
What is focus?

  • Focus is when we pay attention to one particular thing and keep your attention on that thing for a period of time.
  • Lots of activities that we do every day need a little bit of focus: paying attention to our friends, learning, and playing games.
  • Some of us can focus more easily than others and that's okay. There are lots of different reasons why someone might find it tricky to stay focused.
  • Focus is a skill that we can grow through practice.
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Video - Advice on improving focus

Wellbeing professional, Lorna Walker, shows us how focusing on something can get easier with practice.

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Activity - Focus on breathing

For this wellbeing activity, you're going to focus on feeling the breath in your belly and counting your breaths.

One full breath in and out = one

Keep your attention on the feeling of breathing and count as high as you can.

If something distracts you and takes your attention away, just notice that your mind has wandered off and bring your attention back to the feeling of your breathing.

See how many breaths you can count while staying focused.

Focus on feeling the breath in your belly and count your breaths.

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