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Now there are cheeky Mondays...

Chris Evans | 10:08 UK time, Monday, 21 May 2012

...but I feel today may be verging on the downright naughty. However it is all for Children In Need. And our 2 generous bidders Sunil and Ian deserve a day they will never forget. Having bid Β£140,000 to Children in Need today they will have the pleasure of taking on top class world golfers Lee Westwood and current Open Champion Darren Clarke. Lots of kind-hearted people have also thrown their generosity into the ring from the Langham Hotel in London, Coworth Park in Ascot and especially Michael and Mary Parkinson at their fantastic Michelin Star Restaurant The Royal Oak. It should be a great day indeed, in fact it is guaranteed. Listen in for an update on who won tomorrow.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris: sounds like a fantastic day ahead for Sunil and Ian - I can't help being a little envious! Hope you all have a wonderful time. xx

    Hi everyone else: hope you are all ok.

    Keith: lovely to see you popping in. We miss you too. xx

    So sad to hear that Robin Gibb has passed away - what a brave, brave fight he put up.

    Have a good Monday, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    What a lovely sunny day it is today and getting warmer as the week goes on they say.

    Sunil & Ian are very lucky. I would have bid but thought it could be embarrassing for Lee Westwood & Darren Clarke when I won.

    Hi Chrissie & Keith.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning All,

    Just popping in while I have a quick cuppa and a biccie!

    Chris, You really do lead a very good life don't you? I am sure, unlike the rest of us, you never wake up thinking I really don't want to go into work today. What a life eh? I hope Sunil and Ian have a super day, I am sure you and all those involved will pull out all the stops to make it a day to remember.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend. The concert on Saturday night was fantastic. What a wealth of local talent there is. There were two school choirs, one gospel, which were brilliant and made you want to get up and dance and a junior school choir who were very funny. Also the local West End star made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, plus many others. A brilliant evening for a fiver and over Β£700 raised for the local foodbank.

    Keith, Good to read you xx

    Hi Chrissie and MM xx

    Right back to the grindstone!


  • Comment number 4.

    Afternoon all,

    Hope that Sunil and Ian are enjoying there golfing day and no doubt that when they reach the 19Th hole there will be plenty to talk about .It's lovely to see that there are still very generous people out there .
    But they are fortunate that they can freely afford it and shouldn't take away all the money given from the likes of us the normal working public and give what we can and when we can ,please don't think I'm being critical ,far from it ,I admire the people that do so much for all charity's but I also think it's nice to acknowledge everyone that does give from a penny to a pound.

    Feeling sad for the passing of Robin Gibb,It feels like it's the end of a musical era ,never be anyone else like him .RIP.

    Keith ,yes it's lovely to see you ,and yes I now how very busy you are ,and you are one of those that work tirelessly for your charities ,so hats off to you too.

    Alib ,glad the concert wet off well and it's surprising how much talent there is in and around your local area's isn't it.

    Crissie ,nice to see you ,I should imagine that you have a happy heart now that you have your GD back from her holibobs stange isn't it how when they are away having a jolly good time ,we seem to spend the time worrying about them .

    Nothing much going on here today ,most proably be putting my feet up and have a cosy afternoon on the sofa...

    Enjoy the rest of your day in whatever it it that you're doing ..


  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon one and all.

    I have an estatic 21 year old who started his birthday celebration week in great style on Saturday night and he cant get the smile of his face... Off for a curry tomorrow night, we did suggest the best italian restaurant in the City for his celebrations but he prefers a curry. He knows what he likes. Trying desperately to find a Chelsea birthday cake but the bottom slapping shop doesnt have them so it is ELH and Sainsbugs and probably a visit to Mozzers too before tomorrow....

    Very sad new this morning about Robin Gibb it looked like he was fighting his fight my heart goes out to his family and especially his only brother left, but I am sure Maurice and Robin are up there writing songs for the angels and there harps.

    Debs have a fab holiday dont do what I do and bring back a hulking great northerner back from my holiday. Corfu is where I met my husband, he was djing and I was repping... holiday romance. I think that is why we love holidays so much it takes us back to those days.

    Gail - love the photies on FB looks like you had a lovely time on the narrowboat.

    Back to the grindstone have fun everyone and place nice in the sunshine.... woo hoo

    CB xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Afternoon each, hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine. Have got windows and doors open and enjoying listening to a blackbird singing in my garden.

    Keith, lovely to see you.

    Another week's work done today.

    And I echo the sentiments about Robin Gibb - a fine musician gone far too early.


  • Comment number 7.

    'Lo everybody

    There is sunshine up there somewhere, trying to break through the clouds! Hope it does soon!

    Bet those boys have have had a great days golf today - Well done to everyone who has donated to the cause!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Oh right Sezza - you're not enjoying the sunshine, sorry.


  • Comment number 9.

    Annie, I'm hoping it's going to appear tomorrow!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hope you don't think you're getting ours - not going to happen!!!!!


  • Comment number 11.

    I'm more than happy to share!

    The more the merrier!


  • Comment number 12.

    Sezza, if there was a 'like' button I would.

    Right, getting a wiggle on tomorrow and booking the restaurant for our Edinburgh meet. Rosie, you still up for the guided tour of the Old Town??


  • Comment number 13.

    Hello xx

    Not much to say, so will go away and try again! Still trying to get the Edinburgh meet sorted, but it won't be with Dave.... we split up on Friday...

    JG x

  • Comment number 14.

    So pleased the sun shone for you today - hope you all had fun!! x

  • Comment number 15.

    Morning all,

    A glorious day down here in Somerset and Devon! The sun is shining and that always makes me feel better. ;-)

    Jakeygirl - chin up matey, plenty more fish in the sea. What you need is another Spurs fan that way you can consol each other. xx

    Thank you for the welcome backs! I do miss not being on here and (as always) will try harder to pop in daily. Xx

    I am being rather a grumps with this Olympic torch thing, I am not sure that it is worth all of the hype. Each to their own, I guess. ;-)

    Anyway, another day another dollar as they say, back later if spared.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 16.

    Good morning all,

    And it's a glorious day here on the south coast,wall to wall blue ,and I'm not complaining one little bit .

    Sezza ,I hope that you get some of it today as I know just what you mean as we've had much the sam as you ,And Annie glad that you're getting some good weather up in your part of the world.

    Hope that you all have a good day ...


  • Comment number 17.

    Morning Keith ,lhow could I have missed you there :-)).


  • Comment number 18.

    Morning everyone

    What a beautiful day, and Chris is playing The Happy Mondays :-)

    Jakeygirl - you ok? If you need a chat/rant, you know where I am xx

    Keith - good to "see" you. I've been a bit remiss of bloggery too of late: sometimes real life just gets in the way and some things have to give, but yes, I must try harder too.

    I've now got 3 days at home: no networking, no client meetings ... just 3 days to get my head down and work! And I'm really looking forward to it! ALthough I went to see a new client yesterday afternoon (a social media contract). I can't believe I've landed it, soooo proud of for pushing myself forward, way outside of my comfort zone - it's given me real confidence. I can't put the details on here but happy to share on FB if you're interested.

    The Rascal Randall (thanks Bids!) had a great walk this morning - really sunny and warm but still enough muddy puddles to keep him occupied. He's now sparko in his crate, probably dreaming of chasing pidgeons: he sees them, romps off after them and then looks totally baffled when they fly away out of his reach. He'll learn. Eventually .....

    I think this afternoon's doggie walk may well be in shorts.

    Right, time for coffee and a bit of admin. For a client, not me!

    Will nip in later for the goss by the watercooler.

    x x x

  • Comment number 19.

    Morning All,

    Wall to wall cloud here, but they are promising that it will break to reveal glorious sunshine later, so we'll wait and see!

    I am feeling more human this morning as last night I slept all the way though without waking up having a coughing fit, it's the first time in just under a week; let's hope it continues.

    Deevs, Can I just say how pleased I am for you xx A year ago you were so unhappy in your job and now look at you :)) You said you would do it and you have, I am very proud of you xx

    Bids, #4 - I totally agree with you. I'm involved in three charities and I know first hand how hard it is to raise money and long for the day when a generous benefactor would just hand over Β£140,000 wanting nothing in return. I am not knocking the charity work that Chris does or that of Children in Need, but money goes to money and there are thousands of other charities in the UK that need a helping hand just as much. Right I'm getting down off my soap box ;)

    Bids, Thank you for the support you've given to my Zimbabwean charity xx

    I'll be back later


  • Comment number 20.


    I can't be doing with all this "look at me giving loads of money to charity" thing.

    If these two chaps have half decent accountants the whole amount will be written off against tax.

    If they really want to make a difference they should do voluntary work with vulnerable kids rather that poncing about in exclusive golf clubs, five star hotels and Michelin star restaurants.

  • Comment number 21.

    They didn't lie, the sun has broken through the clouds and is shining brightly :))) I'm not sure how hot it is though as I'm stuck in the office!

    MBD, I'm inclined to agree with you :) Although we don't know that they don't do voluntary work with vulnerable kids.


  • Comment number 22.

    Cooo Eeee! quick visit loads to do, only at work till about 2 then off to find a birthday cake balloon and banner for the boy who has hit 21 today.

    Off for a curry later, his choice I did ask him if he wanted to go to one of the best restaurants in the city for a fillet rossini but he said nah mom rather have a curry with my mates and family, so 10 of us are piling to the curry house tonight for a ruby. He knows what he likes and that is it. Still got a bottle of bubbly in the fridge to have it with though....

    Beautfiul weather here to which makes it even better.

    As for the charity thing. I remember hearing Chris interviewing a woman who had been left some money in an inheritance and she gave it all over to do the drive and dine disco as she said she wanted to give it away to a worthy cause but at the same time she thought she could gain some great memories in the process, In that case I am afraid I agree with her.

    So it just goes to show not everyone is made of money some people do do it for the right reasons and why shouldnt they get a bit of fun out of it too. Have a good day

    CB xx

  • Comment number 23.

    'Lo everybody

    I think the sun is finally making an appearence - it's certainly warmer out than in

    Remind me sometime why I work with old people! I've spent half the morning trying to find a new cleaner for someone who, at the age of 90, doesn't want a new cleaner - she just wants things to remain the same thank you very much!

    Deevs, Ali said it all there. It shows how mich work you must have put into your business to be so busy and it seems to be rewarding you in more ways than one!

    CB, enjoy the curry! I could really fancy one of those today!

    'Lo to Keith and Ali and Bids and MBD. Hope the sun is shining on your day and all in it!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Hello everyone,

    What a bootiful day here!!! Even Slough looks ok when the sun is shining! Although I am nearer stoke poges that slough centre.

    Enjoy & have a great day one and all

    C x x

  • Comment number 25.

    Hello Chris
    Just like to say thanks for the TV coverage last Friday at RNAS Culdrose
    some of my students attended and were really buzzing about meeting DB etc and getting your autographs! An Olympic experience indeed!

  • Comment number 26.

    Hi everyone:

    Finally managed to get a minute to say a quick hello, just before I pop out for a lunchtime walk in the sunshine ... isn't life so much better when it's sunny?!

    Bids: thank you - yes I am happy to have MsS home - she is coming to us tonight and she asked: "please can we have something healthy, all I have done for a week is eat and drink". Sounds like an ideal holiday to me!

    JG: sorry to hear your news. xx But, I hope you still manage to come to Edinburgh.

    AliB: good to hear about your weekend, and I am glad that you are starting to feel a little better. xx

    CB: Happy 21st Birthday to your son! Hope he is having a terrific day, and you enjoy it too, ok?!

    Hope everyone else is ok - nothing much to report from me ... makes a pleasant change, eh?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Afternoon all

    Hope everyone is ok, not been about much as busy with work and also spent yesterday recovering from being at Lords on Sunday watching the cricket. I don't seem to be able to cope with getting up at 5am and going to bed at Midnight like I used to!

    #20 MBD - I do have some sympathy with your point, but it's likely that the donation wouldn't get any relief as there are limits on what you can receive in return for any donation for it to qualify.



  • Comment number 28.


    Another lovely sunny day.

    Re charities. Six years ago when my life was saved by the NHS I felt I wanted to give something back. When some drawtickets popped through my letterbox I thought 'this is perfect' so I bought all the tickets. I was asked 'do I want a signed photograph of Des O'Connor, I thought it would be rude not to so I ticked the box.

    I now have signed photographs of Des, Linda Robson, Jonathan Ross, Trevor McDonald, Philip Schofield, Ant & Dec, Bruce Forsyth, Robert Powell & Jasper Carrott.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 29.


    I also have signed photographs of Paul O'Grady & Ricky Tomlinson (on a train from London to Liverpool). Another story!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 30.


    PPS Ricky Tomlinson was on the train not Paul O'Grady!

  • Comment number 31.

    Paul O'Grady and Ricky Tomlinson on a train together! What fun that would be! Bet they'd never stop laughing!

    At last we have some sunshine!

    It's gone from "blinkin chilly" to "coo it's warm" in one day!

    Wonder what we're going to have tomorrow! More sun I hope

    Chrissie, Did you have a nice walk? Do you work somewhere where there is somewhere nice walk to or around? If you know what I mean!

    Andy, I think that would have exhausted me at any age!

    Eeuww!! Cold wet noses on toes!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Evening each

    Glad some people have got the sun and Chrissie, you're right, doesn't it make the day much more pleasant? If I'm not mistaken Sezza, Glasgow has more green areas than any other city.

    Helloooooo Cathmel and Andy, nice to see you both.

    Maddy, I know someone who has a signed photo of Daniel O'Donnell - and is very proud of it!!! Not me, I might add.

    Hellooooooooo to everyone else.


  • Comment number 33.

    Thanks Chrissie and Deevs... I'm ok, and onwards and upwards as they say!

    I'm still hoping to come to Edinburgh, either alone (will need to be met) or with a good friend... just waiting to see if he can get the holiday on the Friday x

    JG x

  • Comment number 34.

    Good morning all,

    Another wall to wall day here on the horizon for us herev on the south coast.

    Nothing much going on in my little corner at the moment ,so here's hoping you all a good day ,and hope it's nice and sunny for you ..

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi everyone:

    What a gorgeous day we have here too - isn't this just wonderful?

    Maddy: what a great collection of photographs to have. Please, please tell us your Ricky Tomlinson/Paul O'Grady story! Love them both.

    Sezza: thanks, I did have a nice wee walk. There is a lovely Square, just a 10 minute walk from my office - all uphill to get there, so I feel like I am getting a wee bit of exercise, but I am probably kidding myself!

    Annie: hiya!

    JG: fingers crossed that your friend can make it. xx

    Bids: lovely to see you every morning - have a nice day. xx

    Very exciting for me this morning to hear Chris mention Westlife! I am going to see them on Sunday (and again in June ... I know, I know!) with my sister and my lovely daughter. I have informed MsS that I am buying a t-shirt, and will be wearing it straight away! I just love being 55, going on 15!

    Have a great day, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Morning All

    Great night last night and thoroughly enjoyed by all and the curry was Bostin' as they say up this end. Best present for the boy was his Chelsea stuff he was over the moon. He did well.

    Jakeygirl hope you are well okay. Sorry to hear your news but something tells me that Mr Right cant be to far away.

    Oh well back to normality now with the sun shining, salad tonight for tea, ironing and early night I think as I feel very drained today.

    Hope you are all well and have a good hump day...

    CB xx

  • Comment number 37.

    It certainly is a Hump Day!!

    MUM, I've forgotten my lunch! Can you put some money in my school account so I can buy lunch!

    So that's solved the dilemma of what to spend my last Β£20 on!

    Thank goodness it's pay day on Friday!

    I'm waiting for the sun! It's not quite here yet!

    CB, I am feeling drained too! I think I am living the GCSE/drama performance stress that is rife in our house!

    Chrissie. Your walk sounds lovely and, yes, I'm sure it's doing you good!

    They've cut the grass on the field behind our house. Lovely!!!! Until you have to remove all the grass clippings from the puppy who thinks it's great to roll in!

    Wonder what other joys today has in store for me!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    New Blog



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