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Victoria Falls, Zambia

The biggest waterfall on Earth, steeped in history.

  • At over 1700m wide and 100m high – twice that of Niagara – it’s the biggest waterfall on earth.
  • It throws a cloud of water vapour 2km into the sky, visible from 30 miles away. It is known locally as β€˜Mosi oa-Tunya’ - the smoke that thunders.
  • In Batoka Gorge at the base of the falls, up to 1000 cubic meters of water a second is channelled into a chasm just 110 metres wide.
  • Stone artefacts of Homo habilis from 3 million years ago that have been found near the falls, indicating prolonged occupation of the area dating back to some of the earliest humans.
  • 2014 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Zambia gaining independence and joining the Commonwealth.

Commonwealth champion, Denise Lewis canoes to Victoria Falls

Denise comes across some of the dangerous animals on the Zambezi.

Water cascades over Victoria Falls as the sun sets in Zambia
Denise Lewis at the top of Victoria Falls
Dominic was Denise's guide on the Zambezi River

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