Research & Development

What we're doing

Our research focuses on helping producers access the latest audio technologies by developing innovative new tools. For example, the EAR Production Suite is the only non-commercial, fully-featured software for producing advanced immersive and personalisable audio content, which will be a key feature of delivering content in the future. The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ’s work in this area also means that we can shape how immersive and personalisable content is made for, and delivered to, future audiences. To support this, we also take a leading role in international and European audio and broadcast standards committees, such as the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Currently, we are collaborating with the EBU to develop an open toolkit that will make object-based production more accessible. We are also working with colleagues in radio production to identify opportunities for applying AI and machine-learning based solutions.

Why it matters

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D is uniquely placed to work closely with in-house Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ and freelance producers to develop the tools they need to make the world-class content our audiences expect. In the Producing Audio Experiences workstream, we design and build the innovative tools that producers need to make the best creative use of new audio technologies and possibilities. We also find ways to make production workflows more efficient, delivering better content and value for audiences and license-fee payers.

This project is part of the Audio Research work stream
