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Ooh my goodness me...

Chris Evans | 11:20 UK time, Wednesday, 23 May 2012

I'm already as pink as an embarrassed pink thing and my skin hasn't yet been exposed to today's sun - the hottest of the year thus far. Is the heat good for bringing on the baby fast-track, does anyone know ?

Off home to spray on the factor 50 as a day outdoors is scheduled till five - ish. Shades, a very large brimmed hat and as many shadows as I can hide in is my plan for the afternoon. After that, Pimms with Tash and another spicy curry. Baby has to be out in time for The Monaco Grand Prix. Wouldn't want him to miss that for the world.

Peace and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    Chris, Baby will come when he's good and ready and not before!

    One of the miracles of this life that, with all the things we can do, we can't know this one just yet!

    Bet Tash wishes we could though!

    Take care today, stay in the shade and make sure the One Show Make Up Ladies have ordered extra cover-up for Friday Sounds like they're going to need it!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Aye up!

    I'm loving this sunshine! When I took The Woofster for his early morning walk it was t-shirt weather: jsut after 7am! Fantastic ...... And it's lovely working from home with the back door and windows open. Much nicer than being stuck in an office with grumpy people!

    We're hoping the sun lasts - we're having a cheeky day out on Friday which was all booked very last minute yesterday. And a BBQ planned for Saturday possibly, other plans depending. It'll be so nice to get the garden furniture out of the garage and dust it down for another few weeks.

    Good luck with the curry plans Chris, but like Sezza says, when he's ready, he'll make an appearance!

    Muchos Amore,


  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris: look after yourself in that sun, sweetheart! And, Sezza, of course is right, Master Evans No.2 will arrive when he is good and ready! xx

    Sezza: sounds like you are having a bit of a day! Like you, I am looking forward to pay day ... seems like a long time since the last one!

    Heading out for another wee walk shortly - I don't know what's come over me, I am normally quite lazy at lunchtimes!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Cheryl: you appeared as I was posting mine. Oooh, how lovely to be at home on a day such as this! Hope the weather holds out for you for tomorrow and the weekend. I don't want to look at our weather forecast, in case I see somthing I don't like!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Chrissie - I've had a sneaky look at where we're going on Friday and it's due to be 22 Degrees and sunny.

    That'll do nicely!

    Enjoy your walk, and I hope your "wee" walk differs from Randall's "wee" walk ..... ;-)

    x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    There's no factor 50 required here on the Wirral peninsula today Chris as the sun has disappeared, I hope it comes back out soon.

    I've no idea if the heat is good for bringing baby No 2 faster. My son arrived on time in January when there was snow on the ground but he was induced (do they still do that?)

    Chrissie-I aquired Paul O'Grady's signed photograph when I wrote to his show (the funny bit where he read out the letters). I received an apology for it not being read but he got thousands and was sent the signed photo of himself & Buster.

    It was Bingo who saw Ricky Tomlinson on the London to Liverpool train. He was playing cards with a man (maybe his manager) so Bingo asked for his autograph. He replied 'autograph my ar*e'. No he didn't, I made that bit up LOL. He said of course and gave him a signed photograph. Bingo gave it to me to add to my collection.

    MM xxx

    The loveliest autograph I've seen is little Noah's when he signed Chris's book at the CIN for Bingo.

  • Comment number 7.

    hello lovelies of the blog

    I was out poochie walking at 6.30am and it was 15 degrees & beautiful! I took her yesterday afternoon at her normal time of 4.30pm but it was far too hot & she really struggled. I think this evening we will go out at about 6.30pm.

    My youngest Maddie is very fair and come home with very pink nose & cheeks bless her! I have plastered her with sun cream this morning.

    Our office is soooooooooooooooo warm I am nearly asleep! I also have a wind swept look as I have three fans on full blast to keep me cool/awake!!!

    Hello deevs, seeza, maddy & chrissie

    Come on baby E - curry & other bedroom things I have heard may encourge the process - I personally was too posh to push and ended up having cesearian sections both times (on medical grounds actually!)

    A tout a l'heure mes amies


  • Comment number 8.


    The sun is shining here - hip hip hooray and it's a bit hot too! I had to go into town to pay some money in and it was warm. Unfortunately the warm weather brings out the people who really shouldn't be bearing their flesh in public, it's enough to put one off one's lunch ;)

    Chris, I am no expert, but I don't think it's wise for Tash to eat two many curries! When it comes to pushing Baby Evans out, she may push out a bit more than she bargained for (if you get my drift) and that won't be pleasant for you, her or the midwife! I don't speak from experience but it's what I've heard from someone who does and kind of regrets eating curry to move the baby along.

    As has been said the baby will come when's he's good and ready.

    I've been caught on the hop with this sunny weather and all my summer clothes are still packed away - guess what I'll be doing this weekend!

    Dissing and Sal were talking about cider on the other side, I might just have to invest in a few bottles this weekend, never tried it before. I did have my first P**m's of the summer last night.

    Hello to Sezza, Deevs, Chrissie, Maddie and Cathmel and anyone who's popped in while I've been tying this.


  • Comment number 9.


    I shouldn't think that eating the curries will make any difference. From my experience they give you something to clear you out anyway and then send you for a hot bath. I'll never forget having to make a quick dash from the bathroom to the toilet and hoping that nobody was about.

    The same thing happens when you give the baby his/her first bath.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon all,

    Chris, there will be many more F1 GP's where as Baby E will only ever make the one entrance into this world. Whenever that is, it will be well worth waiting for. ;-) May 28th is a good date, as per my tweet, my daughter was born on that day in 1990!

    Don't get me started on the sun cream! I have survived two encounters with Malignant Melanomas, caused (they tell me) by over exposure to the sun. You must believe me my friend, slap that cream on! Better safe than sorry.......

    All this talk of curry has made me rather peckish! :-)

    Off to collect my car from the garage later, another big bill to face! :-(

    Still on the bright side I have posted on the blog three days in a row! Result!!

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon all

    CLP when our GD was born in July 2006 she chose the hottest day of the year on which to appear! There were plenty of pink faces that day for sure.

    I'm with the others on here, don't go hurrying too much, I'm sure young Evans will appear when he's ready and if that means after the GP then so be it!

    Hope the car bill isn't too bad Keith and nice to 'see' you.



  • Comment number 12.

    me again:

    Cheryl: I must say, I am not looking forward to the day when the word "wee" may mean something else for me!

    Maddy: how lovely of Paul to arrange for a photograph to be sent to you. Yes, I know, it was probably his "office" who dealt with this, but I think it's impressive, all the same - and just reflects how down to earth he is. Loved your joke about Ricky - I could just picture him saying that! Oooh, I bet Bingo treasures that autograph from Noah!

    Cathmel: hiya - I did mean to say hello to you the other day, too.

    AliB: I'm the same - all my summer clothes are hiding somewhere, so I am tending to wear the same things quite a lot. Enjoy your cider at the weekend - years since I had a cider!

    Keith: just a nightmare with the bill for the car, I'm sure! With all due respect to car mechanics ... why are the bills almost always beyond belief?!

    Andy: hi to you, nice to see you here the last couple of days.

    MrS has called me to say that he will meet me off the train this evening - we are heading for the beer garden in our local pub. I will be good, it is a school night after all, but I certainly do fancy a glass of something cool!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Hope Chris managed to keep out of the sun today - it was lovely this afternoon!

    Chrissie, I would have liked a drink in a beer garden! Mr Sezza has gone out. I have been doing the taxi runs!

    Ummm! Must rectify this soon!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Evening Greetings Ter CLP, Tash, Noah, The One About Ter Drop & ALL Blog Operatatives...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    Soz ave noot blogged for a while but ave been upter me neck in it rebuilding me bathroom and bedroom number 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CLP - WHATTA COINCIDENCE yer next arrival is due ter arrive at the same time of my favourite and the greatest GP of any GP season.... The Monaco GP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A fully agree it will be most nice if 'e arrives before the race starts.... BUT if 'e does not.... look at it this way.... Either way the dude is going ter 'ave subsequent birthdee's falling on the EXACT same dee as the Monaco GP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Which brings me ter names: >>> Surely yer should name 'im after the Monaco GP.... Maybe one of the corners......
    The first corner: 'Sainte Devote' - Notta good name.... more it's yersen and Tash who will devoted to 'im like saints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ok next corner - 'Beau Rivage' - Noot good.... Sure ter provoke bullying at school!!!!!!
    Ok next corner of the Manco race circuit.... or if yer french.... curcwuit - 'Massenet - Noot good also!!!!!
    Next corner - 'Casino'.... The most famous bit perhaps of the gig.... But could lead ter a gambling addiction.... Next....
    'Mirabeau' - Could be mistook for Malibu and lead ter an achohol addiction.... Also noot good.... Next...
    'Loews'.... Next....
    'Portier'..... A think this is going nowhere.... Abit like the racing cars going around in circles..... Fast forward ter the last corner 'La Rascasse'..... Ok could be appropriate if 'e turns out ter be a 'andful aka a 'La Rascal!!!!!!!'

    But again noot good..... Then it 'it me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where is the Monaco GP...... Monte Carlo..... 'ow about calling 'im 'CARLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

    Or Carlos bit like Carlos Sainz one of the greatest world champion rally drivers..... Either way Carlo Evans or Carlos Evans..... Sure ter look good both at school and in later years with the ladies...... AND a VERy good name when 'e inherits all those Ferraris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Glad ter 'elp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    PS ALL - Just wanted ter bring ter yer attention a new singer who a think is gonna be a star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yer may remember a predicted on this very blog Jessie J and Emile Sande were gonna become 'ouse'old names..... Probably before yer knew of them..... A remeber writing if yer don't know who they are now yer will do soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Another female singer 'as 'it me whilst watching Jools 'olland and WHATTA COINCIDENCE straight in at the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ TOP40 number one this week..... 'er name: Rota Ora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A was watching Jools 'olland while doing other things.... Then soon as a 'eard this tune.... a stopped what a was doing ter watch and take it all in..... She 'as the looks, the voice, the individual style/ slight madness that all the big stars 'ave..... and great song writing ability!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A love this song they way the lyrics strongly goes 'ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!!!!'.... Then it breaks into a 'eavy percussion and keyboards together..... BRILLIANT SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ENJOY >>>

    Niceness ter each ;-)))))

  • Comment number 16.

    Soz quick correction.....

    A mean't ter wreet Rita Ora noooot Rota Ora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A think me brain is in rotation after all that Monaco going round in circles talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nite ter YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    OK: Alpaca confession - when I was a young teen I pestered my mum endlessly for an alpaca-wool cardi (long story) - she capitulated and bought the necessary wool as my birthday present that year. When mum had knitted it, I was duly grateful for - and proud of - my ecru alpaca-wool cardi. Alas, after initial wearing, I did that week's washing and forgot to "factor-in" the cardi. It shrunk and wouldn't even have fitted any of my guinea-pigs (the erstwhile Dempsey, Makepeace and Cocoapetal). I still feel guilty to this day.

    Oh - and I am also quite fond of JedWard. Despise me if you dare...

    Keep smiling!
    Roo xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Good morning all,

    Another wall to wall blue day for us here on the south coast ,and hoping that it lasts.
    Last night when I arrived home from work Ken and I went straight out to the garden and sat there for quite some time ,twas lovely .First of many here's hoping .

    Chris ,I do hope that your letting your Tash rest at this time in her confinement,and pandering to all her needs,and I'm sure you'll reap the benefits when Evans junior arrives.

    Bingo nice to see you ,looks like you know every nook and cranny of that race track...never watch the sport myself ,But I suppose if you like cars it's different ,I hope you enjoy it :-))

    Roo,lol..nothing like a confession to make you feel better ,the thing is ,did you get a replacement or is that a sore point.

    Right time that I was moving myself so I'll take my leave ..have a good day all ,and take care.


  • Comment number 19.

    Nipple stimulation!!! I am sure you are already doing it, anyway!! I am guessing you don’t think that’s an appropriate topic for a Breakfast Show!!! LOL!! Anyway - after the Pimms, the curry and the pineapple.....an hour of nipple stimulation!! There is a specific technique too - "Place your palm over the areola and move in a circular motion, firmly and gently. You may need to continue doing this for some time. Stimulate her breasts (just to be clear) for an hour, three times a day. Spend 15 minutes continually stimulating one breast, and then alternate to the other breast for 15 minutes until the hour is up."

    Stay safe in the sun, Evans family..... x

  • Comment number 20.


  • Comment number 21.

    #19 - speechless

  • Comment number 22.

    Well, Really!!

    Speechless too!! ;-)


  • Comment number 23.


    I only came in to say to Roo, thats what happened to me, with a jumper, ended up Barbie sized! LOL at the Guineas :)

    Blimey once more!

  • Comment number 24.

    but interesting....................I wonder if it works

  • Comment number 25.

    Too little too late for some of us Cathmel ! ;)

  • Comment number 26.


    Thank goodness there's a new Blog!

  • Comment number 27.

    Sal - yep my kids are teenagers & I'm never going back lol.

    I wonder if the advice was written by a fella...................

  • Comment number 28.

    Morning all!

    LOL - is it wrong of me to place the babay centre in my favorites? What can I say Chris, let us know the results? ;-)

    Roo: What a shame about the cardi. My OH did similar to a friend of mines Arron Jumper. He had a little accident with one of our children being a little sick down the front of it (His fault mind, he knew the poor child had just been fed, by him) so as to not cause any long term damage it was decided to wash it. When finished it would have been snug on the baby! LOL He still talks of that jumper 20 years on......

    Not wanting to work a full week this month I have decide to go to London fro the weekend. In the middle I am travelling to Collingtree GC, just outside of Northampton, apparently to play a charity round of golf. Rude not too. ;-)

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 29.

    Hi Chris - I am very excited for you and Tash and love hearing the updates on your show. I am also finding it at times a little upsetting. Now we should all be very excited for the pregnant women out there but for some it can end in Heartbreak. 17 babies in the Uk are born as still borns or die shortly after birth. I was one of these mums whose baby died just after the birth .Please spare a thought on your show for all those couples in my situation and for all your listeners who have lost children or cannot have any.
    Wishing you and Tash all the best and awaiting the joyous news of the birth of your baby. xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 30.

    (((Andrea))) - I am one of those mums too. My photo was one of the ones used for the Why 17 campaign. I understand what you are saying. Come and find me on the Sands Forum - I use my real name on there too. x



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