
3. The Lion and the Mouse

In the final session of our Aesop’s Fables unit the children move to the story of the Lion and the Mouse. They show how the Lion catches the Mouse and then sets him free, only to be caught himself by hunters. The little Mouse rescues the Lion by nibbling a hole in the hunters’ net, showing that you can be a friend, no matter who (or what size!) you are.


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Teacher's Notes

Lesson summary

Warm up: Moving around the space as a little mouse, then stopping to eat a nut.

The Lion prowls: Stretching out your big claws as the lion, prowling around the space.

The Lion pounces on the mouse: Pouncing and reaching out a paw to snatch up the mouse.

The Mouse scuttles away: Scuttling away as the little mouse and curling up in a hole.

The hunters step through the forest: Working in a group, stepping around the space as the hunters.

The Mouse rescues the lion: Working in pairs, one person is the lion, trapped in the net, and the other is the creeping mouse, coming to rescue the lion.

Cool down: Lying back and listening to the sounds of the forest.

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