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Me First This Time. Achoo !

Chris Evans | 10:31 UK time, Tuesday, 12 October 2010

See, now the thing is, I have a chest infection and a bit of a sniffle generally. You probably can't tell, because Dr. Footlights and his daily dose of adrenalin tends to help us radio types to get away with it the minute we enter our studio.

The second I get back in the car however - all those tingles start again, you know the ones - that hurt when someone so much as brushes past you.

My head feels like a medicine ball, and my throat has taken on the texture of sandpaper.

The major problem with this is though that soon, very soon, Jeremy Vine/Simon Mayo is/are bound to get it next, because we all use the same microphone so close to our mouths and noses.

When I hear either of them with a cold, sore throat or other I can pretty much guarantee I'm next for an attack of the phlegm. So, huge apologies boys but I think whatever I've got is heading to an ear nose or throat near you.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris: sorry to hear you are under the weather. As you say, we would never know. A wee bit of advice for feeling sniffy: get some V*ck and rub it over your chest, front of the neck and on the bridge of your nose, when you are going to bed. I guarantee you will fall asleep instantly and will wake up tomorrow feeling much better! If you have a chest infection, you definitely need an antibiotic - don't delay!

    Poor old Jeremy and Simon - should I cut & paste this and send it to them too, just in case?!

    Hi everyone else!

    C xx

  • Comment number 2.


    Chris, you were right!! Couldn't tell a thing. Wrap up warm and take care - and lots of Vit C

    Sharing microphones must be a good way of sharing germs but,not wanting to point fingers, I think a certain drivetime presenter may have already had a cold last week!

    Just realised that a little book I preordered is due out this week! Yippee!! That's my weekend sorted!!!

    Take care

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Greetings Ter CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Like yersen ave been 'aving a break from me usual routine including blogging.... But just dropping in ter say 'ello ter yersen & all!!!!!!
    As for the sniffles.... it doesn't suprise me at all CLP... does not suprise me at all!!!!!
    The reason?
    A will tell yer >> Ave noticed everywhere there's people coughing/ sneezing/ coughing/ sneezing... and sniffling!!!!!!
    Even in Ukraine where ave been on 'oliday for a while!!!!!!
    And on top of that CLP... yer over working yerself... the extra 30 AND The One gig.... All a recipe for sniffles!!!!!

    My advice 'ave two bananas & get plenty of sleep - keep the immune system immune ter colds!!!!!!

    Must admit... a caught a cold while on 'oliday as even in Ukraine everyone is sneezing & coughing - there seems ter be some VERY strong cold virises out there fighting back against the anti-biotics!!!!!!

    In fact that's the reason why doctors try not ter prescribe anti-biotics for colds... As they've found the bugs are fighting back... resisitng the anti-biotics & becoming stronger!!!!!
    This the reason a feel why there seems the past few years ter be some really awkward colds that once yer catch them they seem ter linge rfor months - know the points am trying te r'it 'ere CLP & all?

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!


  • Comment number 4.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    Sorry to hear you have a nasty cold Chris, I know what you mean about keeping going until you get back into the car. Whenever I have the sniffles my nose always needs blowing the minute I get back home. Is it because we relax and feel free to let go?

    Unfortunately we can't avoid getting colds. In my case it could mean a few days in hospital because of my COPD.

    That reminds me, time for the flu jab!

    MM x

  • Comment number 5.

    PS ALL - 'ad a really nice 'olday in Ukraine but a also 'ad a crazy time!!!!
    In fact yer could say a lived through a real life movie the time a was out there!!!
    The things a went through/ saw/ did yer couldn't make up!!!!
    All a will say is ave been keeping notes for the true life book am writing about me experiences out there!!!!!
    A 'ad a great time but a felt me 'eart was one minute up on the 'ighest mountain.... then put through a mangle... then back on cloud nine!!!!
    Who needs ter visit 'ollywood studios tour ter see what it's like ter be in a movie while on 'oliday!!!!!!

    Also I took a photograph that is the most amazing photograph I will ever take in my life!!!!

    I'll tell all later this week... but I captured something strange/ supernatural in one of me pictures!!!!
    I'll bang it on FB soon for all to see!!!!!!


  • Comment number 6.

    Sorry to hear you are feeling rough. I hope you are better by the weekend for your appearance at the Literary Festival on Saturday.
    Rather than give it to your fellow presenters, you probably caught it from Mr Mayo who I believe was suffering a week or so ago.
    Get well soon and keep up the good work!


  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Bingo: good to see you back - sounds like you had a very interesting trip! Did you hear the show this morning? Dedicated to all truckers!

    MC: was thinking of you this morning listening to the Golden Oldie - our Donny - awwww!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    CLP, You know you are supposed to "feed a cold" , it always works for me !!!

    Chrissie, Oh , i only get to hear 15 mins of the show, around five to 8 onwards, unless the traffic is bad.
    Good to know Mr O is still getting airplay. :-)

    Gorgeous day here, and for once, I dont have any washing to put out . The daytime family that occupy the house must be away.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi CLP and everyone else

    Just popped home for lunch so thought I'd drop by and say Hello.

    Hope you feel betterererer soon CLP, although feel free to pass the germs this way - any excuse to not go the that place during the day!

    Managed to print off my children's story for college tonight but it looks very barren without any pictures, which is so annoying, as in my mind, I can see perfectly how I want to illustrate it. Just a shame i can't draw!

    Right, 25 minutes of freedom are now up. Time to return to the deafening silence til 5.

    Love y'all


  • Comment number 10.

    MC: shame you missed it - Puppy Love, just after the 7.30 news. I was having a wee "sashay" round the kitchen! Well done on the washing front - I can never catch up!

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Chrissie, LOL, sashaying at 7.30am really !!! that has made me smile .

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Howdy to everyone.

    So, my well intended plans were scuppered.

    Total back lock at 5 this morning, hefty painkillers administered shortly after, slept soundly all the way through the show, doh,doh, doh!!

    Off to work now, please let there be some driving for me to do today, its the only thing I can do thats relatively pain free.

    Anyone heard from Debs?

    Toodles to youdles.


  • Comment number 13.

    MTF - BOO!

    Sorry been awol - no excuses, just nowt to say really!

    Chrissie, MC - I did indeed think of you both when Donny was on CLP earlier! Also heard Jillygoat on listners news - hope she did a whoop whoop like I did!

    CLP - take MC's advice - feed a cold - defo - chocklit i believe is best!

    I'm getting a couple of interviews to do each day which is something, hopefully the little graduates will start applying now in earnest to keep me out of mischief!

    On another note - anyone else loving Downton Abbey? I have been lucky enough to host a corporate event at Highclere (where its filmed) and can confirm that they are using the house exactly as it is in real life, all the furniture you see is real - including the desk in the library which was used by someone famous - cannot for the life of me remember who - Nelson is springing to mind???

    Anyway we played a giant game of cluedo there - when you landed on the room on the board your team had to run to the real room and hunt for a clue - fabulous fun - but it truely is a beautiful place! I will defo go back for a visit when it opens again next year - Berkshire blog meet anyone!

    right off to do some chores
    love to all

  • Comment number 14.

    MTF: as a fellow back-trouble sufferer, I do sympathise. Well done for going to work today - when I have real trouble with my back, I find it completely impossible. That's when I reach for the phone and book acupuncture!

    Debs: yes, you have been missed. Re: Downton Abbey - well, of course living in Scotland, we don't get that here. Ridiculous, but STV won't pay the money - gits! Sounds like a fantastic location - I am liking the sound of a blog meet: just how far is Berkshire from Glasgow?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Chrissie - google Highclere - the web site is worth a look! Quick flight to heathrow maybe??? LOL

    I was shown a "secret" hiding place where the previous Lord Canarvon (sp) hid some of the egyptian artifacts when he backed the finance for Tutenkhamun (sp) (again!) expedition - its a cupboard built into the wall between 2 of the rooms - so coool! Oh and there is a secret door into the library - it looks like a book shelf but its a door!

    right I'm rambling now - really AM off to do some chores!


  • Comment number 16.

    Debs: you, ramble? Never! Surely that's my forte! Had a quick google - absolutely beautiful. When I marry Philip Glenister, we will have our reception there. I will not wear a wedding dress as such, that would just be stupid. A really nice long dress though. And sensible shoes.

    C xx

  • Comment number 17.

    downton abbey is great

    can I add - I've met Lord Porchester (lord carnaval's son) as we had a school trip there.

  • Comment number 18.

    Chrissie - other celebrity marriages at Highclere inc Jordon and Peter Andre

    I used to date a guy who worked on the farm at Highclere

    (can you tell I grew up just outside the mansion?)

  • Comment number 19.

    Baggy: what a really beautiful part of the world. But, good grief, if Jordan and Pete had their wedding there, I will have to review the situation! Seriously though, what a magical place, must have been a delight to grow up there.

  • Comment number 20.


    Have just listened to today's show on iplayer whilst auditing some very tedious accounts- I would certainly not believe that you were suffering from a cold! What an excellent show and you played two of my favourite tracks - Godley and Creme and Soft Cell. I sang along to Donny, too. Hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.

    Mcw x

    Debs- I love Downton Abbey, too. Classic Sunday night tv. Did anyone recognise the actress Phyllis Logan in the part of the housekeeper Mrs Hughes? A far different part to the glamorous Lady Jane Felsham in Lovejoy.

    PS And I thought I was going to marry Philip Glenister! ;-)

  • Comment number 21.

    Mcw: Hiya, I agree, both Gobsmackers were fantastic this morning. Re: Mr Glenister, just a tiny problem, the current Mrs G - who he seems to be crazy about ... where's my magic potion and cloak?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Right, enough of this living in a dream world. Next thing, I'll be searching the house for that Euro Millions ticket that I didn't even buy!

    Have a nice evening everyone - home time at last!

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Afternoon All,

    Sorry you are feeling poorly Chris and I hope you get betterer soon xx

    Deevs/Baggy, Sending you both some positive vibes, hugs and I'll also offer up a prayer or two for new jobs, worthy of your talent, for you both.

    Debs, Meant to say gald the boot is off and look forward to an Up Down Essex meet sometime soon xx

    Had the parentals for lunch today (well not literely!) and showed them my hundreds of photographs. Should I be offended that my Mum nodded off for some of them ;) Bless her she did say she'd been awake since 4.

    I'm spending most of this week catching up on TV programms I've recorded, nearly up to date on Strictly; then it's Spooks.


  • Comment number 24.

    Evening each

    So nice to have you back Chris. Like a lot of other people, I put the radio on in the car yesterday morning at 6.45 and nearly had a heart attack!!!

    Huey Lewis - brings back memories of the racket coming from daughter's bedroom many years ago!

    Hope everyone is well. Back later when I've scoffed my Risotto.


  • Comment number 25.

    Hi Folks .
    Another lovely day here and quite warm too.

    Chris you must get some of those disinfectant wipes and wipe of the mic,in fact I'm surprised that Th Beeb don't supply you with them seeing that they are so political correct and all that ,what about health and hygiene.
    Just have a nice tot of Brandy before you turn in .

    Debs ,Highclere is just an hour up the road from us ,went there a couple of years ago ,very nice too.
    Did see the drama on Sunday ,thought it was great in fact I was lucky to watch it as Mr B normally watches the CIS's ,so bonus for me .

    Mtf ,Hope the backs holding out ,Are you lolling or sitting upright???.

    Bingo ,Nice to see you back ,looking forward to seeing the pics.

    Sorry if I've missed anyone ,but hope that your all Ok ,if not shout .

    Take care . Bids.xxxx.

  • Comment number 26.

    If you have a chest infection get to your GP for antibiotics - having had 4 or 5 chest infections in the last year I know about them and they suck big time!!

    Hope you feel better CLP

    Everyone: How are you doing?

  • Comment number 27.

    Bingo, so nice to see you back. I was hoping you'd be here when I read that this morning's show was dedicated to truckers.


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi folks!

    Not much to report, apart from an enormous pile of messages and emails - why do peeps always want you when you've taken a few days off work!!

    Mr JG back in the country, and home around lunchtime, has gone to bed now after visiting his Mum, he has work at 9.30am til 8.00pm tomorrow!

    JG x

    (Well there is much to report, but not for here)!

  • Comment number 29.

    Evening all,

    Chrissie , you are marrying Mr G, and leaving the coast clear for me and Mr O??

    Debs, glad you are still out there .

    Have been to the gym tonight, and came out bright red in the face and dishevelled. Why do i still have my one pack ???

    JG, keep smiling (())

    MC xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening everyone

    Good to see so many people here today

    Bingo, thought of you this morning when the show was dedicated to truckers. Hope you had a lovely holiday

    Have had an odd sort of day and feel a bit shaken.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Loving all of you 'fantasising' about Mr Glenister!!

    We've been down that road before!

    Isn't it lovely to have Ali back. Please do let me know where you are going to post anything re your experiences Ali.xx

    Chrissie, backs eh? I had accupuncture for a shoulder injury and it was amazing, for about an hour. Then it went bck to the usual nagging pain. My back is ok for driving, but I seem to have lost the ablilty to stretch and am putting it down to bad posture or lolling as Bids sp aptly puts it. I sit very upright in the correct chair, but do find, that most of the time, my feet dont touch the floor, so I end up curling up in a single armchair.

    Mr Mobs has dug deep into his pocket and purhcased me a double settee, with a double recliner action, to try and improve things.

    I have also been sleeping in GDs vacant room and have found that her lower priced mattress actually is offering a bit more in the way of support. Blimey, listen to me going on!

    Never been to Highclere, but did get rather bladdered once in the private library of a rather large stately home after a personal invite!!

    Happy days!


  • Comment number 32.


    Sorry to hear you are not well. Look after yourself and I hope you get some relief soon. I once damaged my back by sneezing whilst driving to work . I remember the day vividly. I was driving to work in Manchester, just passing by MUFC , listening to Simon Mayo on the radio in my little clapped out mini. Then i had this almighty sneezing attack. I arrived at work and couldnt get out of my car !! . It took weeks to feel normal again .

    Take care ,
    MC xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Ok, I'll say what you are all thinking ........... normal ???

    MC xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Sneezing is the most painful part of it MC.

    Seza, whats up chuck?


  • Comment number 35.

    Normal? Eh!


  • Comment number 36.

    Mr Evans
    Great to have you back on the wireless (except it’s not now!). Sorry about your cold. I agree that a shot of adrenalin does the trick just when you need it – the human body is amazing – isn’t it. My advice, hot toddy followed by a well known vapour rub and bed!!!
    To everyone else... hugs to t hose that need them, and love to all.
    Just to add, MC, I had a sneezing attack like yours and ended up in A&E via ambulance because my neck muscles had seized up – no joke... so MTF... take care sunshine...
    Wishing happiness and healthiness to all...
    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Trust you Suzie - Drama queen that you are.

    Red wine - that's the answer.


  • Comment number 38.

    LOL @ Annie... too true xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Oh... and a martyr of course... xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Red wine is doing a good job here!

    Is a bad back compulsory or can I just have the wine?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Well, of course Suzie - aren't we all?


  • Comment number 42.

    Seza - just neck the wine.

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi CLP and one and all, sorry to hear you're poorly CLP, you definitely couldn't tell this morning that you weren't feeling 100%!

    Hope everyone is ok tonight, I've just spent most of the evening doing ironing, enough said really!

    It sounds like Downton Abbey is really popular...shame it's not being shown in Scotland!!!! Have got to catch up on their version of i player


  • Comment number 44.

    Hallo Rosie. I've got a pile of ironing waiting for my case for next week.

    Off to my bed now. Night all.


  • Comment number 45.

    It does help when you press the refresh button doesn't it .Doh!!!.xxx.

  • Comment number 46.

    just popping in to say night night .xxx.

  • Comment number 47.

    Bids, I have struggled to keep up tonight .

    Its all been a bit, here there and everywhere.


  • Comment number 48.

    Patiently waiting here for good news about the Chilean miners.

    Can anyone even imagine, what those guys have been through??

    I can't.

    Night all.


  • Comment number 49.

    Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ news live is saying, that the first rescue might be in the next few minutes, about 1 o clock.


  • Comment number 50.

    Ok, a possible two hours more testing. That seems like a sensible idea after all this time. Best that they get it spot on.


  • Comment number 51.

    First empty capsule going down....

  • Comment number 52.

    Well, I wish I could have stayed up, but it looks like its going to be a while yet. I would just have loved to have seen that first miner come up.


  • Comment number 53.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    rips - never in doubt (well maybe???) cheers mate
    Ann - thank you, thank you, thank you xxx

    glad to report the ol' knees held out well Sunday although I have a calf strain to annoy me, nothing major and will be fine within days.

    Watched the footie last night - ZZzzzzzzz, nuff said

    have a great day everyone, special love and hugs to those who need it xxx

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 54.

    Morning all.

    Have just tuned back in to the Chilean report and it seems like it is going well. What an ordeal. It certainly makes you take stock!

    Happy Humpday everyone.


  • Comment number 55.

    Morning all

    What a difference 24 hours can make! Job still pants but after a really good session at college (I can write - who knew!?!?) and a lovely night in with the best man on the planet, I feel absolutely blessed.

    MTF - I had acupuncture when I suffered with sciatica and it was amazing. I've never slept so well in my life for about 5 days after the treatment, and it did put it right - something the painkillers from my GP failed to do.

    Baggy, if you're lurking, how's the training of your replacement going? I would say "the new you" but we all know there's only one Baggy! x

    Loved Dedi on the show this morning, especially the giggling on Head To Headlines.

    Right, time to find something to do.

    HUGE HUGGLES to those than need 'em! You know who you are .....


  • Comment number 56.

    Morning all!

    I have to say I have had a lump in my throat a couple of times watching the news this morning with the Chillean miners, WOW what a story

    And forgot to say - welcome home Ali! I too like MTF would love to see/hear about your trip in more details.

    right, nowt else to say so best go and watch some Jezza kyle and realise how normal i am!


  • Comment number 57.

    Hi everyone:

    First things first: happy birthday to Marie Osmond!

    Secondly: Marie, if you are reading this, PLEASE stop it with the plastic surgery!!

    No Jonny this morning, really missed him, though Deadly was terrific as always. I did want to contact the show when Chris said "news just in - Simon Mayo has previously had a cold" - Thunder said it here at 11.29 yesterday! Chris ... read the blog!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 58.

    LOL! I love the notion of Marie Osmond reading the blog ....


  • Comment number 59.

    Cheryl: anything's possible, isn't it?!


  • Comment number 60.

    Chrissie: if you truly believe it, then yes. And I like that. A lot!


  • Comment number 61.

    Good Morning KW, MTF, Deevs, Debs & Chrissie.

    A lovely sunny day here on the Wirral peninsula!

    We never know who's reading this blog. I don't know why but I always get the feeling that Cliff Richard reads it. Maybe it's just that I'm slightly mad but you never know.

    Hope everyone's well.

    MM x

  • Comment number 62.

    Oh and Happy Birthday to Marie Osmond.

    And Cliff soon, not sure what day, off to google now!

    MM x

  • Comment number 63.

    Happy 70th Birthday Cliff Richard tomorrow 14th October!

    MM x

  • Comment number 64.

    MM: hiya, glad to hear your weather is good where you are. It is absolutely grey and dull in Glasgow, but not too cold.

    Yes, it is absolutely possible that Mr Richard is reading this - anyone could be, as it's a world-wide blog! I just wish a few more people would join in!

    Oi, Bill Clinton, how goes it?!

    Right, I really am losing it now!

    C xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Chrissie.

    Good Morning Prince William LOL

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Hello each and good morning your Majesty, lol

    Chrissie and Maddy, you are making me chuckle.

    If Mr Richard is reading this, get off and get practising. I'll see you tonight at the Royal Albert Hall!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 67.

    New blog

  • Comment number 68.

    Greetings Ter CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Sorry to hear your not well. Colds are a real nuisance & the fact that they attack the 'ead, it can really be unpleasant!!!!
    In fact although not regarded as serious but it can feel worse than breaking a bone or even going to hospital for an operation!!!
    A know as ave 'ad all the above & man flu is BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sympathy from me to you all at R2!!!!!!!!

    Am immune though as a 'ad it while a was away!!!!! Talking of which i'll bang part 1 of me true story on the blog asap!!!!!

    Just wanted to say thanks for your kind comments yesterday all - nice ter be back blogging!!!!!

    And Sezagirl, yes great to hear CLP do a special show for truckers!!!!!
    Great idea to target certain areas of yer audience as it'll make a bond between yer listeners & keep them loyal... thus raising yer listeners numbers!!!!!!!

    PS The Eddie Stobart programme on CH5 - Been watching it & it's interesting to see how the tv portray trucking!!!!!
    A recognise a few of the people who are on the show!!!!!
    A remember when a was working there recently they had a notice that a tv programme is being made & if anyone wants to put themselves forward to appear in it to make themselves known!!!!!!!

    Ok i'll bang on me story next... hope all find it interesting & enjoy the drama!!!!!



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