
Ways of Sikh living - EdexcelThe gurdwara

In Sikhism, worship is a way of life. Many Sikhs believe that they should dedicate their lives to Waheguru and follow the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhs always try to keep Waheguru in their mind, which will ensure their actions are gurmukh, meaning God-centred.

Part of Religious StudiesSikhism

The gurdwara

The Sikh place of worship is known as the . This translates as ‘the door of the Guru’. All gurdwaras display the flag, on which appears the , which is the symbol of Sikhism.

The gurdwara is not only a place for meditation and prayer. It is the main place for the Sikh community (the ) to gather together and it is also a place where Sikhs and the wider community can learn about the faith. It is a relaxed place of worship and there is no expectation for Sikhs to attend the gurdwara at all. However, because it is a place of community where people are made welcome, many Sikhs choose to attend the gurdwara on a regular basis.

Image caption,
Sikhs worshipping together in the gurdwara

Key features of the gurdwara

  • The gurdwara can often be entered through four doors, which reflects the belief that everyone is welcome.
  • There is a , which is the prayer hall and the main room of worship.
  • Within the hall, the is placed on the Manji Sahib, a small platform.
  • is the name of the restroom for the Guru Granth Sahib. At night, the Guru Granth Sahib is put to bed in that room. This is an important daily event in the gurdwara where the Guru Granth Sahib is carried to the Sach Khand and covered with a .
  • Each gurdwara has a .
  • Golak is the collection box for donations from the . The golak is usually placed in front of the Guru Granth Sahib in the diwan hall.

Showing respect in the gurdwara

To show respect in the gurdwara, Sikhs wash their hands, cover their heads and remove their shoes before they enter the diwan hall. They then walk towards the Guru Granth Sahib, bow in front of it and touch the floor to show respect. They may also give a donation, which is placed in the golak.

In the hall, Sikhs sit on the floor to show respect to the . Men and women often sit separately.

Worship in the gurdwara

The sangat sing hymns and listen to sermons and talks. Worship can be led by any Sikh who is knowledgeable about the Guru Granth Sahib. All services start and end with the prayer.


is the singing of hymns and (verses) from the Guru Granth Sahib. The shabads are sung with music, which is played by .

At the Gurdwara, the Guru’s Gate, the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises are sung. Meeting with the True Guru, one chants the Lord’s Praises. (Guru Granth Sahib 1075)

Karah Parshad

is blessed food. It is distributed to everyone at the ends of services and symbolises the belief in equality and the . It reminds Sikhs of the langar and the idea that all people are God’s creation. Everyone is encouraged to take some Karah Parshad, as this symbolises the idea that no one should leave empty handed.