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Chris Evans | 14:31 UK time, Thursday, 1 May 2008

So The Great Enzo, he is having a few tummy troubles of late, there have been several big "accidents" recently. Very very....

...runny, very runny indeed and often in the middle of the living room carpet. The devatstation is then extended as Enzo flees the disaster zone before the disaster is in fact over. Cleaning up this kind of mess is, as you can imagine, a nightmare. The more one tries to clean, the more one spreads the problem.

But now here this. Someone has looked at this kind of situation and spotted a gap in the market.

The result ? Freeze pooh. Genius, absolute genius.

It's a chemical spray that instantly freeze dries whatever mess has been made to the degree of then being able to pick the newly solidified doo doo with one hand and snapping it in two.

Now that's an invention !




P.S. We now have a million more ears listening to drivetime than we did at this time last year. What can I say ? Thank you so much.



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  • Comment number 1.

    Eeeewwwwww. But a good idea for dog walkers not wanting to "handle" the iffy stuff.

    AND I hate dog walkers who don't pick it up.

    End of.

    ARF request from Cheryl the Diva:

    Fantastic Day - Haircut 100

    Cheers ears!

    CtD xxxxxxxxx

    PS: would they invent freeze pooh for humans with iffy tummy's in foreign climes? Just a thought ....

  • Comment number 2.

    Takes 'whatever will they think of next?' into a whole new dimension!

    Word of mouth Christophe...good news and good recommendations travel fast...


  • Comment number 3.

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada,

    Firsly, it would be remiss of me not to offer my ardent thanks for the kind words written about me yesterday. I can but reciporcate my best wishes to each and every one of you and submit my heartfelt gratitude for such generosity of spirit. What a fine gathering of people

    I am delighted that Mr.Evans and the team has harvested more listeners, as it is a just reward for his consistently engaging show. Splendid job, Chris and even more kudos for poo-pooing the nay-sayers (is that an unfortunate phrase ex post facto today's blog subject?) and emerging triumphant.

    I am coming back to Blighty to visit friends and family in but 12 days and was wondering, have any of you been to Maze, one of Mr. Ramsays estabishment. I have made a reservation there to treat my delightfully delicious lady (before whisking her off to the Lakes) and was wonedring if any reviews could be forthcoming?

    And my thought for today reads thusly....

    What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul...so ask yourself, if I get punched in the face by a cannibal, does that classify as a food fight?...

    Good day to you all.


  • Comment number 4.

    Oh, fantastic idea CLP!!

    Wonder if it'd work on the cat sick.....

    Hope everyone's having a good 'un. I've been working my little socks off all day, haven't had a minute! But now I'm done yippee, and off to visit mummy dearest in the hospital :o)

    AF x

    ps HL have a super-duper holiday!

    pps Jeni, lovely news (although I do think you're quite mad!)

    ppps CtD - cake? Please???

    pppps Dr.T, I'll have to think on't....

  • Comment number 5.

    Yukkk!! However, at least it would stop that first thing in the morning squelch between the toes as you walk into the kitchen (if you could train the dog to use it, that is!!)!!!

    Thanks for all the lovely welcomes yesterday - cheered me up no end.

    Was decorating cakes last night. Feathery and frivolous for my mate who's the big 4 0 tomorrow and Iggle Piggle for my cousin's little one who was 1 last week - I like a bit of variety...

    Off now to finish attaching stars to the frivolous one. Dinner's all sorted as I got up early and made the effort to put the slow cooker on. Feeling really smug and pleased with myself now!

    ARF suggestion - Dance yourself dizzy
    Something I could do with doing at the moment x

  • Comment number 6.

    The dog next door takes care of the cat sick for me. Tasty snack huh? Arf idea:- bonzo dog doodah band!

  • Comment number 7.

    Genius idea!! Freeze pooh... I shall have to remember that for when darling hubby allows me to have a dog of my own :)

    I shall save my ARF request for next week - because as of next week I shall be working Thursday afternoons instead of Friday afternoons and will be home in time to hear the beginning of ARF again!

    AF many thanks for the compliment (I think!) I'm guessing it's to do with the prospect of an addition to the family? I'm beginning to think the same myself. Since embarking on this adventure I have done a little thinking and investigating. The female brain is an incredible thing, it has this amazing capacity to forget things. Now that can and does cause innumerable problems in day to day life, granted, but all the women I have spoken to recently who are either due imminently or have just had additions to the family have this same thing in common - they have all forgotten (or give far less thought to) the discomfort and pain and sickness they may have experienced. Even now I find the misery of the past month and a half is disappearing, I find that quite remarkable.

    I love this memory loss thing. Even when it does mean I have no idea what day it is (even on that single day of the week when I work), and have absolutely no recollection of the new glasses I chose with the husband a week previously.

    Mmmm cake! I might akshully try and make one... eee that though has cheered me right up!


  • Comment number 8.

    Hey there Chris, does a million new ears equate to half a million new listeners? Or is it a million new listerners which would make TWO million new ears?

    Desperate to know which it is as I tell anyone who will listen (with one ear or two, I'm not fussed) that they MUST tune in to your fabulous show because you make me laugh all the way home.

    And when I get home, I put the radio on so that I can carry on laughing whilst doing whatever needs doing.

    Well done to you all, you're the best!


    Merson Tuffers
    (Who will refrain from mentioning his cat doo-doo under the dining table in case his mommy is reading... )

  • Comment number 9.

    Nice idea , just stick a lolly pop stick in it and you have the perfect summer treat . Mmmm.

  • Comment number 10.

    Wow, i do love a new useful invention. This one has got me thinking however. is there room for development?

    Can i design some sort of doggy mounted holster that can hold the spray can/bottle in a strategic position, such that a useful dose of the magic liquid is deployed at source?

    Will get to work right away and report back in due course. Just remember: you saw it here first!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Wow, what an amazing invention, how do these people come up with this sort of stuff!

    Do Do Do Da Da Da - The Police ( a tune to go out for Enzo and his do do's)

    Hope he's getting better every day

    Liz x

  • Comment number 12.

    The thunder is very very loud I am trying to be brave for the girls but I a little scared HELP!!

  • Comment number 13.

    and the hail is vey big

  • Comment number 14.

    A Pome for Enzo

    My lovely gorgeous doggie
    Does whoopsies when he sneezes
    But I've no need to worry now
    Coz instantly it freezes


  • Comment number 15.

    Forgot to mention that my mommy puts a special powder in my dinner when I have runny doo-doo. She says it tastes like powder glucose that her nan used to give her when she was a kid. It's really for dogs but cats and Shoomans can use it too and itworks a treat!!

    I can't remember what it is called but I'll get the details later and post them up here for you.

    Cheers again

    Merson Tuffers

  • Comment number 16.

    Scared too.....GS x

  • Comment number 17.

    Brilliant poem Hazel love - have a good hol by the way. CLP you've got to read that one out on air!!!!!
    Been sitting here tearing my hair out trying to get work done today with folks not returning my calls until NOW and now I have another stack to do. Oh Joy!
    Frozen doggy doo - cracking idea!


    Love Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 18.

    GS wont last long - sun been shining here all afternoon!! I'm in the middle are you down south? is it on its way - do I have to rush through my work before computer blows up with lightning?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Now who one day sat down and thought to see if you could freeze dog poo. Thank goodness for people like him anyway.

    Hazel have a lovely holiday!

    Had a lovely moment with little man earlier when on the way home from the mother in laws. We saw that the lambs have been born and he was so excited. I didn't like to tell him that lamb was what we had for dinner at nannies house. What are the chances of that!

    And I was smiling until the little blighter had a tantrum in Tesco's and bit me anyway. He has never done that before and judging by the look on his face after, he will not be doing it again either.

    Love to all
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 20.

    South of the middle and north of the south, if you follow me! I'd get the washing off the line just in case and if you have any hatches then batten them down (whatever that means!). And definitely starting backing PC up, if only cos its nearly time to pack it all away for the day!!

    GS xx

  • Comment number 21.

    thanks GS will keep cracking on until my UPS kicks in then scarper

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 22.

    We have a dog in the family (belongs to the outlaws) and she's about 2 years old and very excitable.

    For some reason, this mutt doesn't like Mr Diva at all and every time nip round there she barks and barks and barks at him until she poops herself.

    It has us in stitches (and a very quick exit) every time!

    Woof Woof Poop!

    CtD xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 23.

    BS - you have sent the sun! Thank you! Have a great evening everybody. GS xx

  • Comment number 24.

    freeze dry pooh....and i have sented bags for when our little yorkie does it outside i dont stink....what great inventers us humans are....commiserations l . f. c.....i thought we had them at 1 1....arf tine is step on by the happy mondays.

  • Comment number 25.

    Thirsty Thursday evening all,
    If you freeze Pooh, you do realise Piglet and Eyeore will come after you... don't you?

    Ms Love - have a wonderful holiday and all the best for the new job. PS it wasn't my vol au vent - not had chance to get on here lately.
    DWNB - tried to leave a message on your blog - no chance, so belated Happy Birthday.

  • Comment number 26.

    I's still flippin here - sun still shining though!
    Just measured my stress level - it went pop at the top!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Still flippin here - sun still shining. Measuring - why??

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 28.

    AlrightFlower, did you have a better day at work today? x

  • Comment number 29.

    Yo CLP Man,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Sorry ter 'ear about Enzo. It's sad when a pet iz going through illness - 'ope 'e gets better soon!!!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    The poo freeze sounds good but what 'appens when it gets frozen in with yer shagpile????

  • Comment number 31.

    My advice use a Vax vacuum cleaner ter suck it up..... or.......

  • Comment number 32.

    invite a double glazing salesperson arooound ter MEASURE up the windows...

  • Comment number 33.

    of the room in question... and yer rug'll be sorted!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 34.

    Know what am sayin' CLP man!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 35.

    The sales operatative will tread init thus taking it out!!!!! Just an idea!!

  • Comment number 36.

    PS BIG Congrates on yer listener numbers being up again!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 37.

    Still can't blog more than a few lines at a time?!

  • Comment number 38.

    BIG Chief CLP
    2 ARF nominations, if you'd be so kind:


    Thank you so much,
    Well done by the way . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 39.

    I cant believe that the Mc Canns have not been prosecuted for child cruelty and gross neglect.

  • Comment number 40.

    ummmmmmmmmm ok!

    Well the fella and I had a lovely day today. We popped in the city and did a couple of bits and bobs. We had to go to that bargin clothes place beginning with PR to get him some smart things for a gig he is playing at tonight. I think on saturday I actually might get to use the term 'i'm with the band' as watching him play.
    Anyway we then went to that lovely pizza place in the forum in norwich. Oh it was lovely!

    Wilsmar- I thought that when I first read the title!

    Wonderfulbobbyjim- how did we suddenly get onto the Mc Cann story?! I really cant go onto subject otherwise I might go into a rant! And you don't want to read that!

    Gingembre- love that we know the same people in Norwich and some with big bums as well!!! hehe! Sorry private joke!

    CTD- fab story! I could actually see that happening!

    ARF- 'who do you think you are' by the Spice Girls as I'm gutted they are not releasing a DVD of the tour :(

    Now off to Vote. I love having the POWER!!!
    Missy xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    By the way going back to ARF. I actually think maybe one day we should all request the same song!

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Chris,
    The homeopathic vet Nick Thompson, may be able to help Enzo. He writes for Higher Nature and has helped many dogs where conventional vets have not succeeded.
    Good luck

  • Comment number 43.

    It's sunny now!


    Love my doggie jasper but can't think of anything worse than dog poo in the carpet. I think I would have to shut him the kitchen! Not so bad on lino!

  • Comment number 44.

    Oh I've just seen the cadbury advert with the trucks, I love it!! A glass and a half full of joy :o) now wouldn't you just love to be able to be part of a daft race along an airstrip in a variety of airport trucks?! That would be SO MUCH FUN!!!

    hee heeee sorry off topic I know but I'm sure Chris mentioned something about it at the start of the show :o)


    PS The sun is still shining, how good is that?! Is the rain and thunder and hail clearing up in all the other parts?

  • Comment number 45.

    For the ARF tomorrow could you please play Van Morrison's MY BROWN EYED GIRL

    And yes I hate people who don't pick up their dogs poo no excuse for it!

  • Comment number 46.

    Sorry - but dog pooh - freeze dried or otherwise just dosn't do it for me!!

    To make up for the fact the blog has lost two of my posts how about playing

    Queen -Havin' a good time

    to kick off the bank holiday weekend in style. Freddie was brill!! Sadly missed.

    If the blog doesn't want to play I may have to end up changing my name and reregistering!! Wot gives?

    Everyone enjoy the rest of Thursday and thank crunchie it's Friday tomorrow. Have a toast to every listener you have and the team could be in for a long night out!!

    Cheers me dears


  • Comment number 47.

    OK. ARF.

    Let's head a little off the wall.

    Mr. E's Beautiful Blues by Eels.

  • Comment number 48.

    Been a gymming, a little later than usual and I have discovered that it is the right time to go. Had the place to myself.......

  • Comment number 49.

    OOPs forgot - when thanking crunchie it was Friday - should also declare other honeycomb chocolate bars available from confectioners- advertising y'know!

    S'got me wanting one now........haven't had one in ages!! Do they still stick your teeth together, I wonder.


  • Comment number 50.

    We've got Robbie Williams down the local tomorrow night! OK, not THE Robbie Williams, but a fine tribute act, by all accounts.....

  • Comment number 51.

    ...1st half Rat Pack, 2nd half classic Robbie. Should be a hoot.

    Glad to see you are a happy bunny Debbie, and HL, if I haven't missed you, have a great holiday......

  • Comment number 52.

    ...ooh, that one bordered on 'several lines'!

    Let's see if this cotton pickin' blog will let me step over the line into paragraph country?

    .......Cripes! That'll be a yes then!

    I feel liberated. Like a new man. Bingo, you need to try this mate.....

  • Comment number 53.

    Bingo. Send an email to Drivetime. I've had a reply, but they say that no-one else has reported the same problem.......

  • Comment number 54.


    When Dyldog had the same problem, he just rolled in it.

    Do you think if you sprayed the freeze spray on the dog's bum, it would freeze over and the dogs bum might break?


  • Comment number 55.

    Is there ARF tomorrow?

    If so,

    Can I please have


    She wants to DAnce with Me...

    Woooo Wwoooo

  • Comment number 56.

    Me again. Ere's DAY 2 of me trip.. I arrived at Borispol Airport aka Kiev. The first time I 'ave ever been on foreign soil.... alone...

  • Comment number 57.

    In a country were very few speak english.. and I certainly don't speak russian...

  • Comment number 58.

    I felt alone.... isolated.... nervious as I left the airport terminal....

  • Comment number 59.

    I realised I waz Micheal Palin... an english man in a strange, foreign country... then..

  • Comment number 60.

    it dawned on me. Micheal Palin wasn't alone on 'is travels...

  • Comment number 61.

    'e was accompanied by a camera.....

  • Comment number 62.

    and soundman! My goodness...... it 'it me..

  • Comment number 63.

    I really was alone in a foreign land!!!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    I stayed for one night at the airport 'otel...

  • Comment number 65.

    and locked myself in the room... feeling a little vunerable!

  • Comment number 66.

    Bingo. Terribly sorry to interrupt, but did you catch my message earlier? Us 'imprisoned' ones need to campaign for freedom......

  • Comment number 67.

    But all was ok the next day as I decided ter try some ukrainian on the very friendly receptionist......

  • Comment number 68.

    who din't speak a word of english!!

  • Comment number 69.

    ....and email the show to get II to remove our shackles. Please, do carry on......

  • Comment number 70.

    ....oh, you did anyway.

  • Comment number 71.

    As I checked out I said with a big Bingo smile... "dyakooyoo"!!!!! Means 'thank you' in ukrainian!

  • Comment number 72.

    She burst out laughing....

  • Comment number 73.

    and started talking fast in russian....

  • Comment number 74.

    in an excited, 'umurous way with a big smile!

  • Comment number 75.

    Great stuff old chap, now ping your email to our Interactive friend and get us out of these chains.......

  • Comment number 76.

    I just smiled.......

  • Comment number 77.

    and waved as I checked out.

  • Comment number 78.

    And I repeated "dyakooyoo"!!!!

  • Comment number 79.

    It's only a few days later when talking ter me interpretor.....

  • Comment number 80.

    that I found out they don't speak ukrainian!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    It's like a frenchman in London speaking in Welsh!!!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    It's then I realised this trip was going ter be fun!!!!!!

  • Comment number 83.

    Matt man - sorry took me alotta trys ter get story that out......

  • Comment number 84.

    Sorry Matt I waz in me zone of authoridge then.....

  • Comment number 85.


  • Comment number 86.

    Knew that would appear..........

  • Comment number 87.

    Give up!!!!! Night all!!!!!

  • Comment number 88.

    One last try.... Matt - CLP must be aware of out problem...

  • Comment number 89.

    But i'll send an e-mail termozza.......

  • Comment number 90.

    not that i'll get a reply as I think......

  • Comment number 91.

    CLP's team keep their distance from me....

  • Comment number 92.

    as they must think i'm a nutter!!!!

  • Comment number 93.

    Don't blame them but I am 'armless!!!!

  • Comment number 94.

    That doesn't mean ave lost an arm....

  • Comment number 95.

    It's 'harmless without an..... aych!!!!

  • Comment number 96.


  • Comment number 97.

    What a marvellous idea, Buster the wonderdog had a major accident when he was a pup as a result of gettin into the bin the naughty little sod, he too tried to flee the scene and in his haste didnt notice the patio door was closed he smacked into it, Thank godness for wooden flooring.
    CtD Im with you on the people not doin the doodo, people, PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOG, we never venture out on walkies with out at least three nappy bags and some kitchen towel, Our walk to school in the morning is a nightmare as the stuff is everywhere, and trying to navigate a lunatic scooter riding boy and a buggy thru it is nerve wracking to say the least.....
    Clodagh if you happen to pass near Laois give it a wave from me.
    Well done to everyone on the listening figures
    How about Love is the drug by Roxy Music for ARF, dedicated to Bingo of course, xxxxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Hi! Chris,
    Have had several rescue greyhounds over the years and have learned that you just replace the carpet as necessary, hell, they are still better than a bloody teenager around the house!

    For Dr.T Whilst in the Lakes, take your beloved to the Drunken Duck, they used to serve the beer in stainless buckets, and darn good it was too!!

  • Comment number 99.

    Just trawled through this Blog and some of the comments come across like an obit. for the good Dr.Hoffman, What ARE you guys suckin' on?

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi all, just back from the hospital - over 2 flippin' hours worth of journey - I need a car!! Still, mum much better, eating and drinking a bit, so I'm happy.

    Hey Debbie, had a much better day thanks, running round like a blue-behinded whatsit! Still not happy about the argument, but I'm trying to let it go!!

    The post about your wee man biting you made me chuckle - won't be doing it again hahaha. Hope it's not too deep!

    Off for kip anyway, since I've to be up and doing it all again in 7 hours - boooooo!!!

    AF xx

    ps loved reading the posts about everyone's canine friends. The cat's very civilised (apart from the aforementioned vomiting...) so I enjoy a good laugh about dogs!!


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