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Building a WebAssembly Runtime for Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ iPlayer and enhanced audience experiences

Juliette Carter

Research Engineer, Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D

At Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Research & Development, we are investigating how we evolve our current multimedia applications to move beyond video by using object-based media (OBM). OBM allows us to develop future audience experiences which are immersive, interactive and personalised.

There is an ever-increasing number and range of audience devices capable of playing back OBM experiences. The challenge we now face is universal access - How can we get all members of the audience to enjoy OBM experiences on any device, and how do we do this sustainably and at minimal cost?

Our Render Engine Broadcasting (REB) project is investigating new technologies that will allow the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ to deliver these OBM experiences at scale to all of our audiences, no matter what device they use. Our ultimate goal is to deliver real-time and fully rendered experiences on any device or platform and write the software to do it only once. We have been investigating the use of WebAssembly as a cross-platform technology for this.

What is WebAssembly?

(wasm) is a Universal Binary format designed as a sandboxed environment and a portable compilation target, which means that the same wasm module can run securely on multiple platforms. A number of strongly typed languages such as C/C++, Rust or AssemblyScript can compile to WebAssembly, making it language agnostic. This makes it an attractive option for adoption in the industry as it enables developers to use languages they already know to produce wasm binaries.

When WebAssembly was first developed a few years ago, its target platform was the web. The aim was to compile fast and efficient system-level code and have it run in the browser. Compute intensive applications, such as real-time interactive rendered graphics, could be run in a web browser at near-native performance. This also enabled some native applications to be ported to the web, increasing their reach and usage. These include , which renders 3D representations of satellite image in the browser, and , which now offers a WebApp to create and edit CAD drawings.

In the last couple of years, WebAssembly outside of the browser has been gaining traction. A number of native wasm runtimes have been developed, which has enabled the use of WebAssembly for microservices and server applications. In 2018, the website security company announced the use of WebAssembly on their edge workers, allowing users to deploy secure and fast serverless code compiled to wasm. And the edge cloud platform provider  offers new wasm-based edge computation using their native runtime Lucet.

The portability of WebAssembly across multiple platforms and its security model are the key reasons for Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D’s interest in using this technology as a compilation target for media experiences. As a public service broadcaster, we need to deliver value to all of our audiences, regardless of the device they use. Where traditionally, a codebase for each target platform and a different team to maintain each codebase would be required, the use of WebAssembly potentially allows for a much more sustainable developer ecosystem. It enables media software applications to be created once, from a single codebase, compiled to WebAssembly and deployed on any client or server platform depending on the capabilities required. It also offers numerous advantages compared to previous multimedia or cross-platform technologies (such as Flash or Java Runtime Environment). Indeed, it is language agnostic, security-focused, has predictable performance, and works inside and outside the browser. WebAssembly is also an open standard, which encourages its adoption.

How have we used WebAssembly?

We wanted to demonstrate how we could use WebAssembly to deliver media experiences that can run on many target platforms built from a single codebase. To do that, we implemented an example media application written in C++, which we compile to WebAssembly, giving us a wasm module. We designed this application to look like a version of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ iPlayer, allowing users to select content, watch video programmes, AND play OBM experiences. We call this application the Single Service Player (SSP).

An example of how object-based media experiences could appear within Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ iPlayer.

To run our SSP wasm module, we needed a wasm runtime. The SSP makes use of some low-level media functionality, which isn’t scoped by the WebAssembly specification. To enable wasm modules to make use of these low-level multimedia capabilities, they need to be implemented in the runtime and made available to the wasm module through a set of imports. Examples of such capabilities include:

  • Windowing and rendering — In most cases, a multimedia application will have some graphical elements to it, which requires things to be drawn in a window (such as video frames or a UI screen).
  • User inputs — An interactive multimedia experience expects user inputs, such as keyboard or mouse events.
  • Media encoding and decoding — To efficiently encode and decode media (such as video frames or audio packets), it is preferable to use the host’s hardware resources where possible.

As there is currently no WebAssembly runtime that offers these media capabilities, we've decided to create our own.

There are already some efforts in specifying ways a wasm module can talk to the host. proposes a set of standardised POSIX-like syscalls (the programmatic way in which a computer programme communicates with the host system) for libc functionality, mainly file handling and networking. These are called from the wasm module and implemented in the runtime.

We decided to use a similar approach to allow our SSP wasm module to communicate with the host, enabling it to have access to low-level media functionality. This involved identifying all the platform-specific media capabilities that could not be compiled to wasm and implementing them in the runtime. These capabilities were then made accessible to the wasm module through a set of platform-independent syscalls passed as imports.

This figure illustrates the whole process, from writing a media experience as software (such as the SSP) to running it as a wasm module on any device. The steps are detailed below.

The first step was to design the multimedia sys-call API behind which we would implement our cross-platform multimedia capabilities in the runtime. It needed careful consideration to ensure it was thread-safe and honoured the wasm security requirements around memory access. In the figure above, we use reb_decode_video() as an example syscall, which our SSP application can use to access low-level multimedia functionality, such as utilising the system’s hardware for video decoding.

Our SSP code was compiled to wasm using the clang compiler and the wasi-sdk toolchain, and the required syscalls are added as imports to the wasm module.

We then built the multimedia wasm runtime, consisting of two parts. The first one is the execution environment for wasm modules, which allows us to load and run a wasm module. For this, we embedded , a project based on , which generates the machine code for the target platform from the wasm binary.

The second part of our runtime is the implementation of the low-level multimedia functionality. For this, we created a cross-platform C++ library with input detection, networking, windowing, graphical rendering, and media decoding, which sits behind our carefully designed syscall APIs. We compiled our library for several target platforms, such as Linux, macOS, Windows, Raspberry Pi and Android. We also wrote some glue code to connect the two parts.

Where do we go from here?

A wasm runtime capable of executing multimedia applications opens a lot of possibilities, principally around flexible compute. Flexible compute allows us to run computationally demanding applications by dividing up the workload between available resources. These resources could be located locally (a laptop, games console or phone in your house), in the edge, or the cloud.

As we move towards delivering fully rendered real-time interactive experiences, the flexible compute approach becomes an attractive solution to the computational demands of such applications. We could, for example, consider segmenting a rendered frame into several tiles or objects, each of those rendered on a separate available compute resource. Many systems approach this problem by running specific compute tasks in containers across the available devices and platforms. We hope to use our work and accrued knowledge in developing the wasm multimedia runtime to investigate a viable alternative to the container approach for distributed media applications. We are looking into using wasm modules to perform secure and fast computation on any remote compute nodes.

Our runtime, capable of performing media services such as rendering and decoding or encoding of rendered video frames, can be used to display the final experience to the user on a client device and to execute the remote computational tasks as wasm modules. Using WebAssembly combined with a flexible compute approach, we hope to develop technology that allows the audience to access any future experience, regardless of their devices at home.

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