
Masses for the Dead

When a person dies the Catholic Church teaches that they face individual judgement, and where they end up will depend on how they have lived their life.

The belief is that those people who have died having faith in God and in a state of grace, but who are still damaged or flawed by sin, will end up in . This is often described as a 'limbo' where souls go to be before they can be in the presence of God.

Offering a Mass for the dead is praying for those souls who are in Purgatory, hoping that their time there is shortened. Masses can be offered for non-Catholics as well, as the Church states that their souls can also be reunited with God in Heaven. The offering of a Mass can also bring comfort and hope to those still on Earth that the souls of the departed have returned to God.


Explain why Catholics offer Masses for those who are deceased.

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