
The trio

Section A

The main theme A of the trio in Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.
Figure caption,
The melody in the opening bars of the trio


The trio is marked sotto voce which translates to half-voice showing that the trio should be played more softly.


The melody begins with an and is gentler than the minuet. It is mainly and uses . In bar 21 the first violin uses stepwise chromatic movement followed by a descending sequence.


There is a three-part texture led by the first violin. The other violin and viola support the melody by harmonising by a third. The cello plays octave leaps using the root note of each chord.

Harmony and tonality

The key has modulated to the dominant D major and mainly chord I and V are heard. The section ends on a (V7 - I).

Section B

The main theme B of the trio in Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.
Figure caption,
The main melodic idea of section B


The dynamic marking is forte but returns to piano four bars later.


The violins start by playing in octaves but the three part texture from the previous section returns at bar 29 with the second violin and viola playing in thirds and the first violin playing the main theme from section A. There is also between the second violin and viola at bar 27.


The melody begins with an anacrusis and the movement is conjunct. The main theme from section A returns at bar 29 for the final eight bars.

Harmony and tonality

The section is in D major but moves through A major with the first phrase ending with a in this key. The music moves back to D major and ends with a perfect cadence (V -I).