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Here's how they should end The Brits. ..

Chris Evans | 13:25 UK time, Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Whoever wins Best Album (universally recognised as the big moment of the night) should say what they have to in grateful thanks at receiving their award and then perform. The crowd would go crazy. The performance would be extra special because of how the artist would be feeling. And no one needs to know who's won until the envelope is opened, with the required instruments hidden but ready to go. An amazing, genuine and enthralling moment to close the show.

The Lifetime Achievement or Outstanding Contribution "deal" that happens has been closing the show every year, and should be moved to just before the Best Album award. What the heck, they could even then go on to present it after having performed just one song. Three live songs from the same artist in a row on prime time telly doesn't do anyone any favours.

But...! The rest of last night's Brits was as good as I can remember. Great cake, just need to sort out the icing in time for next year.

Have a nice day everyone.



Peace And Love.



  • Comment number 1.

    1 Again? Hurrah!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello Chris.

    You're absolutely right!

    I'm just thankful to have had my TV aerial cable sorted just in time.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    PS The more I think about it Chris I have to disagree with you. I love the Brits ending with the medley of songs. Who can forget the likes of The Pet Shop Boys, Bee Gees, Paul McCartney, etc. It's a great way to end on a high.

    Only in my humble opinion!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.


    You need to keep you Love, we've been discussing the Brits over on the other blog!

    I don't know why they felt the need to cut Adele off, programes on ITV never start on time anyway, unlike the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ when they actually start early. My listing says the One Show starts at 7:00pm, yet it always begins around 6:58pm!

    And while I think about it, why don't they make football matches 93 minutes long as they always add on extra time at the end of a match....giving the ranty pants back to Sezza ;)


  • Comment number 5.

    Sorry that should have said "you need to keep UP Love" Doh!

    Hi MM xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Grrr.... Missed out on being first ...:) lol well done Maddy Moon xxxx

    Oh yes I agree totally with you Chris xxxxxxx

    Shambolic way of ending the Brits ....

    It's like ,.. You the special one ... But we don't want to hear or see you !!!

    Just my opinion :)

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Or why not the lifetime achievers present the award to the artist who won ( ie Adele ) then get their award presented by the winner (ie Adele) to the life achievers and then go on and sing a song together as a mark of kudos to each other ????

    Whaddya think guys ???

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Arrggghh - just typed loads and its gawn..............


    I must be one of the few not too have watched the Brits - we were watching the fab 'How to grow a Planet' on the Beeb instead - Prof Iain Stewart is up there with Prof Cox in this house!

    Pancakes are a staple in this house, the boy adores them, but as he'd had some at school and was really tired could only manage a couple last night, so we had the rest for lunch today!!

    PJ - I was at the Quo concert in the forest too - my folks live just up the road, so we can walk up there and then stumble home across the fields in the dark!! Seen quite a few there over the last few years, but the best were KT Tunstall and Jamie Cullum!

    Still no word on a moving date and it's driving me bonkers - we're lucky that some of the move is being paid for, but it means we're at the mercy of the navy for dates and contractors. They now say they can't give us a date until the first week of march - we want to move in the second week.......... I'm packing what I can.... And it did mean that I got taken out for lunch by t'other yesterday as a calming down treat!

    Right this is not making a chicken casserole with dumplings
    Maybe catch you lot later

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon each from murky Fife. Rain, rain and more rain.

    Loved what you did at 8am this morning Chris.

    CB, the Eagles and teeth - hilarious.

    Sezza, you calmed down?

    Went out for lunch on the shore of Loch Leven with daughter today (not actually ON the shore but in a restaurant close by) - broccoli and blue cheese soup with a cheese scone - yum. Browsed around the attached gift shop looking at stuff we didn't need and couldn't afford anyway but I was really tempted by the twirly spaghetti fork.

    Back in a bit. xxxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hiya: well, of course, I didn't see The Brits, but from what I have read, it was fairly shambolic at the end. Poor James Corden, I feel for him, because he loves Adele so much! I have to say, I think what Chris is saying makes a lot of sense. Mr Evans knows his stuff when it comes to great television!

    Cathmel: the first day is always the worst day ... hang in there, it will get better!

    Maddy: those ruddy numbers ... we have been doing the same numbers from Day One - crazy!

    eb: I wish I was having chicken casserole tonight!

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Annie it was very funny and we all got a wink and a grin in the front row from Mr Walsh for laughing.

    Sezza - I know what you mean. Here's to a good ole rant.

    Me and t'other half have seperate telly rooms as he loves his footie and I would rather gouge my own eyes out unless I am supporting my country obviously. We found out a while ago that we needed two seperate rooms to watch what we want, quite selfish but it works in our house.

    Ebbw I hope you get your moving date soon it sounds like you are in limbo and there is nothing more annoying.

    WBB - sounds like a good idea think you should send it to the Brits people or suits as adele said.

    Feeling a bit sad for Adele as people are only remembering that she got cut off not that she won the most coveted award - bet she is fed up of it today too.

    Off in a bit for a bit of shopping at that place where Mr Evans does the voice over and then home for tea and a bit of work to do tonight but might get to sit down before 9.50 which will be a first this week.

    Have a good evening all

    CB xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Sorry again Billie :)

    Adele should have sung another song but we did hear her a lot in the ad breaks.

    Chrissie-Don't I know it with the numbers, you'd think doing the same numbers they'd come up sometime. I've still got my first edition ticket, if I leave it in my will perhaps one day it will be worth a million.

    MM xxx

    Hi CB We don't have Chris's voice over shop here, the nearest one is New Brighton.

  • Comment number 13.


    Pip and the little one left about 15 mins ago - cuddles were lovely and I got lots of smiles too. He is such a cutie and Pip is well, if a little tired, too. She just doesn't have time for the blog funnily enough!

    Horrid rainy day though so was nice to have the day brightened by visitors.

    I didn't get to see the Brits either.

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 14.

    How lovely to get a cuddle from little Pip Susan, I love his photos on FB.

    Have you unpacked all the boxes yet?


  • Comment number 15.

    Chrissie - it's not smelling right (not off, just not right!) at the moment, so there may not be any here either! But there will be fresh bread so that may have to do!

    I keep looking out of the window in the hope the horrible mizzle will have gone - it hasn't and the mutt needs a walk, I don't want to go outside!

    Sus, I'm off for cuddles with my friends litle girl who was born just before Christmas - I can feel myself getting broody already, but then I look at the boy charging round the house and get a hold of myself!!


  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Annie

    Only unpacked the boxes we need as the rental is much smaller than the house we left so they will have to stay packed until we find our own place. I suppose at that stage we can decide whether we really need to stuff but some of it is photos and pictures we can't put on the walls here without asking permission!!

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi Ebb
    I suppose I'm lucky that I can get broody but can't do anything about it now! I may get grandchildren, possibly, within the next five years?? Good luck with your move - isn't it the limbo thing that is just the worst as we are still waiting for our sale to complete.

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 18.

    'Lo everybody

    I think you're safe. I'm done with the ranty pants...........for now!!

    Although, I could start on moving and estate agents and packing and unpacking but I won't. I'll just send hugs, support and permission to have another glass of wine to Ebbs and Susan and anyone else caught in the moving game! x x

    Chris, still didn't watch the Brits I'm afraid and can't remember the last time I did - is that me getting old!

    Talking of getting old, did anyone else hear today that Chris Moyles is 38 today? Really!?!? Was anyone else surprised to hear that? I'd have guessed slightly higher myself!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Helloo guys and gals and children of all ages ..;) lol xxxx

    Wednesday nearly over ... And another week drawing to a close ... I wanna know why , when we were kids the weeks dragged and now we are grownups ( not using the O word) they whizzing past faster than speedy Gonzales ?????

    Another winning roast chick and stuff ... And a Danish pastry for dessert xxx

    Dunno what I'm going to this evening ....

    Good luck in the lent ... And hello to all xxx

    Billie xxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Evening all,

    Didn't see the Brits last night, was at a meeting after work that involved free champagne, si couldn't really turn that down. I always enjoyed the medley performed at the end of the night by the recipients of the lifetime acheivement award. It does make me feel old though that Blur are this year's recipient, they marked the soudtrack of my teenage years!

    Hope everyone is well.


  • Comment number 21.

    Evening all!

    Thanks Chrissie - I've managed a day without fb & twitter.

    I'm reading The Girl Who Played With Fire. It's the second in the Steig Larsson trilogy. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was outstanding and so far this second book is proving to be as good.

    I was wondering what you were all reading?

    What can you recommend as a book for the rest of us?

    Hope you've all had a brilliant day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    I finished "Gillespie & I" by Jane Harris a few days ago and thoroughly enjoyed that. It's the story of a tragedy that befalls the Gillespie family, in Victorian Glasgow.

    I've now started Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, after seeing the adaptation on the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ at Christmas.


  • Comment number 23.

    Hello all

    Cath, have just finished re-reading The Help - a wonderful book. Can also recommend Joanna Trollope's new book 'The Soldier's Wife' and 'The Novel in the Viola' by Natasha Solomons. And, of course, any book by Jodi Picoult.


  • Comment number 24.

    Evening everyone

    Well done with staying off fb and twitter Cath, I would be hopeless at even attempting that!

    Eb, how awful to not know when you can move... then I bet it'll all be a mad rush, as most of these things are!

    Susan, lovely to hear you met Pip and baby-Pip, and yes, his pics are gawgus!

    I didn't watch the Brits either, completely forgot about them... and yes I do remember the Sam and Mick one (was that the first one?) - who could forget it! lol

    So, I'm trying online dating again... chatted to a 38 yo and 51 yo...I'm in the middle (not telling you my age) lol

    I really need to go clothes shopping, but haven't got a clue what to buy...I need a personal shopper, or my Mum!

    JG x

  • Comment number 25.

    Rosie, I love Jane Harris, off to have a look for Gillespie & I.

    And, of course, I have to say - all my books are on my Kindle!!!!


  • Comment number 26.

    Evening all,

    C , well done on your first day of not tweeting and facebooking . Are you suffering any withdrawal symptoms so far ??
    Sezza and Annie both recommended a book I had never heard of, and would probably have never selected , but I am so glad they did, as it was just lovely.
    It was called The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society , and I just didn't want it to end.
    Thsi year I have decided to read a book a month, & managed one in Jan and two in Feb. Am waiting for next week, for March to roll round, so I can start one called The Room, which Scoobs very kindly sent me .

    In other news, we had our pancakes tonight, and what a faff it was. It involved the smoke alarm, and copious amounts of kitchen roll . The smell of burn is starting to fade now........... and NO , i wasn't cooking :-)) oh, and I had to say "told you so " a few times to the chef , when he was visible through the smoke .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Oh MC!! Lol... that's why I don't cook pancakes... it's either that, or they end up as small dollups of goo in the centre of the pan!

    Can't offer any advice on reading, I'm still on CLP's book.....the first one!!!!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 28.

    MC, so glad you liked the book - I've re-read it a few times. And The Room is fab - not nearly as scary as I thought it would be.


  • Comment number 29.

    And here's a few more: The Afterlife Club, Could it be Magic?, The Glassblower of Murano (put this first), and if you like autobiographies, Just Kids by Patti Smith.


  • Comment number 30.


    I started the first CLP book when we first got them at the TC, it's still half read, so that is on the list for March too.The second one is scheduled for April, along with "Why be Happy , When you can be normal".

    I am currently reading Saga magazines, kindly supplied by a neighbour . Actually, they are very good . I am intrigued by the problem pages for the over 50's !!

    MC xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Evening all

    Rosie, You're right. Champagne should never be turned down!

    Cath, I have to admit i didn't get on the the Dragon Tattoo Girl books but I love this list that's growing!

    MC, Glad you like the Guernsey etc book. My friend went to Guernsey recent;y and said there were groups doing "book tours" around the island - now, there's an idea for a Blog Meet!!

    Annie, I'm nicking your lists to give to my book club book choser - aka my Mum! We're always looking for new books to read.

    At the moment we're jumping on the Dickens band-wagon and I think we have The Old Curiosity Shop on order. We're also on the waiting list for The Help but I think we're about 135th on the list so it might be a while before we get it!

    I've just been "suggesting" to boy2 that he gives up watching videos of other people playing comupter games on yoooo toooooobe for lent! He's got into really bad habits with this and needs to change - this seems like a good time to do it!

    JG, I've read some really good things about the personal shopper service in Deb****ms Apparently you gat book a time, the shopper brings you all sorts of different things to try but there isn't a lot of pressure for you to buy loads. I quite fancy it as a day out! lol

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 32.

    MC, I get Saga magazines from my neighbour too!! Along with The Scotsman every morning.


  • Comment number 33.

    MC & Annie, do you know who The Room is by?

    And Annie, a Kindle? Really!! WOW!


  • Comment number 34.

    Sezza, you snuck in there - have over 100 books on my Kindle - any time you need a suggestion, let me know. Oh, and btw, loved Judi Dench's book and Sheila Hancocks.

    Don't know how old boy2 is, but our 12yr old loved Alexander McCall Smith's childrens books when he was 10 - Calculator Annie was a favourite.

    Daughter-in-law had a really good shopping experience in debenenenhams with a personal shopper JG - that's where she got the pink high heels the 6yr old was wearing in the photo on FB!!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    Sezza, Room is by Emma Donoghue.

    And, yes, a Kindle - who would have thought it?????

  • Comment number 36.

    Annie, boy2 is 13 now - eeek! He's a big reader so normally no problem but think it's just a bad habit!

    At the moment he's just read the Hunger Games trilogy - and has recommended them to me!!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Sezza,

    Actually, i've just checked and it's just called Room, and it's by Emma Donoghue .
    I have just read Oranges are not the only fruit , it was Ok-ish.

    I had some good LOL moments when reading Guernsey, and it did make me think about going there one day.

    Annie, I am currently on November's issue .... i'm getting some good tips for Christmas already !

    MC xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Sezza, I'll let our 12yr old and 9yr old know about the Hunger Games trilogy, I'm sure they'll be interested. Although, the 9yr old, having saved up for over a year, got his PSV something or other today so I think he'll be taken up with that for a wee while.


  • Comment number 39.

    MC, I don't really get Saga, although I do think they try not to be ageist. And you mentioned that bloomin' C word - was in the M supermarket the other day and they had banners up saying 'Save for Christmas' - for gawds sake!!!!!


  • Comment number 40.

    Tut tut Anne .. Using a swear word ( c) norty norty xxx lol xxx;)

  • Comment number 41.

    Billie, Beez would definitely be swearing!!


  • Comment number 42.

    Annie, Hunger Games probably for 12 year old - not sure it's so suitable for the 9 year old

    Check it out but it's quite a grown up subject - sort of post-apocalyptal world, fight for survival thing

    MC, Not read Saga but we have a good selection of The Oldie in work!

  • Comment number 43.

    Lots of interesting books to choose from.

    In our office at work we swap books we've enjoyed. I have recently read One Day, One Morning One Moment and also a couple of Marian Keyes - This Charming Man.

    Neither of my girls read at all - only for school assignments which I think is a real shame. We used to read tons of books together when they were younger. I always have a book on the go. You are never alone or bored when you have a book.

    Plan for tomorrow - friend coming over for tea & cake in the morning and then going for a massage in the afternoon. That's my monthly 'me' as per my new years resolution.

  • Comment number 44.

    Cath, I'm working all day tomorrow - bums. Have to be up at stupid o'clock and out by 7.45 - far too early for me these days.

    You're right about books. I always have my Kindle about my person - and right next to me during the night when I wake up every 2 hours.

    Enjoy your tea and cake and your massage. xxxxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Well the casserole may have smelt wrong, but it was blooming lovely - complete silence from t'other till he'd scraped his plate clean when he looked up and just smiled at me, and then burped!! Someone's got to love him!

    Room is a fantastic book, I wasn't sure to start with, then finished it in two days!

    I always have a book on the go...this summer was spent re-reading (again) my Terry Pratchett, Maeve Binchy and Philippa Gregory. All very different, but if you like historical drama, Philippa Gregory is a must, her tudor court novels are fab! Also C J Samson and Conn Iggulden tell a good tale! On a lighter tone, Erica James is very good as well.
    My taste is wide and varied as you can tell!

    The boy loves being read to, and books in general, but has no interest i reading for himself. I don't want to push him as it'll probably just make him hate reading full stop, but am at a loss really, any advice to get 4 year olds reading gratefully received!


  • Comment number 46.

    ebb, I felt exactly the same about Room. And, like you, love Maeve Binchy, Erica James and Philippa Gregory. Haven't heard of the other authors but will check them out.

    As for the 4yr old - how about Roald Dahl? Green eggs and Ham or The Cat in the Hat? Word of warning though - you have to be very sober to read them.


  • Comment number 47.

    Annie, Roald Dahl is favourite of mine and all the books are just waiting for the boy....

    The boy loves the Octonauts and has just discovered a series of books about pirate dinosuars which he loves. The problem is that he has a phenomenal memory and only has to have something read to him twice before he knows it almost word for word. I sometimes think he can read, just doesn't want to let on as he thinks we'll stop reading to him Which we wouldn't, my dad read to me every night till I was about 7!)!!


  • Comment number 48.

    The best books I read are .. The bad mothers handbook by Kate Long ... And the trilogy A Child called It by Dave Peltzer and Don't Tell Mummy by Toni Maguire oh and all the Jackie Collins and Chris's Autobiography Memoirs of a Fruitcake and Billie Piper Growing Pains ..... And Richard Hammonds one too xxxxxxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    RIP Frank Carson.

    I loved his jokes, two of my favourites being:

    I went to the doctor and said 'Doctor, I feel invisable, nobody ever listens to me!'
    The doctor replied "NEXT".

    I went to the doctor, I said "Doctor please help me, I keep on thinking I'm a moth"
    The doctor told me to go and see a psychiatrist and then come back in three weeks.
    I went back the next day.
    The doctor said "I thought I told you to go and see a psychiatrist"
    I replied "I was on my way when I saw your light on!"

    It was the way he told 'em!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi all
    Sorry for my tardieness of comment but yesterday to mark Ash wednesday I stayed off all social network sites - and it looked like no one missed me!

    The life time award alwasys get three songs played, and the producers should have left Adele enough time to say her thanks before Blur played - it is not blurs fault - they were doing what they had been asked to do and had been in the building most of the day rehersing. They also played three of their shortset songs, the crowd pleasers and certainly not their favourites - so back of Chris!

    I heard your comment this morning that by James Cordon missing blur he didn't miss much and I was very cross, how small minded and petty can you get? Blur deserved that award (hey if Oasis got it then the bar must be set pretty low) and by bad mouthing them you underminded their achievement. In 20 years time Adele might get contributution to music and some new person might be cut off to make way for her, its the unfortunate nature of these things,

    So leave my Damon alone!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 51.

    Good morning all,

    Chris I'm sorry but I do have to agree with these lovely ladiies as as much as you are not being truely honest at the mo. So just behave yourself ,and don't make a show of yourself.
    I heard you say you were giving up the drink ,and 5 minutes down the road ,you're slurping on the red ,pack it in ...

    Right that out of the way ,here now is the weather report from the south coast.Has been raining ,dry now and very mild..I think that the sun is on a day off today..

    Sezza,( And another thing )..that did make me laugh #25 on last blog,just glad I didn't have a drink in my hand lol.

    Baggy ,good girl for yesterday,stilll sruggling with mine lent thing at the mo head and mind in two places ,but that might be the norm for me.

    Crissie ,lovely to see you too.and soon to be seen in the flesh ,and then I can have a real hug.Can't wait..

    Maddy ,yes RIP for MR Frank Carson ,Chris has just mentioned him .

    I know I haven't spoke to all of you but saying HI now ,and hope that you're all going to have a good day ,myself included as I've not had good night ,we seem to have our fury four leged mouse back in the loft ,heard the scurry as I lay in bed and having turned in early thinking I'd have a good sleep ,what did I do lay there just listening for them , The mouse was the one that was asleep ,not me ....I know I'll say no more ,and on that note I'll leave you all shaking your heads in dismay.

    Take care all..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning everyone xxx

    What a horrible day :( alll wet n foggy bleargh !!

    Feel like I'm getting a cold :(
    Rest In Peace Frank Carson xxxxx

    Have a good day all xxx

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi everyone:

    Susan: lovely to hear you had such a nice time with Pip and the wee man. He certainly is utterly gorgeous.

    eb: good to hear the casserole was delicious!

    Billie: yes, indeed, the years are screaming past. You know you're in trouble when your 20 year old daughter says to you: "this year is flying past already"!

    Cathmel: good for you getting through Day One. Re: your book, I was just talking about it last night to MsS who is reading it at the moment. She says it is gripping!

    Great to read the book discussion last night - I have made a huge list of books I now must read! Amazing, though, to read that Annie has a Kindle!

    MC: hilarious story about the pancakes! I could just see the scenario. I, too, get Saga magazines from a friend, and I think they are terrific ... first thing I always read is the problem page!

    Bids: you have no idea how much I am looking forward to that hug!

    Just to say, I do understand what is being said about Chris. However, he is entirely entitled to his own opinion - it's just that he can air it to 9 million people. In the past, he has ridiculed people that I really enjoy listening to, but I don't take it personally. It's just his opinion. Also, I have to say that yes, he did say he was giving up drinking, and he didn't. I think this just shows the human side of him. How many diets have I started on a Monday morning - to great fanfare in our house - only for them to finish at 4pm on the Tuesday? Don't want to get into a disagreement with anyone, but I don't think Chris deserves a hard time.

    Have a good day, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Chrissie - I hear what you are saying and I don't think Chris will be that bothered by my opionion of him, it doesn't mean a lot.

    Overall I think he is a great guy - but you really cant mess with thinks like Lent and (tongue firmly in cheeck) Blur :-)

    My Dad was telling someone I know Chris Evans, now I have met him a few times and write on this here blog, but am well aware that in a police line up with me dressed as bagpuss he would have a hard time recognising me, and that is the way it should be.

  • Comment number 55.

    Baggy: thanks for your reply. I think Chris is ... not bothered, exactly, by people's opinion of him, but certainly he takes it all on board. He is the first to say that when he was on the outside of showbusiness (entirely his own doing) it was awfully cold out there. I really believe he is grateful for every single listener he has today, but he is the most spontaneous broadcaster I have ever heard - which is part and parcel of his brilliance.

    I think it's lovely what your Dad said, and I think you do "know" Chris ... perhaps not as intimately, shall we say, as the lovely Rips (!) but he knows who the bloggers are, I am sure of it.

    C xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Morning bloggers,

    Ironing complete, lemon cake ready for my friend popping over at 11.

    Enjoyed the show this morning - funny Zoe being late. I was really looking forward to Chris hosting pop master! Disappointed when she turned up!

    Catch you all later



  • Comment number 57.

    Talking of cake ... I've just made a Swiss roll ... With a difference ....:/ it's got cherry pieces chopped up into small bits ...:/ hope it's ok xxxx

    Your lemon cake just made me drool ..Cath .. Now I want some :D xxx

    Chris has always had an opinion on things and usually on the button xxxx

    Let you know how cake turns out xxxx

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all
    Here I am buddled up on my sofa with cough meds and tissues and have officially "given in" and declared myself sick for a couple of days. I've just said to HR there are times when "being brave" needs to turn into "being sensible" and now is one of those times.

    Good to see some good discussions going on this week, some good recomendations for books so I too have made a list Chrissie and will be doing some serious shopping when I stop coughing and sounding like a dog barking!

    All this talk of cake is making my tummy rumble......

    Right off to surf the web for a new work outfit for my debut on stage at next weeks conference - only 230 delegates to present to.....

    Happy thursty thursday everyone

  • Comment number 59.


    Wear your tash ..... go on , I dare ya !

    Get well soon, and take care.

    I have a damaged rotator cuff ..... ooh errr , and its making me propper miserable .
    Am on the list for physio, apparently there is a huge queue , if anyone out there has any advice please feel free to chip in. Not sure how i've even got in this state but it would have to be my right arm . Grrrrrr .

    Right, back to staring out the window at the sunshine ............

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Get well soon Debs and MC xxxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Cake was good .....:) and so was the cheese omelete n chips :) xxxxxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Thanks Billie, it's my chocolate holding arm too , so that makes it even more distressing ! :-)))

  • Comment number 63.


    Debs: what a shame you are still not well. Yes, on these occasions, it's best to "give in" listen to what your body is begging you to do, and that is rest. Take it easy, and I hope you will feel much better soon.

    MC: oh, that sounds really painful. You may remember me having a frozen shoulder a couple of years ago - it sounds along the same lines. I hope you will get physio very soon, as the exercises they will give you will most definitely help. In the meantime - if you can take Ibuprofen, it will really help with the inflammation, and you can also take Paracetemol at the same time, which will help with the pain. Ask the pharmacist, but I know that these medicines really helped me. Take care. xx

    Back to grindstone!

    C xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Good afternoon blogettes:

    Sorry to hear a couple of our merry band are not so merry. Quite agree Debs you finally have to listen to your body. You'll get better quicker for the rest.

    MC: Damaged rotator cuff - sounds like what was wrong with my motor recently!
    If you know what's wrong could you not sneak a visit to the 'private sector' rather than the NHS. One session could point you in the direction of some exercises to help. At least until you can move up the queue for the NHS. Sorry if that offends anyone.

    Regarding remarks made by CLP. As he broadcasts to 9 million people - he's occasionally going to offend people. I know I've wanted to slap him myself a couple of times. Hey ........... don't our own friends p*** us off now and again?

    It's very mild here on the Welsh border and I'm off tomorrow ............... gloat - I wouldn't dare. Mr PJ has got me collecting compost bins !

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 65.

    Afternoon All,

    Don't want to rub it in, but it's 18 degrees here in North Kent, absolutely glorious :)))) I saw a work man with his top off, so it must be hot!

    I read Saga magazine at my parents house, a neighbour drops it off for them. It's a good read. Thanks for all the book recommendations, as I said on here one of my Lent things is to read more. I must crack on with that, although I am trying to read the Bible in a year, which I do every other year. So at least by the end of 2012 I will be able to say that I've done that!

    Debs, Sorry to hear that you are still poorly xx get better soon Chuck xx

    Ha Ha, I knew that Baggy would have something to say about Blur ;) Chris, did give
    Damon a compliment by saying he hadn't aged.

    I made my pancakes last night and kept some over for breakfast this morning. Even if I do say so myself they turned out fab!

    Right back to it!


  • Comment number 66.

    MC - ha ha ha about the tash, however, I will not be doing that and I will also be watching the wine intake during the evening event. I have an award to present, stairs up and down to the stage and dont want to "make a show" of myself at a work do. Apparantly last year it was pretty wild with one of the outputs arriving on 30th December this year - called Lilly...... There was an open bar and Β£8K had been spent before dinner!!!

    Also thanks above named ladies, Billie and AliB for get well wishes, I'm taking on board lots of fluids and resting up. I'm on a course of steroids to get lungs working again so hope they start to kick in by tomorrow.

    In the meantime tele or book, book or tele.....

    Your injury sounds bad - I would take both Chrissie's and PJs advice if you can.

  • Comment number 67.

    hmph that last comment was aimed at MC and your poorly rota blade not sure how it ended up at the end!

  • Comment number 68.

    Heyya ....,

    What a lazy day I have had .... Not done much at all ... Feel lazy ..:/ xxxx

    And today going slow... "sigh" xxx

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Afternoon each

    Just back from working a whole day!!! That can't be right.

    Was sat in the queue for the Bridge this morning listening to Lyn say 'queue for the Forth Road Bridge and speed restrictions' She was so right - wondered if any of you had given me a thought.

    Off to catch up, back in a bit.

  • Comment number 70.

    Debs, look after yourself.

    MC - what on earth is a rotator cuff? Have we all got them, or is it just you?

    Ali - 18 degrees???? We've got 12, with wind and rain.

    Nice to see everyone, shame Chris is missing.

    Oh, and by the way, you may scoff at my Kindle but you might well be forced to admire it in June!


  • Comment number 71.

    And, if you're very nice to me, I might show you how the little light works.


  • Comment number 72.


    Can I borrow the ranty pants?

    A couple of years ago in the supermarket I was told to stop using so many carrier and use a green save the planet recycling bag 'use me, don't lose me' etc. So why now does my home delivery (which I'm very grateful for) arrive in so many carrier bags. One bag for a tube of toothpaste, one bag for a TV Guide book, one bag for washing up liquid, etc. etc. Have we now stopped trying to save the planet?

    While I'm at it! Amongst my daily delivery of junk mail which goes straight into my recycling bin (I will be fined should I break the law and put one in the wrong bin. forever to be labelled a criminal) was 30p off coupon for a frozen jacket potato. Why would anyone want this, it's not difficult to put a potato into the microwave. I've just had one and it cost me less than the 30p coupon (without the filling) and I didn't have to freeze it beforehand.

    Rant over!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi Peeps

    Annie, yes I did spare you a thought this morning!

    And I've seen your kindle, and how the light works ;)

    MC - had to goggle it, as my first thought was something to do with lawn mowers! Oops! Hope you can get some treatment soon x

    And Debs, get well soon hun x

    Hi to everyone else....need to get some tea on, I'm hungry tonight.

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Had tea ... Lovely chicken salad ...:) and then a slice or two of fruit loaf .... Yummy ... Xxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 75.


    just having a catch up while Mr b is just finishing off the dinner ,but to be honest Im not that hungry ,but I daren't say anything .I suppose I'd better eat it and be grateful.

    Annie ,looking forward to the show and tell ,re kindle ,didn't even know there was a light on them ,not actually seen one yet.lol

    Crissie ,I'm sorry if it was my post re Chris this morning , It wasn't meant in a serious way ,more a friendly banter sort of thing , and I apolagize if I offended anyone and Crissie can I say that if I need anyone to fight my corner for me ,I'm a coming to see you ,as Iv'e not met such a loyal fan to Chris such as you .

    Right got to go as I've been called to the table .might pop baxk later ..

    Take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 76.

    Hey guys ....

    I've posted this on fb before ...

    But want to resurrect it on here ...

    Apart from ... Health ,happiness ,financial security ,a good job and a mortgage free home .... And familyxxxx
    What four things could you not go without ?????

    Me ....
    Phone ,

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Billie ,

    It would have to be my four senses .

    sight -smell -touch -hearing .


  • Comment number 78.

    Bids-You didn't mention taste, I hope that's not because MrBids is cooking dinner LOL! (only joking)

    Billie-Apart from the important things you mention I think it might be pets, TV, music, oxygen.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Maddy , I fogot that one lol. Dinner wasn't too bad it's just me ,really not liking meat at the moment ,we had a casserole , with lots of veg ,I just had all the veg and no spuds.

    How are you keeping Maddy ,well I hope .


  • Comment number 80.

    Evening all,

    Hope everyone was treated to some sunshine today. It was glorious this afternoon, and really felt like a Spring day.
    Chrissie , I do recall your shoulder problems , and thanks for the advice. I will take up the physio , somedays it feels better than others.
    Just between you and I... , my daily battle is with my bra , but it's getting late , and I dont want to give people nightmares ! , so I'll leave it there.

    Annie, I didn't know I had even one , let alone two , until my trip to the doctors .

    The weekend is almost upon us, and it's another trip to the rugby tomorrow night. At least I dont think it will be as cold as the match a couple of weeks ago. It's my turn to buy the tickets, and Mr MC's turn to buy the chips , who said romance is dead hey ! I may even have a fishcake seeing as he is buying :-)))

    Hope everyone is having a nice evening.
    Bye for now
    MC xxx

    PS Annie, have you not worn that Kindle out yet ?

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi Bids-I'm OK but because I've been more out of breath than usual the past couple of days have started taking my emergency supply of antibiotics & steroids. No other symptoms but it's best to be sure and prevent an infection.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Playing catchup yet again - I have to agree with Chris's blog the best album award should be the very last bit done at the awards and two songs only to contribution/lifetime achievement and all award winners to have set amount of time for speeches as some do go on and on and on.

    Other than that looking forward to a very busy weekend here in Dorset as we have our new lifting bridge open weekend where the community get to walk over it and no vehicle usage for a few more weeks.

    Friday night (tomorrow) sees the launch of the Sunseeker Rallaye and cars will be started off on Poole Quay from 6.30pm onwards so the quay is going to be really bustling.

    So as I am likely to be a busy Norty girl I hope you all have great things lined up.

    So it's a hi to all blogpoppets and lurkers and its nice to see you all still around.

  • Comment number 83.

    WArmth Ter Mr C.LP & ALL Blog-ers...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    Just popping in the blog ter say 'ello, a 'ope all are ok and ter say ave been too busy ter blog.... 'ence ave not blogged for a while.... The reason.... Ave been busy when am not at work.... Working on me ne wold 'ouse which bit by bit a am making more new than old!!!!!!!!

    Terdee for the first time a tried me 'and at soldering me water pipes.... Moving me boiler from upstairs ter downstairs (not the gas bit as obviously a must getta gas registered gasman/ woman/ person.... ter do the gas bit.... Of which a would touch the gas bit.... Of which am noot.... Butta am doing me central 'eating and water pipes mesen.... after me plumber/ gasman who is actually a man so a can call 'im a gasman without being politcally in accurate, who the other week showed me 'ow ter soldier copper pipes!!!!!!
    For years ave done me own plumbing.... But always used the joints with the nuts rather than the cheaper ones that yer use abiita flux... then solder with a blow torch!!!!!!!
    For years a couldn't get me 'ead around 'ow does the solder melt and go inter the pipe... BUT me plumber showed me.... And explained that through capillary action the solder is drawn inter the joint thus sealing the joint!!!!!!!

    So terdee after yeaterdee isolating me waterpipes..... A rearranged me water pipes.... Soldered them..... and then very slowly turned me water back on again...... 'alf expecting a pipe ter blow.... but VERY 'oping a pipe would noot blow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And am pleased ter say..... All is ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now some may say am a writing this blog as am boasting that ave learned another aspect of life...... The answer is very much..... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If me pipes 'ad all blown would a be sharing that with all..... probably noot!!!!!!!!!!!

    'old on...... a can 'ear a noise coming from me kitchen....... ppppppsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss....... wow gotta go

  • Comment number 84.




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