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Links; Instagram video, Connected Studio, iWonder

Nick Reynolds

Assistant Editor

Here's some useful information from the past couple of weeks which you may have missed.

, reports Media Guardian:

"On 16 January, a new short-form video news service delivered to Instagram users. The project is a month-long experiment, with three 15-second videos uploaded a day, intended to serve as a roundup of the day's news...

...The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ is not the first to be testing the value of social media platforms for video news reporting. NowThis News specialises in short-form visuals for social networks including Facebook, Vine, Twitter and Snapchat. It has created Instagram videos in this format since 2012, the same year the site launched..."

Delegates at the Connected Studio event in Shoreditch, London this week

has been busy. The News Archive Connected Studio this weekΜύwas extensivelyby participants in London and Belfast. The image above .

The Guardian also reports on this Connected StudioΜύproject to find easy ways to help children log in ):

"Think through all the competencies required to log in to a website. Not only do you have to be able to read and write – in an age of touchscreen computing, not at all something which can be assumed of everyone online – but you also usually need an email address, and frequently a Twitter or Facebook account as well. You must remember a password and type it with no visible feedback other than the number of characters written. And you have to keep that information secret, no matter how proud you are of it...

...Given how many adults fail at those simple tasks, it's a bit much to expect it of the under-10s."

The Connected Studio team issued a You can follow them on Twitter at

The launch of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ iWonder was well recieved (seeon Creative Review's article, althoughΜύTech Digest ran it through aΜύ""). Andrew Pipes is still open for your comments. Tim Plyming

From the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D blog:

From the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Responsive News blog:

From Guardian Tech:

From The Daily Mail:

Finally, the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Internet blog's twitter account passed the ten thousand follower mark this week. If you follow us on twitter, thanks.

Nick Reynolds is Editor, Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Internet blog


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