
The first dance session of the unit is inspired by the story of The Hare and the Tortoise.

1. The Hare and the Tortoise

In this dance session the children move to the story of the Hare and the Tortoise. They show the race between the Hare and the Tortoise and how the Tortoise, with his slow and steady persistence, wins the race.


Download the audio of this dance session as an mp3 file.

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Click to download / print the Teacher's Notes for this session (pdf)

Teacher's Notes

Lesson Summary

  • Warm up: Jumping around the space as the Rabbit.

  • Jump with a partner: Jump forwards and backwards and from side to side.

  • Rabbit scampers: Scampering around the space with a partner, hiding from danger,then popping out of a hole again.

  • Tortoise plods: Plodding around the space, curling up in your shell, emerging slowly.

  • Rabbit races: Scampering around the space. Stopping to listen for danger.

  • Tortoise races: Plodding slowly around the space.

  • Rabbit races, getting faster: Scampering around the space, speeding up towards the finishing line.

  • Tortoise races, getting faster: Plodding slowly around the space, speeding up towards the finishing line.

  • Cool down: Lying down, having a yawn and a stretch.

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