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Darren Waters

Sony's Little Big trump card?

  • Darren Waters
  • 14 Oct 08, 09:05 GMT

In March last year at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco Sony began to turn the fortunes of the PlayStation 3 around.


After a painful launch period the company put itself somewhat on the front foot with two key announcements: Game developers and journalists were shown ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, the 3D social networking hub for gamers, and LittleBigPlanet, the debut game from Media Molecule, set up by three ex-employees of Peter Molyneux's Lionhead studio.

While ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ remains overdue, LittleBigPlanet (LBP) hits the shops in just over a week's time.

The moment the demo of the game was first shown people were tipping it as a killer application for the PS3. I was lucky enough to be in the audience for that first demo and . It looked set to a highly creative platform games combined with a very ambitious attempt to harness the user generated content revolution.

Since then the game, and specifically the developers, have gone on a journey which has seen LBP become the single most important title for the PS3 this year and I've tracked its progress closely.

Below is a video from , of Media Molecule, at E3 in Los Angeles earlier this year.

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Forget Metal Gear Solid 4, as good a game as that was Sony is hoping LBP will showcase the PS3 this Christmas. With Microsoft cutting the price of the Xbox 360 so that the entry level machine is virtually half the price of a PS3, AAA titles for PS3 have to work so much harder than equivalents on the 360 if they are to help shift consoles.

Sackboy, the main character in LBP, is very much the poster child of PlayStation 3 this Christmas.

I have had the finished game in my hands for just over 24 hours. So what do I make of it?

LBP is unquestionably one of the best titles of this year, or any year. Media Molecule should be praised for delivering on virtally every promise they have made over the last 18 months.

It is a terrific platform game, with an abundance of creativity, fun and character. It's up there with some of the best platform titles ever made, include Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 64.

And the scope to build your own levels, or personalise your game experience is breath taking. Encouragingly, the first efforts from beta testers are impressive for the most part, and awe-inspiring on occasion.

However, despite every effort to simplify the level-building aspects of the game, the bar will probably be too high for most gamers. No because of technical obstacles but because creativity takes inspiration and perspiration. Most of us will be too daunted to realy make the most of the tools.

My favourite homebrew level is by one gamer who has the used the level building tools to make a working calculator.

One of the first online reviews of the game, by , has given it a 9 out of 10. It's a score I agree with.

Will it shift consoles? That's the big question for Sony this Christmas. I certainly think that the right mix of marketing will help push Sackboy into the broader consciousness this year. Media Molecule has described LBP as the equivalent of YouTube for video games.

If that message can be conveyed to consumers then LBP will be a runaway hit.

However, even if the game is a roaring success, I'm sure it will be used by fanboys on both sides of the fence as a shield and as a weapon to make claim and counter claim.


  • Comment number 1.

    Yep Darren your right, i've been following this game since it was first mentioned and finally the time has come, I'm actually lucky enough to be on the Beta, and i can honestly say i have never played a game with such openness for creativity, It's truly amazing. You didn't mention that the complete game comes already loaded with 50 levels.

    Now all i'm waiting for is Resistance 2, and Motorstorm: Pacific rift

  • Comment number 2.

    Whilst I agree with some of the comments regarding the game what you cannot get away from is the fact that the PS3 comes 3rd down the list, in terms of entertainment, after both the Wii & Xbox 360. LBP will simply NOT compete against the majority of titles out betwee now and Xmas. It is quirky, different and even groundbreaking but you need to sell volume and this won't do it.

    I'm saying this, NOT as a fanboy of any console, just as someone with 25+ years solid gaming experience. Sony's attitude to the PS3 is bordering on bizarre, as for such a top-spec console they have had a distinct lack of "killer" (or even great) games since it's launch.

    The 360 has consistently served up very-high quality titles and the some of these have ended up being ported to the PS3 (see Bioshock!). Even the Wii, despite it's graphical failings, is the all-round family entertainment console whereas the 360 is still the king for hardcore gaming, online or off.

    Will someone at Sony please stop envisaging a world where the PS3 is the centre of the home experience ad give it what it really needs... GAMES! that's why we bought it in the first place...

    Will the real SCE please stand up!!!!!

  • Comment number 3.

    @ sean5238

    Your right on some of the points you've mentioned. Though regarding having a lack of great (killer) games since its launch????? I don't think so. The 360 may have served high quality games, but it hasn't done the same for consoles has it. Ok some have been ported but don't forget some games have now been ported to the 360, and now the ps3 is becoming the leading development platform, and if you compare AAA games coming out this fiscal year compared to 360 you'll see a difference there too. And don't get me started on the WII, that thing is just a novelty.

    Little Big Planet's sackboy will be the new mascot for PS3

    just like Halo is for 360, and Mario for nintendo

  • Comment number 4.

    Its a nice game but lets be honest : Gears of War 2 will kill it in terms of sales volume.

  • Comment number 5.

    Although its not the sort of game I would usually go out and buy, I'm surprised by just how much I want to play LBP. It looks slick and very impressive. The ability to create custom spaces and levels, indeed pretty much shape the entire game sounds fantastic.

    In my opinion, the 360's price cut will do it little favours. My whole reason for not buying the xbox was because of its reliability issues. I can safely say that since I brought my PS3 on launch day, it has never missed a beat. And am I complaining that as well as a powerful gaming machine it is also becoming the hub of my media in the living room. Nope!

    One thing I will say with regards to Sony is they have a tendancy to be late with their products, but I would rather have the finished article than a rush job.

  • Comment number 6.

    With regards to the comment about Bioshock getting ported from the 360 to the PS3.

    Given that it (and many other similar games) have been ported from the PC in the first place, this comment is a bit rich!

    But then that's the problem. When the console fans argue over what's the best (I've got a PS3 myself, but it was the Blu-Ray drive, rather than the games which attracted me to it), they forget about the truly innovative platform - the PC.

    First Person Shooters, Real Time Strategy, Massively Multiplayers, Online Shooters all started on the PC and, in my opinion, still haven't been topped by anything ANY console does (that being said, I think consoles are great at 3rd person action games and will continue to purchase those games on the consoles).

  • Comment number 7.

    And are we any nearer knowing what the 'game which changes everything that hasn't been shown to anyone yet' is?

  • Comment number 8.


    If you're a casual tech enthusiast/gamer, and want a decent console to play with at parties, with your parents or family, buy a Wii.

    If you're a hardcore gamer who loves to play online and want the biggest range of games/downloadable content, buy an Xbox 360.

    If you're a bit of a geek (as am I) and want a few decent games to play, love HD movies and want to stream music, pictures and video from your PC, buy a Playstation 3.

    I think the PS3 is more about multimedia than it is about gaming. Just like the Wii is more about fun than it is about gaming. Just like the 360 is more about gaming than it is about multimedia or fun... Its just a matter of what you want for your money.

    I also should maybe have included in the 360 sentence:

    "...want the biggest range of games and downloadable content, **but only want to be able to use it for a few months before it overheats and dies**, buy an Xbox 360..."

    I'm not a fanboy, honest.....


  • Comment number 9.

    I don't really see this title shifting millions of PS3s.

    Don't get me wrong it looks pretty neat, but in reality it looks like a Wii game.
    Not graphically of course, but gameplay wise; the way it's all cutesy and cuddly.
    It looks like the sort of game you'd pick up and play for 5/10 minutes at a time.

    That's casual gamer territory.

    And the one thing a casual gamer will not do is spend Β£300 on a complicated piece of home entertainment media systemry for little more than 5 minute thrills!

    That's what the simple Β£180 Wii is there for (with it's huge catalogue of cheap 5 min thrills games to go at).
    And to a lesser degree also the 360 with their Β£120 Arcade console and their NXE interface (coming in November) with the backing of XBL Marketplace and their casual games strategy this holiday etc..

    All in all I'm sure LBP will win a lot of plaudits and will most likely go down in history as a an all time great.
    Unfortunately for Sony it wont kickstart the PS3 into domination over the holiday period - especially not given the global economy don't forget!

  • Comment number 10.


    And if you want to do it all, and more get a PC. Ive had this discussion about the PS3 before. 'but it can stream media..' So, from what? A PC. frankly just cut out the middle man, its less compatible and wholly inflexible.

    Sure that game is good, but its not got a broad appeal to the Gran Tourismo set that buy the PS3.

  • Comment number 11.

    @ comment 4

    Don't you mean Gears of War: 1.5?

    nothings changed about that game since the first one, apart from a graphics tweak.

    nuff said

  • Comment number 12.

    Oh @ comment 9

    ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ for Ps3 comes out on the same day as NXE

  • Comment number 13.


    Erm... You know you can stream movies, pictures and music from any UPNP server to 360 also don't you.
    Plus there's a hoard of downloadable HD movies with more coming in 2009 once they sort out a deal with a UK Netflix equivalent (like LoveFILM or Blockbusters).

    The only thing the 360 lacks over the PS3 is a Blu-Ray player.

    But come on, it's gonna be at least 4 to 7 years before Blu-Ray has the opportunity to take no1 spot from the existing DVD format.
    Look at how long Video hung around for after the introduction of DVD in the mid 90's.

    By the time BR has matured as a tech (price wise) it will be in fierce competition with very a solid and very cheap DLC structure from the likes of Sky, BT, Virgin, Blockbusters, Apple, and whoever else decides to get onboard....!!!

    The PS3 needs GAMES. Big time, top draw, AAA, ground breaking games, future defining games.
    It also needs to lower it's entry price point... a lot!

    I've already paid Β£300 for my - still working happily even though it gets battered almost every night - 360. Plus Β£180 for my - somewhat dusty often ignored - Wii.
    They give me the best of both worlds so don't want to drop another Β£300 on something that attempts to give me both.

    The PS3 at the moment seems like it wants to be everything, but so far hasn't managed to nail any of it's characteristics perfectly... Yet.

    YET. (because there's always the unknown)......

  • Comment number 14.

    @davser I still can't name it sadly. And it's not going to change 'everything'! The global financial meltdown continues...

  • Comment number 15.

    @ 13

    Ok yeah down the line in the next 4-7 years i hope that the government have pulled there fingers out at this time to get every house Fibre Optics (ok they have started with testing it in some areas of London already thats a start)

    Other wise i'll still be sticking with a physical format, that i can take round my friends house to watch with them, or when im bored with it i can sell it.

    Grrrrrr damn you Darren for having this knowledge over us..........can you give us the first letter of the name of the game????

  • Comment number 16.

    I was lucky enough to get into the LBP Beta, and as I played through the starting levels, to the dulcet tones of Mr. Fry, I finally remembered why I started gaming in the first place...the sheer fun of it. I'd lost that feeling, in amongst all the bile of the online shooters I had played, full of the social dregs of the gaming community.

    The days passed with me playing about with the creation tools (which I agree can be a bit cumbersome, but you do get used to them) and alternating between giggling like a schoolgirl at all the user-made levels and bursts of "uggh!?" as I wondered how someone had managed to create such a bizarre contraption.

    I can't wait for the full game to come. It will go some way to easing the pain of seeing what disaster has befallen the Call of Duty series.

    New IPs FTW!!

  • Comment number 17.

    I have to agree that I do not see LBP as being a game winner for Sony. It looks good and I am sure it is very creative, but I am not convinced that this is what the people who own or want to own a PS3 want. I think Sony needs to look at its base customers and start coming up with things that appeal to them.

    I think the user generated content is a good concept and a step forward but I don’t think LBP will have any positive impact on Sony's position in the console wars. In fact throwing weight behind something like this might have a detrimental effect. Surely there are other projects more worthy of attention? And if not... then I am very worried about the future for my PS3.

    Lets have some user generated maps in something like a future Call of Duty game and then maybe its something worth getting excited about.

  • Comment number 18.


    Perhaps. It's still going to sell millions though.

  • Comment number 19.

    @ above

    Well of course it will due to the large user base of the 360,

    Though i still think you'll be disappointed

  • Comment number 20.

    To Darren

    Excuse my hyperbole!

    Thanks for the update though. Was expecting something from Tokyo Games Show but it seems sadly not.

  • Comment number 21.


    I would be if I still owned an Xbox 360. I sold mine about six months ago when I got bored of Halo 3. TF on my Quad Core PC is much more fun. :)

  • Comment number 22.

    I agree that LBP might not be the game that wins the "console wars", but may be the tipping point for the PS3 to climb up the rankings. It is unlikely the ps3 can beat the wii on a sales basis (worldwide) but it could get the edge on the 360, if more quality games, soley developed for the console, are released. Currently, this is the only edge that the 360 has.

    Why are people moaning about having a game of this sort on the ps3? Just because it delves into the realms of originality and creativity (not to mention quirkiness) and isnt a generic 1st person shooter, sports, racing or platformer. Im sick of these constant regenerations of the same game coming out over and over again.

    The main consoles, thus-far, which have been actively pushing the boat out have been the wii and the ds. Whats so bad about Sony following suit? If not just for the money but for the sake of the industry. Fair play to them i say.

  • Comment number 23.

    @ tuksta Do you believe that anyone will pay Β£300 for a PS3 inorder to play this game? I dont believe they will. Unless they do they Sony will not be moving up the ranking. However I hope I am wrong and I have underestimated LBP. Time will tell.

  • Comment number 24.


    I'm not sure where you have been? (Xbox forums?), PS3 has plenty of extremely high quality titles. Infact, I would say the standard of PS3 titles is superior to XBox titles, which seem to be very locked into the first person shooter genre.

    So Sean, how you personally played every single game out there for the PS3 including PSN titles to come to that conclusion, or are you simply spewing out Xbox moronic waffle?

    There is a whole raft of fantastic titles already out for PS3, than outclass most games on the 360.

  • Comment number 25.

    It seems these articles attract the .01%'ers who are "hardcore" gamers who play Call Of Duty and the like.

    When will they realise that the PS2 did not sell 150m consoles because of endless stream doom clones?

    To sell outside that .01%er market, you need a large, varied and quality software portfolio, and ONLY PS3 has this.

    Wii has a large and mainly crappy and niche game portfolio (Wii is basically the Wii Sports/Wii fit machine for 99% of owners, the 1% play Metroid Prime and perhaps MarioKart).

    360 has no mainsteam appeal whatsoever, with basically a endless line of doom clone games, and a couple of second-rate Singstar and Buzz Quix ripoffs.

    PS3 has all of the 3 atrributes that make it a mass-selling mainstream console, that can appeal to hardcore gamers (Resistance 2, Killzone 2 and the like), Casual Gamers (Uncharted, Gran Turismo 5 and the like), and the largest demograph, Non Gamers (Buzz Quiz, Singstar, Little Big Planet etc)

  • Comment number 26.

    @ mgillespie

    i had a 360 as a stop gap before the PS3 was released, then traded it in for a PS3. great, just what i always wanted. i am a PS fanboy, but i'm also a realist. your statment re the quality of games available to PS3 owners is absolute rubbish, tantamount to lies. Of course, personal preference is the key here. i can think of one good game (the best!) that outstrips anything on the 360 (of course my opinion YAWN) and that's MGS4 (so far). i paid all that money just to play it and i would do it all over again if i had too. other than that, all other games on the PS3 are available in as good an incarnation (if not better) on the 360. If you feel you can counter this point then name one game that doesn't have a 360 doppleganger and that is in any way indistinguishable (other than poor frame rates on the PS3 [thanks valve]). i'll start the list for you; Echochrome. to be honest that's as far as i got and that's only for originality and that fact you really have to think. a rare thing in gaming these days.

    i wouldn't buy a PS3 just to play LBP. that's not to say it doesn't look fun, it just doesn't interest me. that's coming from a 14 year patron of the playsation brand.

  • Comment number 27.

    mgillespie's suggestion that the 360 is locked into the whole FPS genre is somewhat flawed - whilst that was very true of the first Xbox, in the current generation, the PS3 seems to have a higher proportion of FPS games. The 360 has, pretty much since launch, enjoyed a wide variety of games from a similarly wide variety of genres.

    In terms of the overall quality of games, both platforms have their enviable titles MGS4, Halo, PGR, GT... Probably the most worrying thing for Sony though is the fact that even now, multiplatform titles tend to look better on the 360 (we saw the revelations about GTA running at a lower resolution on the PS3 than on the 360, we've seen the comparative screenshots on various gaming websites comparing cross platform games such as Ridge Racer), so where is the incentive to spend nearly twice the money on a gaming platform that seems to offer none of the promised performance benefits?

  • Comment number 28.

    LBP looks brilliant & appears to be a well conceived title offering a great creative outlet for gamers everywhere, but as has been pointed out already, this isn't really typical Playstation fare. For gamers that don't currently own a PS3, Β£300 seems a little steep for a single game - just how many other titles of this quality are there for the PS3? I can't think of any (although I guess some would argue that MGS4 might qualify). I would love to play LBP, but I certainly can't justify Β£300...

  • Comment number 29.

    If Sony can start to produce intelligent games that appeal to the public then they can easily recover the lead in this generation of machines, although it will take a while! However we have seen very little evidence of this over the last 2 years. Resistance and Moterstorm are pretty rubbish when you consider their direct competitors and i'm at a loss as to why they hold onto these titles.
    Hopefully LPB will signal in a new era in the PS3's approach to gaming and will actually bring the PS community together, something we have not been able to do so far, not really.

    Unfortunately, as a PS3 owner, it has been GOW2 and L4D which have caught my attention lately, and they are quite strongly tied in with co-op/multi-player. Can sack boy create as much excitment and adrenaline as giant monsters, huge guns and zombie hordes.........?

  • Comment number 30.

    @ hesmanes

    ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ release in november is a beta... not the full version. This was announced ages ago. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    I am surprised though. A post not pro apple or google. What has the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ come to!?!

    Oh hold on, it's another anti microsoft post. I'ts just well hidden

  • Comment number 31.

    @ mgillespie..

    as for the comments regarding the earlier posts, i'm not a fanboy of any single console as I own them all, but as others agree Sony has NOT delivered on the gaming front yet..

    LBP might be creative sure, but very few people will get a lot out of this title. It's not a battle to say who's got the best console etc and you are missing the point, so get off your pS3 wagon.

    They're all good systems but Sony does not appeal to the masses that it needs to.. wake up and smell the coffee.. lets see if you reply or if momma has put you to bed early.. hahaha

  • Comment number 32.

    @ mgillespie

    i love the way you use the word demograph... did you get that from your training day at SCE P.R where you obviously work.... :-p wake up momma's boy

  • Comment number 33.

    @sean5238 (#32),

    What a pathetic little rant from clearly a very small person. And how hypocritical given the factually misleading opinions contained in your recent posts. Might I suggest you get off the internet and don't come back until you can talk to other people like an intelligent human being?

    PS No-one believes a person who finds the need to state "I'm not a fanboy", especially one who then acts like one (acting like the 360 is the original source of all it's games (let me introduce you to something called the PC); inferring the PS3 has yet to get a great game ...).

  • Comment number 34.

    How many of these comments have been made by people who have actually played the game? I had the chance to play the Beta version of this game and believe me its awesome. Now I have been a hardcore COD4 player for the last year racking up about 24 days of on-line play time, and LBP excites me - and this is only from a Beta - its not even the full game.
    Nothing that the 360 has to offer is anything like this game and nothing that will be released for the 360 will either. As Darren said, and I'm usually one of his biggest bashers is right - its all down to where your imagination can take you. If you are hapy running around the same 20maps night after night shooting the hell out of people then LBP is clearly on a different wavelenght and should be steered clear of it FAR too intelligent for you.
    This game will shift consoles - 100%

    The 360 wont every come close to anything like it and it simply doesnt have the power to do so - developers are already reaching its limits - not a good sign for it.

    @sjholland No30 - The HOME application that is coming in November will be a fully functional one (source - not a beta so please get your facts correct before posting - Sorry to burst YOUR bubble!

  • Comment number 35.

    Given up on the 360 after three failures and a wasted Β£100+ on the HD DVD!

    Thinking about a PS3 but it isn't clear when the price will drop - the PlayTV plug in certainly makes it a great option now though...

    The WII is currently the only console in my life, but I must admit when it comes to 'proper' gaming I'm finding the graphics a little tedious. That's not to say it isn't a great console (I honestly believe that it is the most innovative unit ever created by a long stretch and it will always have a place in my heart and my home) but it just doesn't cut the mustard when you are after a serious gaming session.

  • Comment number 36.


    While you state that the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ release won't be a beta, the link that you posted clearly states that it is still the Open Beta that will launch this fall - while it is now Sony's intent to launch with a production / live quality service, the fact remains that it is still only a beta...

  • Comment number 37.

    @ comments 30, and 36

    Do some research, i'm currently on the Beta now along with Little Big Planet,

    Sony are tieing in major releases to coincide with whatever microsoft are throwing out, and NXE comes out in November so thats the reason for ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ coming then also.

  • Comment number 38.

    @ paulcupboard. I don't think people should ever buy a console just because of one game. Any game, no matter how good it is, gets boring after time (even COD4, trust me), then what are they left with? A console they might not realy like? What they should do is look at the console as a whole and make their decision from that.

    I hope LBP is as good as people say it is, but will it be as good as mario galaxy? or even conkers bad fur day (N64 version)?

  • Comment number 39.

    Like a few other on these comments, I've been involved in the LBP Beta. I spen every spare moment I could afford playing it, and it really is a unique slant on the platform genre. I was brought up on platformers, be Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, or later on Sonic & Mario. But LBP is a whole new ball game. The creative tools at the gamers disposal are fantastic, and allow you to create your own games and then share them with the world. Check out my level I made after just 7 days of having the Beta [url]/url]
    Mario better watch out as there's a new boy in town. 'Sackboy'. The futures bright, the futures Little Big Planet, and PS3 will shift with this software, as long as Sony promote it correctly.

  • Comment number 40.


    This is a quote from the article that someone posted a link to...

    However, speaking to Next-Gen, Lempel stated: β€œThe ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ open beta is still on schedule for release later this fall."

    Now if Mr Lempel is happy to still call it a beta (albeit an open beta), I'm not sure quite where your difficulty with the term comes from.

    I'm happy to proven wrong, although my post earlier did state that I was only commenting on the content of the linked article...

    As for the timing, I have no doubt that you're right on that side - it would make no sense for Sony to have nothing to counter any of MS' releases, especially when they've been promoted in the news as heavily as they have.

  • Comment number 41.

    This fanboy issue is never going to be resolved in its entirety, but here is my two penny’s worth

    Let’s be honest here – It doesn’t matter whether you’re playing call of duty 4 on xbox or ps3 they’re both exactly the same game. So the difference will lie squarely at the door of exclusive content...

    So, with that in mind, the xbox is currently stagnating with regard to new games. It really needs to beef up on this front, as exclusives are one of the major factors in deciding which system to purchase. The second is who they know who plays online.

    I know of no games coming out for the Nintendo of any note. It may enjoy a big lead in sales but if it is to keep that lead it needs to produce good content, and quickly.

    The PS3 has quite a number of exclusives are due out for this platform which will only help drive up its sales figures.

    As for the PC, you need to plough a ton of cash into these things to keep them up at an ok level, even once you attain a decent level; the bar is raised higher, forcing you to fork out on more parts that are expensive. The barriers are too high for most people this is where PCs fail. Β£200-Β£300 for a console beats any argument against a Β£2000-Β£3000 PC.

    The PS3 has more new games available and planned, in addition, integral blu-ray, PSP connectivity, media centre, play tv.. etc

  • Comment number 42.

    @sean5238 Sony has NOT delivered on the gaming front yet...

    ...exactly WHAT games have you been playing then? Monopoly??

  • Comment number 43.

    Sigh. This is just a constant war of minds. Can we just not all accept the fact that we are all gamers and get on with it? This is the one vital factor that we all have in common and yet there is nothing but 'mine is better than yours' school-yard arguments!

    But as for my opinion, I love the look of LBP, and have done since its announcement. I don't own a PS3 and I want to, but I will buy one when I can justify it. The only titles I am interested is are MGS4 and LBP, and this is simply not enough to justify me purchasing one. in my opinion (3 key words - don't come back at me with your trying to prove - it only makes matters worse!) there is nothing the PS3 offers me. I'm not interested in ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, I don't care about the online service and the titles are very poor. As it stands I don't want a Blu Ray player either so I just cannot (yet- hopefully) justify forking out.

    To the comment on the Wii being a gimmick: As much as big gamers don't like it, it's clearly not a gimmick, the sales say that pretty clearly. It does what Nintendo always intended - it got families everywhere getting invloved.

    The 360 is still going strong and no amount of 'reached its limits' comments can get away from the fact that this doesn't mean it's life is over - far from it. There is and will be much more to come from it yet. IMHO its 'limit' is still pretty impressive.

    Now, can we all just get along? For crying out loud we're all here reading this for the same reasons!

  • Comment number 44.

    And also - all of you currently coming back with the 'Where have you been?! The PS3 has a huge selection of great games!' claims. At least try to justify it by showing some examples! Because I can think of next to nothing!

    How many of these commenters actually have an open mind? It's clear that most people are one-sided with poor knowlege of the other.

  • Comment number 45.

    butterflyedge - "Get along" - now where's the fun in that?

    As for your fanboy 360 comment, "There is and will be much more to come from it yet."


  • Comment number 46.

    @Butterflyedge, there are plenty of great games on the ps3, just not so many exclusives (top of my head only MGS4 and LBP)

  • Comment number 47.

    The next month alone is huge the amount of games coming (I'm going to point out now that im aware that alot of these im aout to list are multi format) but for my example:

    24th oct: Last Remnant, Dead Space, Fable 2.

    31st Fallout 3

    7th: GH4, Left4Dead, GoW2

    14th: CoD5.

    So, in these couple of weeks alone a fair percentage of this is out on the 360 alone. that is pretty impressive.

    Please read my comments again and let me point out that all of it is pretty factual. If you think otherwise then please explain my mistake and I will gladly take it on the chin, but there is nothing 'fanboy' about my comment - it takes a fairly hazey-eyed gamer to say that the 360 has nothing going for it, or that the PS3 has loads.

    Again - feel free to correct me. Or simply justify your comments.

  • Comment number 48.


    "It's tough to deny Sony's list of exclusives in 2008 and 2009 (Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, Wipeout HD, White Knight Chronicles, InFamous, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, etc.). This year for the 360...what top exclusives are there besides Gears of War 2 and Fable II? And what about 2009...?"

    you were saying?

  • Comment number 49.


    Yeah I agree, but my point is that if something is coming out on a console I already own - it isn't going to sway my thoughts of buying another!

  • Comment number 50.


    I wouldn't expect people who already had one console to buy another, they are expensive. I'm thinking of those who haven't already got a current gen console and are undecided.

  • Comment number 51.

    It's all good and well giving me a list of 'exclusive' upcoming titles but this doesn't mean they're going to be any good. God of War 3 and FF are the only things on that list that would be of interest to me. Resistance and Killzone were poor first time round so I'm not interested in those. I understand GT5 will do alot for it, but personally I'm not a fan.

    Anything else is a little wishy washy is it not? Just like Haze was a massively hyped exclusive but was awful. My original point was that there is nothing at the moment. I said that I’d love have a reason to buy one, but at the moment there just isnt. It'd be fantastic if one of these sways me! But i think the most likely to do that is God of War.

    360? It has things like Star Ocean 4, Alan Wake, Mass Effect and Blue Dragon sequels, Halo Wars and Recon, Age of Conan, Dead Rising 2, Prey 2, Forza 3.

    These aren't just copied and pasted either, these are the better of the list. The list is huge - I trimmed it down and left the more promising upcoming titles - since some of them don't look so promising! As I said - exclusive doesn't always mean good!

    Then yeah I agree with you, from a completely neutral mind it's got a good selection!

  • Comment number 52.


    No you are right. Sony have only ever announced a CLOSED BETA for this year. Never a full release. There have been several beta versions you could get hold of if you signed up but this one, you can download at your pleasure and remove, at your pleasure. You don't have to sign an NDA or agree to an NDA or anything. It's there for the public and is the final build (less little tweaks) before it goes for general use. The problem is, people who have used this build have said they don't really know what it is... Is it a game... An interface... Or is it just something to show.

    Whoever said it was released the same day really needs to do some damn good research and come up with some amazing proof that it is being released on the 19th November


    Any dead rising sequel will be multiformat. In fact any capcom game will be. This was announced at E3.

    Anyway... about LBP. Shame reviews have picked up on rubbish controls and difficult level creation isn't it. One review has said that the average gamer will never get their head around them. Oh well. Never mind. I will probably still pick it up but I am not pinning sony's hopes on it if reviewers are saying that. People don't have the time or the patience these days

    The main problem with the PS3 is the lack of exclusives. Yes they will come but at the moment, they are few and far between. Even the ugly rumour about MGS4 has cropped up (AGAIN!!!) and Konami haven't said no this time now kojima has washed his hands with MGS. Exclusives make or break a console in this generation and sony have virtually none. Every third party publisher will publish multi format to maximise profits as it is a lot more expensive than a few years ago to make a game.

  • Comment number 53.

    Personally, I think LBP looks great (I have mine on preorder already) however I do not think this game will impact the overall sales of the PS3 console.

    Although its an innovative title which appeals to me I am not convinced that people are looking to spend a great deal of time being creative within their games. Maybe I am wrong and this is the start of a new type of gaming but I am doubtful.

    One thing I do not get is when people state that the PS3 has no good titles whereas the XBox has many. All of the best games (Pro Evo, GTA4, COD2 etc) are available on both so I don't really understand those comments. Very few games are exclusive to a single console and so far I have not played one (either on the PS3 or XBox) which would determine the console I choose.

    The reasons I have a PS3 over an XBox is not for games (as all titles I like are on both, until LBP release) but for the look and feel of the GUI, the ability to browse the internet, the ability to play online without charge, the blue ray drive and the ability to watch and record freeview television. If those things are not important to you then I cannot see how the difference in games would intice you to spend the extra money for the PS3 over the XBox.

  • Comment number 54.


    If you really want to alter the time horizon on exclusive games...

    ...let's go now.

    So for the PS3 that'll LBP, SOCOM and Resistance 2, motorstorm

    As for de-riding resitance and killzone - I have them both and they were actually pretty good - your taste in games must be restrictive.

    You mention Haze, I'll mention Halo3.

    star ocean 4, Fable II, Blue Dragon age of conan - RPGs (err...great - ENJOY!)
    Alan Wake, mass effect - not exclusive
    Halo (after the last effort..I wouldnt go there)
    Dead rising, prey, forza 3 - way off

    BTW your exclusives - are they any good? Touche.

    You just havent got the ammunition to back up your claims. Go stick your head back in the sand.

    @sjholland did you even click the link mentioned in #48?

  • Comment number 55.

    Ooooh dear. See lets go back to my first post. What was it I said? *clears throat*

    "in my opinion (3 key words - don't come back at me with your trying to prove - it only makes matters worse!) there is nothing the PS3 offers me."

    This is simply a matter of opinion and the simple fact that you could not accept that - despite me even saying that trying to justify this will make matters worse - you came back with your 'But this, but that.'. You talk to me and patronise me like I know nothing of games. The fact that you STILL insist on defending Sony says enough. See, I can quite confidently sit and let people have their own opinions (and would have left it be if you hadn't come back with your comments - I had no issues with your statements, but when you criticise mine, that’s a different story) but why is this not the case with the majority of PS3ers? Hmmmm, a little too defensive, don't you think?

    Yes I mentioned Haze, but for one: I never said ANYTHING about Halo, and two: It may be insanely overrated, but at least it sold. ZING!
    And also – check out metacritic.com and look at the average reviews scores on both of those titles. There is a MASSIVE difference.

    Your shallow comment about RPGS has done you no justice. I will enjoy thank you very much. I love RPGS. This is one of the reasons that I, PERSONALLY, am looking forward to some of these titles. You see... I have this thing called and OPEN MIND, it allows me to play a wide variety of games. Your clear narrow-mindedness makes it clear why the PS3 is well suited for you. Endless racing games and FPSs for you. Such variety!

    In your defensive comments on both Killzone and Resistance - quote - 'They were both actually pretty good.' Pretty good? I'm sorry - but there are so many FPSs around that PRETTY good is not good enough, there are many far superior FPSs - why settle for these?

    Why can't you just leave it be? Not everyone has the same taste. Let it go man!

  • Comment number 56.

    "I love RPGS" - nuff said.

    "It may be insanely over-rated, but at least it sold" - exactly what does this say about the level of intelligence?

    "Not everyone has the same taste" - exactly - that's the reason why you have an xbox. So why are you even bothering to comment on PS3 titles if you dont have one?

  • Comment number 57.

    "So why are you even bothering to comment on PS3 titles if you dont have one?"

    Presumably because this is an article about a game which Sony are hoping will persuade people to buy a PS3... i.e. those people that don't currently have one. As such their opinions about the game are just as valid as those that have already bought a PS3 (arguably more so in fact).

  • Comment number 58.

    Oooo people like you infuriate me. Open your mind, you might find something new. I would never dismiss any game, and that is a great way to get a feel of everything there is on offer, it also gives you a valid opinion. It also allows people to take you more seriously whilst trying to have a intelligent disscusion. Which i think has certainly had a detramental effect on your thoughts. You fit the Sony boy stereotype perfectly.

    The comment on Halo was again MY OPINION. I found it overrated, but as I also said (which you swiftly avoided); check out the metacritic score, I think you'll find that it didn't actually score badly. At all.

    The reason I commented is because this is a title I want. You may have been too busy with your childish 'mines better' to realise, but this topic is about LittleBigPlanet. I want this game, and I came on to say that hopefully one day I will get it, but as it stands I'm not willing to buy a PS3 for it. Was that not part of the article?Wait... I think you'll find it was. But no, that couldn't be left alone, could it?

    Just because I don't own one, doesn't mean I know nothing. I have an interest in gaming from all angles.

    Yes that is the reason I own an XBox. I have a wide taste and what the 360 has to offer is plenty to satisfy this.

    I'm sorry, i didn't realse that this topic, detailing if this could push sales or not, was only for current PS3 owners. My mistake.

    Oh wait, that makes absolutly no sense. If anything, comments from none PS3 owners are probably more valuble and accurate as to how much of an impact this game will have on sales and the market itself, are they not? Just like Gothic said.

    Think about your combacks before throwing the 'Yeah well, You don't have one so you can't say anything. So there!' at me.

  • Comment number 59.

    This is an opinion/article of a bloke who's played the game, nothing more.

    If you going to buy a console this article is not going to persuade anyone either way. People will go to sites that review systems and games, source info from peers, shops etc.

    Opinions on a game are all well and good. But making statements based on non-fact is tat.

  • Comment number 60.

    @ Butterflyedge

    'but there are so many FPSs around that PRETTY good is not good enough, there are many far superior FPSs - why settle for these?'

    Errrr could you explain what FPS's that are coming out or that are 'around' that will be superior to R2 and Killzone 2?

  • Comment number 61.

    Again. Please point out these 'statements based on non-fact.' I'm curious as to what these are.

    This 'bloke' is also questioning the impact the game will have. Therefore I detailed the impact the game has and will have on me, as have many others.

  • Comment number 62.

    I said superior to the first games, not the sequels.

    Well around abviously COD4. Like I said I was talking about superior to Restistance and Killzone, based on the first there are so many better. In terms of thier average reviews - Battlefield Bad Company, Halo 3, Metroid Prime 3, both Rainbow Sixs, BioShock (if you would class that as FPS, i Know some people are fussy with that one.) Half Life 2 if you count that as current with the Orange Box, Far Cry. All of these reviewed better than Killzone and the First Resistance. Obviously it's impossible to compare with the upcoming as no one really knows what they will be like exactly, but I'm saying going on first impressions, it's not good! For me anyway I mean. Thats why the sequels are of no interest to me. Then in competition just in upcoming weeks there is FarCry2 and everyone knows that CoD5 is likely to be the dominating FPS for some time. CoD4 Is still the most popular a year on.

    There are just so many FPSs that I find it quite hard to expect alot from upcoming ones to be honest.

  • Comment number 63.

    Read previous comments.

    I dont own any consoles (the internets a wonderful thing) I just like to see geeks justify their pointless points of view.


  • Comment number 64.

    Then consider my POVs well and truely justified! Since, again, you are yet to point out my errors! And I don't what exactly I'm supposed to be reading, but at no point do you point out owning or not owning a console.

    Cheers for a good ol' discussion!

  • Comment number 65.

    justified to who - yourself?

  • Comment number 66.

    Erm.. Quote:

    'I just like to see geeks justify their pointless points of view.'

    That would imply that I justfied my points.

    You didn't say 'try to justify', or even 'fail at justifying'. I would read that as you saying my points were justified.

    Just going from what you said!

  • Comment number 67.

    Come on people... lets stick to the game in question shall we? It doesn't matter what games are coming when and on which system, this article is about Little Big Planet.

    Just out of interest, lets say IF this game was exclusive to 360 instead of PS3, would any xbox gamers think about buying it??

    And before ppl start laying into me, yes I know it will probably never happen and its designed specifically for PS3, I'm just asking IF it was the other way around, is it the sort of game you would be interested in playing? I wanna know what ppl think...

  • Comment number 68.

    Hey Red Devil i totally agree! I came on here to say my opinion on LBP - I was just defending my self above when I was criticised!

    But yes I would buy it, since I already have a 360. Without a second thought! Its the cost of the PS3 that the issue.

  • Comment number 69.

    @ ButterflyEdge

    Glad to hear you think the game is worth a go...

    How much would Sony have to drop the price before you would buy one? Would it be a case of you no longer using your Xbox?

    Just for the record, I mentioned it earlier but my issue with the 360 is really only one, and it may not be an issue at all to some ppl, but I have heard many horror stories regarding its reliability. Mainly from friends as well which makes it even worse! lol...

    I really like the main ideas behind this game... It might not shift PS3's in huge numbers, but as long as PS3 is not first in the console wars, it means Sony will have to work extra hard to get it up there, which surely can only be a good thing for us PS3 gamers??

  • Comment number 70.

    pointless points.

  • Comment number 71.

    Justified non the less. Maybe pointless in your eyes, but again this comes down to opinion. You were the one that got this all going, so you can't see it as all that pointless.

    Nah, gaming is a massive part of my life and I can't see me every getting rid of any console I currently have, regardless of what else I buy in. But i would take a fair drop in price to get me thinking, and possibly a couple more games. Either/or would get me thinking to be honest!

    As for reliability on the 360, I had lots of trouble with my first core system, it was awful and went away for repair a fair few times. However, both me and my boyfriend bought an elite. His on release and mine several months ago and they have been fantastic. Not even a little freeze up, never mind RROD! I would defiently recommend an Elite, but thats about it! I think the other systems are still a little shady!

    I see what your saying with the Sony not leading, and that is a great way to look at it!

  • Comment number 72.

    @ ButterflyEdge

    Good points. I don't know anybody who owns an Elite so I will take your word for it on that one.

    As for Sony not leading... Its the only way I can look at it!!! Lol... Sony messed up big from the start in selling the PS3. To give Microsoft a years head start is pretty dumb. And although I like the fact they ironed out the difficulties by delaying its launch rather than rushing it out, I still think they could have been a lot quicker about it. Oh well...

    @ mattshoreson

    Ease up mate, buy a console and then tell ppl how wrong they are

    on that note, think I will go and pre order my copy of LBP

  • Comment number 73.

    Well, they didnt give them a head start, microsoft rushed the 360 onto the market in order to gain an advantage. (proof is in the pudding - reliability issues). Fair enough sony did stall on the actual release but they have a machine with less than 1% failure rate as opposed to up to 30% (wikipedia).
    This, combined with the fact two mates both had rrod and told me not to waste my money, was the main reason i didnt get an elite.

  • Comment number 74.

    "ButterflyEdge wrote:
    Resistance and Killzone were poor first time round"

    He then went on to mention about how great Blue Dragon sequel will be..

    Anyone see any irony there?

    The bottom line, PS3 has the lions share of great exlusives this season, and that REALLY hurts those Xbox owners that had their moment 12 months back.

    My advice, sell the 360, get a PS3, times have moved on, 360 is so 2007....

  • Comment number 75.

    You have to agree with them tho, resistance and killzone were good games but felt like generic fps. I played on resistance for 10 mins, got bored and went back to COD4 like pretty much evry1 else who loves fps. Its the same with most of these games nowadays, guess ive jus been spoilt, having been raised on goldeneye and perfect dark.

  • Comment number 76.

    This game has incited rage and fear in xbox 360 owners like no other, a quick glance at metacritic will show this.

    Perhaps more than anything, this is the best barometer for how successful it will be.

  • Comment number 77.


    Firstly. She, not he!

    Secondly, where did I say that BD2 was going to be great? Nowhere! It was just one of the titles I listed as an exclusive!

    I certainly don't feel hurt, my xbox has a good few months coming! That disc drive is, and is going to stay bus-hey!

    The problem is, I go into my local game shop and check out the PS3 section quite regulary, but the fact is... there is next to nothing there! No, I won't sell my XBox, I like playing games, and JUST owning a PS3 would kind of have my stuck for things to do!

    Thanks tuska, i get the impression alot of people are trying to hold on to some dignity for Sonys sake when defending Killzone and Resistance, instead of admitting defeat. I'm glad you feel the same! Theres no denying the better selection in comparison.

  • Comment number 78.

    I wasn't exactly suggesting that i was playing on the xbox, i was trying to portray that good games are few and far between nowadays, on all consoles.

    I have a very wide selection of games (i try to draw the line at nintendogs and movie/cartoon based games), some of them are turd, some of them average, but the majority are absolute classics (i try to pick carefully)

    Yes resistance and killzone are pretty ordinary but i think games like halo 3 (first 2 were top notch) and pes 2008 are worse because the developers just recycled the same stuff they did before and expected people not to notice.

    Ive played on many, many games and the best ones are those that have pushed the boundaries of what you thought was possible in a video game (at the time of playing), and the ones that have been imaginative and original. The ones that made that extra effort and paid a little more attention to detail. They make you want to carry on playing until the end. They're the games where the developers were actually excited about their work, not just doing it for the profit. If its the same old stuff then i get pretty bored, very quickly.

  • Comment number 79.

    Yeah totally (I didn't mean to imply you were a xbox player - btw, sorry if I did) I totally see what you mean. I mean, is CoD4 not still the most played game? And at the end of the day this is multi format. And yes spot on with the likes of Halo - just reusing old methods because they were sucessful - which doesn't mean it will be next time round.

    And yeah I agree too on the fact it takes alot to make a great game - but occasionally this is done spot on. Like you say - pushing the boundaries.

    If you don't mind me asking, what would you use as a prime example of your description of a great game?

    I'm intrigued :)

  • Comment number 80.

    No worries, i play on COD4 on the PS3, as you might have guessed. I wouldn't say that it was perfect, however, although it is a great game which shows some of the criteria i was talking about like attention to detail etc. I quite like gta4 but thats not realy original or creative, but some of the attention to detail is amazing.

    Those two would have to be current multi-format examples.

    At the moment though, my favourite game is MGS4. ive never been a fan of the series or the type of game, which is why it impresses me so much that i love it. I dont want to go on too much but when you play a game that feels like an epic film (in terms of visuals and storyline) with parts that you could swear blind cant be computer generated, even i'm amazed.

  • Comment number 81.

    Firstly, theres no point blogging the word "ps3" or "Xbox 360" coz every1 knows it will end up with a bajillion people sayin ones better than the other. lol.

    but on to LBP, this game is sooooo cute!!!!! a good break from the usual "kill anything that moves" games. im 14 and even i adore it to bits!!! shame about the delay but oh well.

    in a way consoles are like religion, in the way that they cause controversy and every1 thinks theirs is best, i personally hav a ps3 coz i have alway stuck with sony for ps1, ps2, psp and now ps3. tbh, i dnt spend each waking hour on it, but thats because i have a life aswell, which many of my friends dont lol. im not gonna go on and brag coz i have better things to do in life but i know one thing that no 1 can deny about this game- thee cutest game ever!

    and yes ok ps3 doesnt hav as many games as the 360 but just ask yourself- could microsoft ever secure an exclusive AS epic as MGS4? could they create a final battle as truly awesome as the one in MGS4? if they can then ill take my hat off too them coz i agree wid all the stuff tuksta said

  • Comment number 82.

    OMG people, get a grip. Remember, its just games...

    When it comes to LBP I would like to get it just to see what all the hype is about (or maybe just rent it ;-).

    As for now, there are plenty of 360 games to keep me busy (I have both consoles).


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