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Holidays 2011

Chris Evans | 10:01 UK time, Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Bit of a miz day weatherwise for us all. There was literally a false dawn with a dappled red sky hoodwinking us into thinking the sun was going to part of our lives today.

Wrong! It's wet, cold and raining in London right now. But fear not!

"We need to sort out your holiday dates for next year," clarions my producer - little Hels Bells from Hull.

So, now amidst the dreich of a dark, dank Tuesday morning, my inner eyes are conjuring up visions of summer sun 2011.

Well, actually, they're not to be honest. I got straight on to finding out the dates for The Open, The Masters and The Monaco Grand Prix.

Tash loves going to those three events and insists they are our vacation priorities every year. Er....





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning blogettes

    Bucketing down near Chester. Has been for hours.

    You're a lucky man CLP ............... though I think you know that. I have insisted that Mr PJ goes fishing for a week every June in Herefordshire. Kind aint I?

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 2.

    UGH! It must be something in the air ...... my boss is tearing her hair out at the mo, trying to co-ordinate office cover over the festive period because our HO has insisted it be sorted out NOW!

    As for next year ..... CLP, can me and Nic come to Monaco with you please!?!

    Toodles, for now!


  • Comment number 3.

    Hi everyone,

    Pouring down here in Ayrshire this morning, sky is grey and I don't think it will get bright at all today.

    CLP, your holiday plans sound fab, I must admit, my holidays have become more interesting since I joined this blog, I have now been to London, Leeds, Birmingham, and this weekend, we are going to York, and am looking forward to visiting more places next year (finances permitting of course).

    Hope everyone is having a good day.



  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: yes, OF COURSE Tash has these events at the very top of her Holiday Destinations List - no doubt you charm her into this with the gift of the gab you have! And no doubt she is equally charmed with the shirt you were wearing last night - loved it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    We're working on a plan to go to Italy next year but I was aiming for March/April so that I knew how much holiday I had left for the year - my housemate wants to aim for September - either is fine weather wise but argh why is it so complicated - I guess September means more time to save up pennies.

    Looking forward to the 19th November for now! WOOT WOOT!

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi everyone:

    Have been having a catch-up from the previous blog:

    Susan: glad to hear you had a lovely weekend with your family. A 94th birthday - now that really IS something!

    Annie: re: wine - LOL!

    007: I did wonder where you were at the FNWC. Poor wee Daphster - glad to hear she's getting better now.

    JG: the heights thing is a real nightmare for you. Sounds like you have been getting some terrific advice, which I really hope will help. Re: Spooks - last night's episode was a cracker, I could hardly breathe watching it - can't believe I have missed about 6 previous series!

    AS: lovely to hear you had a great birthday. It must be very difficult when the previous partner is behaving like an idiot.

    CG: sending my sympathy - I know, you will be feeling lousy. And isn't just typical that this happens when you are on holiday! I don't know why, this happens to me too. I think I just collapse in a heap once I take a break! Take care, and stay warm.

    As for me: well, this morning I finally cracked - I just HAD to buy a piece of Fruitcake. Went into the shop that sells books at Queen Street Station - they had every book you can think of - except the Fruitcake one! Aaaarrgghh! Guess what I'll be doing at lunchtime today? I don't care if it IS blowing a gale, Argyle Street here I come!

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Greetings Ter CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives Operating In This Vicinity Of The WWW.

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - One of the perks of your most nice choice of career path... 'aving lot sof 'olidees & deciding what ter do with them... decisions, decisions!!!!!!!!!
    Why not take Tash & Noah ter The Crimea in Ukraine???
    Very beautiful... very sunny & 'ot.... AND nobody would recognise you there!!!!!!!!
    It's just over the black sea from Turkey but without people trying ter sell you leather jackets!!!!!!!
    Am tellin' yer.... Am sure yer would 'ave a most enjoyable time there... most enjoyable!!!!!!!
    And in case all think Ukriane is a down & out country.... A saw mr first ever Ferrari in Ukraine when a was there last month... A 360 baby!!!!!!
    It made me turn 360 ter getta good view!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps CLP & family!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP & ALL - A just wanted ter share with you my all time favourite Queen song!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Why oh why is this neve rplayed on R2???????
    It's overlooked, yet such a great tune... And probably Queen's best driving song too!!!!!!!!!
    Brian May being my all time music 'ero with Freddie Marcury a VERY close second!!!!!!!
    Chris Martin my 3rd all time 'ero.... just wanted ter add that in!!!!!

    The question is where would this tune be in me all time favourite tunes.... Top 10 definately!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But where in me Top 10... again a am unable ter decide as there's just so many great tune sout there!!!!!!!!!!!

    Open your speakers.... And ENJOY >>>>>


  • Comment number 8.

    Afternoon all! Shonky weather here too, however, my stress levels are now high

    tas been announced that Take That are defo touring so the stress of trying to get a ticket begins - I hate it!!! And they aint cheep either, so that makes the decision - I will only be trying for one concert :-(

    Sounds like it will be good tho - take that as a 4, Robbie as a single artist and then Take that as a 5 - stadium's too so it will be a SHOW! Jane - have a word dear for my tinternet to be aok on Friday at 9.00!!! ta muchly XXX

    right off to forage for something WARM for lunch

    Chrissie - good luck with your lunchtime sprint!


  • Comment number 9.

    Debs: yes, I agree, it is so stressful trying to get through to get tickets. It's Panic Stations!!! I am sure TT will be just fantastic.

    Thank you for your good wishes, I will be putting on my coat in approximately 7 minutes!

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Chrissie, I've just used my points from Sainsbugs etc, and order it half price from the River site - much cheaper and drier all round!

    Also order Alan Sugar's book as well - that's my next three years reading sorted then...

    Debs, I know....!! So stressful!! Anyone planning on going to Manchester (standing part) that I can tag along with? Can't sit up in the stands - they're too.....well y'now...high ;)

    JG x

  • Comment number 11.

    UGH!!!! Me and bessie mate saw Beautiful World at the 02 and The Circus at Wembley Stadium ..... now what!?!

    Do I go back down to London for the 2011 tour, or make her schlep up to Brum!!?

    And can I afford a ticket?!?!?

    And will Nic want to join us!?!?

    It's all too much. Off to hide under a blanket.


  • Comment number 12.

    Deevs, I will be aiming for Brum or Carrrrrrdif - tickets Β£55-Β£90 gulp!


  • Comment number 13.


    In answer to your questions, Brum, yes, you have a property empire and no, definitely not thanks!


    Hopefully Cuba at some point in 2011 for us and South America would be good too - oh and Australia - lends us a few quid would ya?!


  • Comment number 14.

    CLP - re holidays - hmm all very work=money dependant,

    so hows about this - I'll babysit for Noah in Monte Carlo if you like - if Tash is so keen on it she'll want to be in the action - not a good place for an ickle chap - me'n him will stay holed up by the pool in a) the 5 star hotel or b) lazing on the yacht - see - reet flexible and helpful me!

    pretty please????


  • Comment number 15.

    HOW MUCH!?!?!?

    No way Jose. Never ever.

    Will wait for the DVD for Christmas 2011!!


  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon All,

    Chris, You keep popping up all over my TV at the moment, which isn't a bad thing at all. As for 2011 holidays, I can but dream!

    Now I am a bit out of touch, but FNWC looked like fun.

    For all of you snuggling under the duvet feeling poorly sick, I wish you a speedy recovery xx

    For those of you seeking employment, everything is crossed that the perfect job will be just around the corner xx

    For those just back from hols, I hope you had a nice relaxing, refreshing time and for those about to embark - have a good one xx

    For the rest of you plodding along with life - we get an extra hour in bed this weekend and I don't know about you but that's all that's keeping me going ;)


  • Comment number 17.

    Well, my wee legs have never carried me so fast to the shops! Had a wee nostalgic look at the area of the store where Chris carried out his book signing last year - awwww!

    On the way back to the office, I passed our local sandwich bar. Soup of the Day? Leek & Potato! What a result - can this day get any better?! Well, yes it could - if my boss told me to take the afternoon off so I can stuck into my book!

    JG: I did think of ordering, but decided I couldn't wait another couple of days!

    Debs: now, as much as I think TT will put on a totally incredible show - Β£90 for the top price ticket - someone, somewhere is taking the Michael!

    AliB: yes, I am really looking forward to that extra hour. But then, in a matter of a week or so, it's back to the dark mornings which I detest!

    C xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi all

    Awful weather here, pouring down.

    CG, hope you feel better soon.

    AliB, extra hour in bed is good but don't like it getting dark so early in the evenings.

    Chrissie, glad you got Chris's book and enjoyed your lunch.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 19.

    If any one wants a pressie idea for the petrol head who has everything, google wacky washers - the most surreal thing I've seen in a long time...

    JG x

  • Comment number 20.

    JG: whatever will they think of next?!


  • Comment number 21.

    JG, how unusual. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Another busy day - which it would seem, we are all having!

    CSN: thank you - yes, I cannot wait to get home, into my jammies and get into the book!

    Have a nice evening everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Evenin all

    Well I've run out of empty boxes on the packing front. Must go acquire / borrow some more or tomorrow will be a waste of time off from the grindstone.

    Holibobs in 2011 eh CLP? I haven't finished using up this years supply yet, will worry about 2011 when I've run out of 2010.

    Deev: I hope they're sussing the C word plan in my absence, I'd rather go back and find plan b is already lined up ready to go, since it'll be up to at least plan j by the time it actually comes round. It's always the case. I think I've been there too long ;)

    Now what to do with my evening? Do I go to the pub, on a box gathering mission or stay in? I can't decide if I want to brave the general yuk out there or not, or whether company would be good. It doesn't help that it's been so dark here today, I really feel like I ought to put pj's on and curl up under the duvet now.


  • Comment number 24.


  • Comment number 25.

    Seza: sounds like you needed to let it out. What's up love?


  • Comment number 26.

    Seza, honeybunch .... may I join you?




  • Comment number 27.

    Hi Oz, Seza and Deevs

    Are you all ok?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Did I break the blog!


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 29.

    CSN: not that I noticed...

    I'm fine, thanks for asking. The question of whether I go on a box hunt tonight has been solved, by an offer of boxes tomorrow. So now it's stay in or brave the yuk out there and go to the pub?

    Eeeny meeny....


  • Comment number 30.

    Open, Masters and Monaco.....sounds good to me....where do I sign?

    Re the weather....sunny Brighton aint so sunny now......like most of the UK from what I hear.

    TB x

  • Comment number 31.

    D'you know everyone, in the grand scheme of things i have no worries but...........
    I've been to work today and Mr Seza and the boys are on holiday.

    I got home and there was washing up in the sink, washing in the machine (and none of the wet washing I'd already done in the dryer!), nothing some but playing on the wii and computer all day

    So I've been out there, cleared up, sorted out the recycling, dried the washing, done more washing,cooked dinner and finally sit down while Mr Seza does the guilty washing up but then comes and asks me how to clean the new saucepans!

    Like I'm an expert!!

    Ok Whinge over!

    How is everyone tonight?

    Oz, good luck with the boxes, we had real trouble finding enough.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Ooooops...bit out of touch with common blog courtesy....

    Hi Sez, Oz, CSN, Deevski.....hope you're all OK.....tis Humpday tomorrow....something to smile about on a wet cold, windy night.


  • Comment number 33.

    Seza, that's just not on sweetie. Methinks you should go on strike! Tell them you want tea on the table when you get in tomorrow, and the house clean, ironing done.

    Gwon!! It'll feel good!

    Me? Got home after an OK day to a rejection letter for that job I had a really good feeling about. Their loss.

    For now .... midway thru ANOTHER application form, so back in a bit.

    Oz - happy boxing!


  • Comment number 34.

    Seza: sounds like you need a big hug. What is it with blokes and assuming you're an expert at cleaning things? Most unfair when you've been at work too, hope they behave better tomorrow. Re the boxes, a friend moved a little while a go and I discovered then, if I nip into the local supermarket early enough in the day (having pre-warned my mate who works there) then I can acquire several fairly strong cardboard boxes each visit quite easily. So when the supply I've been offered tomorrow runs out, that's what I'll do. There's just the small matter of where to store the boxes and their contents for the next couple of weeks... House currently looks like a bomb has hit it :(


  • Comment number 35.

    Evening Baz :) Thank you for that thought to make me smile.

    Deev: do you want me to pack the silly people who rejected you in a box? I'm a dab hand with the parcel tape you know ;)


  • Comment number 36.

    Evening each

    The Fife sky was gorgeous this morning too CLP, but remember the little ditty - Red sky at night, sailors delight, Red sky in the morning somebody's (can't remember) warning! It's true - piddled down all day.

    Next year's holiday - well I won't be charging up the satnav to go the Lakes, that's for sure.

    Back later when I've caught up with you all.


  • Comment number 37.

    No probs Oz....re packing/wrapping, are you already taking orders for wrapping christmas presents....? If so, please put my name down....

    Think perhaps you're better at packing boxes though...in which I really do need those services once the old matrimonial house is sold... haha


  • Comment number 38.

    LOL Oz. Thanks for the offer, but I feel strangely serene about this latest rejection. Their loss. I know the right job is out there for me - we just need to find each other.

    I'm now at the bit on the latest application form where it basically says justify yourself, and it had better be good!



  • Comment number 39.

    Chocolate and Wine!!

    That'll help!

    Better that mistletoe anyway

    Os, wine bottle boxes are a good size for putting books in

    Deevs, boo to the stoopid people! Don't they know who you are!!

    Not bothered by the gollfy stuff but always fancied Monaco as ,long as you could do it properly with the yacht(sp?) and stuff

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Seza, it seems all my best work (and most appreciated) is voluntary!


  • Comment number 41.

    Seza....yacht and stuff....expensive taste ay?

    And...wine bottle boxes are also handy for putting wine bottles in??

    Oh c'mon....I know you've missed my shining wit!


  • Comment number 42.

    Chrissie, you'll enjoy the book, what an honest man CLP is - it's a bloomin' good read.

    Oz, go to the pub, sounds like you need cheering up.

    Deevs, how about we all write a reference for you? I'll put good organiser (river trip on the Thames), friendly & approachable (all those Blog meets), good communicator (blog posts).......

    Seza, your husband sounds just like my son-in-law. He sometimes gets that hunted look about him.


  • Comment number 43.

    You could be onto something there Annie! I keep saying I have excellent organisational and people skills!


  • Comment number 44.

    Sadly Baz, all my wine bottle seem to have dirty great leaks in - all the wine evaporates!!

    Was thinking about holidays after CLP mentioned it

    This year I got it so wrong and ended up using almost all my holiday up so now I've got to wait aaaaaaaages for some time off - excepting CIN Day of course!!

    So, next year, I'm determined to spread my holiday across the year although I think the closest we'll ever get to Monaco is watching the TV!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Baz: not taking orders of any sort atm, as have escaped the grindstone for a couple of days, but yes I can wrap pressies quite well, and can pack stuff for moving as and when required.

    Did have a job a few moons ago as an order packer for a company, honed my skills there. One day one of the forklift guys ran over one of my parcels. It had a big black tyre mark (cartoon style, you know the sort) straight down the middle of the box when he guiltily brought me it to repack. I was pleasantly surprised to find that my packing had stopped the contents being squashed (unlike the lid), so a new lid on the box later it went back off on it's merry way.

    Seza: I don't drink enough wine to get it by the box, but if anyone is willing to volunteer me wine boxes I won't say no ;)


  • Comment number 46.

    No Oz, didn't make myself clear. Meant the boxes that usually have about 6 bottles of wine in.

    Supermarkets often have lots of those

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Oz....can't you get 'empty' wine boxes being the check out at supermarkets anymore???? Am sure you can....well at least at the ones I go to....not sure what that means???? If anything?

    Seza, am told that seeing a live GP is great, but only for the noise and atmosphere....you see b*gger all....so we'll stick to the telly then?


  • Comment number 48.

    Evening All,

    Seza - whilst I completely agree with you about what those lazy toerags have been up to today. I have to side with the long suffering Mr Seza (joke x) regards the pans.
    If you're anything like the CMM or, in fact, any other woman I know - and you'd have walked in on him scrubbing/scouring/spongeing/spit and polishing or jet washing......whichever option that saint of a husband had gone for....

    He'd have been wrong!

    What would we do without you though?

    Oh hang on - I've just re-read your post. Played on thd computer all day seems to be the answer.

    By the way - I agree, go on strike. That'll learn 'em x



  • Comment number 49.

    Typical man response Rips!

  • Comment number 50.

    Nice Rips....now duck quickly....


  • Comment number 51.

    My daughter would have that steely look in her eyes while giving you a good talking to. Don't know where she gets it from.


  • Comment number 52.

    Sez, I think Oz did know what you meant...funny that...thinking of someone trying to pack stuff in a wine box as opposed to a box designed for 6 bottles of wine...haha


  • Comment number 53.

    LOL Rips, Have a picture know of Mr Seza jet washing the pans!!!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hey Baz, There's an idea

    Do you think I can reach Rips with the jet wash from here? ;-)

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hello again

    Just been talking to someone on the other side!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 56.

    I've just had to unload and reload the dishwasher as well :( But under the current circumstances...

    Oz, feel for you, will be going through the same thing shortly...anyone know, who's not in the know, how to get boxes?

    Rips, I'm not precious about my pans, just want them clean...hence they are dishwasher-proof!! Just apparentlt awkward to fit in... Yeah Right!

    I can be patient for the book, still haven't finished the first one...

    Oh great, he's home and the footie has gone on!

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    Very funny Sez.....as is thought of jet washing pans... :-)

    OK I'm off now...man flu making my fingers hurt....and no, not expecting any sympathy from you lot...

    Anyone want a clever...... dead octopus?

    Take care.


  • Comment number 58.

    Seza: Baz is right, I did know you meant a wine box for 6 bottles :) As I said I don't drink enough wine to buy it like that (or the sort you thought I meant!). Now if I could source some none fizzy pear cider in the supermarket in boxes like that, that would be another matter ;)

    Jet washing the dishes and pans... I hope the ex doesn't read that idea until after I've moved out!


  • Comment number 59.

    Oz/JG, when I was in the same situation, I bought a pile of boxes from a removal firm. Very cheap, they arrived flatpack and well worth the money. A bugger to get rid of though, when I eventually landed in my new place.


  • Comment number 60.

    Oz, both my daughters found it really hard to get boxes when they were moving. Supermarkets don't give them out anymore

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    JG: I think if you go in and ask then the supermarket will hand over boxes as it's less to put through their recycling programme. The bum patting supermarket apparently won't do this (the mate who was moving asked) but my mate in the bakery at the TT themed one was happy to hand me a load as long as I went in early enough (so she didn't get in trouble for not having tidied them away -10/11ish). No one batted an eyelid as I took them round the store with me and then out with a bag full of shopping while I was there (two birds, one stone, that's me) though I have to say, steering the trolly was a tad more difficult than usual, boxes all on one side (and heavy) shopping on the other (v light in comparison)!

    Have just noticed, it's gone 8 and I haven't had an evening meal. Well that solves the pub question, I'm not going out on an empty stomach.


  • Comment number 62.

    Annie, both girls bought flatpack boxes.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Evening CLP and bloggers, lookas like we're on the same wavelenght at the moment, thinking about holidays for next year, though my plans are linked to the birth of my best pal's second baby, due at the end of Deceber. I'm hoping to go over to Sweden to see them at the begining of April.

    Christmas time off has also been sorted, so that I get a few days of over Christmas but work over New Year (and therefore benefit from the overtime). I'm not fussed about New Year and would rather have the extra cash!

    Hope you're all ok out there. It has been quite a grey day in Edinburgh too


  • Comment number 64.

    JG: well if I get some from the supermarket I'll keep them for you if you want? Might be a bit of a hike to hand them over, but we could sort something I'm sure.

    Evening Rosie :)


  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Rosie, CSN & Tango

    Watching Masterchef - how gross is bone marrow??


  • Comment number 66.

    Annie, LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Bone marrow sounds eeuuww!!

    Glad I'm not watching

    Maybe that's an idea for the boys tea tomorrow if they spend all day on the computer again!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Good plan Seza.

    Had 10yr old and 8yr old today as they're still on holiday. Spent the whole day playing guitar hero and eating chocolate biscuits. Boys and their toys, eh?


  • Comment number 69.

    Evening all..... Tonight is Bogof at the pizza takeaway.

    So, after having my voice recognized last week on the phone, I decided to pull a fast one.

    I put on my best Bridgwater accent and ordered 2 pizzas. They couldn't have known it was me and strangely, didn't even ask for my name.

    So, I parked outside and popped in to pick them up.

    On entering the takeaway, I was greeted by a very loud....

    "SEE" I told you it was Stacey!!!!

    Seriously, you couldn't make it up.

    Thats not my name, but I havent got the heart to tell them.

    Ting ting!!


  • Comment number 70.

    Aaww I sounds like such a moany old bag don't I?

    I really don't mind that they were playing games, it does them good to so it sometimes

    But i do wish they'd just tidied up a bit!

    Grumpy old woman Seza xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Evening again,

    Well who'd have thought that my earlier comments would have brought my little highland warrior out in a rage....

    Oh, that's right, me! Haha....Hi Annie x

    Ozgirl - hope it's all going as well as these things do. It strikes me that you might not have been asking for our advice about going to the pub as much as you were seeking support ;-)) Off you go. It'll probably be great when you get there and get a couple down your neck.
    It's exactly what I'm doing right now in the hotel I'm in for the night.
    Cheers x

    Baz - good to see you hanging on in there chum

    Seza - glad you took that in good humour, as it was meant! I've just worked out that I've owned our pans for 17 years. I bought them when I was with a previous future ex Mrs Rips (She was a bloody nightmare - thank the good Lord that I saw sense there) I didn't live with her, but decided I wanted some decent saucepans. So we both went to Lohn Jewis and I spent about a weeks wages on them. They say you get what you pay for and these pans still look brand new........

    Sorry - anyone still awake? :-)


  • Comment number 72.

    For Ting Ting who I hope is not Tooting



  • Comment number 73.

    Thanks Paul :)

    Just reading back through todays posts and enjoying some pics on fb, of someone that I would never have imagined being caught on camera with a mouse!!



  • Comment number 74.

    Oh Rips you do make me laugh

  • Comment number 75.

    Ooops, 'thats not my name' is making me very confused.



  • Comment number 76.

    Evening all,
    With regards to pans, i find the best way to preserve them is to not use them at any cost. Works for me !!

    Stacey, gwon, tell em.......... "thats not my name "

    MC xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Rips, you and Mr Seza are going to have to get together and talk pans sometimes!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Rips: the pub I had in mind is a 13 mile drive away, and would probably have been a waste of time, petrol and money, so I'm glad I stayed in. There are closer pubs, but not ones I feel comfortable in going in on my own.

    Food has now been consumed (apart from some of the sauce which managed to land on my jumper and on the top underneath - really not sure how that happened!), and now I think I'm going to put the pj's on, and the cosy dressing gown and curl up with a book. Because I can. Not sure the book I've started (3 chapters in) is going to be all that good, if only because one of the main characters (dead already) shares a nickname with a friend of mine who is nothing like the character, and every time I read the nickname the image of my mate pops up ruining the book! Hopefully the name will pop up less and less as I get further into the book...


  • Comment number 79.

    So, where in the UK are you tonight Rips? Just been viewing your pics on t'other side!

    I am currently watching Mr JG be Lewis Hamilton, and listening to Finlay squeak his squeaky toy...is it time for bed yet?

    Oz, good on you for heading for the pub! I don't know if I could go to a pub on my own...well done!

    JG x

  • Comment number 80.

    Seza, chuck mr Mobs into the equation there too.

    He will give them tips on getting shiny bottoms!!


  • Comment number 81.

    Oops, you didn't..oh well, one day we'll go together!

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    JG: there's only a couple of pubs I'll happily go into on my own without having arranged to meet anyone there. But yes, you can come with me one day... the day we swop boxes maybe? ;)


  • Comment number 83.

    LOL MC. Do you dust them regularly?


  • Comment number 84.

    Sounds good to me Oz!! There's none around here I'd go into, even with himself...he won't go into them either!!

    OK, so, I've just been asked if I'll drop him at the other side of Wigan at 7.30 on Friday night, have said No, he thinks I'm mean, I'm thinking it's FNWC, and why should I?

    JG x

  • Comment number 85.

    MC lol, are they useful for keeping things in - like takeaway menus!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 86.

    And as for telling them about it not being my name, I dont think they have ever heard of the Ting Tings MC.

    I might be wrong though.


  • Comment number 87.

    MC, I missed you there, hope the wedding went well?

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.

    We have got a pub at the far end of the sea front. I've never been in it. But we have only been here 13 years, so its early days yet.


  • Comment number 89.

    Oops sorry Ozgirl - I understand, what a shame that the one you would have enjoyed is so far away. Maybe another night then eh?
    I'd love the ability to curl up with a good book - just can't do it! Short attention span....

    JG - tonight, I am staying at Cotswold Water Park - I'm told that there is a lake view right outside my window but I arrived too late to see it and will probably leave too early to say good morning to it. I bet I paid a premium for it as well....;-(
    Good work on crossing the bridge - have you tried imagining a troll underneath who will come and get you if you stop? Now, who could the troll be? x

    Ting ting - I have a theory on the 'Mouse' photo. I reckon Disney FM have a breakfast show which also has a Top Tenuous feature. My guess is that that morning the top tenuous was Chris Evans - it doesn't come more tenuous than this....

    Chris has got me thinking though - we always book our holidays too late, maybe we should do it now.



  • Comment number 90.

    MC - Can't fault your logic x



  • Comment number 91.

    No, no, no!!

    JG, there is no troll, is there a toll?


  • Comment number 92.

    I cross the Clifton Suspension Bridge on a regualr basis.

    My word, imagine if there was a troll under that!!

    About 2 years ago, they resurfaced it and rmeoved the top coat of tarmac or whatever. Underneath was wooden boards and you had to drive over the bridge with the clickety clack sound and vibration as well.



  • Comment number 93.

    Oh heck, time to type a bit slower!


  • Comment number 94.

    Rips, enjoy your view!! ;)

    Yikes MTF, don't talk about creaky boards!!!

    Yes, there is a toll, and quite possibly a troll...but it's no longer a bridge....

    "It's the road home to Finlay"!!!!!!!!!

    Off to bed, and removing that word beginning with B from my mind!!

    Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 95.

    There is one Bridge that we all love JG?

    Bids, you about Chuck?


  • Comment number 96.

    Rips: the upside (and there's a few of them) to this forthcoming move of mine is that I'll be about 5 miles closer to the pub I favour... still have to drive mind *sigh*.

    JG: we'll sort something out then if you need a pub visit :)

    MTF: don't mind bridges as a general rule, but I don't like the sounds of yours much!

    (who wrote a rather long email instead of getting into pj's and book mode)

  • Comment number 97.

    Night all

    Sleep Well

    Think tonight's motto should be we're all on a road to somewhere better!

    Except Rips, who's going to need a row boat first to get across his lake!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Mary Jo Lisa, it rhymes with Pizza.

    Thats not my name, thats not my name!!


  • Comment number 99.

    Seza: what a lovely thought about the road to somewhere better :) Giggling at Rips needing to cross the lake mind, hope it's shallow!

    Night all, I'm really going to get into pj's and book mode now, and it doesn't matter if I read long into the night, I'm sure the rest of the packing / sorting will be there waiting for me whenever I do surface ;)


  • Comment number 100.

    MTF: I hope you're going to re-write that song, and take your new lyrics in next time you go for a pizza. Maybe they'll get the hint then ;)



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