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Maggie Shiels

Sexting teens

  • Maggie Shiels
  • 16 Dec 09, 08:20 GMT

If you think your offspring is not involved in sexting, think again. That is clearly the message from a new survey that reveals the habit is becoming more and more common among teenagers.

Teenager with mobile phone (posed by a model)." Or if you like, it is the act of mainly from one cellphone to another.

carried out a study in September involving 800 teens.

It found that 30% of 17-year-olds who have phones have received sexting photos or messages. Eight per cent say they sent such images.

In the 12-17 age bracket the numbers may not be as high, but it is startling to think of youngsters this age involved in such practices.

Four per cent with a mobile phone have sent sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude images of themselves via text and 15% say they have been on the end of receiving such material.

"It's an issue that teens grapple with and deal with in their lives, and one that deserves attention," said Amanda Lenhart, the Pew senior research specialist behind the "Teens and Sexting" report.

The problem has also caught the attention of lawmakers who are struggling with how to deal with a worrisome trend which also resulted in at least two teen in the past 18 months.

The National Conference of State Legislatures has said that six states have passed laws aimed at sexting. Another five or so tried and failed and yesterday members of the refused to recommend legislation involving sexting.

In California, there is a slightly different twist to the issue with the supreme court taking on involving a police officer and text messages discovered on an official police department pager.

At issue here is the same one of privacy but also what rights an employer has to read texts on a company provided device.

It certainly seems that the problem is taking on a life of its own and that while it may seem like a harmless activity among some young people, it has to be remembered that those convicted of sexting could end up becoming registered as a sex offender.

That is what happened to .

When he was 18-years-old he had an argument with his 16-year-old girlfriend and in anger forwarded a nude photo of her to their friends and family.

He was prosecuted and found guilty of sending out child pornography. Mr Alpert is now a registered sex offender.

On the issue of technology, the Pew's Ms Lenhart noted:

"The cell phone is such a vital part of these teens' lives that it isn't surprising that it's a major source of content for them - both positive content and content that's more worrisome."

The Pew Research centre also said that in 2004, 18% of 12-year-olds had a cellphone compared to 58% today. Five years ago, 64% of 17-year-olds had a mobile and today it is 83%.

Those numbers concern Parry Aftab, the executive director of who told MSNBC.com "It's not 'that kid' who's doing it, it's your kid," she said.

"If your kid hasn't taken a (suggestive) picture and shared it with somebody else, in all likelihood they've seen one, they may have possession of one or they may be sending them around."

Education among teens is seen as one possible solution. Recently James Lipton, the host of Inside the Actors Studio, has had a starring role in a series of aimed at getting teens to stop sexting.

It is clear that in this digital age the rules are very different and young and old alike are learning the consequences of putting so much of themselves out there for others to discover.


  • Comment number 1.

    Rule number one for anyone who might engage in such a practice. 'Nothing above the neck'

  • Comment number 2.

    I'm not sure that this is a huge surprise to be honest, I'm half expecting this to be spun though as if this is the first generation who have discovered their libido.

  • Comment number 3.

    "If your kid hasn't taken a (suggestive) picture and shared it with somebody else, in all likelihood they've seen one, they may have possession of one or they may be sending them around." - Parry Aftab

    You've got to love the scare-mongering and blatant ignoring of the statistics...

    "Four per cent [of 12-17 year olds] with a mobile phone have sent sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude images of themselves via text and 15% say they have been on the end of receiving such material."

    Even if you assume no overlap among those who send such messages and those who receive them, that still only accounts for 19% of 12-17 year olds with mobile phones (somewhere between 58% and 83% of the population of 12-17 year olds) being involved in any aspect of this. I'd like the think the phrase 'in all likelihood' should be reserved for situations when it is more likely that something is the case than it not being the case.

  • Comment number 4.

    I suppose the moral of the story is that when you're sending your phone back under the Distance Selling Regulations cooling-off period, to check it doesn't contain child pornography first.

  • Comment number 5.

    I think it's probably fair to say that most kids who send 'sexts' are also sexually active. Personally I don't particularly see the difference between the two; after all, on a 'base' level pornography is sex - it is just a means of sexual gratification without actually engaging in the act. So my question is this: why are people up in arms that kids might be sending explicit pictures of themselves to each other, when perhaps the real issue is that kids are become sexually active at ever-younger ages. 'Sexting' is obviously a way of exploring your own sexuality. Clearly I appreciate the issues with these pictures possibly be classed as child pornography should they find their way into the wrong hands, but I don't think we should be clamping down on 'sexts'. We've come so far in recent years in finally becoming a bit more open about sex and discussing sex with younger people that I just don't want to see any legislation which once again might try to suppress sexual development.

  • Comment number 6.

    There is a problem with this story. The Pew Research 0rganisation reports on US teenagers and most of the story refers to the including the section on the sex offenders register which refers specifically to Florida yet nowhere does it say this. I think even the Daily Mail would have managed to say this even if in small print right at the end of the story.

  • Comment number 7.

    There are a number of issues in this article that raise serious questions.

    "Sexting is, as Wikipedia puts it, a "portmanteau of sex and texting." Or if you like, it is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically mainly from one cellphone to another.

    The Pew Research Centre carried out a study in September involving 800 teens.

    It found that 30% of 17-year-olds who have phones have received sexting photos or messages."

    Firstly, there is a distinct difference between sending pictures and simply sending a dirty text. A dirty message to a boy/girlfriend is not going to cause a great deal of harm on either side, even if the relationship ends. An explicit picture on the otherhand has far greater implications, as seen in cases where a relationship has ended and the picture then distributed. Also, when did Wikipedia become a solid basis for journalistic evidence!?!

    "It certainly seems that the problem is taking on a life of its own and that while it may seem like a harmless activity among some young people, it has to be remembered that those convicted of sexting could end up becoming registered as a sex offender."

    Does this not seem a trifle excessive except in a few specific cases? Swapping some explicit images with a partner becomes a criminal offence that could end your life before you reach your twenties? Yes, if a 19 year old sends images to pre teens, then there is a problem, but a 16 and 18 year old? The couple could be less than 2 years apart in age, not a problem, and yet if the letter of the law is followed then a life destroying sentence is possible.

    In my opinion, sexting is just a way of using technology to satisfy something that has been around for thousands of years. Perhaps instead of alienating teenagers (and, yes, I am a teenager) with finger wagging, there should be greater education, and a far more level discussion, with views from both sides.

  • Comment number 8.

    Am I the only one who's dissapointed that mobile phones weren't around when I was a teenager?

  • Comment number 9.

    "Four per cent with a mobile phone have sent sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude images of themselves via text"

    Wow, and I thought we were all concerned that young people were losing the ability to write well. I can't begin to imagine how to describe a sexually explicit image of myself in words. Perhaps we mean MMS here guys. Let's try and keep up with the technology shall we :-)

  • Comment number 10.

    This is hilarious!

    First, there is actual proof that sending sexual messages via any form of long-distance messaging service has been going on since letters existed! And I'm willing to bet everything I own that pictures were being sent since photographs came about too! This, of course, is hardly surprising when you consider the fact that human beings have the natural urge for sex, and rightly so too or we'd all be dead!

    It raises the question, though... Why all the fear mongering and panic now? It seems to me that the media has just decided to make this the next big moral panic we must all be afraid of, simply because they always need something to blow way out of proportion, and the amount of hyperbole is this article is only further evidence of that.

    On a more serious point though, I think it's stupid that pictures of a 16 year old are classed as "child porn". At the age of 16, you can live on your own, get married, and even legally have sex... Surely I'm not the only one who thinks its stupid that, with all these rights, 16 year olds can't even take pictures of themselves?

    Also, I'm curious - because the article didn't make it clear - is 'sexting' between, say, two 16 year olds illegal, or is it only the fact it was distributed further than between those two people that made it illegal?

    And finally, I don't think telling teenagers to stop doing it will be any use whatsoever. Those things, especially when related to sex, and especially when targeting teenagers, are highly unlikely to have any effect at all. In fact, if anything, it will further encourage teenagers to do it more, because they love being rebellious.

  • Comment number 11.

    This is a social issue with little to do with the technology in use. Phones are the medium, but you could say the same sort of thing when the polaroid camera came out. As someone who came here for news about technology, I am left unsatisfied by an article about the activities of teenagers!

  • Comment number 12.

    it has to be remembered that those convicted of sexting could end up becoming registered as a sex offender

    The source of the harm here is not from sexting, it's from overzealous prosecutors, abetted by supine media coverage like this that refuses to give any critical thought to these peoples' PR puff.

  • Comment number 13.

    I was going to add lots of comments, but then found MacBookPro (comment 10) said almost everything for me:)

    Seriously, when I was a teenager, we indulged in the illicit exchange of what little pornography was available too. The only difference back then is that it was a lot harder to create images of oneself, as the technology wasn't around (pre-Polaroid, even). If it was, we'd have done this too. Raging hormones and sexual curiosity amongst teenagers is not news. Neither is the delight teenagers find in doing 'naughty' things. The only time this should be considered illegal or dangerous if teenagers are "sexting" between themselves and an adult: between themselves is just normal, harmless teenage fun. Get a grip (no pun intended).

  • Comment number 14.

    It's always been hilarious to me that you can look at a naked 16 year old girl, in fact have sex with one legally, yet if you look at a picture of her it's illegal.

  • Comment number 15.

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