be bound to leave me cardy on the wrong mat and get the local psychopath.

    I tell yous. If I'm in a crowd of 10,000 and there's one lunatic lurkin', he'll home in like a heat-seekin' missile and find me. Eejit magnet, that's me.

    No offence to the ex-hubby, like. But I only married 'im because I couldn't bear to see a grown man cry and beg, and thought any man with a passion for fork-lift trucks and laughed like a drain at the opening credits of Blazing Saddles wouldn't be a nuisance.

    Bless 'im. I miss him as well. But only because me aim is crap. Mind you, all that beggin' is testimony to Be Careful What You Wish For...


  • Comment number 28.

    Anyway, got a bit waylaid there;.. just to say Renee's prognosis is looking hopeful; all that positive thinking, methinks?

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to all of yous.


  • Comment number 29.

    Brilliant news Clodagh x x

  • Comment number 30.

    Clodagh, that's fantastic news - more positive vibes on the way.

    I'm with you on attracting the weirdos - I remember in a nightclub once there were lots of gorgeous men and one drunk on his knees - guess who he came crawling over to???

    Footie or apprentice - or both? I could have the radio on in the background ...

    T xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    aaahhhh mines an interesting story to i ll tell you someday if we ever meet......its funny you never know when life is gunna kick you up the pants.....missed the show due to finishing work early due to a little game of football....come on the reds.

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Chris

    How lovely to hear wonderful Super'Noel' Fitzpatrick this evening. He sorted out my 8 month old Flat Coated Retriever puppy in November when she had a very hurty shoulder; she had to be kept in a cage for six weeks which was pretty misterable for a pup, but she is completely sound now. He is the most brilliant man! - where does he get all his energy from? How's Enzo doing?

    Love the show. Pip x

  • Comment number 33.

    Yes I think women can be very manipulative and clever when they need to be!

    Good to know that you are feeling little better today Debbie, keep on listening to Chris!

    What's with all this rain? now the dog walking is all messy again and back to the boots when I had just started to enjoy wearing sandals, hope it gets better for the bank holiday weekend.

    It's midweek already, where is the time going? slow down for goodness sake, and it goes quicker the older you get, at this rate a week will just feel like a day, oh well.Must go got crumble and custard to eat!!

    Love Jenn x

  • Comment number 34.

    Ah, thanks for the laugh Clodagh, needed it this evening! And I'm glad Renee's news is good.

    Rubbish day at work, had an argument with one of the guys and it all just got too much. So had a bit of a blub (well, a few blubs to be truthful). We found out a couple of weeks ago that mum has lung cancer, spread into her lymph glands, and I'm finding it hard to deal with. The stupidest things just set me off (like today, who cares about the bloke from the office??).

    But reading all your posts on her just makes me smile again, so thanks for that. Sorry for being so off-subject, just needed to whinge!!

    CLP, good story, although I have to say I'd be wary of picking anyone up at the gym. I only go to laugh at the weightlifter types posing in the mirror!!

    Debbie, glad you're feeling a bit better with things (but never stupid!!).

    AF xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Debbie hun stop apologising we are your cyber family! Keep your chin up darling.

  • Comment number 36.

    Clodagh so glad to hear Renee is doing better sending loads of healing vibes x x

  • Comment number 37.

    Alrightflower, I'm so sorry to read that of course you are finding it hard to deal with. And as for the bloke at work, forget about it. Tomorrow is another day and if he knows what is on your mind he will understand anyway. If he doesn't, he isn't important enough to worry about.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 38.

    CLP thanks for a great blog today.

  • Comment number 39.

    Cathmel thank you I love to think of you all as my cyber family, that's really made me smile x

    Off to watch Desperate Housewives now and to eat something I'm starving!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 40.

    Lovely story Chris, and what an inspirational lady, I really dont know what Id do if anything ever happened to himself....
    Debbie C, mahoooosive hugs to you lovely girl, listen to what your nice lady tells you when you see her
    Clodagh, thats great news, xxx
    Jumpingbeanandme (can I call you jumping??, lol) awwwww thats a lovely story and congratulations,when are you due? thats two blog babies on the way.

  • Comment number 41.

    OMG! I've taken the plunge and joined all the lovely people on CLP's blog!! (Opps - nearly put BOG then!)
    Had day off today but now more tired than if I'd have been at work!
    Know just how some of you seem to be feeling. Lost my darling mother in law to ovarian cancer 10 months ago and now my friend is fighting it for the 4th time and the prognosis is not good this time. She's only 53. Makes me so angry...
    Anyhow, glad I've joined. Hope to speak to you lovely people again soon.

    P x

  • Comment number 42.

    Thanks Debbie, you're damn right of course! Off for shut-eye, then tomorrow will be a better day, won't it.

    Only joined yesterday myself, PandaGirl, but welcome!

    Take care,

    AF x

  • Comment number 43.


    Yer blogs broke again - that's two posts vanished into the ether : - (


  • Comment number 44.

    morning all.....

    Dr.T - good to see you again. So glad you have what you have, I remember well the post when you broke your sad news. Hope your happiness continues x

    missy - you little tinker, nice image though, hope it made Debs smile

    Hey Pandagirl, welcome aboard x

    Just want to say huge respect to Frank Lampard last night, I did find it emotional when he put his face in the grass after scoring, you could see the emotion was almost too much. His mum would be proud looking down....

    ...Jose who?????

    Chris - great blog by the way, made me laugh out loud - did you run a mile?

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 45.

    Pinch punch FOTM etc White Rabbits!

    Christophe, what a cheeky lady! Cool story but I do hope she has no intention of using the CLP Crowbar method...to find herself another man...if you know what I mean!

    I was poorly with my back yesterday, and I may be going home again soon (as I shouldn't be here at all, but wot with my leave next week I only have FOUR (count 'em) days of akshull work, so feel obliged, oh you know what I mean) so I'll get as much in here as possible...

    Hel, happy birthday for yesterday honey...another year of being gorgeous!

    Alright Flower...bless Debbie for saying that we're all nice on here. I'm not...it's just a popular misconception...seriously though, sorry to hear your news, and we'll all be here if you need us! Likewise Pandagirl...there's usually someone around. cathmel by the looks of it.

    Anyhoo, I met my Badger in a mirror. It was his lights I saw first. But that's not for here. Five and a half (count 'em) years we've scraped along, and I'll keep him for ever if that's all right. And he doesn't do yoga (barely manages to walk to the car, and wouldn't if he didn't have to, not that he's lazy, he's got a bit of a trick foot, and we're back to white rabbits again) so he's safe from mat-marauding wimmin.

    and s-t-r-e-t-c-h

    Thought for the day: Where does the muck go from self-cleaning winnders?

    ps Love to Renee, hope it went ok yesterday x

  • Comment number 46.

    Morning folks ... it's Thirsty Thursday!!

    Pandagirl ... hello! we're a lovely, lively bunch. always there for eachother so feel free to vent, praise, share ... whatever!

    HL - where are you? Have the spam fritters struck again?

    Debbie - hope you're feeling a bit brighter today hun. As cathmel says, we're all here whenever you need a {{HUG}} xx

    Clodagh - lots of good karma being sent your way for Renee. and don't talk to me about attracting oddbods. I once had a right strange one (male - but no offence to the rest of you boys on here!). I was on a bus on a journey which took about an hour (rural roads, y'know - it's 20 mins in the car!) and he stood right in front of me staring at me for the whole length of the journey. Luckily Mr Diva was with me but it still really, really freaked me out.

    Not sure if I'd like to plot a meeting in a gym - too sweaty, and let's face it, who looks their best after 20 mins on a rowing machine. I like to make sure I've snared them before I reveal the horror or post-exercise/duvet day make-upless moosh and general dishevellment!

    And wasn't the Apprentice fab last night! I spotted the flaw in their concept as soon as that horrible woman aired the idea. Doh! But Mr Diva and I agreed it's a tough market to crack .... any ideas from bloggers?

    Right, work a bit then back a bit later!

    Be happy

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    HL - you'r back!!

    I've got backache too. But he's going away for the weekend with the lads!

    boom boom!!

    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Ooops. Can't spell today. That should have read:

    You're back.

    Off to do lines now as punishment.

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Am back. Could be my back?

    100 lines then CtD:

    I look gawjus whether dishevelled the morning after or indeed prior to dishevelment the night before.

    Hand them in after playtime.

    My Gran'ma just used to say 'you look like you've been pulled through a hedge' and all the time I'd spent trying to look wanton (NOT the Chinese thingies thank you Clodagh) and/or dishevelled, was sand-blasted away in about 5secs.

  • Comment number 50.

    I always wanted to look like the tall blond one in Bananarama!



  • Comment number 51.

    But you don't.

    Anyhoo, I've just been told that my last day is gonna be TOMORROW!!! Save messing around just coming back for a couple of days when I return from my holiday...how kind, and I get two free days, YAY!!!

    Blimey. Need to find a box sharpish to get all my stuff in!

    What I'm trying to say is, I won't be around for a while again, well, I'll be with you in spirit (possibly gin, maybe JD who knows) but until the webnet is affixed to the Sett, I'll be orf layne for the forseeable after tomorrow (more YAY)...

    All a bit sudden

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning all !!!hope to be back later just received mountain of post and I reeeealy do want to get away tomorrow.
    Found the Rescue stuff on Tesco thanks all - nice delivery man should be here in a hour or so with the week-ends munchies.
    Received email from sis in laws sis that her results were ok and no need for check until August - as she has/had same as me I am now keeping fingers crossed for week next Wed.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    PS Looks like our vibes are beating this thing for all?


  • Comment number 54.

    Thanks fairlyoddmother! I think I'm going to be one of those too - massively looking forward to it too ;) hehe! Due early November all being well. Don't think I'm going to be doing much jumping mind :) bit uncomfortable...

    Eee it's a new day, a new month - can you believe we're a third of the way through the year already?! I'm still thinking of it as the new year too....

    Just having a debate with my brother, regarding the male and female attempts at cooking - I reckon men make better chefs (generally, this is) because they are just better at making things up (and annoyingly, it tends to work more often than not), and women are better cooks because they're generally better at following recipes. Anyone else found this, or is it just me? I am only thinking about this because somehow the casserole I made last night was... well, not exactly a success. How on earth do you fail at making a casserole?!

    Thirsty Thursday - and suggestions for sugar-free, alcohol-free cocktails or other beverages that I can enjoy today? :o)


  • Comment number 55.

    Hazel, gonna miss you again! Great about finishing early though, that's proper nice of them. Hope you get the sett connected soon :)


  • Comment number 56.

    Hazel, will miss you but yippee to extra days!

    Gingembre, wash your mouth out ... Jose who indeed? I'll see you later young man!

    Altho I am gutted that Chelski won, it was lovely for Frank to score for his mum.

    Hope everyone who can vote does vote today

    T xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Just a quickie - forgot to mention when I picked up car yesterday had to try the old convertible again to please the other half. Rain was imminent but I had a go at pushing all the necessary knobs and doodlies to put roof down - thought Concord had come back!! Clunky clickly boot up foldy down NOT!! Bit of a fault there I think Mr salesman. Probably me but the racket would wake neighbours within a 2 mile radius!! teee hee

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 58.

    PS congrats Jeni xx


  • Comment number 59.

    CLP - What a lovely story and how strong the lady is.

    Dr T - I too remember the time you broke the sad news about your loss. So nice to hear you are finding happiness again and my best wishes to you and your new lady for the future.

    Re- Apprentice last night - thought something like a Carers (Thank You) Day might have been more appropriate - in fact me and hubby were shouting this at the TV when they were coming up with their idea's! They didn't hear us though!
    Environmental cards! And when the lady said she did not buy so many cards now because of environmental awareness you just knew they would not win! Good entertainment though!


  • Comment number 60.

    Howya one and all, greetings from Co.Kildare.

    In celebratin' Renee's optimistic news, (she's not completely out the woods yet, mind, but tings are looking much better than I'd hoped, given her age, etc.,) I'm just after bookin' tickets for Galway races ladies' day for meself and the genius daughter, hurrah hurrah, and just wanted to throw in that I might have made the ex-hubby seem a bit of a sad case with that diatribe yesterday so in fairness he's a top bloke really and I shall love him to my dyin' day. But don't tell 'im that for bejaysus' sake bless 'im. It'll put 'im in hospital.

    And just to say what about Bertie's speech to Congress yesterday. Fair play to the Teflon Taiseoch is what I say, he had me riveted.


  • Comment number 61.

    And agree totally about TheApprentice.

    Those girls epitomise everything I have dedicated my life thus far to avoiding. A bunch of bullies if I ever came across 'em.

    And a swarm of wasps in their next life. Well no fear, I shall be waitin' for 'em with me pork pie and me rolled up Wigan Observer. Bushack.


  • Comment number 62.

    Hazel, mon petite amie

    Good luck with the new job and have an amazing holiday!

    And don't you dare lose touch, y'hear!!

    I'm off to bake you a leaving cake and will pass virtual slices around the blog later when it's cooled and iced!

    Whip round for a laptop for the Sett anyone?

    CtD xxxxxx

    -A- excellent idea for carers day cards!

  • Comment number 63.

    Clodagh - doesn't karma dictate that you only come back in the next life if you emit positive vibes in your current one?

    Therefore the aul hags on Apprentice will be doomed to an afterlife with Lucifer!

    Oooooohhhhhhhh - 'citin'!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 64.


    Indeed. But it'd be a bitof a bugger if yous spent a blameless life givin' out positive vibes, only to come back as a wasp.

    Especially if yous landed on my pork pie.


  • Comment number 65.

    Good Morning Lovely People

    Just to let you know that I am actually smiling but as there is no one here to see it, I wanted to share it with you! :-)

    Missy you did make me giggle cheers for that x

    Back later
    Debbie x

  • Comment number 66.

    Yey Debbie is smiling x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    I have to share. I have just received this email from a friend. Names and dates have been changed to protect the innocent. No tics were harmed during the making of this movie. The script has also been abridged...just for the moderator...

    "We’ve just had this weeks health and safety talk. This week it was on Tics! As did you know this week is Tic awareness week!! How to avoid getting Tics etc……One of the ways is to make sure is when you go walking in Tic infested areas you have a β€˜Tic Buddy’!! A Tic Buddy can check you out for Tics and remove any that you may have with a Tic Remover!! I may have just found an untapped source for finding women!! I can ask them if they wish to come for a nice walk in Tic infested areas and they can be my Tic Buddy and me theirs!!"

    So, anyone up for it?

  • Comment number 68.

    HL - only if there's a free buffet!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 69.

    The day has finally arrived.

    My chickens are here.

    Please can you all say a big hello to Rosemary, Chrissie (she's the ginger one) and Chop Suey.

    And, I can now start my count down to my holiday too. 3 weeks, and 2 days til I depart to Ecuador, Galapagos and the Amazon. Oh my.

    And going with a fella that loves me, and that I love. Oh my, again.

    Its all good, in fact its a heck of a lot better than good. its triffic!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 70.

    ""I married a very good many, I think that's the key," she repiled."

    this typo had me slightly off the track of the actual story !

  • Comment number 71.

    MW,a you sound like you're having an awesome time at the mo!

    Hello to dem dere chick chicks - Rosemary, Chrissie and Chop Suey. I'd love to keep chickens but our garden is about the size of a table cloth. Folded.

    I got excited earlier (steady ..... ) as my humane mole traps arrived in the post! I ordered 2 as we have a wee problemette on t'allotment and the pesky little blighters keep dislodging our parsnip seeds. A Christmas without allotment parsnips would be an absolute disaster of monster proportions.

    Oh - and the asparagus is totally amazing. Worth the 4 year wait!

    Is it me, or is today going really fast?? Bank Holiday weekend looming .... hooray!

    Right, I'm off to cause more mayhem.

    CtD xxxx

    PS: It's really, really, really raining here in norf essex

    PPS: Did anyone else have the golfball-sized hailstones earlier?

    PPPS: And the lightening ...... ? ? ?

  • Comment number 72.

    Have just Blue Peter'd my dull ole calendar and am pleased to announce that May is the month of Russell and Noel taken at Radio 2.


    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Oh, MW, a! Congratulations and oooooooweeeeee chook chook chook...

    Who will look after the young 'uns while you are on hols though? Please do not apply to Fox-lox Poultry Sitting Services what ever you do!!!

    If I don't 'see' ye afore ye go, have an absolutely FAB holiday! Sounds like a dream, and apparently the Blue-footed Booby and the Friggit Bird are inhabitators of the Galapagos...so should be some brilliant photo ops as long as you keep still! Please look out for tics.

    Anyhoo, all that, and a man who loves you too...about time m'darlin', you deserve it!

    I'm leaving (tomorrow) on a jet plane etc

  • Comment number 74.

    Am wondering what a humane mole looks like. Is an inhumane mole one who tortures worms etc until they talk by leaving them above ground until they go hard?

    Am I reading too much into this?

    miraculousginger...well spotted...missed that one...possibly a tad Freudian too...

  • Comment number 75.

    Am also trying to work out if 'Onesy' is a new name for 'Playsuit'. I'd probably need more than one(sy) which ever name is correct anyway. As I remember, they were a nightmare to sit (or bend for that matter) down in.

    Still up for Good Vibrations for first track tomorrow!!!

    Debbie, you still smiling?

    Avast behind me hearties!

  • Comment number 76.

    Never mind sitting down in a "onesey" - try going to the lav after a few gins!!

    Humane moles. No such thing. It's a vicous roomer started by the mole lovers.

    And they've got funny noses!

    Still thinking about my ARF choice .....

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 77.

    "I married a very good many, I think that's the key," she repiled.

    "And he a good woman back."

    A very good many what!?

    "And he a good woman back."

    Are you on crack or something?

  • Comment number 78.

    HL - haste ye back (as they say in North London). You'll be missed by us all! Hopping aboard a jet plane and wanting Good Vibrations... wish your tomorrow was my tomorrow!

    GS x

  • Comment number 79.

    Greetings Ter ALL....... The discussing the polls thingy... while the polls are being polled..... don't worry I won't discuss them.... am keeping STUM!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 80.

    AlrightFlower did you have a better day at work today? x



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