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Here's what I didn't tell you...

Chris Evans | 10:08 UK time, Thursday, 9 February 2012

...Straight after the show today, it was off to Chelmsford on the back of a motorbike. Why ? Because someone obviously has a weird sense of humour. It was freezing. But also why ? To go and drive on ice - on purpose. Me and The Welsh Wonder Alex Jones. It was for a film for The One Show for tomorrow night. When I say was, at the time of writing it was still an 'is' due to me not being there yet. Hope they have bacon butties. Really, really fancy one today. And not had one for ages.

Ketchup or brown ?

Ketchup nine times out of ten for me.

Peace And Love.





  • Comment number 1.


    Well assuming they had a vegitarian lincolnshire sausage and fried egg sandwich then brown all the way.

    Have a great day and love the ride on the bike - always a delight.


  • Comment number 2.

    ((posted from previous blog as Mr Evans posted his just as I was typing grrrrr - oh and brown on sausage, red on bacon thats the rule!))

    Morning all

    Chrissie - I have a feeling that Chris was trying to get hold of a Mr Malone this morning but his phone was off, think you might find that the announcement is something to do with a certain choir of lovely ladies who support our soldiers doing a production from a Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber for the Queens Jubillee as per Mr Gary Barlows invitation. I could be wrong but reading between the lines think that it might be the case but Chris couldnt actually confirm so he spoke to his beautiful wife about the slow cooked lamb shanks.

    Wasnt that a lovely touch when she shouted out "I love you" ahhhh simply made my heart melt, big softy me.

    CSN - I am with you I am 42 and had my Nan up until January this year I think of myself as being extremely lucky to have had that women in my life for so long and am privileged to have had a nan way into my adult life.

    Deevs glad you got there safe and sound and you managed to catch up with those special people, I love hearing stories like those, I have my great uncles 80th birthday in March and mum has done a photo album of piccies she has found and I know he has some stories to tell as he was a bit of rogue bless him.

    MM - I know what you mean about things being programmed I have been convinced of this for some time. If they can put microchips into things to get it working by reason they must be able to put a microchip in to break it. Or maybe I am being a cynic and slightly paranoid.

    So wallpapering is done, got to pick the carpet next for the front room. I am totally fed up with the house being completely upside down it is sending me over the edge and I am trying not to get wound up about it but it is easier said then done. I must remain calm and remember that it wont be like it for much longer.....

    Oh well it is nearly the weekend it is just round the corner I can feel it.

    Have a good day everyone

    CB xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris: good luck with the bike riding on ice - sounds like a nightmare to me! A bacon sandwich for me consists of bacon, white bread, no butter and definitely no sauce or ketchup - can't bear either of them! xx

    CB: thanks for your wee message. Ahh, I thought it may be something to do with the Military Wives at the Jubilee - my husband thought Chris was going to tell us that William and Kate are expecting! Hang in there, CB, your place is going to look beautiful once all the work is completed!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Bit of both. Ketchup on one slice of bread, brown on the other. Sorted.

  • Comment number 5.

    Welcome Laurie

    I'm in the kitchen for our village beer festivals, serving bacon butties, I couldn't believe how many people had their butty the way you describe.

    Got to be Ketchup for me. What a dull world it would be if we were all the same.

    Cold here on the Welsh border. Glad to have you safely back Deevs. Day off for me tomorrow and no doubt I'll be housebound due to the snow. Hey ho

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 6.


    I used to work in Chelmsford CLP. Lovely place.

    Hmmm, the saucy debate. I agree with tomato ketchup on bacon/egg (white bread all the way) but yes, brown sauce on sausage sandwiches. Sounds simples, but then where do you go if you have a bacon and sausage sandwich ....!?!?

    Just had to pop out but I'm back now. New puppy has some more stuff - it's like preparing for a new born baby to come into the house! He now has food bowls, a puppy collar/lead, a couple of balls to play with (chew!), grooming comb/brush and most importantly of all ..... a poop scoop and bags for the poop to go into. That's the one element of being a puppy mum I'm really not looking forward to: the main reason I never had a child was due to my being outrageously squeamish!

    PJ - please, no more snow! I'm off to Nottingham tomorrow and really don't need the disruption of cancelled trains etc.

    is it summer yet!?!?

    The Virtual One
    x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Happy Lunchtime everyone!

    Cup-a-soup and crispbread anyone?

    Christoff, hope you're got your thermals on if you're on a bike to Chelmsford - right nippy round the parts today!

    Can I just say I have no interest in football (and some distaste about the goings-on of some high prominence names at the moment!) When do you think it'll be safe for me to turn the radio back on?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 8.


    I promise I'm not wishing for snow - just watching the forecasts and they seem to be full of it. I'm supposed to be meeting a friend for coffee tomorrow - hoping it won't have to be cancelled.


    Think you'd better leave the radio off for quite a while. Think latest will run & run. Share your distate for latest shennanigins (sp ?). No smoke without fire and all the jazz.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon All,

    Quite agree Ketchup with bacon, brown sauce with sausages (and shepherds pie!)

    Chris, I am confused by your blog, because I definitely heard you tell us (or me) that on the radio this morning. What I still don't know is the big thing that you kept on about but weren't allowed to tell us - did I miss it? Or are you just winding us up, to make sure we keep listening?

    Deevs, Glad you have a fabby time with your family and friends xx and got there and back safely xx

    I don't have any grandparents alive, my Nan died, at 98 years of age, almost three years ago to the day and she was the last one. Those with grandparents treasure them and listen to their stories.


  • Comment number 10.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Freezing cold here today and light rain too.

    I hope you were wearing your thermals on that motorbike Chris. Looking forward to seeing you and Alex driving on the ice tomorrow. I never thought it would happen but I've gone off bacon, didn't put it on my shopping list this week. I'm sure this is only temporary. The one and only time I've been on a motorbike was when I got a lift back from New Brighton many moons ago.

    I never knew my grandparents but my dad's older sister was like a nanna, she died when I was six. My dad was from a family of ten he being the second youngest and my Auntie Polly (who was like a nanna) was the eldest.

    My TV is now in good working order and I was pleasantly surprised at how reasonable the fee was after he had spent such a long time working on it and was very thorough. I would have been mad to have taken out the insurance. Even if it packed up altogether it would be cheaper to buy a new one.

    MM xxx

    PS I'm all for The Military Wives singing Andrew Lloyd Webber, I love all his music.

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi everyone ... long time no here! I'm not going to bore you with the details but let's just say that 2010 has yet to improve for us on the family/health front.

    Deevs - I would imagine the excitement levels at Cheznic are mahoosive at the moment, in anticipation of the pooch. I hope my suggested name is still under consideration, shhhhh!! Have you thought about installing a kiddi-gate in case you aren't able to shut the pooch safely in a chew-free zone if you go out/have to answer the phone/use the loo etc? I had one when I had our lovely dog and it saved rather a lot of shoes/furniture/soft toys etc from being chewed or completely demolished!!!! Puppies are as wriggly and fast-moving as young children, that's for sure!

    Hope all is well with everyone.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 12.

    I meant 2012 of course ..... I thought it had been a long year already!

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 13.

    Jillygoat: lovely to see you, and I am sorry that you are still struggling at the moment. Sometimes life is just an uphill climb - it can be a bit of a nightmare. I really hope things will improve for you soon.


  • Comment number 14.


    Ditto to what Chrissie says as she is much more eloquent than me xx

    There is a song somewhere that says "things can only get better" and I hope they do for you really soon.


  • Comment number 15.

    Ali & Chrissie - thanks so much. There have two little rays of sunshine this week: one was after telling the ELH supermarket that I'd changed address (just 8 months after having moved!!) they sent me 拢42 worth of vouchers, and then 'im indoors won 拢2.40 on the Euro-thingy. Perhaps we're almost at the top of that darned hill after all !!!

    Hugs to everyone x

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 16.

    CB - what time did Chris talk to Tash yesterday?


  • Comment number 17.

    Jillygoat: I hope CB won't mind me jumping in - it was actually this morning - 8.15-ish, I think! And it is so lovely!


  • Comment number 18.

    Evening each

    Ketchup every time Chris, although I keep the brown sauce in the fridge for the youngest son. Like Baggy, I'm a vegetarian but I can be found grilling the bacon if he needs a bacon roll or three.

    Just listened again to Tash - awwww. And, by the way, the best cauliflower soup recipe (along with other soup recipes) can be found in Cranks cookbook. All my lot love them, and they're not even veggies.

    So sorry for all those with the snow. Last year I couldn't get my car out for about three weeks, we had huge icicles hanging on the roof and at times couldn't even walk because of the ice. I'm so glad we're missing it this year.


  • Comment number 19.

    Evening all

    Definately ketchup!! Brown sauce is eugh!! And I really, really, fancy a sausage sandwich!

    I/m sure Chris is trying to make it as hard as possible for me to put my make-up on!! If it's not the mili wives making me cry, it's Tash making me smile!!

    Annie, I'm so pleased you haven't got snow this year. We had a load on Saturday night and now it's just sitting there - slushy and frozen where people have walked on it and lumpy and frozen where they haven't!

    Bored now!! Want spring to spring!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Sezza, poor you, be careful where you put your feet.

    My snowdrops are out, a wee reminder that Spring isn't far away.


  • Comment number 21.

    Evening all,

    I missed Tash this morning so I I played it and got some more of the show to boot so all is good with the world.
    Went off to work early today to do some shopping on the way ,but still got to listen to pause for thought ,loved the Rabi this morning ,and the memories of past times came flooding back when I heard the song whispering Grass ,my dear mum and dad loved that ,so hence they were happy memories . Thanks Chris.

    Hope you're all keeping yourselves warm and staying safe when venturing outdoors in this weather .must say we have been more than lucky as we still haven't had any yet!! fingers crossed .

    We're off down to somerset on Saturday to see Keith in panto ,Oh yes we are ,and having a mini meet with our Debs and Lin.so it should be a nice w/end .
    It's thirty years of Panto for them ,now that's some great feat for a village and the people that live there don't you think .lovely village and lovely people ,can't wait .

    Take care out there and stay safe ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 22.

    Morning all


    Back later.


  • Comment number 23.

    apologies Jillygoat for not getting back to you, but Chrissie was bang on with her answer. Bids enjoy yourself in Somerset and enjoy the meet.

    Happy birthday Noah

    Be back later

    CB xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Happy 3rd birthday Noah! xx

    Bids: sounds like you have a great weekend ahead of you - please pass our love on to our lovely blogger friends. xx

    CB: thanks for understanding that I jumped in with the answer for Jillygoat!

    Happy Friday, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Ketchup for an old fashioned hot dog with a british banger in it.
    Brown sauce for a bacon sarnie.
    Equal measures of both mixed together with a homemade cornish pasty.


  • Comment number 26.

    Morning all!

    MTW - I am totally with you on all 3 accounts!
    Happy Birthday Noah, I bet you are going to have a smashing day :-)

    Well back from Edinburgh, saw a little bit of it and I think we DEFO need a summer meet up there, its a truely lovely city - VERY hilly mind, the old ankle struggled going up some of them. And Chrissie - you were so right - that auld reekie thing really freaked me out - we all downed our whisky in one!

    Got loads to do today so wont be around much, but am really looking forward to our mini meet at the panto tomorrow - oh yes I am!

    Right, time for a coffee me thinks
    Happy Friday everyone

  • Comment number 27.

    Aye up!

    Enjoy the panto and your mini meet peeps!

    Blimmin' cold this morning innit!?! We didn't have much snow (a dusting at best) but the ice on the pavements, roads, cars ... everywhere really, is SOLID.

    I'm venturing over to Nottingham at lunchtime as we're going to see the wonderful Billy Connolly tonight. I can't wait, but admittedly I've read a couple of dodgy reviews of this tour, so hope Mr C's on form tongiht as I hope to ache from laughing in about 12 hours' time!

    Coffee you say Debs .... good idea!

    The Virtual One
    x x x

  • Comment number 28.

    Happy 3rd birthday Noah!!!

    Today also marks my blogaversary as it was the birth of Noah that persuaded me to take to plunge - fitting then that I now have an internet dongle thingy so I can get back on line at times.
    Much slower than the wireless broadband I was used to but so much better than nothing.

    Thanks for all the wishes about the move and you see if I hadn't started to blog three years ago I wouldn't have met some of you wonderful people.

    Luv and hugs Susan xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Chrissie & CB - thanks for the info about CLP and Tash on the radio yesterday. I played it back and it was indeed lovely.

    Noah - happy, happy 3rd birthday to you .... where on earth has the time gone? And pretty soon there'll be another mini-dj!

    Hope you're all OK in this weather.

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 30.

    Happy Birthday Noah have lovely day

  • Comment number 31.

    Debs: good to see that you survived the ghosts experience in Edinburgh. You are a very brave lady, I would never be able to do it! And, yes, we must get a blog meet arranged - promise I will contact the Scottish bloggers in the next couple of days.

    Cheryl: I hope Billy is on his game tonight. I just love him and have seen some fantastic shows, but apparently he has had a bit of trouble at a couple of shows with hecklers. I can understand why anyone pays the money to go and see someone, and then shout abuse! Hope you and Nic have a great time.

    Susan: happy blogaversary! Glad to hear everything went well with the move, and I hope you are not too frozen in your neck of the woods.

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    of course, I mean I CAN'T understand why anyone .... etc!


  • Comment number 33.

    Hi everyone,

    I have really found myself in unknown territory this week, I am in the very fortunate position never to have lost anyone very close to me, plenty of pets and a painful separation/divorce though, I have also never had an OH who has lost someone so close, therefore I had to go by what I had heard other people saying re: how to behave, by what I had heard, not being part of the immediate family, I should just be there for D but be seen and not heard, however, on the night of his Mum鈥檚 death, at the hospital I just sat out in the corridor and everyone was asking what on earth I was doing out there and said to come in, then all week D has been the only one whose OH hasn鈥檛 been at the house helping with the sorting out and clearing of the house, again his sisters and brothers were asking where I was, the other night the chap was coming to see them to organise the service and D had said to me he wanted me to be there, I didn鈥檛 think it was my place to be there and I said so, he was horrified that I was thinking that way and also said his sisters would be the same, so I went along and felt really privileged to be part of it, even helping to pick one of the songs to be played at the (non religious) funeral, so it just goes to show how wrong you can be. I鈥檓 really proud of D who is going to read out a poem which they found is his Mum鈥檚 personal things, she had written 鈥減lease read for me鈥 on it, he is a bit worried that he might not be able to complete it but the guy who is doing the service said that wouldn鈥檛 be a problem, if he was struggling at all, he would just step in and finish it for him.

    Anyway, hope you all have a good weekend and I鈥檒l be back on Tuesday as I鈥檓 off on Monday for the funeral.


  • Comment number 34.

    Dozy: I am so glad that D discovered how you were feeling. You are his partner and soulmate, and he would need you there giving your support. It's lovely to hear that you have been included in what is going to be such a special, if difficult, day. I will be thinking of you all on Monday, and I hope D gets through reading the poem for his Mum. I have a feeling he will be able to do it. xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Thanks Chrissie. X

  • Comment number 36.

    Oh Gail I am so sorry to hear your news. Big hugs to you and D especially for Monday

    Sus x

  • Comment number 37.

    Huge {{{{{}}}}} from me to you and David, hope Monday is ok for you all

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Happy 3rd Birthday gorgeous Noah 鈥 enjoy the fabulous, fun filled day your Mummy and Daddy have in store for you.

    Chris: Re: Military Wives 鈥 as they represent the Queen鈥檚 Army personnel who fight for their Queen and country I think it would be very fitting indeed for them to perform on the 4th June.

    Bacon butties 鈥 has to be brown but not any old brown Daddies all the way.

    Alib, Cheryl, Chrissie, Seza, CSN 鈥 thanks for all your 鈥渉ello鈥檚鈥 on Monday xx

    Chrissie 鈥 pleased everything went well on Tuesday xx

    Cheryl 鈥 sounds like you had a great time in Suffolk!

    Debs: The Auld Reekie haunted tour is certainly a night to remember. Beautiful city but my heart will always belong to Glasgow.

    Bids: Enjoy the panto 鈥 say hello to all the bloggers and give Keith a big hug from me xx

    Jillygoat: Sorry you haven鈥檛 had the best start to 2012 鈥 I hope it picks up very soon for you xx

    Susan: Happy blogaversay xx Hope you are settling in well in your new abode.

    Gail: So sorry to read your news. I was very touched by your post today xx I totally understand why D and his family would want you involved
    you are a big part of their family and the fact that you didn鈥檛 assume anything says everything about the thoughtful caring person you are xx D will do his Mum proud.
    I will be thinking of you all xx

    Take care those of you who have snow 鈥 stay safe and warm.

    Have a good weekend folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Afternoon everyone everywhere.

    Wow, it's soon zipped round to Friday , I have just not had chance to keep up with you all this week.

    Gail, I will be thinking of you & David on Monday,don't worry about protocol, just do it all from the heart , you can't go wrong .

    Chrissie, I have never been to Scotland, so I would be really excited to do a first visit and a blog meet too would make it a real bonus x

    Debs, Bids, Lin, enjoy your mini meet , and Keith, hope the panto goes well.

    Susan, so glad you have moved , hope all goes well for the future, by the way , the wedding pics were lovely .

    We dont have any snow or ice, and actually , it feels rather "alright" out there today.
    Off to St Helens to watch the rugby tonight , it's my turn to buy the chips apparently .
    I must remember to watch the game rather than the players legs. :-)

    Right, back on my perch.

    Oh , and Happy Birthday Noah, oh how i wish i was three again.

    Take care everyone,

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hello again,

    How remiss of me, Happy Birthday Noah X

    Have a great time at the Panto and the mini meet those of you who are going.

    Hugs to anyone who needs them.



    p.s. Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it!

  • Comment number 41.

    Gail - my heart goes out to you and D at this sad time x

    Up until three years ago I had never been to a family funeral (my grandparents had all passed away before I was about three) but in the last three years I have lost two uncles and two aunts, all of whom I was extremely close to, and hubby has lost three relatives, so we have had a lot of grief to contend with in a short space of time.

    Through all of this I have realised that there are no rights or wrongs in knowing what to do or how to behave at a time like this, and you often have to take your lead from others, but rest assured your support of D will help him to support his family and the support you give will be welcomed and appreciated by all, particularly once they have time to reflect.

    Am thinking of you and I鈥檓 sure D will do his mum and family proud, especially with your help x

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 42.

    Mary - I forgot to say thanks and hello ............ HELLOOOO!!

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 43.


    Clear blue skies in North Kent and long may it continue.

    Gail, Thinking of you and D xx as has been said above I am sure you will both do her proud xx

    Debs, Bids, & Lin, Enjoy the Panto and mini blog meet xx

    Deevs, Enjoy your trip to Nottingham to see BC xx

    Susan, Glad the move went well, have you found the kettle yet? xx

    Hi Tiggs xx

    Right I'm off in a mo, quick trip to the supermarcdo and then home. Got the 16 year old nephew staying with the parentals this weekend, while his brother goes ski-ing and his parents go to Iceland to see the Northern Lights, poor lad got the short straw! Still I shall do my best to keep him entertained.

    Enjoy your weekend folks.


  • Comment number 44.


    Having a busy day, lots of small things going on but have to come in quickly to say:

    Happy Birthday Noah

    MM xxx

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