The song and other video content explores what the Olympic Games were like in Ancient Greece - very different to the Games that we know today!

The song

'Get training' - vocal

A lively, energetic song focusing on the original Olympic Games and reflecting Ancient Greek attitudes to sport, including violent sports such as wrestling and boxing. The Games began as a religious festival for the god Zeus and became a popular competitive athletic event, with temples and stadiums at Olympia.

The tune of each refrain has phrases going up, down, up, down etc, to suggest training regimes, with the key words changing in each refrain to introduce the events. Then the spoken, rap-style verses highlight the skills involved in the sports of running, jumping, discus, javelin, wrestling, boxing and chariot racing. These verses can be spoken in time all together, or by individuals or small groups.

Refer to the for more information about the song, including follow-up music activities based on it and suggestions for cross-curricular study.

Context: how were the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece different from the Games of today?

Our guide to the Olympic Games is Leonidas of Rhodes (born 188 BCE), a hero of the original Olympic Games who won running races at four consecutive Olympiads between 164 and 152 BCE. Leonidas describes the main events of the Games and we also learn that the purpose of the Games was to honour the god Zeus.

Leonidas describes the running events that he excelled in, including the hoplitodromos - a race undertaken in full armour. He describes the combat sports - wrestling, boxing and pankration, a combination of both wrestling and boxing in which almost anything is permitted. He also describes the throwing events - discus and javelin - and jumping events. He reflects on the fact that women are not allowed to compete, except as trainers for the equestrian events, and honours Cynisca of Sparta (born c 442 BCE) who had great success training teams for chariot races.

Leonidas offers some interesting facts along the way - including that the athletes had to compete completely naked!


'Get training' - instrumental

Click to download / print the Teacher Notes (pdf)

Teacher Notes

Click to download / print the lyric sheet (pdf)

Get training - Lyrics

Click to download / print the music sheet (pdf)

Get training - Music

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The stadion and diaulos races

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