Cleasan Ataidh & Tilidh/The Adventures of Abney & Teal Series 1 Episodes Episode guide
Back up to: Cleasan Ataidh & Tilidh/The Adventures of Abney & Teal
Am Baga-lΓ imhe/The Handbag
31/52 Abney and Teal go fishing. Teal loses interest, but Abney catches a handbag!
An Sreathart MΓ²r/The Enormous Sneeze
30/52 Teal is having a lovely time in the flowers that are blooming all over the island.
An Luchd-tadhail/The Visit
29/52 Neep’s friends and relations come to the island for a visit.
Trioblaid nan Adan-grèine/Straw Hat Trouble
28/52 It's a hot, sunny day on the Island, so Abney and Teal make themselves straw hats.
Latha Puinnseanta Fuar/The Very Cold Day
27/52 It is a very cold day. Abney, Teal, Neep & the Poc-Pocs are playing wintry games.
An CΓ rn Dhuilleagan/The Leaf Sweep
26/52 Abney’s front door is blocked by a huge leaf pile, which Teal has great fun jumping in.
Glacte san t-SnΓ th/The Woolly Tangle
25/52 Abney is so engrossed in his knitting that he doesn't realise the havoc around him.
Taisbeanadh Draoidheachd Àtaidh/Abney’s Magic Show
24/52 Abney puts on a magic show for Teal and the Poc-Pocs.
An Obair-ealain/The Artwork
23/52 It is a beautiful day and Abney is inspired to make some art.
A’ Chraobh As Fheà rr/The Perfect Tree
22/52 Abney & Teal look all over the Island to find the perfect tree to put their presents under
Nìp an t-Sneachda/The Snow Neep
21/52 A thick blanket of snow covers the Island. Abney & Teal are very excited & go out to play
A’ Ghealach/The Moon
20/52 Teal wants to build something huge, as big as the moon.
Rud le Srann/The Buzzing Thing
19/52 Neep finds a buzzing thing. It buzzes all over the Island causing all kinds of mischief.
Nìp Mòr/The Enormous Neep
18/52 Abney makes a pot of brilliant porridge.
An t-Sleamhnag/The Slide
17/52 It is a damp and soggy day on the Island.
Am Builgean a B’ fheà rr a Rinn Blor/Bop’s Best Bubble
16/52 Bop is experimenting with a new kind of bubble.
Eilean Fad air Falbh/Far away Island
15/52 Teal goes to see what it’s like living on a far away island.
Tha Àtaidh a’ Lorg Toll/Abney Finds a Hole
14/52 It is a very rainy day and Abney finds a hole in his roof.
Co-là -breith Nìp/Neep’s Birthday
13/52 It is a peaceful day but Neep is digging holes all over the Island and won’t stop.
An Rùn-dìomhair/The Mystery
12/52 Some of Abney and Teal’s objects are missing. Has there been a robbery? It’s a mystery!
An Trèana/The Train
11/52 Everybody is bored. Abney builds a train so they can go on a tour.
A’ Lorg nam Boga-bogadach/The Poc-Poc Hunt
10/52 It is a lazy day on the Island. Abney, Teal and Neep put up a hammock.
Shuas gu h-Γ€rd/Sky High
9/52 It is extremely windy and Neep has a great time flying through the air on a whirligig.
An Rèidio/The Radio
8/52 Teal and Neep help Abney find something to fill a gap on his shelves.
Fìdeag a’ Bhogha-fhroise/The Rainbow Whistle
7/52 Abney finds a whistle. When he plays it, a beautiful rainbow appears in the sky.
TΓ ladh nan Cuileag-sionnachain/Firefly Lullaby
6/52 It is a very dark night. The Poc-Pocs keep waking Abney and Teal up and won’t go to sleep.
5/52 Abney is decorating the trees and Teal has found an old tyre to do tricks with.
An Stoirm/The Storm
4/52 A wild storm is blowing over the Island and Abney and Teal shelter inside.
Saor-là ithean nam Boga-bogadach/The Poc-Pocs’ Holiday
3/52 Teal decides that what the Poc-Pocs need is a holiday to cheer them up.
Bioran nan Rionnagan/The Star Stick
2/52 Teal can’t sleep and is watching the sky when she sees a beautiful shooting star.