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Pick Us A Winner Will You?

Chris Evans | 06:18 UK time, Monday, 23 August 2010

Apparently, the word on the street is that I picked my nose several times on national television on Friday night. So many people have told me - it must be true. I had no idea.

Though I have always been a picker, I have never knowingly been afflicted with the process during one of my past telly runs.

I need to begin to refrain from all off air picking, to prevent any more unintended on air work. After all, 7 o'clock on a Friday is dinner time for a lot of people. I can only apologise.

Right - what's it looking like out there - oooh, shall we all go back to bed until tomorrow ?





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning all

    Weather is awful here!

    Chris, I didn't see you pick you nose!

    Hope you all have a good day

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Or even your nose, but I did see you touch it!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 3.

    hiya all

    Thank you for all the anniversary good wishes, sorry I have been MIA (what do you mean you didn't notice), I was ill the end of last week and have been at home in bed feeling pretty rotten. We did manage to get away but it wasnt the exciting weekend planned - still there is always next week and I feel as guilty as possible for being ill!

    TimtheT - from yesterdays blog - thank you for inc that link - I read it and saw a comment from me, I seemed so enthustic and happy then, and I am so cynical and drained now - so much has changed!

    Hugs to all


  • Comment number 4.

    Chris, i didnt see you pick your nose - but I did replay you all running across the batter a number of times, comedy gold!

    And you made me get fish and chips for lunch on Saturday which were fabulous so thanks for that!

    Have a great week everyone, me, well, still ont sofa!


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning CLP & ALL....

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - All a can say is ave seen the Fridee gig.... And a didn't think yer looked nervous, a thought yer did a great job... in fact a think they ave 'picked' a fine co'ost in yerself CLP!!!!!!!

    My sum up of Fridee's gig.... I thought yer 'ad a fine MIX..... And yer... BATTERED the competition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ALL - Well a returned from London last night & got mesen inter a right mess.... A nearly ended up in a fight with a skin 'ead at Euston station!!!!!!!!!
    It all started after a was walking behind this rough looking skin 'ead... yer know the type... jeans... jacket... swagger & the 'air totally removed!!!!!!!!!!
    A was behind 'im when a noticed something on the back of 'is bald 'ead!!!!!!!!

    It was a black scorpion!!!!!!!!!!

    So a whacked the back of 'is 'ead.... screaming: 'AHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!'

    But the black scorpion wouldn't budge!!!!!!!!!!

    It's then a realised it was a tattoo.. yes a tattoo all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's the last DAMN IT time a try & save someone from 'ighly posionous insect on their 'ead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS The above...... 71% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Bingo, that is so funny. LOL!

    Take care!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 7.

    beauty sleep over!
    Chris i think someone is winding you up, i am sure he you had been picking you hooter more would have been made of it in the press. ;-)
    I did email the show offering to bring my motorhome on your camping in cornwall show. No one has contacted me so i guess you are all happy under canvas . . . . . . In the rain! Lol
    Keep smiling
    Xx x

  • Comment number 8.

    Christoff what nonsense. Pickin' your nose indeed. If yous could pick your nose I doubt you'd 'ave chosen THAT one. Hurrah.

    Any road up. This takes me back to my old Grandma. I myself was a bit of a keen nose-picker back in the day. And I well remember bein' installed on a Saturday afternoon at Grandma's, sat round the telly, bored rigid, with only the contents of my delicate hooter to alleviate the tedium of watchin' her brothers wrestlin' Mick McManus, Grandma shoutin' boo hiss an' shakin' her fist, only takin' her eyes off the screen to announce, "Ere.. 'Ave you got a piano up there? Come down before I send the tuners in."

    Happy Days.


  • Comment number 9.

    What is the world coming to, if a man can't pick his nose, live on national tv?

  • Comment number 10.

    I never saw you pick your nose Chris. People can be so picky. Having made my Blackbeery Jam with a streaming cold I'm sure some of the jam jars contain a few bogies but I call it protein additives.

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi Chris: well, I did see you touch your nose on Friday, but I wouldn't say you were "picking" it. I was not in the least offended, I can assure you! I thought you and Alex really connected with each other, and I enjoyed the show even though it all seemed a bit "fast and furious" ... so glad to see you back on Friday night telly!

    Hi everyone else: hope all is well.

    So far, Monday has not been terribly kind to me ... had a shower this morning, came downstairs to discover water dripping from the kitchen ceiling, apparently coming from the shower. Nightmare! Plumber hopefully coming out this afternoon, but possibly tomorrow morning. Once again, Nightmare! I've only been at work for 45mins, and I want to go home!

    Work calls!

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    You were definately touching your nose on Friday but there was NO picking!!!!

    The sun is peeking out here in Slough!

    C x x

  • Comment number 13.

    Chrissie, what a nightmare start to your week. Fingers crossed that the plumber comes this afternoon.

    Sending you big hugs!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    Raining here in Wirral!

    Although it's understandable to do things we are unaware of when nervous I can assure you that you didn't pick your nose Chris.

    I was once in a posh pub on a first date and feeling nervous I was playing with a tissue in my pocket. Later in the evening I blew my nose only to have bits of tissue all over my face.

    I think it's a case of nitpicking rather than nosepicking!

    MM x

  • Comment number 15.

    CSN: bless you, I needed those hugs!


  • Comment number 16.


    Sorry to hear your news, hope you get it sorted soon. Its so hard to concentrate at work when you have stuff going on elsewhere.
    In a few weeks time we are having our bathroom ripped out and replaced. We will be using our nextdoor neighbours facilities whilst they are away.Bet the neighbours will wonder what is going on , with me nipping next door in my dressing gown !!

    Rain here, so nothing new .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 17.


    I cant tell you how impressed i was with that Batter !!! Loved the show

    MC xx

  • Comment number 18.


    Chrissie - sending you a very large gin & tonic as I type! What a nightmare!

    Can't join i nthe debate on the One Show - not my cup of tea!

    Mixed weather bag this weekend in N.Warks - miserable and wet on Saturday, glorious sunshine yesterday before hammering it down most of the night! At work in Cambridgshire now and the sun is shining!!

    Another fab weekend had in new house! Slowly but surely getting things done and making 'our mark' on the house!

    Seza - GM & I were lucky with our boxes, he didn't have any and I didn't have too many as I only lived in a 2 bedroom house before! Now in a 4 bed house it all looks a little bit lost :)

    GM is sorting out HD satellite for us today and now we need an HD ready TV whereas yesterday it was only he would like one!! Men, lol!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 19.

    Me back again....

    Am with some of the other bloggers.... a didn't notice you picking yer nose CLP!!!!!!!!!
    Maybe it's as a fully focused on Alex Jones dress.... And Carry Grant in a cat suit!!!!!!!!!!

    PS The photo the other day... the in the car one.....

    Am feeling am wrong about a Mercedes MPV.... Those 'eadrests are saying Saab to me..... VERY Saab!!!!!!!!

    Mind u wonder if another manufacturer, like say Lexus... or Volvo... get their 'eadrests from Saab???????


  • Comment number 20.

    Christophe, no!

    I saw you scratch your nose a couple of times. I thought at the time "the Police must be following you" - Apparently the Police know that you've seen them following when you scratch your nose.

    (#437 In the TtT Useless Facts Book)

    Baggy - Chin up and listen to more Breakkie Shows - they'll sort you out!

    Laters potatas
    Tim the Taxi x

  • Comment number 21.

    Hey CLP,

    Can't say I noticed any picking on the show - and normally I spot stuff like that straight off.

    On our way to V on saturday I must have seen at least 12 men - yep, all men - picking their nose whilst driving. Firstly, guys the windscreen is not a one way mirror y'know and secondly, surely this is dangerous driving?

    Errol says there has been a study done into this behaviour. 60% of chaps admit to picking their nose while driving and 40% of women admit to the same.

    I don't now what is worse, the fact that a study has been done, or the fact the Errol decided to retain the information!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 22.

    MC: the worst thing is the thought of not being able to have a shower ... how will I live?! It will be fun and games for you and Mr MC to use your neighbour's bathroom! However, how handy that they will be away then! And it will be wonderful for you to get a new bathroom!

    AS: your form of sympathy appeals to me, of course! Good to hear your are settling in, in the new house. It's always lovely when it really does start to feel like "yours".

    We are having a monsoon in Glasgow at the moment - I wish I had my wellies with me!

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hello Again.

    I've just put some pictures on facebook of where I go to on my scooter.

    Lovely on a summer's day but not today in the pouring rain and wind!

    MM x

  • Comment number 24.

    Oh Chrissie, I am sorry you've got shower trouble, but trust me as someone who hasnt been able to have one for 6 weeks I am an expert at the old fashioned "strip wash"! If you need any tips let me know :-)

    I wont know myself the minute the Doc says I can get into a bath or shower again, I swear the water heater is going to be on all day, and I will just keep pulling the plug and re-filling I reckon!

    Tim - thanks for the link on the previous blog, I did infact spend an interesting hour this morning perusing a few of the other archive blogs. I am now on a mission to find the one where Tash stopped being the "girl on the sofa"!

    Have a good rest of the afternoon everyone, nearly home time!


  • Comment number 25.

    Oh, and I should just add "strip washing standing on one leg...."

    Wobbly - thats what it is!!!!


  • Comment number 26.

    Och, Debs, how thoughtless of me not to think of you! (what a selfish b*tch I can be at times!) Of course, my wee problem doesn't amount to a hill of beans compared to what you are going through - I am sure you will indeed spend the whole day in the bath once your doctor gives you the go-ahead!

    C xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Afternoon peeps - Debs 'strip wash'- I can just hear my mum now saying "I'll just have a bit of a swill", which was what she called a stand up wash.

    Sounded ok when she said it years ago but now .....!

    Chrissie - hope you get your drips sorted before you need a plasterer too!

    Nose picking - Steve Wright mentioned it this afternoon when I was flicking channels whilst driving home. Mariella, does that constitute dangerous driving too?

    Had another tough day so I am having a glass of Pimms before my liver and onions! Strange combo I know but needs must!

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Now then Chrissie an' Debs, fret ye not.

    I reckon we're all showerin' ourselves to within an inch of our lives you know. At one time it was the weekly dunkin' in the tin bath. An' bein' the youngest in the house, ergo last in, yous came out muckier than when you went in. Wit the allure of eau de carbolic, the skin like a red mullet from Grandma an' the scrubbin' brush, an' early onset tinnitus from Granddad an' 'is Turbo-towel dryin' technique.

    Carbolic. What a marvellous word. A word yous can get your foot behind an' give it some welly. A word yous can use when yous stub your toe or step on a slug in the early hours in your bare feet. Or when confronted wit your smart@*e daughter's waggly finger, or a parkin' ticket, or when DickTurpin.com Airlines charge yous credit card fees four times for one transaction. Grrr.

    Any road up. As exhilaratin' as the power-showers are in my favourite hotel in Cork, the one wit the morphin' rainbow lights that make yous accuse the GBF of spikin' your vodka, I'm sure they're not good for you. I swear. A great big fat shower-head up above that's already like standin' under Niagra Falls, then yous fumble about a bit for the soap, push another knob an' WHOOSH. If you're not hangin' on to the rail thingy yous are blasted on all sides an' damn nearly blown right outa there an' straight off the balcony.

    An' don't look upwards or sideways or yous'll be blind an' deaf for a week. Can't be 'ealthy, that. Beats a chemical peel, mind.

    Maybe I'll get one a them shower-heads for Renee when I put 'er walk-in shower in... one false move an' she can kiss 'er dentures goodbye. Hurrah Make My Day.

    (BTW. That's a walk-in SHOWER. She's already bin' banned from even THINKIN' about a walk-in bath. Almost as much nightmare potential as that blow-torch some eejit bought 'er for 'er last birthday.)


  • Comment number 29.

    Hahaha Crumpy A Bit Of A Swill, oh hahaha yes, that's my aul Granddad again.

    Imagine my delight recently, when I booked into a hotel in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, on the shores of Loch Swilly. And then nearly crashed me car when I drove past possibly the least inviting butchers' shop ever, Swilly Meats.

    Marvellous. Spot a re-brandin' needed there, I reckon.


  • Comment number 30.

    PS. Crumpy. I'd watch the Nose-pickin' an' Flickin' in the same sentence, yous mucky pup.


  • Comment number 31.

    Hiya Crumpy: yes, as I was looking at the ceiling this morning, I did think "heavens only knows what's happening between the bathroom floor and the kitchen ceiling"!! Enjoy your Pimms and indeed the liver and onions!

    Clodagh: great post, really had me chuckling, just the tonic I need before heading home!

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Chrissie: well, just remember for when yous open your front door;



  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon each

    You never did pick your nose on tv Chris, don't believe them. I didn't see it and I watched the whole show.

    Chrissie, you'll be plodging (good Geordie word) your way through Glasgow now but I know how you feel about your shower - I couldn't do without mine. Feel for Debs not being able to get a good blast of hot water.

    Clodagh - Swilly Meats? Oh dear oh dear.

    Crumpy, enjoy your Pimms, sounds like you deserve it.

    Maddy, saw your photies, looks like a nice jaunt.

    Bye for now. xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Och Chrissie, dont feel bad - I KNOW you dont have selfish in your body, nowt but 10 mins after meeting me for the 1st time you were off to ransack me room and find me purse - to put my mind at rest!

    Clodagh, once again priceless :-)

    Crumpy - cheers! feeling compeled to have a cheeky G&T now! Gwon, I'm worth it!

    See you funsters in the morning


  • Comment number 35.

    Maybe this is an effort to...
    Get the country hygiene aware and not your fault at all Chris!!!
    The world is so busy and transient and
    everyone gets a little tired so then there are bugs everywhere.
    (in the forties and fifties ladies and gents wore gloves for a reason).

    Thought the show was great and you and the shirt looked glorious!
    Magnificent Marvellous and you did Magic!!!

    Regards Chrissie and the shower... agreed a stand up wash is good.
    It's what my family term as a "FFF" (silent P!)
    A Face, Pits, Fanny & Feet Wash
    (in that order) with a piping hot flannel
    (one for everyday of the week)
    is good and wholesome.
    Then/or ...
    what about the gym or that well deserved
    de-stress spa reward that you'll need at the end of the week!
    Ahhh Bubbly Lubbly!!

    Here's to a less stress week for all!

    Sending Hugs!

  • Comment number 36.

    Chrissie, I hope your shower problems are sorted out soon! Not so much for me, for those much closer to you.... ;-) x-x-x


  • Comment number 37.

    Hi folks, just popping in to say hello!

    Chrissie, hope you get your shower fixed, and Debs, feel for you with the lack of bath/shower, I hope you get some good news on that front soon!

    Well, Mr JG has booked NYC, and the more I think about it, the more I'm glad I'm not going! But I am worried about him in more ways than one!

    Clodagh, thanks for the laughs, I sure need it!

    Tim the Taxi, thanks for the post to the archive, got me thinking a bit, and maybe I might get himself to read it too!

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    Hiya from a quiet house!

    Boys staying at Mum's tonight so are we making the most of it?


    Lounging at home as usual

    Have enjoyed the posts today

    I didn't think there was any picking going on on Friday, lots of face touching but that looked like nerves

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Hallo JG

    Seza, did you hear the Jeremy Vine show on R2 today? Talking about grandparents looking after grandchildren. We save you lot a fortune!!!! Even though we love doing it. One poor woman makes a 400 mile round trip every month to look after her grandchildren for a week. Makes my 100 mile round trip every Monday seem trivial.


  • Comment number 40.

    Annie, I did hear it and I do appreciate so much what our parent's do for us! I do try to tell them often and I do try not to take advantage!

    Mind you, i think some of the examples they had on the show today were a little extreme! It must be awful though if you've started off doing something and it doesn't work out.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Evening all,

    Debs, am sorry to hear about your shower situation. I think i would have been driven nuts by that by now and hopped into the shower. I havent had a bath in ten years !

    JG, what you worrying about ?

    I had to nip to the supermarket after work for one item .. bacon. I came out with bacon, beans, showergel, two cards, chicken, beef .... and why oh why do i always get stung .. having to pay for the bar of chocolate the previous customer left in the basket ?? I just cannot go in and come out with the one thing i needed .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Like the poor girl whose parents gave up! I felt so sorry for her.

    I'm so glad I can help my kids out - and I just love looking after our lot, although I have to say the 4 month old just eats and sleeps - I never get a chance to get a cuddle.


  • Comment number 43.

    Annie, same here with both babies. Older ones keep us on our toes or feet!

    Seza, enjoy your evening, bet your mum loves it. I really love looking after my grandchildren.

    MC, I love lying in a bath. Sorry Debs. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    MC Glad it's not just me that happens too - and the chocolate always sneaks in too! Am now not living so close to the shop so trying to be a bit more organised so I don't have to do a daily run to the shops!

    Annie, there are some advantages. Biys were over at my parents-in-law last week and they had boy1 diggin potatoes up for them!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 45.

    You're right Seza. 8yr old has been washing my dishes for extra pocket money to save up for his ipad.


  • Comment number 46.

    My MiL made it quite clear that if we had kids she wouldn't look after them. She now looks after Mr JG's sister's daughter almost full-time...!

    Not that I wanted kids, anyway!

    MC, I'm just worried about a lot of things...that's why I'm not sleeping! Most of them are just silly, and some are more serious!

    JG x

  • Comment number 47.

    Annie, that is so sweet.

    JG, when is Mr JG going to NYC.

    csn. xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    hi all

    have been working tonight so still online (for a change).

    JG - I want to give you a big hug - think you may need one - if you want to come and spend the weekend here you are more then welcome.

    my mum watches my sisters kids so she can work, she would mind ours (if we had any) but is too far away - however we think mr bp's mum (who lives round the corner) would probably help if needed. However with no kids on the horizon this might just be pie in the sky thinking!


  • Comment number 49.


    Am here is you need an ear /shoulder / etc etc . xx

    Seza, I only went in the shop last week for some milk and came out with the milk AND two orchids . Previously , i needed a sandwich , and came out with a new bread board too. It is fatal for me to do the shopping when hungry, i just cant stop myself from trying all the offers and bogoffs !!

    Baggy , hope you are feeling better.

    Annie, i miss my gran, thats exactly the kind of thing she would have done for us. She used to do "deals" with my brother and I , and it always cost her !! happy days .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Big hugs for everyone who needs them tonight! (((xxx)))

    CSN Hope your daughter is all better now and able to enjoy her little one

    Sleep well all,

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Baggy, thanks!! I might be visiting your area soon, I need to see my dad before he gets much worse, so will give you a shout out if I do! I'll probably stop at the Papermill, but not sure when yet!

    Thanks MC, it's a bit difficult at the moment, as he's just been signed off work for 2 weeks!

    CSN, second full weekend in October, he's on a 6 day rest-break for work, assuming he's back then...

    I just have too many things going on in my head at the moment, plus a boss hassling me to take another exam...Grrr!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 52.

    JG, sorry your going through a difficult time at the moment.

    Sending you big hugs.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 53.


    Not only did I break the blog yesterday but broke our internet connection too! so we have been incommunicado!

    Hugs to JG & Baggy

    Annie thanks for the words about my car xx

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Evening Susan.

    I'm off all, night night.


  • Comment number 55.

    Thanks CSN and Susan, and yes Susan, you do have a lovely car!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    Night all

    Susan xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Thank you Seza, daughter is much better now and her little one is doing very well.

    Are you still unpacking boxes?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Night, Annie, JG, Seza and Susan.

    lol,csn. xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Night everyone

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    new blog everyone!



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