
God and authority in IslamLife and prophethood of Muhammad

Islam means “submission to God”. Muslims believe in one God, Allah, and follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah’s messenger. Muhammad received the ϳܰ’a, the Islamic holy book, from Allah.

Part of Religious StudiesIslam

Life and prophethood of Muhammad

Muhammad is seen as the Seal of the Prophets because he was the last prophet and because Muslims believe he was given Allah’s final guidance for Muslims. The guidance was written in the holy book the ϳܰ’a and is suitable for all Muslims as it teaches them how to be good and please Allah.

God and His angels bless the Prophet so, you who believe, bless him too and give him greetings of peace.
ϳܰ’a, 33:56

Muhammad’s parents died when he was young and his uncle raised him. Muhammad worked hard as a teenager and was married at the age of 25. He was concerned about the various idols that people were worshipping rather than just worshipping Allah.

One day in AD610, Muhammad was in a cave and an angel appeared to him. This was the angel who revealed to him that he had been chosen to be the next prophet of Allah. Muhammad was pleased that he had been chosen and went to tell his wife straight away. He removed all the idols that people were worshipping in order to allow people to focus their worship on Allah.

From this point onwards, the ϳܰ’a was revealed to Muhammad through Jibril. Some Muslims believe that the revelation took up to 23 years.

Muhammad is seen to be an excellent role model for Muslims and seen as a teacher of wisdom
ϳܰ’a 62:2