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Chris Evans | 10:41 UK time, Wednesday, 8 February 2012

...the organisation behind the big knees up at Buck Pal is well under way I see. With (Sir - has to happen) Gary Barlow in charge. The perfect man for the job, he's already signed up a Fab Four Knights Of The Realm. Sirs Elt, Macca, Tom and Cliff. But !!! What about The Military Wives? An appearance there for these girls would be an amazing finale to an amazing year.

Please Gary !

Sign below if you agree.

Peace and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    Chris - I agree :)

    I saw Gary on the One Show last night, and he is a very humble chap, looks like it is going to be a concert to remember. You must also watch Alex and Matt dancing, it brought a tear to my eye - beautiful.

    Chris, Can you tell Lynn that I have friends in Boca Raton who I am sure would go and bid for the tractors on her behalf....ta.

    Chrissie, Glad yesterday went as well as these things can, sounds like she had a lovely send off xx

    CG, Sorry to hear about your other half's Mum xx

    It's flipping freezing again today and it was trying to snow when I left this morning, but fortunately it's not anymore - well for the time being anyway!

    Happy Hump Day


  • Comment number 2.

    Chris - I agree too, what a fantastic idea.

    Thanks everyone for your comments - we're waiting now to see if the family 'invite us' to the funeral. Things are never easy with family feuds are they?

    Miserable in Norfolk today, but no more snow - thankfully.

    Roll on Friday .........

    CG xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris: yes, that's a great suggestion for the shindig! I am sure Gary would want those lovely ladies to take part.

    Just for the record ... I love Gary Barlow! Oh, and I love you too, Chris. xx

    Hi AliB: thank you. xx It's freezing here too, but no snow ... for the moment!

    Gail: poor wee Jensen!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hello all,
    Gets my vote too CLP
    Bye all

  • Comment number 5.

    Saw the documentary on these girls and thought they were great

  • Comment number 6.


    Surely the singin wimmin have had their fifteen minutes by now

  • Comment number 7.

    Agree - has to happen!

    hello All!

  • Comment number 8.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I have to disagree with The Military Wives taking part in the big gig at the palace,
    This is a celebration of The Queens sixty year reign and should only involve well established big names like the above four Sirs. Gazza knows what he's talking about.

    As lovely as The Military Wives are there is a time and a place (outside 10 Downing Street maybe). But will they listen!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 9.


    Has anybody actually asked Her Maj if she really wants the fat bloke from Take That to organise this shindig.

    Surely someone nearer her own age would be more appropriate, step forward Sir Brucie.

    Nice to serve you, ma'am, to serve you nice.

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi All,
    I know what you mean Ali, it's freezing here too, still loads of snow left about.
    I think the Mili girls would be great for the concert but could we stick a few rockier artists in there too? Please?
    Hi Thunderclap, Bye Thunderclap!
    MaddyM how are you keeping Mrs.? x
    CG, really sorry to hear that, families are never easy at the best of times.
    Keep warm,
    T x

  • Comment number 11.

    What a strange thing has just happened.

    As my TV is out of order I was looking for the name of a local TV repair man when the phone rang. It was someone telling me that my TV guarantee has expired today and would I like to take out insurance to cover repairs.

    How strange!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hello people.

    Freezing here, just had some soup to try and warm up.

    Gail, so sorry to hear your sad news. xx

    Chrissie, glad everything went well yesterday. xx

    Marjie, that is strange and I must say I agree with your earlier post about The Queens Do. xx

    I love Gary Barlow. xx

    Hope you are all having a good day and keeping warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 13.


    I was just wondering whether Her Majesty The Queen had been consulted on the subject of who is organising her Jubilee concert and if she is fact happy with the choice of Mr Gary Barlow, member of the pop band Take That.

    I am of the opinion that this event should be organised by a leading member of the entertainment industry who is close in age to our monarch.

    The name Sir Bruce Forsyth spings to mind.

  • Comment number 14.

    Afternoon Each,

    MM, Despite me agreeing about the Mili Wives, I think you put forward a very good argument. So I would like to re-tract my agreement and agree with you :)

    Hi csn, How you diddling now? Any better? xx It must be a day for soup, as I had it for lunch. ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔmade roasted sweet potato, even brought some in for my colleague too.

    I think it's almost time for a afternoon brew.


  • Comment number 15.

    Ali, I am just waiting for blood test results to come back and taking things slowly at the moment. xx

    A brew sounds good.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 16.

    can I stick my oar in?

    well if we assume the Queen likes similiar things to my Nanna (they are the same age) then soft MOR (yes please shoot me) music like Take That and Sir Elton will be great. Military wives would also fit in nicely. Lovely ladies with men in the army is just the thing to celebrate bring British and the Queen in general.

    I'm not so sure about Wills and Harry wanting some rap star I haven't heard off, surely the Queen will not approve? I Know my Nanna wouldn't!

    I do think there should be some classic music as well, possibly some Racmaniov or Tchoskiy (excuse spelling) as that alwasy goes down well. And of couorse some good old fashioned war tunes.

    Well that is what I would do for a concert for my Nanna anyway, it wouldn't all be to my taste, but she would love it.

    I have applied for tickets, and I wish my Nanna wasn't so difficult to travel (we would have to drive to the palace, she can't walk or take public transport) otherwise I'm sure she would have loved it.


  • Comment number 17.

    If I was The Queen. LOL!

    I would want something to suit everyones age group, so a rap star would be perfect for the youngsters. I might even join in with them and do a bit of rapping myself.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 18.

    LOL CSN.

    Her Maj might be a Dancing Queen like you and I!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Marjie, too true.

    I bet we could show the youngsters a dance move or two.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Military Wives would be good for the Jubilee, also a mixture of music. How about Vera Lynn again as she was on at the Golden Jubilee concert. She may not be able to sing but she should be there as she has been around all the Queen's life.

  • Comment number 21.


    Your blog today has certainly got everyone talking all the way from grandmothers down to a young child telling us about their Nanna, bless.

    Keep up the good work.

  • Comment number 22.

    Evening all,

    Chris what a great idea for the Military wives to sing at the concert! I could not think of anything better now they are bringing out a whole album! ;-)

    The junior section are doing their own rendition of β€œWherever you are” during the interval at our pantomime this week. Every year our players society raise money for charity and this year we have selected SSAFA and The Royal British Legion. Just doing our bit......

    I think that the Queen has already experienced in music from around the world, I would think that she would approve of almost any act that was considered good enough to play in her presence. My mother is 87 and her taste is varied it is just the volume she complains about these days. ;-)

    Off now for another performance....

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 23.

    Evening each

    Ah, go on, then Chris, I'll add my signature to the petition.

    Back in a bit when I've caught up.


  • Comment number 24.

    Chrissie - who would have guessed? You love Gary Barlow???? Have you got the TT t-shirt?

    Maddy, maybe it wasn't a coincidence! Perhaps the tv was programmed to conk out when the guarantee was up.

    CG - I do hope your other half's family can forget their grievances for the funeral.

    CSN, hope the blood tests are ok.

    Freezing today here too but still no snow thank goodness.


  • Comment number 25.


    There must be hundreds of choirs up and down the country who have been performing for the entire duration of the Queen's reign.

    Surely any one of these would be more deserving of a place in the Jubilee concert than, what is in essence, a group manufactured by a reality television show.

  • Comment number 26.

    Evening all

    CG, sorry for your loss, hopefully it will all work out for Mr CG...

    I think Gary Barlow is doing a fantastic job with the concert, good on him! I liked the way he said he tried to meet everyone to explain it all.... I think it was on Steve Wright?

    Still freezing here too, and looks like it's going to stay that way for a few weeks yet!

    I'm trying to watch the nature programme on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ1, but having to look round a leaping Finlay....

    CSN, good luck with the blood tests.

    So, dinner's nearly ready, so best get off this sofa!

    JG x

  • Comment number 27.

    Annie-I think you're absolutely right. I've just dug out the papers, I bought the TV five years ago and it was guaranteed for five years. These large companies are so corrupt and materialistic!

    The insurance for another five years is almost the cost of the TV. I told the salesman I put away money to pay for all repairs which is far cheaper.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Good on you Maddy. Same thing happened to me years ago with one of the first washer/dryers.

    Was talking to daughter this morning about large companies (and Banks) and said exactly that - corrupt and materialistic. Nowhere is the care and concern for the individual.


  • Comment number 29.


    You paid for a five year guarantee, for that time you were covered.

    It has now expired, therefore you are not covered.

    I do not see how this makes a company corrupt and materialistic.

    If your television breaks down after five years and a day or after fifty years it makes no difference. A miss is as good as a mile.

  • Comment number 30.


    If a company is programming their goods to conk out as soon as the guarantee has expired I call that corrupt and materialistic.

    If this is not the case then I am extremely unlucky that it conked out on the expiry date.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Maddy - I may only be a young child (don't tell the authorites that, my husband will be arrested and my mprtgage will be null and void) but I agree with you. Things these days are designed to break when gaurentees run out so you buy more - they found that making things last did not help them in the long run as they need the repeat revenue from buying more - hence the throw away society in which we live.

    However better get back to my crayons and chalks.

    Having a Nanna aline does not make me a child, it makes me very lucky indeed and as I still have two grandmothers (but unfortuentely no grandfathers anymore) I consider myself a very fortunate person.

    Baggy (aged 31 and a month)

  • Comment number 32.

    And Keith - I have to agree with you, we had a live band at our wedding and the only complaint my Nanna made was that they were too loud!

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning peeps!

    CG - as has already been said, sorry to hear your news. I hope everything works out as best as it possibly can for you all xxx

    Well, I survived the trip back darn Suffolk! I almost cancelled Tuesday morning as the thought of the drive was giving me sleepless nights and bouts of tears, but I set off nice and early and got there at noon, or thereabouts.

    It was lovely to see the family, my nan was in tears when she saw us all waiting for her in the pub for lunch (it was her 90th birthday) and listening to nan and her sister (my great aunt, aged 92) holding court was really funny: there were tales of their double-dating during their army days and dance hall shennanigans ..... I was quite shocked - but in a good way! ;-)

    Tuesday night I saw my very best friend in the entire universe for the first time since 31/12/2009. We had a good catch up in a lovely pub. Just what we both needed.

    Wednesday morning, before heading back home, I went to visit another friend - she literally lives in the middle of nowhere and she did a lovely late breakfast/early brunch which we shared as we chatted and drank coffee.

    All in all, a lovely couple of days but I missed my lovely fella soooooooo much and it was great to get home yesterday afternoon to find him working from home - yay!!

    A chippy tea later, and I had the best night's sleep last night that I've had in ages.

    Plenty to do today, including going to the sorting office to pick the puppy's bowls up which I ordered online and missed the postman - grrrrrrrr!

    Please let there be no more snow. It's forecast for later today and into tomorrow but I've had enough of it now!

    Laters friends.

    The Virtual One
    x x x x

  • Comment number 34.

    Loved Chris and Tash on the phone on the show just a short while ago. It's proper made me smile!


  • Comment number 35.

    Hi everyone:

    Can I just say, I really sympathise with all of you who have the snow. I know how ruddy awful it is. I am almost afraid to say it, but we are avoiding it somehow! Yesterday was just freezing, I could not believe how cold it was, but this morning it's not so bad. Take care, everyone.

    Now, can anyone tell me the "big news" that Chris was going to announce this morning? MrS promised me he would send me a text (I can read them, but can't reply to them!) and he didn't! No tea for him, tonight!

    CSN: well done on getting the blood tests done. xx Lovely to see you back on the blog.

    Baggy: your take on the Diamond Jubilee was just what I was thinking. And I think it is so lovely that you still have your grandmothers. I never met either of mine, but was told that they were both brilliant people.

    Keith: lovely to see you - break a leg!

    Annie: ooooh, I know - imagine me being a TT fan - amazing!

    Maddy: I totally agree that these companies are corrupt. In years to come, there is no chance of the younger generation hearing of someone who still has a working cooker that they bought 40 years ago!

    Cheryl: lovely to hear that you had such a good trip. Wonderful to think that your gran and aunt were naughty in their day! Yes, it's nice to go away, but it's even nicer to come home again, isn't it. xx

    Last night, MsS came for a visit. We had a great chat together - she is really happy and had me in stitches as some of the stories about her and her boyfriend, and how they are settling in together. She said: "you know, Mum, actually living with someone is a million miles away from just dating them". I said: "tell me about it, kid"!

    Have a good Friday eve, all!

    C xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Morning all

    Chrissie - I have a feeling that Chris was trying to get hold of a Mr Malone this morning but his phone was off, think you might find that the announcement is something to do with a certain choir of lovely ladies who support our soldiers doing a production from a Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber for the Queens Jubillee as per Mr Gary Barlows invitation. I could be wrong but reading between the lines think that it might be the case but Chris couldnt actually confirm so he spoke to his beautiful wife about the slow cooked lamb shanks.

    Wasnt that a lovely touch when she shouted out "I love you" ahhhh simply made my heart melt, big softy me.

    CSN - I am with you I am 42 and had my Nan up until January this year I think of myself as being extremely lucky to have had that women in my life for so long and am privileged to have had a nan way into my adult life.

    Deevs glad you got there safe and sound and you managed to catch up with those special people, I love hearing stories like those, I have my great uncles 80th birthday in March and mum has done a photo album of piccies she has found and I know he has some stories to tell as he was a bit of rogue bless him.

    MM - I know what you mean about things being programmed I have been convinced of this for some time. If they can put microchips into things to get it working by reason they must be able to put a microchip in to break it. Or maybe I am being a cynic and slightly paranoid.

    So wallpapering is done, got to pick the carpet next for the front room. I am totally fed up with the house being completely upside down it is sending me over the edge and I am trying not to get wound up about it but it is easier said then done. I must remain calm and remember that it wont be like it for much longer.....

    Oh well it is nearly the weekend it is just round the corner I can feel it.

    Have a good day everyone

    CB xx



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