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Tagged with: Chatham house

Posts (2)

  1. The Taliban debate

    Steve Bowbrick

    Head of Interactive, Radio 3

    UPDATE: the Taliban debate on Radio 4 has now finished and I've closed the live chat. The chat will be archived here permanently and we've lifted the seven-day limit on the radio debate so you'll be able to listen again whenever you like. If you listened, or took part in the online debate, pleas...

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  2. Has the Taliban Won in Afghanistan? Join the debate

    Steve Bowbrick

    Head of Interactive, Radio 3

    We'd like you to join tomorrow's Radio 4 debate about the outcome of the war in Afghanistan. Host Eddie Mair is heading over to Chatham House to record the programme after he's finished on PM this evening, for transmission at 2000 tomorrow. We'll be opening the discussion here on the blog half a...

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