I'm having problems with a Â鶹ԼÅÄ app

Updated: 19 March 2024

Sorry to hear about that. One of these pages should be able to help...


If you are having problems with the iPlayer app on devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, or smart TVs, check Â鶹ԼÅÄ iPlayer troubleshooting and tips.


If you are having problems with the Sounds app on devices, such as mobile phones, tablets or smart TVs, or on your smart speaker, check Â鶹ԼÅÄ Sounds help and FAQs.

News app

Check one of the following:

Sports app

Check Â鶹ԼÅÄ Sport: contact, help & FAQs

Weather app

Check Â鶹ԼÅÄ Weather app FAQ

Rebuild Page

The page will automatically reload. You may need to reload again if the build takes longer than expected.

Useful links

Theme toggler

Select a theme and theme mode and click "Load theme" to load in your theme combination.

Theme Mode: