- No university fees for Scottish students studying in Scotland, requiring additional funding of Β£93m a year.
- Cut by half, or 60,000, the number of pupils taught in the worst the number of pupils in "crumbling" schools.
- Β£10m to provide 50,000 college bursaries a year for the next five years.
- New generation of national qualifications.
- Continue drive to cut class sizes, especially in P1-P3.
- Expand pre-school support and create a new Sure Start Fund to improve life-chances for young Scots.
- No up-front or back-end tuition fees for Scottish students.
- Specialised training for up to 1,000 teachers, to boost literacy and numeracy standards.
- Scrap Scottish Futures Trust and explore all funding options to improve school buildings.
- Every school to develop discipline code to tackle bullying and indiscipline, with records on incidents to be shared with parents.
- Give every young person right to quality training, stay in school or to go into further education until they are 18, by 2015.
- Musical instrument fund for schools.
- Introduce variable university graduate fee, capped at Β£4,000 annually with the expectation of an average charge of Β£3,600.
- Increased financial support for the poorest students.
- Reduce school leaving age to 14, provided pupils sign up to a monitored apprenticeship or a full-time vocational or technical training course.
- Give headteachers more power to run their own school
- Allow educational charities, philanthropists, not-for-profit trusts and parents to set up new schools.
- Pilot "second chance centres" pupils persistently excluded from school and whose disruptive behaviour is preventing others from learning.
- Keep university education free, with no tuition fees and no graduate contribution.
- Β£250m early intervention revolution fund to invest in early years.
- Provide opportunity for youngsters to attend college to do a course of their choice from the age of 14.
- Β£250m match funding to boost science facilities.
- Establish flexible Scottish degree, with standard three year degree in many areas.
- Introduce pupil premium for looked-after children, starting as soon as they come into care and ensure looked-after children at secondary school have access to a mentor.
- No fees for Scottish university students studying at home.
- Allow young people to study flexibly alongside work if they wish, with support to put their own small business ideas into practice.
- Give councils the "resources they need" to keep local nurseries and schools open and class sizes down.
- Free nursery education for children from age of three.
- Support home schooling.
- Reverse revenue cuts to further and higher education budgets.