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Super Deadly To The Rescue.

Chris Evans | 11:49 UK time, Wednesday, 13 October 2010

So who knew Jonny was feeling under the weather as well as the rest of us yesterday?

Man Down in the Sports Locker - that was the news that greeted me when I turned the phone on this morning..

"We can get someone else from Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ sport or Deadly can do it," read the message.

"Deadly all the way," I clarioned in reply.

"But he knows nothing about sport - just so you know."

"That's never stopped us before."

And so it came to pass that this morning Alan Dedicoat became super sub sports reporter. And mighty fine he was too, although the scheduled Sporting Challenge of Falconry was a bridge too far.

The upside ? Both the falcons and I get a bonus day off to bed down in our nests. Which is exactly what I am going to do.





  • Comment number 1.

    I am glad someone read my blog yesterday!

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris: bless Jonny, you, and indeed the rest of the team, who are falling like flies! Take it easy, get to bed and for heaven's sake, get some V*ck! Do I have to keep repeating myself?! And, yes, Deadly was a star this morning - he always is, of course. xx

    Thunder: if only Chris had actually read your post yesterday, it would have explained it all!

    Pen: (from previous blog) hope you have a fantastic time tonight - I am sure the show will be brilliant. As we have discussed before, Cliff is such a legend, but apparently this show is one to top them all! Be sure to report back tomorrow, ok?

    C xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Jonny get well soon!

    Deadly - super job! Especially on Top Tenuous.

    Thunderclap - what blog? Can I read?

  • Comment number 4.

    Good day everyone, very grey and overcast here in Ayrshire, Scotch Mist we call it up here.

    Nothing to report from here.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.



    P.S. Get well soon CLP.

  • Comment number 5.

    Re Hannah J wrote :

    Yes get well soon Johnny.

    Hanna J I think Thunderclap meant comment yesterday

  • Comment number 6.

    Poor you CLP - get snuggled up under that douvet - hot toddies I think - me I'm still sneezing for England in the commonwealth games with hayfever - oi NOSE its October!!!

    Pen, enjoy Sir Cliff!

    MM you should get yourself out on the prom if you have nice weather - I think you are the minority today - we're mostly dull and grey in the west country!

    And dont forget everyone - CLPs next book is out tomorrow!

    now lunch....


  • Comment number 7.


    Sorry to hear you are poorly , get well soon. Nothing better than to get back under the duvet and surrender when you just cant go on.

    Debs, book 2 ?? blimey , am under pressure now to get going on book 1.

    Am anxious to see how the miners are doing. It stopped me in my tracks this morning and i was glued to the news. I am not ashamed to say, that i cried in my Shreddies . It was just so wonderful to see these people being rescued.

    Right now, i need rescuing from another boring cheese sandwich. Gonna have a word with my buttie maker , Oh, that'll be me then.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi all

    Just a quickie from the mobile so excuse gramma and spling.

    Nice to hear Deadly this morning.

    Debs. CLP has tweeted that book is out today!!


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Cant stop, gotta go buy a book.....


  • Comment number 10.

    Christoff, get yourself better soon and that also goes for Jonny. Deadly did a great job, wish he was on board permanently, not reading the sport of course, that's Jonny's domain, and no-one could replace him! Am also very much enjoying Selina. Have to admit though, I do miss the first half hour, just can't raise my head off the pillow at that unearthly hour!

    Chrissie, thanks, I will.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi Debs: hope you have nice soft tissues at the ready - poor you! Book 2 is on my "C" list. I wonder if I could buy it and read it secretly?

    MC: yes, I have been reading about the miners - it really is wonderful - how they have survived this far is incredible. The mental and physical strength they have endured is mind-blowing really.

    Oh, and MC, how you will love Book 1 - MrS just finished it last night and said it was fab!

    Hannah J: just to let you know, Thunder posted on yesterday's blog (#6) that Simon had had a cold recently. As Simon & Chris share a mic, this may explain why Chris has been stricken with man-flu!

    mtd: nice to see you.

    Lunch for me too ...

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Book is my 'C' list, I have just got to be patient!

    Debs, thanks.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Sorry, hi all.

    I have been glued to the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ live news since late last night, with a quick kip in between.

    Each and every man that has been brought out has a different background, it must have taken a lot of organsing to choose what order to bring them up in.

    Its a day for celebrations, and positive thoughts that the rest of the rescues will continue as smoothly.

    Will pop by this evening to see if anyone is around.

    Bye for now.


  • Comment number 14.

    Afternoon all

    Chris (and everyone else!) - Mr Mayo has apologised on his own R2 Blog this morning for starting the Bill Bailey R2 cold.

    And I'm loving the 2 blog thing, CLP and Mr Mayo!

    THE BOOK has been ordered x 2 copies for ChezNic. I'm reading Russell Brand's Booky Wook II at the mo and I have to say that after only 2.5 chapters, I'm hooked. The man is a genius. CLP book will follow, naturally!

    Just nipped out to ELH to get something and although it's bright and sunny out there in Cannockland, it's blimmin' freezypops! For the first time this side of summer I've left groceries in the boot of the car as they will be cold enough in there.

    Work wise, had a bit of a chat with my boss today and I'm feeling better about things. I've voiced my frustrations and she has listened, and vowed to change and use me more. I think she realises that I won't stick around if things don't improve. The only thing that won't change is the money though, so will just keep looking for something else in the time being.

    Nic's off to his course tonight so I'm Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Alone til about half nine - an evening of Masterchef and Ugly Betty await, with a bit of David Tenant if time allows!

    Right, I actually have some real bona fide work to do, so will try and dip in later (depending who's sitting behind me!!)

    Muchos amore to each and every single one of you



  • Comment number 15.

    Debs - thank you for the blog mention yesterday and thanks Christoph for reading out my bit of news about starting my part-time degree. Had to 'listen again' as I missed it first time round, and I did indeed whoop, whoop ...

    Hope all of you with colds will soon be feeling better. If it's any comfort, I've still got the remnants of a cold from two weeks ago. Still coffing and am croaky of voice, but feeling far more human than I did at the weekend.

    Have been very absent of late but still lurk when I can and am glad the tone has lightened once again.

    Baggy and Deevs - am saying all sorts of prayers and stuff in the hope that you each find the job of your dreams. Don't give up - they're out there somewhere x

    Have a good day one and all

    jillygoat xxxx

  • Comment number 16.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 17.

    So all I wanted to share with you the most amazing photograph I have ever taken. But to build up to why I think it's so special I have to tell you the full story that led to me taking the photograph.
    I've always felt i'm conected to the otherside, bit like Mystic Meg but without the make up! Ok am joking, slipping into Bingo lingo here & my sense of humour is coming out.
    But to be serious, the photo I took, I don't know if it's something supernatural. If it's a guardian angel, spirits or what.
    And I know sceptics will say it's probably light shining on the lense of my camera or dust or something. Indeed some people don't believe in god or any kind of after life type happenings at all.
    Some think we are just chemicals that when we die we just go back into the ground & become nothing.
    Everyone has the right to their opinion & I respect that.
    But it's like one of my top heros & favourite musicians says Chris Martin. I've read an article in which he says about god "I definitely believe in God. How can you look at anything and not be overwhelmed by the miraculousness of it?"
    I think that about this world. Even when you look at the stars at night. It makes you wonder what's it all about. How can there not be something extra out there - something spirital.
    It's like electricty as an example. It's like a strange almost supernatural force. One that many years ago we didn't even know excisited & could be thought of as some strange invisable magical force.
    But now we have mastered how to capture it & use it eveywhere in our daily lives. We do all take this almost magical thing for granted in our everyday lives.
    So who is to say there's no god or afterlife. Or deeper spirit in each of our souls.
    The photograph I took, when you see where I took it, the emotional state I was in at the time & the fact I had just come out of church & been praying so strongly for help.
    Then, like me, you may start to think I really have captured something.
    To be honest I don't really know what i've captured. Is it anything to do with me? Or is it just because of the location I was at that these spirits happen to be there & nothing actually to do with me?
    Or is it just sunlight shinning into my camera?
    But i've taken many, many photographs & nothing like this has appeared. And when you see exactly where it appeared - it's either a big coincidence or I have captured something supernatural.
    Either way it's a most interesting photograph.
    One thing I will say is when ever I do pray, I not only pray to god but also to my grandmother & grandfather (my grandfather was a vicar too). And the fact what I captured is two unexplained things together. I like to think could it be my nan & grandad near to me at my time of need.
    Or maybe we just like to believe what we like to believe.
    I never set out to take this kind of photograph... I was just drawn to the beauty of what I took the photograph of & didn't even notice what i'd taken until later that evening when I was reviewing on my camera my photos from that day.
    When I did see the photo I was shocked & it sent a shiver all over me.
    I'm sure this photograph could also be of high interest to people who investigate the paranormal.
    Either way to those who believe in what I captured or to those who don't, I hope you enjoy the extract from my trip/ book & find it an interesting read.
    I'm happy to share it with all even if it is very personal. And all I write is 100% TRUE!!!!!!

    Ok on with the diary of events (unfortunately in true Bingo Star style I got carried away & it's so long i've decided it's best to break it into four parts over four days. I'll bang the photo on my FB for all to see on the final day)
    Hope all enjoy:

    Part 1:

    So I decided to go to Ukraine recently as I got corrosponding with a really nice lady. We have so much in common & got on very well in our letters so I thought what the heck - go out there again, the weather's great & it's a brilliant way of having a singles holiday in the sun and you never know I could just find love as a bonus.
    It's not that easy for me to go on holiday, being an only child I can't go with my brother or sister, and not right/ embarressing for a 37 year old man to go with his parents.
    Plus my golfing friends are all married so are not interested in going on holiday with me, they go with their families.
    So it's a case of if I want to go on holiday - it's go alone sadly.
    So going to Ukraine is a great way of not being alone, meeting interesting ladies... and you even get 12 of their currency to 1 pound!
    In fact Ukraine & the Crimea is a wondeful secret us Brits/ Europeans have yet to discover. So much i've even had a business idea i'm considering- marketing holidays to The Crimea!!! It really is an amazing place to go - not expensive, great weather & the people are so nice!

    When I got out there, she spoke great english & everything went so well with the lady, Lena!
    In fact so well it was amazing just how well we got on. I thought at last just maybe this is it, could she be the one.
    We had so much in common, were so alike despite our culture differences & the slight language barrier.
    She was tall, slim, with the most beautiful big blue eyes & warm smile. Her blonde hair was always made up to perfection. She looked slightly like a younger version of the former female president of Ukraine -Yulia Tymoshenko.
    Lena dressed in the most immaculate fashionable clothes - she really made an effort to impress me.
    The first 5 days we were falling in love... everything was so good.
    I asked her would she show me more of Ukraine out of the city, so she even helped me hire a car. My first experience of driivng in Ukraine which is a crazy but interesting experience!
    But we managed it & she showed me some beautiful places. We went to small towns outside the city of Kherson where I was staying. Talking for hours, walking by the river & visiting quaint restarants/ cafes.
    I remember one moment were we sat in a beautiful garden in a square, it was dusk & the sun going down after another warm sunny day.
    We were sitting on a bench, holding hands, hugging, holding each other, kissing, affectionately looking at each other. Two cats came up to us and started play fighting/ wrestling on the path next to us. It was like they sensed the atmosphere, even the animals we falling in love... Just little things like this... the whole time there was so good!
    And for sceptics, no she wasn't after money at all. In fact she saved me alot of money, got me a great deal on the car hire, didn't take me to expensive restaurants/ order alot of food or the highest priced meals, etc.
    Eveything was going so well, but something very dramatic was about to happen on the 6th day.

    Part ter follow on the next blog as long as CLP lets me ;)

  • Comment number 18.

    Bingo Star...you can't just leave it on cliff hanger like that!!! There's a law against it and everythink!

    I went to a small place called Gorlovka in the Ukraine, on a school exchange. The people were amazingly friendly...and so talented. They all played instruments of some sort. Could sing like angels too. One lad moved us all to tears with his rendition of Hey Jude (they were all big fans of the Beatles) while accompanying himslef on the piano. They asked us to sing something for them...I don't even know what it was..only that it was not very in tune and in our broad Yorkshire accents.

    The difference between Moscow and the Ukraine was like chalk and cheese. Moscow was dark and depressing (and everso slightly scary) while everywhere we went in the Ukraine was sunshine and sweetness. Definitely an experience!

  • Comment number 19.

    oooo Bingo - thats suspensful! you got me gripped!

    Chrissie - plenty of tissues around the house - I dont know what is going on, I have had bad hayfever for about 6 years now and it does last from about Feb to Nov but the last 10 days or so I have been really bad - despite normal meds - now whats that about I wonder??

    I too am gripped by the miners and have shed more than a tear on a number of occasions today - I have been lucky enough to watch most of the appearances on the tele. I do have a niggle tho that we are all too happy - I so want this to end on a high for all concerned. I saw on the news the uncle of the first miner out said he cannot be happy until his other nephew is also out - who is #25.

    So hopefully this time tomorrow all will be well and we can start guessing who will play who in the filum!

    my money is on Antonia Banderas!


  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Spartan & Debs - I got carried away writing my account & drifted into actually writing my story like my book.
    So as it's so long... I though tit best to break it into 4 parts over four days.
    I just hope I haven't put to much personal information in... but then the book i'm writing... it is a true life account of all that has happened to me the two years i've been going to Ukraine... so I suppose I have to bang all the bits in there!!!!

    Hope all enjoy anyway & CLP doesn't mind me putting this on his blog!!!!!


  • Comment number 21.

    PS Spartan - Great to hear you've been to Ukraine too!!!!
    You seem it up perfectly!
    The people are talented/ clever!!!!
    And like you say they are very nice!!!!
    And like you write - the people I meet find my 'Liverpool English' very interesting!!!
    They always say they usually meet americans who speak very different english!!!!

    You sum it up well - it's all sunshine & sweetness!!!!!

    I recommend anyone to try it as a holiday!!!!!! (And not Kiev... venture into real Ukraine!!!!)


  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon/evening CLP and everyone out there,

    Just one word for Deadly this morning: legend! I missed head to headlines this morning though as I was watching the Chilean miners being rescued so will have to listen again as it's one of my favourite bits of the show.

    Hope everyone is ok out there in blogland


  • Comment number 23.

    Evening lovely bloggers. It's all been a bit hectic lately with work and other stuff but at least I'm appreciating how beautiful the world can be at 5 o'clock in the morning.

    I can't keep up very well but I have seen that AliB is back - hats off to you for making such a challenging and worthwhile trip. I'm sure that I would have wanted to bring all the little ones home with me as well.

    Congrats also to Gingembre for the run, and best of luck to Deevs and Baggy on the job front. Chins up, you two (one chin apiece, obviously).

    MTF - I've managed to see a couple of the miners being rescued (I'd have watched it all night and all day if I could) and I've been incredibly moved. It's so easy to think that we've lost touch with what matters but the worldwide delight in this rescue reminds me how capable we are of great compassion and empathy when the chips are down. I think the big boss is coming out last, and by all accounts he's kept all the others going since 5th August. It's going to be one hell of a celebration over there when he steps out of the pod.

    Lots of love, Barmy xx

    PS Christoff - Lemsip is no good without a tot of brandy in it. Fact. x

  • Comment number 24.

    Hello everyone,

    Barmy , i hope you are feeling better , if i recall you were a bit poorly not so long ago. xx

    Debs re #19 , i rushed in tonight and put the tv on straight away. Each time they show how narrow that tunnel is, it makes me gulp for air . I am in awe of these men, they are so brave. Am so hoping it has a happy ending .Number 21 is on his way . god speed the lot of them.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Hiya all

    Am trying to get through a pile of ironing :-( Where does it all come from?

    Hope you're all well

    I think there have been more than a few tears shed today watching the miners arrive at the surface in Chile. A feeling of a global celebration of this good news

    Barmy, how about brandy with just a dash of lemsip? Sounds like an improvement to me!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Howdy all.

    Back from a lovely run around, its what I like doing best.

    But, it would appear that Puffball doesn't come complete with heating, so feeling very brr and have arrived home to pick dandelions with frost on, that Skippy won't touch.

    I am still fixated to the miners and their ongoing rescue.

    I once spent 1 and 3 quarter hours in an MRI scanner, and nearly went beserk. This capsule, as wonderful as it is, looks so confined, their assent must be one of very mixed emotions. I know they have all lost weight with their awful experience, but I dont think that I would fit into it, if I'd had to.

    Oh, they are just talking about that now. Yikes.

    What a remarkable operation it really is.


  • Comment number 27.

    MTF I had to run out to the car in my flip flops this evening!

    Realised it was ten past nine and I was meant to pick Boy1 up at 9pm!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 28.

    OOpsie Seza, is it freezing where you are too?


  • Comment number 29.

    Barmy, were you any where near Wells today?


  • Comment number 30.

    MTF, is quite cold but don't think it's freezing ............yet!!

    My toes are cold though!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    I've got my fluffy socks on from Bids.

    They really make a difference. You about Bids?


  • Comment number 32.

    Freezing here too Seza!

    Wacthing the miners too...will need to transfer to upstairs!

    JG xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Am off to bed to warm my feet up on Mr Seza!!!

    Sleep Well All

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Night Seza, bet he'll really appreciate your generosity!!!

    Cold up there too JG, brrr!


  • Comment number 35.

    Mr Mobs has just got home, so its time for me to plug in my new headphones so I can hear my news updates.

    Bums, that doesn't work. I can still hear his telly over my puter sound!!

    What a lovely sociable picture we paint!


  • Comment number 36.

    So, thats 30 miners up and just 3 to go, followed bt the rescuers.

    Its another of those amazing life experiences, this time with a happy ending, and the hugging?... Well, that is 'real' hugging. I feel very blessed to have been able to follow it all.

    Simply wonderful.


  • Comment number 37.

    Well, the winch is going down, for the last miner.


  • Comment number 38.

    Thats it. All up, safe and sound.

    Lets hope, for a safe trip back up now for the rescuers. That was very courageous of them to go down there.


  • Comment number 39.

    Is it me, or did the President look just a little, like Bob Hope in that hat?

    Yes, probably just me!



  • Comment number 40.

    Morning CLP, Team, friends and David Cameron!

    I love CLP!!! Juan by Juan, Val from Wigan and now The Cure ... all before 7am.

    And an email from "that River lot" to say the 2 copies of Book II are on their way to ChezNic - huzzah!!!

    So how the devil are we all today? It's still dark here in Cannockshire but felt a wee bit on the nippy side when I waved me fella off about 20 minutes ago.

    I've got the office to myself today and loads to do, so a win/win situ there! I'm feeling really tired though - I think my sleepless Monday night and a late one on Tuesday is catching up with me. Just can't take the pace these days .....

    Right, let's see if Scrabs will let me in and then it's time to get ready for the day ahead.

    It's Thursday I'm In Love!


    ps: CLP - Friday: The Juan Show!?!?! hahahaha!

  • Comment number 41.

    Today's boogie chewn of choice .....



  • Comment number 42.

    hiya all

    today is good news Thursday in our house - lets have your good news:

    1) - Willow came home this morning - was miowing outside the bathroom door as if to say hurry up mum - first time I have woken up mr bp and hes not been cross, lots of cuddles in our house :-)

    2) - my fiends had a baby boy after IVF treatment (a few gos) and health issues - I am so pleased for her and her hubby


  • Comment number 43.

    Morning CLP, MTF, Deevs, Baggy and the rest of blogland

    Baggy, I think Good News Thursday is a fab idea, for me the news that all are safely out of the mine is the best - what a feat hey?

    I dont have any good news specifically myself but happy to bask in the good news of all else in the world!

    Happy Thursday everyone

  • Comment number 44.

    Morning All,

    Margeruite Patten interview - magic!! What a lovely lady!!

    Now I feel ready to face the day, if she can be that great at 95, what have I got to whinge about ..............

    Have a great day all

    CG xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Morning again!

    Yay! to Good News Thursday, and double yay to Willow returning home!!

    My good news is that as I am on me tod today I've got CLP on in the background in the office.

    And I've just had my morning text from that bloke Rolastic, which has made me smile.

    Now ....... coffeeeeeeeeee time!


  • Comment number 46.

    Morning all too.

    I dashed into the shops last night for my copy of CLPs latest book last night, first ELH, nope, then the bottom slapping one, another nope.

    So off to Sainsbugs, guess what?

    Came out with a copy of 'Potty!' Perfick!!!

    Its a mad world, but I like it :)

    Hands up.... heating is on. I gave in last night and worked out the new fuseboard system and seem to have been sucessful, as the two storage heaters that I selected are lovely and toastie.

    By 'eck I'm tired this morning, but it was worth it to see such a wonderful result to such a long nightmare for those guys. I think, as they were going off air last night, that I spotted that one of the rescuers was female. Hats off to such brave heroes. They are the ones that make a difference.


  • Comment number 47.

    Hurrah for good news!

    Mine is that Boleynteen1, now officially an adult, FINALLY has a Saturday job, at a local shop. Time for me to cut back my hours! Not.

    As we're only doing good news I won't bring up soaring tuition fees and broken promises from the "coalition"...

    Happy Thursday all,

    A x

  • Comment number 48.

    Apologies for this song - I promise you it will be stuck in your brain all day! Just let it run and enjoy

  • Comment number 49.

    Good morning everyone from a cloudy and overcast Ayrshire.

    I too was gripped by the miner's rescue yesterday, hardly got any work done as I was on and off the internet all day.

    Baggy - Fab news re: Willow, told you the blog shout would work.

    Hope you all have a good day.



  • Comment number 50.

    Hi everyone:

    What a terrific show from Chris this morning - I just couldn't get ready to leave the house because I wanted to listen to all of it!

    Baggy: great news about Willow - yes, the power of the blog once again! And lovely news about your friends.

    boleyngirl: sounds like Boleynteen1 is growing up at a nice pace - just watch, it suddenly moves along very quickly after the 18th birthday!

    I, too, don't have any specific good news - life in general is fine, I try to count my blessings every day, but sometimes forget to do that.

    As for the miners - it is just absolutely wonderful. What a fantastic effort from everyone - but there's a long way to go for those guys - getting back to the real world will take some time, I think.

    Hope everyone is ok - Thirsty Thursday at last!

    C xx

  • Comment number 51.

    How could I forget?


    Pen: awaiting your review, at your earliest convenience!


  • Comment number 52.

    and today, 48 years ago, my hubbys parents had their first date - still together and going strong!

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi everyone, just seen this about CLPs book so hopefully this link will work!


  • Comment number 54.

    Hi everyone

    Hope you’re all well.

    Glad that Willow is home, they know where their bread is buttered, don’t they!? I can’t tell you how many cat’s of ours have gone AWOL, they always returned.......except one. :-((

    Chrissie, well, what can I say? I make no apology whatsoever, but the concert was brilliant, very different, but brilliant. I love the Royal Albert Hall, yes, a smaller venue than Wembley, or the like, but much more intimate! We also had very good seats; in fact I think we might have been in the royal box! Well maybe not, but we were in a box. Thanks for asking. Still a bit bleary eyed this morning, having got to bed at 1am, but didn’t get off till about 2! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Cold, overcast and quite frankly horrible here today. Might get back under the duvet!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hello again,

    I mean to say, I took delivery of my TOGS Calendar the other day, and there we are, the Pink Lunch/Birmingham meet gang in all our pink glory - lovely, thanks Hel and Norm.



  • Comment number 56.

    Debs: thanks for the link - I have watched it, but can't switch the sound on because everyone is in the office! Aaaarrgh! Och, I will never last under "C" Day to get the book - may as well give in now!

    Pen: so glad to hear you had a great time last night. I am sure it was a wonderful evening - Cliff is loving every minute of celebrating his 70th, isn't he? I agree about the Royal Albert Hall - what an incredible venue. I saw Level 42 there many years ago and the acoustics were just fab. Thanks for letting us know - any wee snippets you may want to share, feel free!

    C xx

  • Comment number 57.

    good grief, under "C" Day? I meant UNTIL of course!


  • Comment number 58.

    #53 - Debs, I do like Christoph and I enjoyed the last book immensely but am I the only one to find that video a little...odd?

  • Comment number 59.

    Monring all - just!

    Coffee morning here has just finished and "The Gang" have all gone off making plans for the trivial pursuit epic to carry on another day! Bless'em - not one of them under 70, the youngest looking of them is 83! Wo betide anyone who gets in their way though!

    My book is in the post - do you think it might be waiting for me when I get home? Fingers crossed.

    Debs, can't do the link at work but I'll look later. How are you getting on now?

    Love the Albert Hall as a venue - saw Eric Clapton there last year - fab! Last time I went though, it was mid summer and so hot I nearly passed out!

    There's usually something good to find in life isn't there. Glad to hear Willow's home safe and sound

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Just done the link with sound on.

    I wont spoil it for anyone that hasn't had chance to see it yet but....

    I have to add....

    You might not know 'what' it is Chris, but I think there are a fair few of us that do?

    Oh yes.

    I hope I can find a copy today, the 'Potty' book is great, but it doesn't have fruitcake in it!


  • Comment number 61.

    Hello Everyone.

    It's good news all round today and there's only one song to sum it all up:

    Happy Birthday Cliff.

    MM x

  • Comment number 62.

    NEW BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 63.

    MM: even with the sound switched off, that made me smile! xx

    Don't know whether I should admit to this, but in the late 70's I had a suit that looked very similar to the one Cliff is wearing here! And, I do believe my Mum & Dad had wallpaper in our living-room that looked just like that background!

    Happy days!

    C xx



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