
麻豆约拍 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Friday 6 August 2010

Sarah McDermott | 12:32 UK time, Friday, 6 August 2010

Tonight at 10.30pm on 麻豆约拍 Two we have an exclusive interview with Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari. We will ask him about his decision to visit the UK while his country is battling to deal with the aftermath of the worst floods in its history which have now affected 12 million people, and challenge him about claims that his country is soft on terrorism. .

The price of wheat has reach its highest in two years following a ban on all Russian grain exports after a severe drought devastated crops there. Naga Munchetty will be investigating what the implications of the ban will be for business and for consumers both in this country and abroad.

Join Gavin at 10.30pm on 麻豆约拍 Two.

From earlier:

Prime Minister David Cameron and President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan are trying to patch up their differences in formal talks at Chequers today.They will try to smooth tensions after the PM's recent comments that elements in Pakistan promoted terrorism.

President Zardari is also under intense pressure to show he can talk tough to the British prime minister and justify his absence from his country, at a time when devastating floods have caused a national tragedy.

Frank Gardner will be bringing us the latest on today's meetings.

Vladimir Putin has announced a ban on all Russian grain exports after a severe drought devastated crops and wildfires spread across the country.

The ban has caught traders and food producers by surprise and pushed the price of wheat to its highest in two years.

Naga Munchetty will be investigating what the implications are at home and abroad, for business and for consumers.

More details later.


  • Comment number 1.

    Again, no comment......

  • Comment number 2.

    On Zardari there seemed to be evidence today that the son was not attending the alleged launch event for his political career and was wanting to continue his studies.

    That said there is huge suffering in Pakistan and I can well see the argument that even if he could only be symbolically useful there perhaps he should have been.

    But if the failure to communicate and coordinate between the ISAF allies and Pakistan - especially in intelligence - is not improved we could lose the war and then where would Pakistan and those committed to democracy be?

  • Comment number 3.

    On the wheat front the freakish global weather has caused a lot of commodity price jumps and surely with climate change - as the science indicates and even the sceptics largely agree - we could well see a lot more of this in the future.

    There is rapidly growing human population and as some are lifted out of poverty - a very good thing - they will demand more.

    It would be a sticking plaster solution that did not address the underlying climate/resource/population issues but surely we should globally be looking at much larger reserves of staple products and possibly much stricter rules on hedge funds and suchlike cornering markets - as Mr. Cocoa did according to a NN report recently.

    We may get an inflationary spike that will add further uncertainty into the economic turbulence but at the end of the day it is life and death for those who depend on cheap staple foods.

  • Comment number 4.

    Barry Obama calls Black Americans "a mongrel people"

    Imagine the outcry from the Libs if a Republican had said that.

    You'd have to be a blind man without a dog to not see what Cameron was doing regarding his comments about Pakistan. If you like puzzles, see if you can link Camerons comments to the planned war with Iran.

  • Comment number 5.

    AlterNet claimed the group of Digg Patriots, whose political affiliations are described as "conservative", work to "censor" the prominence of articles "even slightly critical of the GOP/Tea Party/FoxNews/corporations".

    A posting said by AlterNet to be by the alleged founder of the Digg Patriots, "phoenixtx", reads:

    "The more liberal stories that were buried the better chance conservative stories have to get to the front page. I'll continue to bury their submissions until they change their ways and become conservatives."

    Gosh this sounds so familiar and yet so distant!

    Could other political groupings have considered this as a strategy?

    Think of the "road to hell" for those who endorse a multicultural society. Think of those who decry the "post war de-Nazification of Europe". Those who would replace democracy with National Socialism. Those who use labels like "anarchist and Trotskyite" and "running dog of the Jews" and of course the old faithful "useful idiot".

    The worry is not just about manipulation of the net as that has been with us for some time.

    It is more about those who would prey on the naive and try to promote racial conflict and create norms where they cannot exist using internet evidence to promote ludicrous conspiracy theories like the Holocaust being made up as an instance.

    Of course the "internet evidence" and references to science never make any war crimes court and no academy promotes the racial nonsense that these people promote.

    Science shows that genetic variation is greater within a race than between races and of course culture is entirely an environmental and not a genetic factor.

  • Comment number 6.

    (Ind) The asteroid 鈥 called 2002 NT7 鈥 was spotted only three weeks ago, but could strike on 1 February 2019, the US space agency Nasa said. Itis the first asteroid to rank positive on Nasa's Palermo scale, which combines the urgency of the object's threat with its potential effect. All other known objects have had negative values.
    Gerrit Verschuur, an astrophysicist and radio astronomer at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, said the impact would create a fireball so intense it would kill anyone who could see it, after which material thrown into the air would shower half the world with flaming debris. "It would be as if the sky itself had caught fire," he said.

    So no need to worry so much about the economy, population growth, climate change and so on?

    It never rains but it pours.

    On the other hand I quite enjoy the scientific puzzle programmes like Horizon that lead some scientists to observe the certainty that giant tsunamis and massive volcanic erruptions are inevitable.

  • Comment number 7.

    A New Jersey couple who gave their children Nazi-inspired names should not regain custody of them, a state appeals court ruled Thursday, citing the parents' own disabilities and the risk of serious injury to their children.

    The state removed Heath and Deborah Campbell's three small children from their home in January 2009.

    A month earlier, the family drew attention when a supermarket refused to decorate a birthday cake for their son, Adolf Hitler Campbell. He and siblings JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell have been in foster care.

    So anyways any comments from some of our gaggle of Newsnight posting goose steppers on what they called their children?

    Not Heimi or Ruben or maybe an Anne Frank?

  • Comment number 8.

    Should somebody write a book called "Understanding Sarah Palin"?

    I got the "only dead fish go with the flow" when she quit as Alaska governor. But then she announced she never would have done it with better advice.

    I got Hockey Moms but now we get Grizzly Bear Moms.

    So are Grizzly Bear Moms a more extreme version of Hockey Moms or are they competitors like Alien v Predator now Grizzly Bear Moms v Hockey Moms?

  • Comment number 9.


    Dave knows right from wrong - his magistrate mum taught him. He could put Michelle straight. Though now I come to think of it, Dave rather likes his word to be heard by those who come unto him (as unto Tony - we have got another one).

    There was never any doubt that Orator Obama had an appropriate wife for his style of leadership. "MAKE NO MISTAKE" it was never going to be humble. And talking of humility (before God) will Tony be dropping in? He was, after all, the first to visit BO on installation. (Though I suspect he was used - not for the first time - to fill that contentious position, and stop all the real heads of state squabbling.)

  • Comment number 10.

    Gango, I could set my watch to you. And you wrote yesterday:

    "Did you hit the beers first tonight K?"

    I don't drink beer and rarely drink alcohol Godno, sorry dude, you've got me wrong yet again. but I ain't no party pooper though, I can have a good time without alcohol. I did all my drinking when I was in my 20s.
    Today its green tea or water.

    Gongee also wrote:

    "Total consistancy"

    (Reader, do you fell like you've been here before? you know, like groundhog day)

    Anyhow Ganlog:
    Recently you said I modelled myself on Mike Tyson.

    And now you've got me down as a DJ.
    Playing blues yes, spinning discs no.
    When did I ever make a comment that I was a DJ?.
    Considering your willingness to trawl the archives of what other posters had once written 18months ago, your reseach is found wanting...that and poor memory recall going on there Nango me thinks. . But if you want to visulise me as a DJ in your minds eye, go right ahead if it helps. I suppose I'm gonna look like Nick Griffin sitting behind decks with headphones with a Nazi flag as a backdrop.
    Gabgo, whats it like seeing hitler and Griffin in the shadows and in your imagination 24/7 ....?.....it must be awful that.

    Newsnight could cover a story about swans. You could pick-up on this story, give your opinion and then link the BNP and Nick Griffin within the first paragraph. Then maybe throw-in something about a nazi bomber and Mark Collet wanting to kill his dear leader.
    Your very much a one-trick-pony - a very obsessed pony - if you take out your cut-n-pasted stuff from the Huffington post.

    Yeah well okey... to quote you Bango..Total consistancy.

    Modelled, is that the right spelling..is it? Modelled, modeled. which is it?

  • Comment number 11.

    Thought for the day for kevseywevsey .....

    I think some time back you commented on the BNP general election launch saying it "wasn't Nuremburg - yet!".

    With "the Griff" having announced he is standing do you suspect that many core voters of that spectrum would like to see a new leader introduce uniforms and pretty flags and pageants?

    Will "they" become more like their Hungarian counterparts and have processions and suchlike?


  • Comment number 12.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 13.

    People who assert that discrimination is bad, or who assert that everyone is the same, tacitly assert that education and science is without merit.

    Such people lack ability/education and tend to resent those who do have ability/education.

    What is the correct term for such people? Why does the 麻豆约拍 moderation system endorse such people? Is that not contrary to the 麻豆约拍 Charter?

  • Comment number 14.

    Bit slow out of the blocks on the wheat shortage story, are the producers too pompus to read the links posted on the blog ?

    67. At 11:08pm on 01 Aug 2010, you wrote:

  • Comment number 15.


    Is the answer 'RABBLE' tabblenabble?

  • Comment number 16.


    But says he will betray no confidences. There goes the truth.

  • Comment number 17.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 18.

    I suspect that the gangophone will attempt to portray that the Russian drought and resultant wild fires provide proof of " global warming ". Similarly, that Yasmin " nice brown person " was reviewing the papers and attempted to portray that the Pakistan floods were due to global warming, even though it had already been widely published that very similar floods happened 80 years ago. Here in my native north west England we have been suffering a severe drought until recently, the Leeds-Liverpool canal has been closed at the west side on the strength of it.

    The simple fact is our weather relies on the Jet Stream and its interaction with radiation from the sun, the fact that the north west of England has had little in the way of rain from deep depressions, probably also explains the drought in Russia. Whilst travelling Aussie by rail I encountered a sheep shearer from Winton in the Queensland outback. He had accidentally chopped his thumb off and was returning from hospital after they stitched it back on in Brisbane. We shared a sleeper compartment and he filled me in on what goes down in the outback. There had been a drought, but he said that was down to the fact that there had not been many tropical storms lashing the coast. At least not big enough to burst through the costal mountain range, he said that occasional light showers were worse than useless, just turned the remaining grass black.

    Russia would appear to be in a similar position to the Queensland outback, no big storms pushing through northern Europe. The current position of the Jet stream probably ensures that the winds continue to come from the hot south in Russia, yet ( apart from the south east ) the UK has had consistently lower than average temperatures. I suspect the " global warmists " will yet again attempt to portray that 2010 was the hottest year ever using their cherry picked temperature recording stations ?

  • Comment number 19.

    not up to date again, apologies to other posters on the same topic.

    the russian fires - i think that forest had been under demolition plans by the Moscow Govt, to create a road between moscow and an airport.

    the fires were apparently not fought by the full State apparatus - there was no general mobilisation to fight the fires, despite the loss of entire villages, and even military bases.

    now russia is playing the market in wheat and other commodities - driving the prices up just like when OPEC did in the 70s.

    how much *actual* grain has been destroyed as a % of Russia production? A quite vital question.

    btw, putin watched as the West looked away whilst his country went through hell, our populations entranced by corporate media whilst his population's life-span decreased by 10-20 years. He is not a 'fluffy-bunny' Leader with *our* best interests at heart.

    If we had a Govt worthy of that title, they would already be taking this lesson about agricultural-economic warfare to heart (as in it can be used against the UK, not that it has never been used before, the UK's 'elite' has its own blood-stained hands in that respect), and moving the UK towards a more sustainable agricultural model, so that we are *NOT* so reliant upon Global price effects.

    either in agricultural products themselves, or else oil shortages.

    hi all, hope its been a good week? :)

    pakistan needs *help*!!.

  • Comment number 20.

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  • Comment number 21.

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  • Comment number 22.

    "politics the only job in the world where it happens"

    and look at the result. credit crunch, bogus unwinnable wars, mass migration that destroys society cohesion as a solution to a ponzi pension scheme etc.

    no one in the modern world adopts that model of the 'Gentleman amateur' because it has proven to institutionalise incompetence that costs lives, wealth, jobs.

    if such a system was 'good' then everyone should be elected on a mass popular vote to high office including generals, judges, police chiefs, editors etc.

    there is no good in such a system. why is there no qualification in being an MP or being a minister? positions that have the power to wreck the lives of many and even wreck the country or other people's country? Children who pass a cycling test are more qualified than an MP has to be.

    such a parliament qualification should be a minimum for standing as an MP. Maybe then it will eliminate the deadbeats and remove some of the more basic and devastating errors that are inflicted upon the public that we constantly see coming out of government.

    the basic uk model of government is 'gentlemen amateurs' in the commons and a system of patronage in the lords topped off with with an anglican sect of hereditary role gamers called monarchy . what kind of model is that and so no wonder the uk is not just failing on all fronts but keeps on digging into the holes they have already made?

    the uk needs political reform to save the people from such a parasite of incompetence.

  • Comment number 23.

    notice the bread prices never fell back after the wheat price crashed back down. as the energy prices didn't and still haven't.

    people who do not take delivery of a commodity should not be allowed to trade it except in small size. all this is doing is transferring wealth from the poor to the few rich who pump billions into pushing the price up.

  • Comment number 24.


    Another telling post Jaunty. But, as I once characterised posting here: it is but 'shouting in a bucket'.

    The trouble with British indigenes is that we don't riot, and I am not sure that cheap, foreign, imported rioters would quite fill the vacancy.

    The Today Programme, this morning, was edging close to the realisation that WE HAVE GOT OURSELVES ANOTHER ONE. They discussed Dave's 'over confidence' etc, but did not register MEGALOMANIA.

    Nick'll fix it? Not a chance.

  • Comment number 25.

    I was disgusted to read that 拢1billion of licence fee payers money has been wasted to move studios to the north in the name of "diversity." The 拢1billion could easily have gone to better news services, new dramas etc. Pathetic.

  • Comment number 26.

    BE OF GOOD CHEER 76 (#25)

    As long as there is enough money left over for continuation of son-et-lumiere studios, and musack-backed (interminable) radio trails, we may all rejoice.

    Anyway - Paxo is the most costly single item - isn't he? (And all a girl needs.)

  • Comment number 27.

    :p Graham Norton gets 拢2million pa, and Jonathon Ross got much more (but do agree that jeremy is fab!).

  • Comment number 28.


    ..'shouting in a bucket'.

    my experience is different. people said that to me after 2/3 years campaigning on the old great debate board for the bbc archive to be open to the public [as the charter says it should be]. The 麻豆约拍 was making a nice earner from only allowing media professionals access. Despite having 300 staff there was no index of content. which was very handy as the bbc at the time said the archive is open to anyone who requests a specific item. How could you do that if you don't know what was in it? so effectively the archive was closed to the public. when dyke came in the archive was 'in the debate' and so he had to open it up.

    However the first thing the Thompson regime did was close the Great debate board. I then went to channel 4 boards where i exposed the chinese and israeli internet warfare teams. C4 boards then closed.

    good ideas are infectious and once people hear them articulated they cannot be destroyed and stick around in their minds to nag people. which is one reason why in a tyranny writers are the first up against the wall. Ignorance can only operate by maintaining a narrative that perpetuates the darkness. Look at the climate religion. They called people flat earthers, climate deniers etc for challenging their bogus logic.

    After studying the Lords hansard debates for many years the british way of dealing with 'troublemakers' is to pretend you don't exist in the hope you become dispirited. If you persist in mentioning a topic then its easy for them to call people 'extremist' or fanatic. whereas its the other way round. only an extremist perpetuates ignorance and the narrative of darkness.

    good ideas have a more beautiful architecture and the mind likes to dwell in beautiful constructs. One reason the taliban get converts is by appearing 'more beautiful' than the western architecture of ideas that they believe turns their sons into atheists and their daughters into sluts. Hard to disagree with them there. They should have studied the ottoman model to find the ideas that appeal to muslims rather than all the democracy ideas that the islamic world mainly see as dirty and unislamic. How Blair thought muslims would like the idea of gentlemen amateurs and patronage as a system of government shows the reckless disconnect and failure in strategic thinking which is the only conclusions the iraq inquiry can honestly come to imo.

    I have full confidence that those ideas that flow from taking the good as the highest idea of the mind have a quality that in time slays all challengers based on lesser principles. They have staying power.

    as we see from around the world the good society doesn't fall out the sky but is built brick by brick. Its a job for engineers and philosophical strategists. Any society that ignores those skills that maintain the internal cohesion and unity of things in time falls apart. Like afghanistan.

    Today both engineers and philosophy is deemed of little worth or even sneered at in the uk culture. It wasn't always like that. The uk used to be good at both. It can be again.

    i do not agree with just criticising people which is just negative can be monty pythonesque, but with inviting to and demonstrating a better starting point.

  • Comment number 29.

    Mongrels 鈥 or maybe Chameleons ?

    Obama noted "there's still a reptilian side of our brain" that leads people to not trust others "if somebody sounds different or looks different." So nature made us evolve as racist?

    I have an interest in the earlier thread on integration, having lived with several women of colour and now married to a Filipina for the past 17 years and with a teenage mixed-race daughter who is certainly not mixed up. Despite 11 years of C of E and Catholic schooling she is neither institutionalised nor brainwashed. She favours Cardinal Newman鈥檚 assertion of the supremacy of one鈥檚 conscience over one鈥檚 religion (but not over law as I hold!) and has declined her school鈥檚 offer to attend a Papal audience later this year when the Pope is expected to advance Newman鈥檚 elevation to sainthood, despite his challenge to 鈥榯he infallibility of the Pope鈥 and other alleged 鈥榮keletons in the closet.鈥

    For those who see a dissonance between my views on immigration and my lifestyle I would stress that the entry to UK of my present and previous partners was sponsored - by a native of England based on many generations of birth, English culture and contribution to the taxman, compared to the hordes who continue to settle here un-sponsored, un-invited, un-entitled, and at variance with our society鈥檚 culture, norms and beliefs, contributing strife. My previous partners would have added strife, whereas Filipinos are more attuned to our culture and integrate.

    On the broader issue of the many posts citing the inequalities of our society, I鈥檓 afraid my solutions would provoke cries of racism, human rights or fascism. How can we pretend to have a democracy in a country where extreme poverty and excesses of wealth and greed co-exist? The gulf has widened during my lifetime and with mass media we are all far more aware of everything that is happening. I鈥檓 grateful for the vigilance of the media for investigative reporting and whistle-blowing (Westminster and 麻豆约拍) although perhaps even some of this is for devious manipulative purposes?

    But with our tolerance, apathy, lethargy and complacency I don鈥檛 see any hope of radical action by the indigenous public. Perhaps we should demand an English National Day on which to establish a routine of mass protest and demonstrate people power based on the Tolpuddle Martyrs, gaining unity by membership in Trades Unions and associations, including retirees. The internet has informed yet introverted and fragmented us: thus providing a safety valve against any real action or protest.

    The only alternative I can see to the increasing mongrelisation (Balkanisation or ghettoisation) in which a wide range of different types lead different and separate lives, is for me to imitate the chameleon and keep adapting to my surroundings. But I鈥檓 in a neighbourhood populated mainly by foreign students and young single mothers with kids of various hues all of whom talk loudly in many languages (except properly enunciated English) and feel I must be the only one in this area paying full rate of Council Tax.

    I seek comfort in the fact that I no longer pay TV licence or bus fares and can still afford to attend events populated mainly by people who share my tastes and will soon emigrate to a more pastoral and 鈥榰ndeveloped鈥 environment.

  • Comment number 30.


    A most accurate description, your 'shouting in the bucket'. A blue bucket, to be precise with black bag.

  • Comment number 31.


    Apologies for my negativity. All I can say in mitigation is the pessimist who doesn't give up is, surely, the ultimate optimist?

  • Comment number 32.


    Good old BO. Is he winding up Icke?

    I think Obama has it all A about F. The lizard is predictable, the dopey Cerebrum invents religions and WMD. Then it puts the two together . . .

    OB should stick to vacuous oratory - sofa wisdom doesn't work.

  • Comment number 33.

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  • Comment number 34.

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  • Comment number 35.

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  • Comment number 36.

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  • Comment number 37.

    A pity politicians don't get the message the public are shouting from the rooftops!

  • Comment number 38.


    But nothing new. Even the few voices that have spoken out in Westminster, over time, only did so after YEARS of connivance at its disgraceful ethos.

    MPs are inappropriately selected, qualified and motivated, for a job so nuanced, and demanding of acumen. No one of true integrity and HONOUR would last very long in that feudal palace, without denouncing the whole charade. That 'up with it they WILL put', defines their unsuitability for such work.

    Britain is going mad, but our politicians only know how to play games. As for Dave - just watch, as his behaviour becomes more imperious. We have got ourselves ANOTHER ONE.

    How ironic that, as we went into the election, Nick could have made INTEGRITY his watchword. Instead, he defaulted to IGNOMINY. On current form, this will end badly.

  • Comment number 39.


    Where others hold opinions Dave KNOWS! "Let them drink milk"



  • Comment number 40.

    More challenges tomorrow? What are you going to dish out, you bloggers and politicians? In any case I'm looking forward to Paxo dishing out the questions to students. It's probably been recorded by now.


  • Comment number 41.

    #37 liz
    鈥淎 pity politicians don't get the message the public are shouting from the rooftops!鈥

    Unfortunately most people are at best just grumbling from their armchairs and some via blogs. I doubt whether most politicians read the Daily Mail, or the Daily Telegraph as they prefer to bury bad news, and I have yet to hear any politician or the media quote from our NN blogs.

    #38 barrie 鈥淓ven the few voices that have spoken out in Westminster, over time, only did so after YEARS of connivance at its disgraceful ethos鈥

    The investigation and 鈥榮peaking out鈥 was done by a very persistent American lass 鈥 we English 鈥榙on鈥檛 like making a scene鈥

    Whilst I accept your comments that letters to politicians only receive put-off responses, as I have experienced, if we were as persistent in writing and e-mailing MPs as we are in blogging to each other, then we might achieve a critical mass.

    The 鈥楤ig Society鈥 seems another gimmick, and we should press for a more radical reform of the electoral system than the half-hearted promise of a referendum on AV (or whatever) that is being challenged by most MPs and will not give us any more say over our lives.

    Our proud boast as 鈥楳other of Parliaments鈥 shows how far even our 鈥榬epresentative democracy鈥 has fallen behind others with more 鈥榙irect democracies鈥:-

    Such as Switzerland, which provides for citizens to call constitutional and legislative referenda and challenge laws passed by the legislature:

    or New Zealand, which provides for a separate vote for indigenous voters.

    Let鈥檚 keep telling our MPs that we want a radical overhaul of the electoral process, including some positive discrimination in favour of those who have contributed most to our 鈥楤ig Society鈥

  • Comment number 42.

    #41 indignant "indigenous"

    "I doubt whether most politicians read the Daily Mail, or the Daily Telegraph as they prefer to bury bad news, and I have yet to hear any politician or the media quote from our NN blogs."

    Well given that there is not a uniform voice that's not a surprise and given some of the posters sadly indirectly support the views of those like the National Socialist jaded_jean and so on with Holocaust Denial and race "realism", slights against gays, calls for the end of democracy that's hardly a surprise. But that sort of things never raises any concerns for you does it.

    When it comes to a more objective and genuine expression of views like a general election then the views of those on here are peripheral.

    The English Defence League get quite busy and try to create headlines but its not that hard to work out their objectives and rationale and probable allegiances.

    Its quite interesting that you are concerned about the Mail and Torygraph - and I am sure they are not delighted.

  • Comment number 43.

    #37 ecolizzy

    "A pity politicians don't get the message the public are shouting from the rooftops!"

    Its a pity that you mentioned in the past that on race and immigration you were swayed by the "mighty intellect" of the far right construct jaded_jean who was an avowed National Socialist but you don't always point that out.

    Do you yourself lament the "de-Nazification of post war Europe" for instance?

  • Comment number 44.

    #41 indignatindegene

    "#38 barrie 鈥淓ven the few voices that have spoken out in Westminster, over time, only did so after YEARS of connivance at its disgraceful ethos鈥

    The investigation and 鈥榮peaking out鈥 was done by a very persistent American lass 鈥 we English 鈥榙on鈥檛 like making a scene鈥 "

    So anyways Bazzer, the old pal of National Socialist jaded_jean (he bows to jaded_jean on all things "genetic") who wanted shot of democracy, continues in his daily weather vein that does not reflect the weather but a very, very particular point of view.

    But most of the public are quite happy with a multicultural society as is shown by general election results and the politicians can be replaced if they don't perform.

    So that's a lot better than National Socialist tyranny.

    Its also worth remembering that the American lass probably quite likes democracy and her country along with hours committed quite a lot of gold and blood to defeat those odious Nazis that some on here actually like.

    I am English and believe me when I make a scene I do a full on job.

  • Comment number 45.

    #38 barriesingelton

    "How ironic that, as we went into the election, Nick could have made INTEGRITY his watchword. Instead, he defaulted to IGNOMINY. On current form, this will end badly."

    I can't remember where we are in your charades game - do you mean Griffin or Clegg?

    Others may read between the lines as they will.

  • Comment number 46.

    41. At 3:40pm on 08 Aug 2010, indignantindegene wrote:
    #37 liz
    鈥淎 pity politicians don't get the message the public are shouting from the rooftops!鈥

    The previous attempt got blocked but the other day, as NN records will show, referred to the previous posts of the self avowedly National Socialist jaded_jean on immigration and race. The races are different - though science does not agree with this and it is not as others suggest then a matter of conscience it is a fact that science does NOT substantiate those views. Genetic variation is greater within a race than between races and culture is environmental.

    So my general point is that just as the same sad few will shout "so many agree with us" I and many millions will shout back "No they don't".

    The public in fact at the last general election showed that they definitively do NOT agree with the kind of views espoused here by some.

    So though the some of the racially inclined people who post on here are not, for instance, the BNP it can be said that their views are similar and the BNP lost council seats and did not win a Parliamentary seat at the general election.

  • Comment number 47.

    #33-36 corrupt_麻豆约拍programmers-Doom_UK

    A wild guess would be that you do not belong to the democratic tradition our country is famous for and may be another login id for factions best associated with those that fought against democracy circa 1939-45?

    That is total speculation of course and is possibly unreasonable - but then again having spent some time on here I get to know the ways of those who verge towards what most would call the far right and they, or some of them, may prefer to refer to the far left as Hitler basically stole of some Lenin's clothes.

    The moderator I think uses an odds and evens rationale for whatever thought to ban at times rather than a consistent model.

  • Comment number 48.

    #29 indignantindegene

    "On the broader issue of the many posts citing the inequalities of our society, I鈥檓 afraid my solutions would provoke cries of racism, human rights or fascism. How can we pretend to have a democracy in a country where extreme poverty and excesses of wealth and greed co-exist?"

    Well when you don't see fit to put distance between you and those who post on here, and have posted on here, and who openly and explicitly say they were National Socialist that idea would crop up wouldn't it.

  • Comment number 49.


    You are one of a handful of posters whose views I consider carefully IDG2. However I think my title holds up against scrutiny.

    The Westminster Monster, in its Royal Palace, is dug into the iconic Thames wall and underpinned by monarchy. Under its aegis, party politics thrive in an atmosphere of unconsidered acceptance by the public. "It is democracy, presided over by the Mother of Parliaments." Parties strive for maximum power - absolute power if possible. They will BUY power with any money they can gather, however dirty, and by any lie they can finance, and get away with. The watchdog agencies of Parliament, and wider Britain, ARE NOT CONCERNED with political lies - not a lot of people know that. I have made it my business to find out.

    Westminster-compatible parties, SCREEN candidates for General Elections, then pass them to the constituencies for second-order selection. All candidates are, by inference, Westminster Creatures, even before being voted for, on party lines, by the punters. This ensures the monolithic nature of the Westminster Ethos, and secondary - even tertiary - 'loyalty' of MPs to their constituents. It explains why - to date, I have had no response FROM ANY PARTY or MP*, to my Conservative 'liar flyer' challenge. Their silence is due to their first allegiance to WESTMINSTER and its utterly disgraceful continuance - to our detriment.

    The above is what makes me so pessimistic about making any advance in the integrity of British governance. To approach an MP, is really to approach 'Westminster', and Westminster is a Monster that holds us collectively, and individually, IN CONTEMPT. We are tiresome ants.

    * My local MP has openly mocked me. He knows he is backed by The Monster.

  • Comment number 50.

    #29 indignantindegene (indignant indigenous)

    "I have an interest in the earlier thread on integration, having lived with several women of colour and now married to a Filipina for the past 17 years and with a teenage mixed-race daughter who is certainly not mixed up. Despite 11 years of C of E and Catholic schooling she is neither institutionalised nor brainwashed. She favours Cardinal Newman鈥檚 assertion of the supremacy of one鈥檚 conscience over one鈥檚 religion (but not over law as I hold!)"

    Yes ... earlier posts said you were engaged to a Zimbabwean and it did not work out because of "culture".

    So the culture of a Zimbabwean did not work out but you married a Filipina and therefore that does work?

    When you spoke before of conscience when it comes to distinguishing between the races - as you said such differences could not be proven in science, and are therefore unproven and idle speculation - you neglected to mention that you presumably mention that to your daughter?

    I doubt that this will make it past the the moderator but I just do not believe a word that you say on any level.

  • Comment number 51.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 52.

    50 years and the indigenous Britain won't exist...

  • Comment number 53.


    Hi Liz. Unless the Earth has changed its spots (or, perhaps, the Sun) we shall, in time, enter another period of planetary turbulence.

    During such periods, subsistence rules and travel is ruled out. Colours and cultures will re-establish to suit latitudes and locations. Nature will rule supreme - again.

    Come the next 'quiet' period, should man survive at all, the whole awful mess can be repeated!

  • Comment number 54.


    Roderick V.Louis , Vancouver , BC ,Canada.


    I presume the moderators will not allow you to voice your opinions on the UK Strategic Defence Review, which I would consider to be a shame, as your previously allowed posts have been very informative on the issue.

    May I suggest, you may find a opportunity at to be vocal on defence issues, as they do have defence related threads, from time to time, and I am sure people would be very interested in any alternative options on this topic, specially on defence procurement.

    All the best.

  • Comment number 55.

    For your enlightenment, my posts were responding to barrie鈥檚 #61 @ 12:50pm on 06 Aug 2010, who wrote:-
    鈥淭o do the 'thought experiment' of being an infant of one colour, with parents/carers of assorted colours, is pretty daunting - to my mind. Mixed marriage is, perhaps, a step backward requiring offspring to take on a considerable task of adjustment - at what mental cost? 鈥

    Your contribution: 鈥淵es ... earlier posts said you were engaged to a Zimbabwean and it did not work out because of "culture". So the culture of a Zimbabwean did not work out but you married a Filipina and therefore that does work?鈥

    As usual, this is totally meaningless and irrelevant to the topic.
    However, you might care to amend my entry in your 鈥楲ittle Black Book of Facts and Fascists鈥 as I have NEVER been engaged to a Zimbabwean. Please note that it was a Zambian who was once the love of my life; and Yes, there are differences in culture, between people, although you probably masquerade as one who 鈥榙oes not see colour鈥 or maybe we all look alike to you? Maybe we will end up that way in UK.

    Your next phrase鈥.
    鈥淲hen you spoke before of conscience when it comes to distinguishing between the races - as you said such differences could not be proven in science, and are therefore unproven and idle speculation - you neglected to mention that you presumably mention that to your daughter?鈥

    ...is equally meaningless and irrelevant. You are beginning to ramble and, once again, put words in my mouth 鈥 that鈥檚 very unhygienic.

    Please refrain from your absurd comments on serious posts between those with more than a ganglion of one. I鈥檓 being deliberately hostile as your next comments were deliberately insulting:-

    鈥淚 doubt that this will make it past the the moderator but I just do not believe a word that you say on any level.鈥 And:
    鈥淣ewsnight, seriously here even if the comment does not make it, should the local council be alerted and should the child be taken into care. That is a serious thought though frankly I DON'T think the child exists.鈥

    I did in fact 鈥楥omplain about this comment鈥 - but it seems that such personal and totally unjustified insults are not against House Rules!

    I鈥檝e no intention of sinking to your gutter level, so will not be responding to any more of your empty phrases and will be pleased if you will refrain from commenting on mine

  • Comment number 56.

    #55 Yes indignantindegene I find this remark by gango (51) particularly insulting to you...

    Newsnight, seriously here even if the comment does not make it, should the local council be alerted and should the child be taken into care.

    That is a serious thought though frankly I DON'T think the child exists.

    To suggest that you are not a fit parent, and your daughter ought to be taken into care is slanderous in my opinion. How dare this person say such a thing, that person is extremely rude. I am truely amazed at the moderators allowing many of it's posts, they are repetitive, and often completely off topic. I haven't noticed NN or many people on this blog mention Hitler, Nick Griffin or the BNP, and yet this person constantly does, how is that relevant to what is discussed on this blog.

    p.s. I've taken your advice and written to my MP ; )

  • Comment number 57.


    IDG2 you surpass yourself! I could hardly keyboard for laughing! That is droll to the power of 'n' where 'n' is a very large number indeed.

    I can die happy. (:o)

  • Comment number 58.

    #56 Thanks liz. I suppose he is to be pitied, as we don't know what tribulations or delusions he must be enduring to come up such utter rubbish.

    I'm sure we have all been blocked for far less. I'm now blogging on a range of sites in order to get the English message across to a wider audience, including the one mentioned at #54 by steve-london:

    My MP is now getting a regular ear-bashing too.

  • Comment number 59.

    One one level, this is a completely green car, yet on the other...

    if you hate the smell of exhaust fumes, then.......

  • Comment number 60.

    "NUKES FOR 2018" - HUHNE

    Well, you can't trust renewables can you. Have you seen all those windmills not turning?

    And that MOON (driving the tides) RHYMES WITH HOON! Totally unreliable.

    Nukes it is then. Thank goodness we have our own (secure supply) Uranium mines - or was that Treacle?

    Oh - it's all going coalitionally well.

  • Comment number 61.


    Huhne - Hoon - gloom and duhme.

  • Comment number 62.

    #58 Hi Indi, the birthrate article threw me over the edge, that's why I wrote to my MP. It's incredible, why is genocide being practised on us in this underhand and secret way. Yes I spotted Steve-London link, I'm reading that now. Whenever I've heard Tim Montgomerie talking he seems to make an awful lot of common sense.

  • Comment number 63.

    And Cameron wants Turkey to join the EU?

  • Comment number 64.


    The EU is made up of Turkeys.

  • Comment number 65.

    I saw a line crossing the sky,
    It seemed to be touching the sun.
    I'm pondering now about the passengers and the plane crew,
    Wondering what they're going to do.
    Will the workers get a good rest
    And how many children might they all have?
    How about the travellers? What are the answers?
    What are the reasons for them to fly?
    Perhaps one of them might be a spy?
    Or maybe 2, or maybe 3?
    What they're hoping to get for fee?

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