Research & Development


This paper presents an overview of the user experience provided by a range of Object-Based Media productions, drawing on audience responses through social media, questionnaires and lab tests. The paper characterises the productions across three main themes: the ability to adapt the narrative, the ability to adapt the presentation of the narrative, and the ability to put the audience at the centre of the narrative. The paper draws on a number of research projects including the 3-year, EU-funded 2-IMMERSE collaborative project as well as the first mainstream Object Based Media productions by Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ television production teams.

The paper then goes on to analyse the common user experience themes across the productions. It first looks at the production designs through the lens of general user experience principles. It then draws out a series of specific design principles for the successful design of Object-Based Media experiences. These design principles are common across all three types of Object Based Media. The paper ends by assessing the impact of these productions in terms of evolving new forms of media and changing the relationship between the audience and producers.

This white paper expands on an article published on the IBC 365 website.

This publication is part of the Future Experience Technologies section

This publication is part of the Immersive and Interactive Content section
