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Woah ! Top Gobsmackers this morning...

Chris Evans | 09:05 UK time, Tuesday, 24 January 2012

...The Look 'I Am The Beat' and 'Mirror In The Bathroom' by The Beat. Excellent songs and a groovy link.

In other news, I played an unsigned female artist by the name of Phoebe Ray and the reaction to her song 'Enigma' was 100% positive. Hope The Colonel was listening. He's a renowned industry figure who had a hand in signing U2. And yes, he was a real Colonel before getting hip and happening in the music industry.

Best for the day y'all.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning all

    Very quiet in here today and yesterday.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. After a bit of intervention from me and hubby it looks like hubbies best mate and my best mate might be giving it another try but very gently to begin with. Think there was a bit of a committment blip there but we will wait and see.

    Anyway things seem to have calmed down at the mo after the horrendous start to 2012 and it looks like deevs is on the cusp of world domination - go girl!

    Well off to sort out my lots annual leave and to bash a few heads together as it all has to be taken by the end of March and some of them here have got huge amounts outstanding. Never been able to understand that one the fist thing I do is make sure my leave is taken. Different breed of animal these engineers.

    On the queens DID - "the man who would be king" by the libertines (tongue in cheek nod to Charles).

    Have a good day everyone.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Oh by the way Chris really liked Phoebe this morning was a bit Amy Macdonaldish. Nice to hear some new talent on the radio in the mornings.

  • Comment number 3.


    Didn't get to listen this morning, as the boy was up before me and had already browbeaten his father into letting him watch TV............. In fact the boy appeared at the bedside resplendent in pirate hat as soon as t'other's alarm went off at 06.30 and ripped the duvet off his dad to get him up!

    Had my head stuck in my books for the last couple of days - but I got full marks on my last assignment so its paying off!

    Just been out with the dog for an hour in the drizzle but it's back to the books for the day while the boy is at school.

    Have a good day all!

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning CLP et al

    Great show this morning - you really do make me laugh and now that I can listen to the whole 3 hours ...... FANTASTIC!

    LOL CB - here's hoping, although not so sure about "world domination". I've had a proper busy few days (hence my absinthe) and I actually have real live paying clients now. Whoop! I'm working on writing a policy/procedure for someone today, also trialing being an answer service this week and tonight I'm off out to do a bit of training.

    It's all go!

    I've NEVER listened to DID - what's the format? How many records? Anything else? We could have our own DID on here - it might liven things up when it goes quiet!

    One last thing before I leave you all in peace(s) ....



    Blimmin' well get back here blogging women!

    Muchos amore,

    The Virtual One

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello bloggers next door - I thought I heard the sounds of celebration ...

    VirtualDeevs ... good to hear that things are moving in the right direction x
    And TWO birthdays - MW,a! and SOMERSET PHOENIX

    Cakes it is



  • Comment number 6.

    Thanks KTM (isn't that a make of motorbike!?!?)


    Kettle time - who wants what?


    The Virtual One

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris: I never get to hear the gobsmackers, but I am glad you liked the ones today! Terrific show this morning - how I hate to have to leave you at 8am!

    Hi everyone else - hope everyone is ok.

    Cheryl: DID is wonderful - you have to find Chris's edition, with Sue Lawley, it's online. The format is that you choose 8 songs that are important to you, giving a brief reason what they mean to you. You can also take a book and a luxury item. And you are "given" the Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare to take with you on the desert island! It's a fascinating programme - even if I don't know the person being interviewed, it still makes for great listening!

    Happy Tuesday everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Oooooh thanks Chrissie! Thinking cap now donned. I'm not sure about The Bible but I would certainly devour The Complete Works Of Willian Shakespeare.

    Will seek out CLP's online DID and have a listen.


  • Comment number 9.

    Happy New Year everyone, sorry I have been rather busy but I have been trying my best to lurk as much as possible. Just realised what DID means...duh!
    For me it would be hugely difficult to find just 8 songs, if I were ever to write a book about my life it would be centered around songs that were popular at the time and what was happening. Songs from the 50's transports me back to my childhood, the 60's was swinging obviously, the hippy 70's and raising my children. The 80's not so good in terms of music in my opinion and not so good on a personal level. 90's great music and great change to my personal life. 2000+ getting older but still a rocker at heart and music is my life line.
    Never read William Shakespeare as i went to an inner city comprehensive!
    ta ta for now.
    Loli x

  • Comment number 10.

    Again, sorry for just lurking again...

    I'm so crazy busy right now, spend most of the evenings replying to email I can't gte to in the day... Plus most people I work with work afternoons and evenings, and I work 8.30am til whenever...lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 11.

    I'm lurking too!

    Have a real case of the January Blues today!

    Not helped by a trip up and down the M11 in the dismal greyness and a day being told about a new computer system that will be good when we get it but a whole day listening about it - zzzzzzzzzzz

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Good morning CLP, Bloggers, Lurkers, Friends, Romans and Countrymen .....

    I still can't think of 8 songs. 80 would be easier, and yes Loli, I'm with you - music is a constant background/soundtrack to my life. Nic sometimes questions my age (43 at the time of writing!) as I seem to know 99% of lyrics for songs on the radio that came out before I was born or when I was a toddler. I guess growing up in a pub had a lot to do with that, as the Jukebox was always on. Mum and Dad had a mobile disco too so we had quite literally thousands of 7" singles (I've still got about 500 of them in the loft, which I salvaged in my teens when mum sold the vinyl when she and dad split up).

    My one-to-one training last night was successful. The lady said she felt that our 2 hours had taught her so much and that she was well chuffed! I also managed to secure quite a big sponsor for an event I'm helping to organise (voluntarily as it's a charity thing) so yesterday was pretty good all round.

    Today is blog writing (for me and clients), some procedure writing, some social media, some marketing and some cricket.

    Tonight is Meatballs a La Deevs.

    Oh, and I need to try and contact the puppy people again - I've left messages and emails all over the Midlands and just wish someone would come back to me as we want to go and see some this weekend.

    We're really excited about getting a puppy, and think that an English Springer Spaniel will fit into life at ChezNic beautifully as they're like us: Loveable and Loopy!

    Laters peeps.

    The Virtual One
    x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    Good morning all,

    Morning Deev, I can see that you have a busy day ahead of you and it's so nice to see you being so positive .Springer sounds great ,loopy about right !X.

    Just had a phone call from daughter no1 and she's just informed us that no1 grandson has broken his arm in two places ,fell off his bike coming home from rugby practise.

    A bit of a grey day here ,but very mild and dry .

    Take care and have a good day all.


  • Comment number 14.

    Aww Bids, I hope your grandson's ok. He'll probably be a bit of a celeb at school with his arm in plaster. When Nic's lad broke his wrist in 2010 (he was 8) he had a bright orange cast and you could see him from a mile away!


  • Comment number 15.

    Thanks Deev, yes he'll probably be the topic of convesation today.he seems to be prone to accidendts ,but he's so cheerful with it ,laid back young man and goes with the flow.


  • Comment number 16.

    I think most of us were like that once Bids, and then cynicism, scepticism, doubt, envy and a whole host of other meanies invade our lives. It's called Adulthood!



  • Comment number 17.

    Morning all again,

    With you deevs did my golden oldies a few years ago for Mr Wrights programme and our list was huge. Got on too which was a real highlight but just before he started giving badges....typical.

    Me and t'other half do a disco/karaoke at the weekends Friday and Saturday nights at two local pubs so our music range is very wide too. As for the vinyl hubbie was a dj when I met him and had done it for over 30 years and our loft is heaving under the vinyl (its much easier now with computers) I wont part with it though keep telling him it is my world cruise when he pegs it..... ha ha ha.

    Bids hope your grandson gets better soon, our boy broke his foot when he was 8 playing kiss chase in the playground, had a lovely orange and black cast on his leg for 6 weeks.

    Sezza Cheer up Spring is just round the corner you know

    Jakeygirl hope the job is going well and welcome back Loli - tis very quiet in here at the moment.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Morning All,

    Apologies for not being around, just in case anyone missed me, my Mum sends a note and says that it's because I've been here, there and everywhere over the past two days!!

    Just had a quick catch up.....

    Sezza, Hugs to you my little chickadee, perhaps to cheer you up we should organise a mini meet up down Essex xx

    Deev, Go girl, wow things are really taking off, good for you xx

    Bids, Sorry to hear about the Grandson, kids eh. My brother was the most accident prone boy I've ever known. I too have had a broken arm, fell off a bench...don't ask!

    Belated Birthday Wishes to MW,a! and SOMERSET PHOENIX xxx

    I thought of four songs/pieces of mucis for my DID:

    1. Messiah
    2. Loosing my religion: REM
    3. Love Divine - Hymn
    4. More today than yesterday: Andy Williams

    Teeny weeny bit grumpy today as I woke up at 3:15 with a thumping headache and never went back to sleep. Might need a strong coffee soon!

    Happy Hump Day to you all.


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