
Characteristics of Allah


Allah treats everyone equally and with patience. For example, on the , each person is judged fairly on the daily choices they have made throughout their life when in . This will then determine whether they go to (Paradise) or (Hell).


is the belief that Allah is everywhere and that he knows everything and everyone. This is shown in the Qur’an:

We create man - We know what his soul whispers to him: We are closer to him than his jugular vein.
Qur’an 50:16


Allah is believed to be as He is the creator of the universe. Although Muslims have been given , Allah’s omnipotence has allowed him to determine their future. This is known as predestination.

Adalat – ’a Islam

Muslims believe in the idea of . This means that Allah is just and created the world in a fair way.

’a Muslims also believe in the five roots of Usul ad-Din.

Similarities and differences between Sunni and ’a beliefs about God

The six beliefs of Sunni Islam and five roots of Usul ad-Din both have the belief of , as this is the central foundation of Islam. They also both have the belief in prophethood, as it is through the prophets that Allah delivered the key teachings of Islam.

The main difference between and ’a beliefs is Imamah. This relates to disagreements that arose between Muslims after the Prophet Muhammad died. The disagreements were about who should be the next leader. Today, Sunni and ’a Muslims recognise different leaders as the successors of Muhammad.