• Sikhism

    • Waheguru (God) and authority - Edexcel

      In this GCSE Religious Studies study guide, you'll learn that Sikhs believe there is only one God, which is genderless and eternal. They refer to God as Waheguru. Sikhs believe in rebirth and karma, meaning their religion is a way of life and that in every action, they should remember God. Read on to find out more about the meaning Waheguru.

    • Sikh beliefs - Edexcel

      Sikhs believe in the cycle of samsara and believe that everyone has a chance to reach Waheguru in mukti. In order to reach mukti, Sikhs must live their lives with Waheguru in their mind at all times. They must also act with love and compassion towards others. Therefore, they attempt to live their lives in a God-centred way.

    • Ways of Sikh living - Edexcel

      In Sikhism, worship is a way of life. Many Sikhs believe that they should dedicate their lives to Waheguru and follow the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhs always try to keep Waheguru in their mind, which will ensure their actions are gurmukh, meaning God-centred.
