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Jonny's First Ever Blog

Chris Evans | 09:56 UK time, Wednesday, 27 October 2010

We are together again in the car - (my petrol not his) - as we re-embark upon the Sporting Challenges (Jonny won the first series).

So how about a word from Jonny. If he had a blog what would he write? Belly Du Jour perhaps?

Here he goes. . .

Morning everyone, I'll have to be quick as I get car sick - writing in a car. In fact that's it. I need some fresh air.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hurrah! a blog from jonny - dont read this hun, you will get car sick LOL

    Have a good fair challenge boys!


  • Comment number 2.

    Jonny: come back!!! We love you!

    Chris: I had no idea that Jonny won the first series!

    Have a great day, you two crazy cats!

    C xx

  • Comment number 3.

    I often think that I'm lucky that I can pass long journeys by reading without feeling sick. I blame my parents, there's many a long journey they dragged me on as a child, and somewhere along the line I must've developed the skill of reading while in motion. However, I do recall noticing, if I fell asleep while travelling I needed that length of sleep twice over plus my normal sleep to feel right again, so I guess I got some sort of jetlag by not staying awake. Any ideas on why that might've been?


  • Comment number 4.

    LOL!! Jonny, you have my every sympathy! I even get queasy playing driving games on the Wii!!

    Good luck with the skateboarding chaps!


  • Comment number 5.

    Good morning everyone from a very windy and showery Ayrshire.

    I'm with you Jonny, I can sit in the car no bother but the minute I look down even for a second, that's it, I feel sick, David, on the other hand, sits there, even in the back seat, and reads the paper!

    Have a good Hump Day everyone.



  • Comment number 6.

    Most Warm Morning Greetings Ter Jono S & CLP & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    Jono S - Most sorry ter 'ear about yer first ever blog going ape!!!!!!!!
    Am 'aving visions of CLP screaming at you.... "DON'T PUKE IN ME PHANTOM....... NOT IN ME PHANTOM!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!!@!!!!!"
    Then am 'aving visions of the pap chasing CLP's Phantom with yerself, Jono, 'ead out the window.... looking like one of those mad dogs yer see going down the street with their 'ead loud 'n proud out of the side window!!!!!!!!!!

    Sounds like it's all mayhem in Central London as always!!!!!!


  • Comment number 7.

    Do you know what you have let yourself in for Jonny??

    Where are you two off to today then?


    Did anyone else know that he won the first series?

  • Comment number 8.

    Good morning blogettes - Happy Hump Day

    A blog from Jonny hurrah .............. even if it was bit short.

    Bright & sunny here near Chester.

    Yes I did know Jonny had won the first series ............. just don't remember who told me ...............

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 9.

    Woot Woot! Well done Jonny! Next up Mrs CLP to blog! Then it's Noah's turn me thinks

  • Comment number 10.

    Thats been done before Hannah, not Noah though, yet!


  • Comment number 11.

    Well done Jonny! How long did it take you?

    Good luck to you both today. Have fun.

    Hello to all. Hope you are all well.


  • Comment number 12.

    Perhaps CLP should have a week of guest bloggers:-

    Monday - Moira
    Tuesday - Hells Bells
    Wednesday - Tash
    Thursday - Scouse Sarah
    Friday - Lynn Bowles

    That would be fun!


  • Comment number 13.

    Morning Gang,

    I can't believe that I didn't know that Jonny had won the first series ;)

    I too get very car sick, I prefer driving than being a passenger. I also have to sit facing the way the train is going otherwise I feel sick. But I have some fab travel sickness pills I buy on mass in the States that work wonders.

    It is very mild in my part of Kent, but grey and it's raining! You know that drizzerly (sp) wet rain that is just annoying.

    I was going out to dinner tonight, but it's been postponed until tomorrow night. So I am going to catch up on some TV, I've got 3 Spooks, 2 Single Fathers and 1 Grand Designs to watch.

    Happy Hump Day one and all


  • Comment number 14.

    Well done Jonny!

    Enjoy today and good luck to you both.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Ali - I couldn't get in to Single Father. I watched the first one, and tried with the next one but despite the stunning scenery (if you know what I mean!!) I just didn't care for the characters so gave up on it.

    Hope you enjoy it tho.


  • Comment number 16.

    Good Morning Jonny.

    It's lovely to hear from you and I bet I know the truth.

    You were under pressure from the person sitting next to you telling you to write nice things about him. Naturally you're mind went blank and together with the erratic driving this caused your sickness.

    And we all know that you won the first series so he's probably jealous.

    A lovely bright but cold day here in Wirral.

    MM x

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi everyone:

    Not a terribly nice day in Glasgow, but no frost this morning, so that's good enough for me!

    Slight problem at ChezS. I arrived home last night, flashed my precious Fruitcake book at MrS and MsS - who both know how excited I am! Went upstairs to get changed before making dinner. Back downstairs and MrS had started reading the book! I said "hey, mate, step away from the book" but he is already hooked! Can two people read the same book, like, in shifts?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 18.

    LOL Chrissie! I ordered 2 copies from "that River lot" and Nic started his last weekend. I have a couple more chapters of Booky Wook II to go and then I too shall be devouring Fruitcake, so to speak. I want to get it read by the time we go to London for CiN, but will have it in my handbag, just in case (a) CLP pops in to say Hi, and (b) he has his special green pen with him!

    Hope you enjoy it, when you eventually get your mits on it!


  • Comment number 19.


    Hope you enjoy the book when Mr S lets you read it. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Cheryl: yes, I really should have bought two - I can see that now!

    Now, we don't want to be getting too excited, but I really do believe that you lucky (and hardworking) CIN volunteers will be rewarded with a visit from the lovely CLP! Our very own Mary will be taking my book with her, in the hope of obtaining a greeting with green ink!

    CSN: thank you for your good wishes - honestly, men!

    C xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Hurrah for Jonny - more of those pearls of wisdom soon please!

    I absolutely love Single Father, we spend ages discussing it afterwards, and I will feel sad when it finishes on Sunday.

    We are currently on our third day without heat and hot water - we have had a new boiler fitted (our last one was conemned to death) and Tony, our philosophical plumber, is having problems desludging the radiators. Our house is over a hundred years old and is always fraught with complications.

    The worst of it is the hot water - my hair is disgustingly filthy.

    Tomorrow the tiler is coming to do the bathroom floor. He had advised me that white tiles are not practical for a bathroom floor but I am ignoring him, politely of course.

    A x

  • Comment number 22.


    I know what you mean, that's why I've not rushed to watch it these past couple of weeks, but I will try again with part 2 tonight.

    I am probably about to be shot down in flames, but I don't even find David 10 inch in the least bit attractive....

    runs and hides for cover.


  • Comment number 23.

    I'm with you AliB on the DT thing and how many times did he say "I just bumble along" on the Graham Norton show the other Saturday.



  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon peeps!

    How surreal - dropped GM's daughter back to her mum this morning only to be asked in to have cuppa & chat!! So I have just spent an hour with the evil ex-wife!!

    Think I need to go and lie down in a darkened room :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 25.

    AliB & Gail.

    I'm glad it's not just me, I've always been afraid to say so but I don't know what all the fuss is about over David Tennant.

    But I have to see the final outcome of Single Father having watched so far.

    MM x

  • Comment number 26.

    Afternoon ,

    We have sun and blue sky and its not too bad at all.

    Chrissie, charge MrS rent for the book ! I really must progress on the first .

    I got sucked into the Single Father , and initially thought that it was so predictable I wouldnt bother watching. Caught up with number 3 last night and i can honestly say i am looking forward to seeing how it finishes, there are quite a few twists and turns to be played out.

    Boelyn good luck with the bathroom, mine was only just finished last week. Nothing about mine is practical , but i love it. I must admit, i just go and nip in for a little look now and again, just to make sure it hasnt been a dream. which it wasnt , more like a ruddy nightmare .

    Gym tonight, not been for a week. Its costing me about Β£12 a visit pro rata at the moment , so i really need to go more often .

    Right, off to eat my mellon which has been loving scooped into balls. See , i can cook when i put my mind to it.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 27.

    AS - WOW! How on earth did you manage that!?!? I would love to have that 'nod' from WI TCH but just can't ever see it happening. Never. Ever.

    I'm not a bad person. Really!



  • Comment number 28.

    Deevs, you never know, she might change her mind one day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 29.

    csn - I am sure Nic would back me up if he was here but I very very much doubt it. Nut I am not going to let it get me down. I'm head over heels with happiness and love our family weekends with the little guy. In fact ....

    I've just got back fron ELH where I stocked up on Halloween goodies for Saturday evening, including a pumpkin, which I shall carve out when the chaps are out being chaps on Saturday afternoon.

    Yep, big auld softie kid at heart!


  • Comment number 30.

    Deevs. Bet little one loves staying with you because it sounds like he has lots of fun and yes you are a big young softie at heart!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Thank you CSN.

    Get this .... my boss is on the phone to her boss waxing lyrical about how brill I am! Cool or what ....!?!?

    Pay rise!?!?


  • Comment number 32.

    Deevs, thats great news, go ask your boss for a pay rise now.


  • Comment number 33.


    AS: have you recovered yet?! Sounds like she knows she made an absolute hash of your birthday weekend. Hopefully this gesture means that future family celebrations will be trouble-free!

    Re: David Tennant - I think he is a brilliant actor - don't fancy him as such - as you know, my heart belongs to another. And MrS is quite nice too. But, as MC says, last Sunday's episode of Single Father was quite unexpected, and I am looking forward to seeing what happens at the end of the story. Fantastic child actors, too!

    MC: not a bad idea about the rent thingy! And, yes, get stuck in to Book 1: once you get really engrossed in it, you won't be able to put it down!

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    csn - methinks I can ask til I'm blue in the face. Sadly, this is a notoriously bad company to work for regards pay. It's a shame as I;m starting to actually enjoy the work!


  • Comment number 35.

    PS CLP - If yer ever selling yer Roller, a know a man who might be interested in buying it off yer:

    Check out this clip... (After the annoying 30sec ad) >>>


  • Comment number 36.

    Cheryl: re: employers and bad pay. Just the absolute pits, and you can be sure that your boss and her boss, and if there is a boss above them - NONE of them will be feeling the pinch! Makes me seethe!

    Had a phone call from MrS before he went to work. We now have two bookmarks in the The Book. He's beating me!!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.


    You will never get that book off Mr S tonight. Hope he lets you have a little read of it.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Yall, public service announcement for all mums, nanas, dads, aunties uncles etc that are thinking of entertaining the kidlets this halloween:

    AlanT the gardner turned TV host has just had a feature about party food for halloween - check out his website - he's on the "other side" - some top ideas - including a pumpkin head that is "sicking up" - gross for grown ups but trust me JUST the thing kids will love!

    that is the end of this public service announcement!

    Happy humpday everyone!


  • Comment number 39.

    Thank you Debs, will go and look at his website.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Afternoon each

    Very short blog today, hope Jonny wasn't sick!

    Heard something interesting today (well, maybe only interesting to me and Susan). A record (vinyl) tribute to Newcastle and Brian Johnson singing Wor Geordie's lost his liggie. Apparently he was in a band called The Geordies before joining AC/DC. Does anyone know if that's true?

    Very funny song, anyway.


  • Comment number 41.

    CSN: I KNOW!! Aaaarrgghh!

    Hi Annie: now, I could check with our guys in our Newcastle office tomorrow - shall I do that?

    Sorry, have to scoot off now - have a nice evening everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 42.

    That would be good Chrissie. Man in the cupboard has the vinyl and told me the story of Brian Johnson. He's very knowledgeable about music but would be nice to know he wasn't taking the p.


  • Comment number 43.

    well Annie according to that there Wiki site it was a b-side. We always sang plenka when singing that song!!

    Quite a bit about his early days.

    BTW Chrissie you didn't say you had connections here. The new place I work for has offices all over the country and we even drove past the Dorchester one last Saturday.

    Happy Wednesday everyone xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Annie, I'm pretty certain about the band The Geordies, but have never heard of the song, if that helps?

    Short blog from Jonny, but if I'm honest, I wouldn't have been able to type THAT much before feeling very ill indeed!! I can't even glance down at a map!

    JG x

  • Comment number 45.

    Susan, it was a plonkie in Felling. For those not Geordies, a liggie, planka or plonkie was the big marble you smashed the little ones with.

    Anyway, it was a really funny song. He lost his liggie on the Scotswood Road down a netty, did all sorts of stupid things to get it back, including blowing up the netty, then found it in his pocket.


  • Comment number 46.

    Annie, I remember it!

    For any who are confused, a netty is a toilet.

    We have a slightly sanitised version at work (Local Authority Music Service), called "Johnny lost his marble". Which, given today's blog, is strangely fitting.

    A x

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi all

    Hope everybody is OK - I am saving my piece of Fruitcake for the coach journeys on Saturday and Sunday (taking care to keep it in good condition for 3 weeks on Friday of course...)

    Annie - get a large glass on the go before you go on scrabs - I have ducked..... ;-)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    mtd, been there and you are soooo annoying.

    BG, never heard it before but it was so good. Been thinking, if he really is the singer in AC/DC, there must be a gobsmackers in there somewhere.


  • Comment number 49.

    Evenink troops

    I've been acupunctured. Just got home and feel like a total space cadet (ok, so how do you tell that from the normal "me"?). Derriere a tad sore on the right but next session booked for next Wednesday - this time with an acu man who is also a physio. Apparently I need to improve my core, in terms of posture and strength. I'm starting yoga tomorrow night so that should help too.

    Oh, and Nic has started calling me a dippy hippy, what with the human pin cushion thing and yoga!

    Tea now in oven (j spuds and salad), and Arsenal on the tellybox LIVE!

    Hope you're all fine and dandy ... and MTD - reading on a coach .... NOOOOOOOOO!

    Back in a bit.


  • Comment number 50.

    Deevs, have done yoga for years and it is so good for you. Enjoy.

    MTD, you'll love the fruitcake - couldn't put my kindle down till I'd finished it.

    Got a lovely bottle of Merlot from a grateful SVQ candidate today. It would be rude not to test it out, wouldn't it?


  • Comment number 51.


    Annie, best you try that wine - don't want you being rude!

    Very quiet here tonight. One boy's at karate, t'other's at a sleep over

    Sounds like another good reason for a drink

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Ok Seza, will do.

    Been trying to watch Monarch of the Glen on ITV3 and it kept breaking up. Am seriously miffed.

  • Comment number 53.

    Bottoms Up Girls!

    (I have a can of diet ginger beer on the go .... lush it is!)

    Feeling dopey sleepy so switching this off now to concentrate on them Gunners. Til the morn ... sweet dreams.



    ps: Annie - what do I wear!??! x

  • Comment number 54.

    PS: My laptop keeps telling me my battery is at the end of its useful life. For goodness sake! Does anyone know if you can get new batteries?


  • Comment number 55.

    Deevs - wear for what? Have I missed something here?


  • Comment number 56.

    Oh, right!!! For yoga. Comfy stuff. When I was very young I wore the tight black stuff with black tights but that's not for here.

    Loose clothing Deevs, and take your own yoga mat.


  • Comment number 57.

    I'm just watching a programme about the Chilean Miners

    When you hear exactly what they were up against, it's even more of a miracle that any of them got out alive!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Me too Seza. When I was in Lubljana a few years ago I was persuaded to go into the underground caves. An absolute nightmare, was horrible. I can only imagine what it was like for those miners. I'd have lost my mind.


  • Comment number 59.

    Annie, yes he really is the same person, honest....!!!

    I remember googling him when he was on Top Gear, as I wondered how a Geordie was in an Aussie band!!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 60.

    Annie, plug it back in!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 61.

    Ta muchly JG, so the grumpy old man was right! Should I go for the gobsmackers?

    Have you listened to the song?


  • Comment number 62.

    No, not yet, but go for it!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.

    What's the best AC/DC rocking song??


  • Comment number 64.

    Oh It made me cry again watching those miners being rescued!

    Hooray for the engineers of this world!

    JG How was your road tonight?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Oh you should Annie esp as Chris loves the Geordie accent and I am sure he would love to have an excuse to speak sum proppa words like!

    Right off to airport to pick the GD up from her trip to Brizzle so will catch you all tomorrow.

    Can we at least have a draw Deevs! Come on the Toon

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Annie, I have no idea, not an ACDC fan, couldn't even name one..

    Seza had a wobble at work about 4pm at the thought of it, took some time out to take some deep breathes (my boss is OK with whatever I need) and drove home ok...just got to keep it going...

    It gets harder as the week goes on and I get more tired...

    JG x

  • Comment number 67.

    Ok, done it. Let's see what happens tomorrow.


  • Comment number 68.

    JG, it'll soon be Friday, chin up, chest out and breathe.....


  • Comment number 69.

    I know Annie!! Wish I could get to York, but I can't got from one side of the country to the other in one weekend...I'm hoping I've got it sussed now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    Hump day today JG, we're closer to the weekend and you've already done most of your trips home!

    Yeay, that's a good thought!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Me too JG, but am in the Enchanted Forest at Pitlochry with little boys on Saturday - in the rain by the looks of it!!!! Think I'll need boots and umbrella. Will take camera and try to get photies for you all on FB.

  • Comment number 72.

    Am off to North Wales on Sunday, to meet sis and step-sis for lunch, and watch tyhe kids ice-skating!

    Not going to Mr JG's family firework thing on Saturday, one cos I'm not really welcome, two, cos I hate fireworks, and three, I need to look after Finlay!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    As in, they'll be loads going off here too....

  • Comment number 74.

    Night all! xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Annie, the Enchanted Forest sounds wonderful

    JG, Poor Finlay, take care of him

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Night JG.

    Think I've just sent the gobsmackers twice to Chris. Bums.


  • Comment number 77.

    Night all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning you lovely lot!

    Whoop Whoop #1 .... Arsenal won!

    Whoop Whoop #2 .... I slept better last night than I have slept in a very long time. Good auld acupuncture!

    Whoop Whoop #3 .... CLP let me into his Club at 6.40 this morning - thanks Chief!

    Now he's playing Don't Stop Me Now - what a geez!!

    Will try to pop in during the day but not sure who's in and who's out.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday.

    Muchos Amore


    ps: where do I get a yoga mat!?!? x

  • Comment number 79.

    Good Morning Everyone.

    Glad it's not either windy or raining here in Wirral.

    Congratulations on the three whoop whoops Deevs.

    Off to the see the doctor to try and get my neck pain sorted, I've had it for years but it's got too much lately, it's painful to look right or left. Perhaps I should try acupuncture like you Deevs.

    So to the doctors and then the shops>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM x

  • Comment number 80.

    JG - why dont you come to York for lunch, you could get the same train as Bids and Cumpy and then back in time for Finlay and the fireworks??? It would be great to see you! :-)

    Mtd, i started CLPs book last week but decided to save it for my train journey on Saturday instead - I'll race you!

    Deevs, yoga is good - but be warned - it aint a piece of cake! you WILL glow!!! Yoga mats from any sports shops, you really should have your own, if you cant get one today make sure you take a towel to lie on top of it theirs for the lying down stuff.

    Right, off to boil a ham, then out for some squishy soft white bread - guess whats for lunch here - warm gammon sarnie.....

    happy thursty thursday everyone (crikey its a week since i last said that? where'd that week go!)

  • Comment number 81.

    Maddy - one of my FB friends said that his bad neck was cured by acupuncture. I'd seriously consider it - I feel amazing today.

    Debs - I have a towel. And a water bottle. Thought I'd see how tonight goes before splashing out on any equipment/mats and stuff.

    Firing on all cylinders this morning. Have had a run though of all things outstanding with my boss and now working through a nice pile of leases, notifications and such.

    Best go. Laters!


  • Comment number 82.

    JG - sorry hun, just read FB, dont feel any pressure to come, it would just be lovely to see you!

    Deevs, glad you are feeling betterer today!

    right really am getting on with stuff now!


  • Comment number 83.

    Morning all

    Cold and damp here!

    I am still feeling rough, had this bug for nearly a week now.

    Deevs, glad your feeling better and hope you enjoy yoga tonight.

    Marjie, hope you get on ok at the doctors.

    Have a good day everyone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Morning All,

    Very mild today, in fact I walked to work, haven't done that for 10 weeks or more. It will be the last time I walk home in the light for quite sometime, so I am going to make the most of it.

    Debs, Chuck me a sarnie, sounds lush, I've got marmite! How cutting edge is that for a sandwich?!?

    MM, Hope you get your neck sorted out xx

    Deevs, Enjoy yoga, if you relax too much it can have some side effects - you have been warned ;)

    The old biddies are chatting away at their coffee morning; I am sure Victoria Wood would have many a sketch out of them.


  • Comment number 85.

    Hi everyone:

    Glad to see the situation with the Geordie song was cleared up!

    Susan: oh, yes, big ties with Newcastle. The company I work for has a Newcastle office in Dean Street - Milburn House. What a fantastic building - I am fascinated with it! We have had many terrific office nights out in Newcastle - what a great (and beautiful) city, I love it. We had a wonderful dinner once in a rooftop restaurant - I think it was formerly a book depository. Oooh, this is putting me in the mood for a trip to Newcastle!

    Cheryl: good to hear the acupuncture has worked its magic for you.

    MM: Like Cheryl, I am a big advocate of acupuncture. I would have no hesitation in saying to you to give it a go!

    CSN: what a shame you are still feeling lousy. It's so exhausting feeling ill, and just awful when you have no energy to do anything. Hope that you will feel better soon.

    Have a good day everyone: as you say Debs, can't believe it's Thirsty Thursday again!

    C xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi everyone from a cloudy and windy Ayrshire, no rain yet though so that's a bonus.

    Nothing much to say except - one more sleep till we're on the train to York, really looking forward to it.

    Hope everyone has a good day.



  • Comment number 87.

    Good afternoon blogettes

    Very mild today. Long may it continue. Hope all have a good blog meet in York. I'm off to my niece's wedding tomorrow in Manchester. Really looking forward to it - only time my brothers (4) and me seem to get together. We're spread all over the country. I'm off on holiday next week and colleagues have suddenly realised. I'm swamped with work.

    Hey ho.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 88.

    Hello Again.

    Back now and awaiting home delivery which includes quite a bit of Christmas stuff.

    I saw my usual doctor who is very thorough which is why I was waiting until he was back from holiday. Going to have an X-ray to find out exactly what it is. So I'll see how things go from there but will seriously consider acupuncture. Bingo swears by it too.

    Now wondering whether to have a second peppered steak slice as it was a BOGOF offer.

    MM x

  • Comment number 89.


    T'is fine and warmish here, although "Heather with the weather" said it wasn't going to last .

    Not much occurin' today , just fighting the urge to go home .

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Afternoon - again,

    Heather with the weather was right , its grey and spittin'


    Keep smiling

    MC xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Afternoon all

    Debs, no worries, it's just a long way to come for lunch, and involved 3 separate trains, and 2 and a half hours each way even without getting to the station in the first place, which is blooming ridiculous!

    I'd love to see you all as well, but I think it's a bit too much for me at the moment, and I need to get some more shredding done!

    MC, I thought it was supposed to be raining as well, but it seems OK so far!

    PJ, I'll be in your neck of the woods on Sunday!

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    PS Thought about driving over, but York is a devil of a place for parking!

  • Comment number 93.


    Rain coming your way ....... HWTW says so, how can she be so bright and smiley at that hour of the day i will never know.

    Right, off to do stuff,.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 94.


    Can we have a new blog please :)


  • Comment number 95.

    Happy Birthday Master Mobs xx

  • Comment number 96.

    MTF: Sorry, I didn't know it was your son's birthday today - how did I miss that?!

    Master Mobs: happy birthday!

    Looks like Mr Evans is rather tied up with other things: would could that be?! I really don't know how he does it: lesser mortals would a simpering, quivering wreck, but not our CLP!

    C xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Hi Everyone – long time no β€œsee” I have tried to catch up but failed miserably!

    Jonny – lovely to see you on the blog. Hope you didn’t get too car sick. I’m terrible, the only time I am ok is when I’m driving!

    I know where I wish I had gone for lunch today!

    Chris I thoroughly enjoyed my slice of fruitcake. I love your style of writing I felt you were there telling me the story, I laughed and cried with you. And because I remembered a lot of it from when it actually happened I felt as though I was a part of your life, sad I know but just humour me ;o) Can’t believe Celtic Manor was so long ago remember being there as though it was yesterday especially the party in the bar afterwards! I will bring along Chrissie’s book and mine when I come down for the CiN day in the hope we get the green ink seal on there, I will even bring my own green ink pen, won’t be as posh as yours though ;o) xx

    Chrissie – I think it’s hilarious you and MrS are reading the book at the same time. Woe betide the person who breathes on mine hahaha

    Chris I have to thank you for bringing me to life in the mornings – I really don’t think you appreciate what you do for us. It’s such a struggle for me to get out of bed in the mornings, this morning I just wanted to cry at the thought of having to get up and get going but within minutes of listening you I come alive and before I know it I’m singing in the shower! And that’s when I always thank you for making me smile!

    Hope everyone else is okay.

    Have a great time in York at the weekend. I will raise a wee glass oh okay a large glass to you all, well it would be rude not to wouldn’t it?

    Take care all
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 98.




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