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Papua New Guinea

The most pristine unexplored rainforest in the world.

  • Largest block of rainforest in the Commonwealth.
  • More indigenous languages spoken in Papua New Guinea than any other country – 800 (almost 1/5th of the world’s total).
  • Second largest island in the world (after Greenland)
  • Guinea (New and Papua together) takes up just 1% of the world’s land area but is home to more than 5% of its species.
  • One of the highest rates of discovery of new species.
  • 760 unique bird species – including 39 species of bird of paradise. More orchid species than anywhere else.
  • Even in the most remote lodge in the jungle it’s common to find a picture of the Queen on the wall.
  • Papua New Guinea joined the Commonwealth in 1975.
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Anita Rani meets dancers and a tribal chief in Papua New Guinea

The chief feels a connection with the Queen.

Clouds rolling over Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea

Clouds rolling over Mount Hagen
Anita Rani in Papua New Guinea
The Paiya vilage tribe perform a 'sing sing' ceremony.

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