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Tuesday 29 October 2002
Did the earth move for you?

The tremor follows a stronger quake last month
An earthquake measuring up to 3.0 on the Richter scale shook Greater Manchester on Monday 21st October followed by a series of 13 earthquakes and aftershocks, the latest measuring 2.5 on the Richter scale.
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Your Comments

From Richard Calvert, Salford
I was in Salford Uni, thought the quakes where quite good fun, you'd pay good money that in Disney World!

From Ashley, Hulme, Manchester
Yeah although the earthquakes were small, the plaster in our flat cracked in one wall from the floor to the ceiling. Mondays 12.45 quake was worst, I did feel a wave sesation lift the builiding up and down before it swayed side to side, as i live on the 7th floor people on the ground floor felt hardly anything!

From Ann, Manchester
For those people who are trying to trivialise the recent earthquakes, hear this. The wall between the Medical School on Oxford Road and the adjoining Bioscience Building cracked during one of the quakes and a piece of masonry fell off the main Uni building. The Carrington Spur road developed a crack 20 feet across and had to be closed. It makes you wonder what would happen if the quake was any stronger.

From alex, uk
i was on the football pitch and felt the earth move . very scarry . thougt it was a bomb.

From Lisa, Manchester
What the hell is going on very scared now! The one I felt on Monday was really scarey, at my friends and we couldnt believe that the whole house shock! And then yesterday (Thursday) around 9.30am my mirror on the whole nearly fell off.

From Dem. Roulston, Eccles
Did anyone else jump a mile when that very loud clap of thunder went off in Manchester this lunchtime? I thought it was the start of a big quake, but thankfully it wasn't. It's all a bit 'end of the world' frightening!

From jono, manchester
i was in a meeting and the earth, building started to shake the building is over 150 yrs old and didnt expect to be shaken and me not stired.

From lauren moore, chorlton, manchester apparantly there's been about 30 earth tremors here in manchester now, i dunno about that but i've felt about 10 in the past few days. i think it's getting a bit worrying now, can scientists tell us what's going on please?!

From lee, salford
What I would like to know is what exactly is causing the tremors. Also someone has told me that pendleton where we live is on some plates. Is this true and if so what does it mean?

From Jenna, Manchester
I was in the lounge room and heard a loud rumble, had no idea what it was then all of a sudden everything in my house (including the house) started shaking uncontrollably. My heart was racing and a million thoughts running through my head in a second. I was confused but thought it was an earthquake. I looked out the window to see if it only happened to our house but people were outside looking confused and car and house alarms were going off. One lady outside my house screamed so loud so that got my attention. Overall, it scared the nickers off me! Hope that there was no damage and that everyone is OK. And next time maybe someone should give a warning so we can at least expect them.

From melanie, manchester
OK! Getting seriously worried. Woke up to a slight tremble around 8.50. At around 9.20, the room shook enough to wake up my guests and make me do a frightened yelp and reach out to steady myself. I have probably imagined four others today, whilst on the ground floor at work. However, at 5.45 ish tonight, my upstairs room in Whalley Range lurched, and I heard the building creak. What is going on!

From Nathan, Manchester
Is this some kind of underground bomb testing or what? Are the government making ready for war with the Middle East or whoever right under our noses? It's a bit coincidental. Especially since the fire brigade are on strike. What a great way to get them back--the threat of things collapsing. London would be too big to hit, but Manchester, as the UK's second biggest city...What if a building collapsed and the fire brigade were on strike? How bad would it make them look? How much would public opinion sway against their action then?

From Concerned in Oldham
Dave in Manchester may be nearer the truth than he realises! What happens if you pile 100's of thousands of tons on top of an old coalfield that has geological faults that slope away to the SouthWest at 10 to 23 degrees. Will it not eventually slip? Is it slipping now? I of course refer to the new Manchester Stadium. It sits on piles that reach to under the upper coal extraction area (one area requiring considerable "grout" to stabalise it though) but what about the 1000m deep extraction areas worked by 'longwall techniques'. I understand the Bradford colliery closed after the subsidence payments outstripped the profit from extraction. It is said settlement amounting to 1.8m/ 6ft had occurred across a very wide area. Workings from the old mine stretch upto Piccadilly and for considerable distances in other directions.

From Ola in Stockport
Dear Madge, People are exited because not many unusual things happen around,hehe... Let us be a bit overexited, life is short so can weeee? I thank You for an allowance in advance...

From Edward in Manchester
It's like living in LA! We keep having these quakes, my girlfriend calls and I say "don't worry, it's not even a 3"!

From Loather of Drama Queens in UK
Is life in Manchester sooo boring that people have nothing better to do than dramatise every little incident? We all know that nothing will come of these tremors, but it's almost as if people actually WANT a full scale earthquake! They say that if you wish for something hard enough you will get it eventually ... and then we'll all know who to blame for it won't we!!!???

From Madge
What utter rubbish some people come out with, I have never heard more exaggerated crap in all of my life. So we had a couple of TREMOURS NOT QUAKES, so what, god knows how some of these people would cope if they lived in California where they are a daily occurrance. Such piddly little tremours at 3.odd on the ricta scale don't even get a mention there and certainly don't "rock the whole house" or "made the whole place shake" utter exaggerated tripe, GET A LIFE PEOPLE.

From Dave in Manchester
The tremor's are a warning to people near citys new stadium what to expect when we move in there will be loads of noise

From Laura Nelson in Manchester
I was in town with my mate thomas in coffee republic on the internet and at that time in the morning we were still half asleep then all of a sudden the building shook.then we also felt it later on aswell.then today-tuesday we felt it at 13.25 although that wasnt as bad.

From Mazzer in Manchester
Was in Bed when the big one shook Manchester. My boyfreind thought I was having an epileptic Fit.

From Carl in Manchester
Its 3am 23/10 just had another tremor... getting kinda weird now.. apparently were havin a "swarm" of tremors pretty rare but not uncommon!! lets hope they dont go above 5 :D

From Kevin Hornby
WOOHOO another one at 2:30 am. This is getting more & more spooky.Are we gonna get a biggie??There should be some sort of oficial word on this by now.I heard it was from the deep foundations at the comenwealth stadium,something about they disturbed a fault line.

From David Barlow in Manchester
I work on the 8th floor of a building in Salford Quays, and we could feel the shockwave rippling through the building. I have never had so much fun at work, especially as it was my 30th birthday on Monday - one to remember! I am looking forward to more of them!

Anon in Manchester
these quakes give us a bit more knowledge of how ppl sufferd in india, turkey and kobe etc, i know it is nothing like the magnatude of those ones, but when the quake happend i was standing in the middle of my bedroom, and i grabbed my chair and watch my cupboard shake (violently) i really thought this is the end.

From Bob Knight
It's not an earthquake fools!! it's genetically modified worms tunnelling under salford. Kevin Bacon's on his way!!!!

From Andy in Arndale Tower, Manchester
Another one! 9:25 24/10/02. I'm writing to my MP about this

From Aleksandra in Stockport
It's 24.10. , Thursday and I just felt the quake at 9.24, wasn't the weekest I've experienced...

From James Hughes in Wythenshawe
I was amazed when I read the newspapers explaining the '4 hours of terror' on Monday following the quakes? I think I must be earthquake proof, because I have not felt any of them!

From Vicky Latham, Manchester
I live in Blackley in Manchester, and at 13:25 on 22/10/02 i thought another bomb had gone off! The whole house shook and my body was shaking.

From Paul Simmons, Manchester
What's the betting that man city fans will be the quietest in the country.when they move into their new football (epi)centre.not much stamping of feet going on.

From Heather, Denton, Manchester
These tremors are'nt an indication of anything larger on its way are they, 13 in two days? Dont you think it is hugh time tha authorities spoke to us and told us what, if anything to expect?

From Daniel Lotockyj, Oldham, England
I felt it it felt like a train going across my bed.

From James, Salford
Another at 13:27 on 22/10/02 This is getting very concerning. What the hell is going on?

From Gareth Jones, Manchester
wow, just got in from a night out, was trying to get to sleep and suddenly the whole room started to shake, at first i thought it was the liquer, but then in morning, i found out it was a quake, i hope there isnt going to be a "big one".

From Susan Moores, stretford, manchester
The second tremor at about 12.45 was a lot bigger than the first.I was at home and the dog began to bark and act strangely,then within a minute the tremor started.

From Helen, Stockport, England
I was on the 4th floor computer room in one of the Salford University buildings when all of a sudden the whole room shook. Being fairly high up, I wasn't sure at first if it was the building collapsing, and being so close to Manchester, the thought that it could be a bomb also went through my mind! No one really seemed to react much though, everyone was just looking around and at each other!

From Becky from Denton, manchester

From douglas gillard, levenshulme
i was sat at home on the bed changing baby ben with julie when the bed moved at 12.45 we both looked at each other and the 2nd one hit this is my first earthquake it was a bit thilling and scarey at the same time i live in levenshulme i looked at the bbc web site 10 minutes later and found out about the one that morrnig and with more today is there going to be a big one we hope not.

From Steve Webb, Manchester
I felt another at about 4.40am and then again at 5 am. I wish it would stop as a need a good nights kip to recover from a great weekend!

From Jim Brown, Manchester
I am based just over a mile from Beswick, the epicentre of the Manchester quakes, its a scarey feeling when filing cbinet draws open and things fall on the floor from off the top of cupboards. Again at 0445am this morning and again at 0715am, there were after shocks. I think the people of Manchester are going to need more reassurance other than somebody in Scotland saying "No serious damage will be done, we are not on fault line" all of which may be true, But!!!!!!!

From Irma Ninsomniac, Stockport
It's 5:40am About an hour ago, there was another jolt that had me wide awake in bed and somewhat slightly panicky. Luckily, I'd been asleep listening to 5live and a few moments late, it was confirmed that there was indeed another tremor. Now I can't sleep... These earthquakes are like buses, none for ages and then four turn up all at once.

From lee, manchester
another tremmor at 4:40 am, de a smaller 1 at 4:54am tues mornin.

From Terenja Wright, Southampton
During the night I suddenly woke up after feeling shaken by what I thought must be an earth tremor. This really confused me - I thought perhaps I'd had a very vivid dream. After what seemed like a short while I was woken again by the same physical sensation, and feeling quite shaken myself and really confused I thought I'd wake my boyfriend; but he'd already jumped up in reaction to my response (thinking there had been a break in). Mentioning this at work the following day in a somewhat bemused and curious way, a work collegue called me up to tell me that he'd just heard, on the radio, news about the quake in Manchester - so far away!! Can this be possible?!

From Tim, Denton, Manchester, England
I was on the 3rd floor of my office block in the city,when everything just started shaking. Then again at around 1pm it happened again, then a minute later, bang , there it was again. Me and my colleagues thought it was very scary.

From Richard Williams, San Jose, California
I'm from Oxford, now living in California. Quakes 3.9 to 4.9 ? We don't even mention them over breakfast unless they hit 5.5! But seriously, if I recall correctly, British buildings are not built to withstand earthquakes of even moderate strength. So of course you'll feel them more accutely and you'd take damage from tremblers we wouldn't notice. Dredging my memory, the midlands instability is something to do with the old constructive tectonic plate boundary that joined Ireland/Wales/Western Scotland to what is now Nova Scotia, Canada. Not much chance of that becoming active since its modern location is smack in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Still, plenty of old faults there to slip once in a while. So don't panic. Tremblers are all about preparedness and sensibility. When you feel the floor move and there are no big trucks around, get under a door frame or under your desk, and stay away from the windows (just in case). On the remote chance the unthinkable _did_ happen and Manchester got a real quake, 'a la California', then you'll know it. The street will undulate like a three foot ocean swell and even the Weebles will fall down. If that happens while you're on a motorway fly-over I recommend putting your head between your knees and ..... well, we all saw CNN when the Bay Bridge collapsed in San Francisco, you get the picture.

From Angie Slane, Atherton
Felt the first quake early this morning, while at work in Salford. Actually thought it was a lorry passing to close to our building, but the second at 12.45 literally shook the building. I having lived in Hong Kong, I've experienced typhoons & hurricanes, but who'd have thought I'd experience my first earthquake in Manchester!

From John, Manchester
I only felt the morning (9.45) eartquake as I was in bed. As I was brought up in a country with many earthquakes, I can say that this has been the shortest and mildest I have ever felt. The only cause of concern is that buildings in the country don't have to be in line with tough earthquake regulations.

From Matt Simmons, Manchester
'I'd just coem out of the hairdressers with my new mullet when the second quake struck and messed it up. The fruit and veg stall nearby shook and the poor fellows stock fell to the floor. His tomato's were ruined'.

From Philip Livingstone
Yet another series of quakes/tremors felt today (Warrington) at approx. 12:44pm - followed by slightly smaller tremor a few seconds later. Given Birmigham and now Manchester, is there something happening in the UK we should be concerned about ?

From Chris T
Stronger quake at quater to one. (12.45) Scared the hell out of my cat, and knocked piles of books over in my house. Rang my wife in Salford, and she felt it too.

From Lisa
Time 12.50pm. Two further 'tremors' considerably stronger than this morning.....getting very worried now!

From Joe Witness, North of England
Quite a spooky day really, especially as some people are still saying what are you talking about "I didn't feel anything" sounds like a cover up to me. An eerie silence was evident after each tremor.

From Suzanne, Greater Manchester
As an international student from Los Angeles, USA, it reminded me of home!!! The second quake was strong enough to catch my attention- I could hear the residence hall creak around me and people came running out into the hallway. The Arts Building at the University was also evacuated, from what I understand.

From Yasin, Bolton
I was working in my study on the first floor. At 12:45 the filing cabinet shook as did some of the other things in the room. No one downstairs felt anything.

From Sue, Macclesfield
Did't feel anything at all here in Macc. No rumblings in Wilmslow either. Logged onto the BGS site and saw that there had been another tremor at dinner time. The earth did'nt move for us here!! I remember the tremor we had in the eighties and that was a very strange sensation. I remember feeling very queasy as the ground was wobbling beneath my feet.

From Daniel, Salford
Watch out another one may be due at 4 O'Clock.

From Mat, Withington
Didn't think I'd make it up for my 10am lecture, but hey - who needs an alarm clock?!! The second main tremor (12.45) shook the Bar I was in on Oxford Rd although nobody bat an eyelid. Everyone was talking about it out on the street..., most people fairly amused!

From Pete Wraxall
I have just had a call from a friend to say that my daughters chimney has crashed thru her roof in bamford st south clayton !!! and she has only just bought it but hasn't moved in yet !!

From Saleem Abdullatiff
I was asleep for the morning quake and I didn’t know about it till after the second set of tremors. At 12:45 , I thought a heavy truck collided with the building. Looking out of the window, everything seemed fine then about 10 – 15 seconds later, another one. So I figured, it was my first earthquake experience.

From Pete in Manchester
i was on the 4th floor of the engineering block of man uni, and everything started to shake at 12:45, i have never been so scared in my life, and then the 2nd tremor hit as well, i've only just plucked up the courage to get back in the building!

From Phil in Risley
Second tremor at about 12:44pm. Followed by another smaller one a few seconds later. Firstly, it's unusual to have 2 so close together in the UK and if both are over 3 on the Richter scale it's even more worrying. Generally if you have a couple this might precede a much larger one - we hope not!

From David Andrews in Manchester
Fires, Floods, Riots and now Earthquakes? England is becoming more and more like California everyday! Never felt this mornings shaker but I felt the 12:45 one. The office building i'm in normally shakes when a truck goes past and the quaker shook it like a jelly. When the second jolt hit a second later for just an instant we thought that building was going to come down.

From Sarah O'Connell in Manchester
Just before the second tremor it was as though my 7 pet cats had a sixth sense of what was going to happen as they all started scratching and crying. Then when the quake happened we were all terrified and huddled in a ball! My favorite vase fell off the coffee table and smashed on one cat's head!

From Stuart in Manchester
I was walking around the office this morning (located very high up in manchester city centre) when the floor started rippling and i heard a large rumbling noise. The computers and desks began to shake for several seconds. It was pretty scary - I can tell you ! I quickly took cover under my desk and after several minutes fell asleep. I've just come out of hiding and everyone appears to have gone home so I suppose I'd better do the same.

From Madeline Edgar in Manchester
Thought there was a bomb this morning when I was sat at my desk and the noise was incredible! Felt very shakey afterwards and a little sea sick. My feet actually came away from the floor and I was sat on my desk on the 11th floor. Was in the Arndale during the second which shook like a tent, all the glass shop fronts rattled and everyone stopped dead. Was quite disturbing but I had to smile when suddenly hundreds of mobile phones rang - mine included!

From Megan in Manchester
I was sat in my office on the 1st floor, the whole building shook and the windows rattled. Had just realised what had happened when the second tremor started. Very, very scary! The tower block attached to our building actually swayed!!

From Petunia Clarkson in Manchester
With the loud bang followed by shaking of the building, it was reminiscent of the bomb.

From Doug Ross in Sale
At home and felt the house shake at about 12:45 this afternoon. I was shook in my chair from left to right and the whole house seemed to move a couple of inches - only lasted about a second but felt quite strong - a bit like a park ride in fact!

From James in Salford
I really think we should have some serious explanation/review. Quakes in country are rare and we have had at least 2 today if not more. There was one here not that many weeks ago too in the middle of the night. I find it hard to remember the last time I felt a quakein the last 20/30 years

From Derek Bates in Audenshaw
We were just talking about the earthquake from earlier this morning when the 12.45 one hit. Could hear the creaking of the building (roof tiles mainly) and of course felt the building swaying. Then second tremor hit about 2 minutes later and this seemed the same intensity. Based just outside Ashton-Under-Lyne.

From Denver Baines in Old Trafford
I missed the earlier shakes as I was driving. The later, 12-45, ones though I was parked up. The car just rocked from side to side as if it was v.windy. I opened the window and checked, but the car just shook as the earth moved. It was really weird.

From Donna Marie Brown in Salford
It was such a shock, little Chantal-Leanne came running into my bedroom crying. My youngest two, Tyler-Morgan and Megan-Storm slept through it. I was still shaking when I was watching Trisha. I thought I wasn't going to make my eighteenth birthday

From Alison in Manchester city centre
I feel quite vulnerable at the moment, we are all sat here not knowing what to do. We have all felt both of tremors and the second one really shook our 4 storey building.

From Vicky Wardle in Manchester
I was still at home when the first one hit and the room wobbled slightly, it felt like something large had fallen over but with no sound. I was on the 6th floor of my office when the second one hit at lunchtime, it felt much bigger and somewhat scarier, my partner who was at home said the house shook and the windows rattled a lot more than this morning.

From Lee Jackson in Manchester
We were sat in our office at around 12:50 in Urmston when the 3 storey buliding we were in shook from side to side. You wouldnt think much of it but the building is situated on stilts and it moves in the slightest winds.

From Paul in Salford
There were two quakes in the space of 2/3 minutes, the first one was quite hefty as the whole building shook, tiles and lighting in the ceiling started to shake, and i was also shaken from side to side in my chair.

Pete Wraxall in Manchester
12:42 quake really shook our builing on Portland st manchester the higher floors evacuated and some of our staff were really scared ! they are still sat with there coats on in case of another !!!

From Dave Connolly in Manchester
We are on the 7th floor of a large office block and the place shook this morning but that was nothing compared to the one only a few minutes ago which I reckon to be double the strength of the first. Half the staff have gone home scared so I'm not sure how long I'm going to be in today.

From James in Salford
Its just happened again......twice in quick succession at 12:45. These seemed stronger than the first and made things fall off the wall here.

From Steve
I think we have just had another tremour here art Manchester airport. Happened about 1245

From Chris T
Stronger quake at quater to one. (12.45) Scared the hell out of my cat, and knocked piles of books over in my house. Rang my wife in Salford, and she felt it too.

From Carl Robson
Sitting in an office in Salford on the Salford/Manchester border, at arround 12.50pm, there was two further tremors within seconds of each other. Much stronger than this morning. Felt the floor move accross the room, and the windows shook. Imagine a herd of elephants (or excited sales people)dancing on the floor above you, completly without any sense of rhythm.

From Gareth
I didn't know about the first one, as I was in my car on the way in to work, but it's just happened again (12:45). I'm on the fourth floor in city centre manchester, the windows shook, the floor moved and the monitors started shaking. At first I thought it was a lorry, but it happened again 10 seconds later. It's the first time I've felt anything like that and makes you wonder whether the buildings in Manchester were built to handle that much vibration?

From Stephen Sumner
Another shake at 12.35pm today it lasted for a couple of seconds, shook my daughters bed and rattled my PC (not a bad thing tho) as its always rattling me. We live in Mottram near Glossop bordering the peak district.

From Lynn Ferguson
Didn't know about this news, until I felt a tremour in Cheshire (Preston Brook Area) at about 12:40 pm. My chair was rocking, thought someone was moving it. Quite distinctinve.

From Jenny Webb
I think there has just been another one. 12:45 . I felt it in Chorlton, Manchester. It lasted a couple of seconds, then there was a pause and then another tremor.

From Darren Bown
Woke up feeling the bad shake and got up immediately, I knew it was an earthquake straight away!!! My mum thought it was a lorry on the road, and it was a bit worrying because there are old mines under us, and so an earthquake could cause them to collapse!!!

From Denise
Felt the tremors and sent an email to the BGS shortly after, giving details of the event. I was fairly sure that there had been a minor earthquake as I had been awake at the time of the Dudley quake and had felt that too. Here in south central manchester the shockwaves were clearly felt but not to any frightening degree. My little boy didn't even notice it!

From Steve
it felt slightly weird, felt it around 9am but sounded and felt more like an explosion than a tremor, didnt think anything of it until i saw the news. shook the whole house and windows.

From Joanne
We were on the fourth floor of an office building. Everything shook and we were ready to evacuate.

From Jenny Warburton
I was sat in my office at work, on the 5th floor at about 8.50am when the building shook. It only lasted for a couple of seconds but I was pretty scared. Then about 9.05am I felt another tremor.

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