- Continue council tax freeze in next parliament.
- Offer 100,000 training opportunities each year, including Β£11.5m to fund 25,000 modern apprenticeships. (46,500 training opportunities in 2011-12, including 7,000 flexible training opportunities smaller firms.)
- Β£250m Scottish Futures Fund focussing on young people and early years, rolling out superfast broadband to rural areas, a "warm homes" initiative and transport fund.
- Continue Small Business Bonus scheme, with 80,000 firms paying no or lower rates.
- Press Westminster for devolution of corporation tax, excise duty, enhanced borrowing powers, responsibility for the Crown Estate Commission and Job Centres.
- Deliver a 50% increase in exports over six years.
- Abolish youth unemployment in next parliament and create 250,000 jobs by end of decade.
- 10,000 work placements for unemployed young people through new Scottish Future Jobs Fund.
- New Scottish Living Wage of at least Β£7.15 an hour, beginning in the public sector.
- Guaranteed modern apprenticeship for every suitably qualified 16 to 18-year-old who wants one from 2013.
- Freeze council tax for the next two years, with no above-inflation rises thereafter.
- Double value of exports over next decade.
- A continued freeze for council tax bills for all in 2012-13.
- No council allowed above-inflation tax rises without agreement from its taxpayers in a referendum.
- Β£200 Council Tax cut for every pensioner household.
- Maintain business rate relief from small businesses.
- Β£140m Scottish business start-up fund to support access to enterprise, vocational training, and to provide aid to create new businesses.
- New Scottish minister for enterprise and jobs, with responsibility for enterprise, planning, transport and infrastructure.
- Create the conditions for 100,000 new jobs, supported by at least Β£1.5bn of investment freed up by selling off Scottish Water debt, turning it into a "public benefit company".
- Replace Scottish Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland agencies with regional development banks to support 1,000 businesses.
- Make Scotland the most digitally connected region in Europe.
- Deliver enterprise zones in Scotland, encouraging economic growth through a package of business support measures.
- Create the conditions to help grow Scotland's export value by 50% and double by 2020 the number of Scottish companies who trade overseas by 2020.
- Invest Β£250m to deliver superfast broadband to all parts of Scotland and improve mobile phone coverage.
- Introduce land value tax at just above 3p in the pound to replace Council Tax, to raise an extra Β£1bn a year, and 8p in the pound levy to replace business rates.
- Bring disused and untaxed business property into the scope of business rates and raise existing large business supplement from 0.7p to 2p as "interim measure".
- Use of the Scottish variable rate to increase tax by 0.5p to counteract UK spending cuts.
- Consider new "hotel tax".
- Keep the small business bonus and look into "rates holidays" for seasonal tourist businesses, while giving councils share of business rate growth.
- At least 10% of public spending to go through social enterprise.