
Performing and composing ideas

Here are some of the techniques that Mozart used in the third movement of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Consider how each technique can be used in a performance and composition.

In performanceIn composing
MelodyEmbellish a melody with ornamentation, such as trills and appoggiaturasCreate variety through contrasting conjunct and disjunct melodies
HarmonyLook for the cadence points as they mark out the start and end of phrasesInclude dominant 7th chords for more variety and a perfect cadence is a strong indicating technique to finish a piece
TonalityWhen modulating between keys, watch out for the changing accidentals associated with new keysModulate to closely related keys, eg the dominant or the relative minor
Dynamics and articulationPlay with a distinct contrast between staccato and legato playingCreate contrasts using different dynamics
In performanceEmbellish a melody with ornamentation, such as trills and appoggiaturas
In composingCreate variety through contrasting conjunct and disjunct melodies
In performanceLook for the cadence points as they mark out the start and end of phrases
In composingInclude dominant 7th chords for more variety and a perfect cadence is a strong indicating technique to finish a piece
In performanceWhen modulating between keys, watch out for the changing accidentals associated with new keys
In composingModulate to closely related keys, eg the dominant or the relative minor
Dynamics and articulation
In performancePlay with a distinct contrast between staccato and legato playing
In composingCreate contrasts using different dynamics