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Oh My Goodness - I Can't Move For All These Balls

Chris Evans | 09:44 UK time, Monday, 21 June 2010

Has there ever been a Monday like it for sport?

England beat the Aussies at the weekend in the rugby, Andy Prioux won the WTCC race at Silverstone and G-Mac wins the US Open at Pebble Beach for Northern Ireland. The World Cup has gone nuclear - and we're still in it !!!

PLUS - as if all that isn't enough - Wimbledon starts today.

I have never been more like Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔr Simpson in my 44 years on the planet, and I can see another fortnight of sofa love on the way.

Note to self - The sofa, the sport and the fridge - a lethal combination.





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris

    Cracking weekend for anyone who loves sport, and of course the footie finishes just in time for the open at ST A!


  • Comment number 2.


    Just posted this and the new blog appears so I'll re post it cos it's got a message for Baggy in

    Balls tho, well, quite looking forward to the tennis ones but otherwise..............a quiet few weeks for us, Just the Dr Who finale to look forward to!

    Morning from lovely sunny Essex

    Have got the GARDENERS IN TODAY WHICH IS LOVELY EXCEPT WHEN THEY ARE STRIMMERING OUTSIDE MY OFFICE SO I HAVE TO shout! Phew, gone past my door now. Looks good when they've done tho!

    Why couldn't it have been like this on Saturday! Will have to find another excuse to go out in my pretty shoes!

    Baggy, just remember you have the power of the blog behind you! Go in fully armed with your plan of what you need to make this work best for you which will give your bosses the best results - you can do it! PS Don't know if I should say this but for your second in command, do you not know someone you could recruit, may be that you've worked with before?

    Got to nip off IN A MO (GUESS WHO'S BACK) TO TAKE BOY2 TO DOC. SO BROKEN MORning for me

    Oh and Mr Seza has just phoned to say he has to drive his BOSS TO GLASTONBURY ON FRIDAY NIGHT. nO HE'S NOT going just his boss and I don't know why he has to drive EITHER!



    Seza xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Seza - thanks - have a couple of CV's from friends of friends but think actually having a friend work for me might be a bit wierd!

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris

    I thought your World Cup "rant" was excellent this morning. Changed my views (a bit). Any chance you can add the text to this blog?

  • Comment number 5.

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Another glorious day here, I hope it's the same across the whole country.

    I've already got the washing on the line and next lot in the machine, I love changing the beds in the summer when I know that it will all be dry ready to go back on the beds before bed time!

    I can't wait for Wimbledon to start and am still looking forward to Enland playing in the football on Wednesday, COME ON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!

    Now off to do some more housework, this morning is the only time this week that Im not busy so I can't let my husband come home and the house still be a mess!

    Have a good day everyone

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 6.

    What about Scotland beating Argentina at rugby? can't believe you missed that one out!
    Sorry, first time commenting on here, but I felt I had to point out that glaring omission. I have been following the blog since drive-time days.

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning wormcatchers . . .

    Life is good in Cricklewood . .

    sunshine & blue skies over the River Lagan this morning - for the first time ever, t'was a glorious weekend here in NornIrn yet London was shrouded in cloud - must be the influence of our visitor at Pebble Beach . . .

    Hope everyone is well . .

    have a great week,

    DtM x

    Please note:
    No ref to footie from me - don't really understand . . .

  • Comment number 8.

    Me again

    CLP I will add my thanks to Stephen's #4, what a positive message and I agree it should be perpetuated and thereby reach the team in SA. In fact the segment should be replayed at regular intervals until Wednesday afternoon (ooh say every hour on the news??? - well they were quick enough to criticise!!!)

    On other matters, one of the bosses here has given me a very cryptic message - He asked if anybody had spoken to me about some opportunities that are coming up. When I said no, he said he would chase up as he had been promoting my skills to somebody else. When I asked for clues, he said it was sensitive and could not talk to me about it unless the other person had already approached me. On one hand I am intrigued but on the other I am concerned that whatever it is they are thinking of offering me will/or will not be up my street (yes I'm worried both ways because I was actually beginning to look forward to leaving).

    I'll let you all know when I hear more, I am sure that I will need some guidance anyway.

    Oh and Seza LOL at your shouting above the gardeners.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris: love the title of your blog today! And I agree wholeheartedly with Stephen and mtd: your rousing message this morning was brilliant! How I felt for the team and the support on Friday. I know only too well the absolute agony of watching your team try everything, and getting nowhere.

    I can't believe I will miss the match on Wednesday, but I'll be there in spirit!

    Hope everyone else is ok - not a chance of catching up with the weekend comments, so hope all is well.

    mtd: this does indeed all sound quite intriguing. You never know, this might be a wee beauty that is about to be suggested to you. Keep an open mind, and when the suggestion is made, make sure you don't react one way or the other. Let it sink in, and see how you feel. I completely understand that you are now totally "psyched" to leave ... but "they" seem to have other ideas!

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning each, from sunny Fife. Washing out, done an hours work, off soon to the garden centre to buy yet another bloomin' pot for the clematis. Got another hours work this afternoon then a cup of coffee in the cupboard.

    MTF: good advice from Chrissie, have a think about it before you decide.

    Chris, the sofa, sport and fridge sounds a great combination to me, although I don't really get the sport - the other two sound good though, specially if there's chocolate in the fridge.

    Hallo Alien.

  • Comment number 11.

    Good Morning CLP and All.

    What a week it is for sport, indeed, CLP. I hope Marje (Tash) is coping with your Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔr Simpson lifestyle.

    All that's required this week is strawberries and cream and plenty of champers. Maybe a pizza and lager midweek.

    Hope everyone's OK. I'm full of cold and hoping that it won't lead to complications because of my COPD.

    MM x

  • Comment number 12.

    Errrrm ....... scuse me, but wasn't it MotoGP at Silverstone this weekend? If not, what was that 2-wheeled spectacular I watched with my FantasticRolastic yesterday?

    Back this arvo. Promise, not threat ....



    peees: Baggy - agency staff???

  • Comment number 13.

    deev - I have agency staff covering the reception

    I cant even get agency to help me with the accounts - no one wants to job!

  • Comment number 14.

    Have you tried specialist accounts staff agencies? If we have them here in The Midlands, you MUST have them in the City ..... they are full of mad people like My Fella and You who relish in The Joy Of Number Crunching!

    Me? I is a wordsmith!


  • Comment number 15.

    deevs - yes - I have it out with the accounting agencies that I go to for jobs but no one with the correct experience wants part time work

  • Comment number 16.

    Baggy - try posting it yourself on Monster or Total Jobs, or search the same 2 sites for candidates. I had a fair few calls when I was job searching from employers directly approaching me.

    Good luck, and remember, patience is a virtue!


  • Comment number 17.

    Lovely and warm and sunny here today, so wish i could be at home .

    MTD, I can understand how are now "ready to go". But as Chrissie suggested, keep an open mind and see what they propose to you. You could always ask for a small break and have some time out to get over all the recent stress this has caused. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

    Bondy, good luck to you too , hope Daphne is keeping well.

    Baggy, hang in there. Get a plan together, ask what budget you have and go for the best you can afford. Like Deev suggested , get the agencies working for you.

    MC, who really wishes she was at home so badly today.

  • Comment number 18.


    Sorry, meant to also add, hope your new job is going well, and you are enjoying the challenge.

    MC x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi MC

    New job(s) going really well, and loving every minute of it (them).

    (sorry baggy and mtd)

    Still lots to learn and posibly being taken out to a site visit next week sometime: flat shoes a must!

    Can understand your wanting to be at home today tho - it's beautiful out there - not to mention to football and Wimbledon being on today too.

    Time to change hats and do job #2 .... back in a bit!



  • Comment number 20.

    hiya peeps
    Day 1 at Wimbledon, first Brit already out and it also looks like Feds is on his way already, no equalling Sampras this year if Falla doesn't slow down!!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    how convenient, Falla has a groin strain....

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon All
    Have to say not one for the sport so it'd only be sofa and fridge for me where I have to say there is a couple of cheeky (big) bars of Fruit & Nut hiding in the veg drawer!!! Well no-one looks there for choccy do they? Only drawback is that I get hearburn if I eat too much (surely this aint normal)
    Done all that's needing doing in the house today, but up to ninety - number 1 son is away for his very first interview and I am on tenterhooks waiting for him to come home. Fingers X

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi Troops:

    Just how quiet is this blog? I am starting to think that Uncle Carl has kidnapped a load of bloggers who are missing in despatches!

    BLYipE: Well done for having a busy day, the adrenalin must have had you running around like Benny Hill! Good luck to No.1 son - what a nightmare it is when our lovely children start going for interviews. My fingers are indeed crossed!

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    I've just sswitched the tennis on.

    Who is that man calling himself Roger Federer cos sure as eggs is eggs that's not the real RF?

    Is this all part of the Dr Who finale? Has RF been replaced by an auton?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 25.

    #13 & 15 Baggy I thought there were over 2 million people unemployed in this country surely someone wants or needs the position you're trying to fill after all a job is a job even if it is part-time!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 26.

    thanks everyone - just had a really hard convesation with my boss - he did say the role was bigger then one persons job - have ability to recruit someone, just need to see now if she wants the job!

  • Comment number 27.

    Seza: I know! I couldn't believe it when one of the guys in the office told me the score. However, he has clawed his way back - I would be very surprised if Rog loses it now.

    (she said, phoning her bookie!)

    C xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Chrissie, I'd hang on, this guy Falla (whoever he is) ain't giving up!

    Baggy, hope that's a good start to getting work sorted out for you.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Hello Again.

    I've had a nice surprise in the afternoon post.

    Β£25 cheque from Un*t*ed Ut*l*t**s for failing to warn that the water was going off on 8th June. I did'nt know they did this. I was told by my neighbour it was going off and am now wondering how she knew.

    MM x

  • Comment number 30.

    Seza: poor old Falla - he must have really riled Roger, because he is now storming ahead. But well done to the guy, it did look very ropey for quite a while!

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Phew, normal service (ha) resumed!

    Was a bit worried then.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Afternoon everyone! Hope you're all well. I've been away for the first few days of holiday this year (ridiculous and totally self-inflicted)and have missed your goings-on. What about this football then? Well said this morning Christoff - we're still in it. Rooney just needs to score once then you won't be able to stop the little fella.

    Isn't it funny how something can become part of our global consciousness in an instant? Last time I posted on here I had no idea what a vuvuzela was. I could have taken a guess, but boy, would I have been wrong.

    Lots of love, Barmy xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon Everyone,

    Just got caught up. Blimmin' lovely and warm here today whoop, whoop! I don't have time to sit and watch sport on TV but as I worked on Friday I took today off to watch my youngest gorgeous boy in his sports day. The first part of the morning was a potted sports thing which he did with his jumper on (still don't know what that was all about, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was positively warm) and then he was entered in a long distance run, a sprint and a relay - bless him he swept the board. Wee soul was clinking as we walked home this aft. I was stunned and really chuffed as his dad managed to be there today to cheer him on too - a very rare occurrence as he lives north of the border.

    Seza - you made me larff with the shouty bits in your post. I'm sure you'll get an opportunity to wear the pretty shoesies, just a pity Aled didn't get the chance to see them. ;)

    Annie G and BLY - well done on the busy-ness. AG - I'm sure the clematis will look gorgeous in the pot - saw the photies of your garden on FizogBlog - it looks lovely!

    Hallo Alien and a warm welcome to you - good point well made.

    Baggy - good luck with the scary bossy - I'm sure it'll be fine - they won't want to lose someone of your calibre. Let us know how you get on.

    MTD - all v intriguing and a bit exciting I'm looking forward to hearing what it's all about.

    Bills - From previous blog, it's nothing you said mate, it'd be great if you could drop by a little earlier in the evening. I try to sign out round about 10 and no later, especially on a school night. Look forward to seeing you soon anyhow.

    Toodle-oo for noo.


  • Comment number 34.

    Afternoon each

    Gaily, how do you DO that? Remember everything everyone said?

    Clematis now in yet another pot and it's so heavy that I can't lift it to put it in its appointed place - stupid woman!

    Off in a bit to do a couple of hours voluntary work.

    See you all later.

  • Comment number 35.

    Forgot to say Gaily - well done your wee boy.

  • Comment number 36.

    Gailyb: how lovely for your wee boy - you and his dad must be so proud of him. He must be over the moon with all his medals!

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Thank you everyone. I think his dad was a bit emotional (he had his dark glasses on so I couldn't be sure) but I have little sympathy I'm afraid. He chose to leave us and has missed out on so much which became all the more apparent today. YoungestGB was so happy tho' as his dad has never been to his sports days before.

    Well folks, I must get tea going now.

    Hopefully be able to pop back later.

    Toodle-oo for noo.


  • Comment number 38.

    Just got tea made and eaten within the hour - how good was that. Doesn't often happen so I'm making the most.

    Btw, Annie, I didn't say earlier, I don't remember, I have to scroll back and forward to check I've remembered everyone.

    EldestGB is having 'a rant' at me for sitting on the computer all the time - oh my goodness, it sounds just like me - ah well we've had a larff about it.


  • Comment number 39.

    Rightio, off to round up the troops before we head out.

    Cheerio for now.


  • Comment number 40.

    Cheerio Gb, are you off somewhere nice?

    Billie, Hiya to you, Afraid you are around a bit late for me too. I'm no good if I stay up too late

    Has been beautiful here today, hope it's going to carry on

    We normally get the same sort of weather as Wimblydon so now they've put that fancy new roof on in case it rains, we think it should be lovely and dry!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Have a good evening GB!

    It's glorious here as well, so we've just had a BBQ! Stuffed now though...

    Fingers crossed it stays like this for a while now Seza!

    Well there's watering to do, so better get on with it.

    JG x

  • Comment number 42.

    Evening each

    Well, that's me back from my good deed for the day. Horrendous traffic queues for the rickety bridge and it'll get worse - just seen signs for the Royal Highland Show - bummer. That means I'll have be up at dawn to meet up with Mary and Chrissie on Saturday morning and wend my way through horse boxes and 4x4s.

    Back later when I've watered 50 million pots.

  • Comment number 43.

    Evening all,

    What a gorgeous day its been, have clock watched ALL day, which is unlike me, but i did do some work .

    JG, we have had a bbq too, we are really getting the hang of it now. MrMC bought me another cook book, so thats another to go in the cupboard, and eventually to the charity shop.

    Gail, lovely to hear about your son and his achievements today.

    My stepson is now back at home with his mum, and starting to wake up to the fact that he needs a job and a driving licence.

    Plants all watered , Mr MC also waters the windows when he is doing the hanging baskets , keep telling him they wont grow.

    Right off for a jogette.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Btw - longest day today. Countdown to Christmas starts tomorrow!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 45.

    Thanks Annie , grrrrr ! xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Chris,

    Seeing as there is a connection (love your line at the end of this Jon Ronson article), any chance you can play something in honour of the late, great and already much missed Francis Gordon Sidebottom?

  • Comment number 47.

    sorry, this article

  • Comment number 48.

    Evening Everyone,

    Been back a while from dropping eldestGB off at cadets but rang my dear old Mum then up(or is it down)loaded some photos to the fizogblog. Bernstein is safely tucked up in his hutch after spending the afternoon in his run.

    What a lovely evening, the cool breeze is most welcome.

    Oooh Seza, do you think we can have a fortnight of sunshine? I really hope so after the dreadful winter we've endured.

    Annie, Lincoln will be gridlocked this week as it's the Lincolnshire Show Wed and Thu. Actually at rush hour times, Lincoln is always gridlocked. Worst road system in the world. I often sit at the numerous sets of traffic lights I have to negotiate each morning wishing I were back in Dunfers. Straight down the braes, 3rd exit at the Polis station and you're in the multi-storey. When I lived in Dunfers, I used to go home for my lunch, even before I had my car it was do-able on the bus as my Mum would have a sandwich ready for me to throw down my neck, I'd have a comfort break and right back out the door again. It was a bit of a rush but worth it to get home in the middle of the day.


  • Comment number 49.

    Gaily, might go to the Glen on Friday if the weather keeps up. Will give you a passing thought as I sit and watch the peacocks flashing their feathers.


  • Comment number 50.

    Aw I envy you Annie - I love the Glen. I had my wedding reception in the Pavilion. In fact the ex and I had our first date to the Pavilion to see Big Country when they were first starting out. It was blimmin' brilliant.


  • Comment number 51.

    Thank goodness for a positive pep talk from Chris. To be honest I don't care that much about the football but it would be nice for those that do care if England were to do well. I'm just sick of the negativity.

    Chris you must plump your sofa to avoid a Homa style Butt mark.

  • Comment number 52.

    Lol tgh. My youngest is always trying to make butt marks in chairs these days. What's that all about?


  • Comment number 53.

    You'd be there with my daughter then, Gaily. She was a huge Big Country fan - coralled Stuart Adamson in the gentlemen's hat shop in the High Street for his autograph. It's not there any more (the hat shop) but I expect you remember it.


  • Comment number 54.

    TGH: My leather chairs make fart noises if you jump on them. Guess what gorgeous little boys favourite occupation is when they're in my house?


  • Comment number 55.

    Annie, small world eh? Struggling to remember the men's hat shop on the High Street. My rather tenuous link to SA is that he went to the church in Townhill where I used to live. I used to work in the Leeds building society that was on the High Street, next to the Nationw!de and just down the road from the Scottish restaurant (McDs). I think it's a Gr*ggs now (other sandwich shops are available). We used to go to the Old Inn and if we wanted a quiet drink went to the Glen Tavern. Aw those were the days. A wee daunder down Memory Lane.


  • Comment number 56.

    Btw, MM, forgot to say earlier I hope your cold doesn't develop or at least gets better soon.


  • Comment number 57.

    Rightio, if no-one is coming out to play just now, I'm not staying out by myself so I'm going for a cuppa and then having an early night. My new books arrived in the post today and I've started reading 'The Elegance of the Hedgehog'. I started it this aft and I think I'm gonna like it.

    Night night everyone. Sweet dreams.


  • Comment number 58.

    Oops, sorry Gaily, been faffing about on FB and email.

    Night night, I'm off too - see you all tomorrow.


  • Comment number 59.

    Sorry, got waylaid by Twister on the TV (again)! A bit far-fetched, but still good!

    Gaily, meant to say, well done to your son!

    Lovely sunset here tonight, shame my main camera isn't charged! Doh!

    Well, we have a slightly poorly Finlay again, his own doing this time. He keeps catching and eating bees and wasps, getting stung, which makes him ill! Such a stoopid dog!

    JG x

  • Comment number 60.

    Evening all!
    long time no post from me! Lovely long weekend just coming to an end - gorgeous weather since Friday evening, fab lazy day on the beach yesterday and a bit of crabbing with the kids and grandparents "down Meva" this afternoon! Perfick!!

    Oh Annie - re #44 - I couldn't help thinking about what Beez would have said about that comment!!! bet you can hear it too!!

    and talking of butts - my small boy (aged 5) has been cackling all weekend because he has learned the word "buttocks" !! it just sends him off into helpless mirth - which in turn sets the rest of us off!! is there anything better than the sound of a small child laughing in pure delight?!

    So a short week for me this week - hope the weather holds!!

    lots of love

    CG xx

    hope those that

  • Comment number 61.

    please ignore the last 3 words on the previous post - have no idea what they are doing there!!!! my turn for a "doh"!!

    CG x

  • Comment number 62.

    Just popped back for a nosey. CG - yes, I could hear Beez shouting Nooooooo.


  • Comment number 63.

    Late back again!!

    I was just looking back over the archives to see how long I have been requesting my ARF, on here and Mayos blog combined...

    I came across the antics of the night of July 3rd, heading into the morning, actually, well into the morning of July the 4th.

    If anyone has any moments to look back and smile at... Can they share them.

    We do need to 'Keep Smiling'


  • Comment number 64.


    You kept me up late there reading that post, very funny and everyone's so happy.

    My favourite blog which I like to read again is December 24th after the party.

    I wasn't there but heard it on the radio.

    Goodnight all.

    MM x

  • Comment number 65.

    Good evening and good morning to you all from what was a very sunny and warm day in upstate NY....... Thanks for the good luck wishes MTD, JG and MC. Daphne is her usual smiling and bouncy self that MC. Fingers cross for some good news later in the week.

    I hope you all have a very happy Tuesday. This is the eve of our first win at the world cup and a return to form of the three lions..... Come on England, Come on England......... lets get behind the lions and cheer them to V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!!!!

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning all

    Beautiful and sunny here in ChezNicshire. The birds they are a-singing, and the runner beans have grown another inch overnight!

    Dates. Biggies for me in recent history? 16th December - the first time I met The FantasticRolastic, in the snow, in London. 23rd December - CLP's 02 bash and another landmark date for me and Himself. and of course, 4th February - the day I left work in Cooooooooooooolchester to head Midlands bound in the fog in my ickle Micra - and I have never looked back.

    Baggy, hope you have a better day today. At least your boss has said it's a bigger job than one person can realistically handle. Take your time over the recruitment process though. There's a lot to be said for using a temp-to-perm to fill the role as you will be able to see how that person will fit into your team and whether or not you can work together. Good luck, and keep us posted!

    Billie: as Seza and Gaily have said, you don't come on here until late - if you just read back over the posts you will see that late night blogging has tapered off somewhat - maybe the nicer weather is seeing people out and about instead of sitting in bashing a keyboard, it's also the holiday season and of course, Late Night Blogger #1 is lurking from somewhere up on high in her killer heels!

    Personally, I don't tend to blog as much as I used to because my circumstances have changed (for the beeter) and if I am honest, there are days when I feel out of blog loop, but I just nip on here, waffle in my own sweet way (as I have done for the last 4 or 5 years) and if anyone replies to my waffle then huzzah! If not, I just sulk and go ply my waffle on Simon Mayo's blog instead ......


    I like to think my waffle might make someone, somewhere, smile though.

    Right, time to make ones-self gawjus for ... actually, for what I don't know. My boss is out this morning so I have the office to myself!

    Laters lovelies: and whatever you do, do it with a smile on your face.



  • Comment number 67.

    Mornin' Wormcatchers from sunny Wigan, hurrah!

    By the crin Christoff Lambie Pie that's exACtly what I was just goin' to say this morning, I know what Our Boys need; a right good laff.

    I mean. Bless aul Fabio, top bloke, like.. but let's face it, 'e's not goin' to be pickin' owt up at the National Comedy Awards, is 'e. Well, not unless 'e turns up for the team-talk in the full postie outfit wit 'is Black an' White Cat.

    Send Peter Kay out to do the team-talk, that's what I'd do. Or Russell Brand. Or Jo Brand for that matter. Now THERE's a girl who could imbue Our Boys wit a bit a fightin' talk. You know the sorta stuff.

    "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach? B*l**ks. The way to a man's heart is through 'is hanky pocket wit a bread knife."

    Hurrah. Only joshin', lads. We love yous all really, where'd we be without yous. I mean. Like the footy players, we girls need summat to laff at.


  • Comment number 68.

    Happy Birthday to Purple Dragon and AnnieMac


  • Comment number 69.

    Good Morning all.

    Just a quick Hellooooo, as I am off out househunting and I have to complete the purchase and get the resident moved in before Friday.

    Just wondering whether to concentrate on a one storey building or to go for a proper house.

    The stairs might be an issue.

    There's always one challenge thrown at you when you are trying to get sorted to go on holiday!

    Oh well, here goes.

    Happy Birthday Purple Dragon.xx

    And a terrific Tuesday to the rest of you.


  • Comment number 70.

    morning peeps!

    Deevs, your posts mostly make me smile (apart from when you impart bad news)

    My dates (pass the sick bucket)
    23rd December 1994, the day I met my soulmate, my amazing Mr Tiggs
    2nd September 1995, the day I became Mrs Mr Tiggs
    20th February 2009, the day I escaped the rat race

    MTF, hope you find Dylan a home soon


    Tiggs xxx

    Happy birthday to AnnieMac and PurpleDragon xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Morning All

    Deevs, I'm smiling!

    MTF, Good luck with the house hunting! Just watch out for the Chancel Repair Liability (Don't ask - it's ludicrous!!!)

    I'm waiting here for the sunshine CLP promised me but at the moment the only Shine-ing is coming out of the radio!!

    Have a good one!


    Sarah xx

  • Comment number 72.

    btw FAB music this morning (always is good but loving today)

    Thanks Hels Bells!


  • Comment number 73.

    Yay! I make-a you smile Ms Tiggs and Ms Seza. My work here is done.

    Well, not quite ....

    How's this for pants: I thought it would be nice to treat my lovely man to a tour of his favourite footy team for his birthday. For me, this is a bit of an ordeal as you know I am an ardent Gooner whilst he chooses to follow the "other Reds", Manc United.

    So, I looks at their website and gets the phone number. There are 2 types of tour - the bog-standard one and the "Legends" one, with an ex player. I did a Legends Tour at The Emirates for my 40th (pics on FaceAche) and it was truly one of the best things ever, so thought I'd enquire about that for him. So here's the thing:-

    They all start at 9am. No afternoon tours. Not ever. Never. And 99% of the time they are at weekends on non-match days. You possibly can book a midweek one if you are part of the corporate prawn sandwich brigade, or bessy mates with Sir Alex, but other than that, it means being in Manchester at 9am on a Saturday or Sunday morning.

    How un-customer friendly is that!?!? And I told bint on phone that they are a lot more flexible and fan-facing at The Emirates!

    Back to the drawing board ......... now, when and where are The Ashes?!?!



  • Comment number 74.

    good to see that Man U are flexible!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi everyone:

    I am smiling too - I woke up this morning to a delightful cup of tea made by wonderful husband, and then my lovely daughter actually PAID me the money she owed for the make-up I got for her yesterday! She must be up to something!

    Cheryl: I agree that it's a stupid state of affairs at Man U. However, how's about a wee overnight (the night before) at a Pr*mier Inn (or the like) and then you both will be fresh and ready to rock for a 9am start! I am sure the tour would be terrific - I remember you loving the tour you took at The Emirates.

    Annie: how I laughed at you mentioning Christmas - Beez would be going crazy! Made me think that when Chris plays "it's the most wonderful time of the year" every 25th of the month, I think I will dedicate that date to Beez. I could never forget her anyway, but somehow the 25th of the month suits her!

    C xx

    P.S. Happy birthday Annie Mac and Dragon - hope you have a lovely day. And my best wishes to Alan Osmond!

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning all

    Another smashing day here weatherwise, sorry Seza!

    Happy Brithday PurpleDragon and AnnieMac - I hope you both have a lovely day!

    Deev, if it helps, there's a Prem!er Inn across the road from OT, with parking, or it's not far from the tram stop which runs from Manchester Picadilly!

    JG x

  • Comment number 77.

    morning all

    happy birthday PD and annie mac

    Reasons to be cheerful - part three
    1) I have a job that pays okay and am luckiler then most in that most of the time I enjoy it
    2) I have a marvellous husband who looks after me
    3) I have family and friends around me who do care sometimes ;-)


  • Comment number 78.

    Thanks everyone - it's not so much a case of cost but more to do with existing weekend commitments which basically make the Old Trafford thing nigh on impossible.

    I have donned my thinking cap and returned to my drawing board.



  • Comment number 79.

    new blog



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