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Harbour (or common) seal
Phoca vitulina
Weight: male 85kg, female 75 kg
Length: male: 145cm, female: 135cm
Lifespan: 25-30 years
Diet: squid, crustaceans, molluscs and a variety of fish such as herring, hake and salmon
Distribution: islands, rocky shores and cliffs on northern Atlantic coasts
You may not know:
- Harbour seals' whiskers are so sensitive they can sense a fish over 35m away. Their whiskers can also determine the size and shape of a fish using vibrations from the water
- The UK supports nearly half of the overall European harbour seal population, and 5% of the global population. They are particularly common around western Scotland and the northern UK islands.
- Harbour seals can dive to depths of 90 metres and remain underwater holding their breath for up to 28 minutes.