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Assault, Assault, Assault

Chris Evans | 20:01 UK time, Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Jonny, jungle and me. On our way to be assaulted with ex-para-troopers, lovely. The perfect diversion to take our minds off the you know what come 3.00 p.m. this afternoon.

Twenty minutes of blood sweat and then beers. The whole team is coming. They all want a go. Be they crazy children???

Alright you boys and girls of the blog - have a belter whether it involves balls or not.




PS: This is Hels Bells here - huge apologies for the lateness of the posting of this blog...I've only just returned after our mighty excursion today. We survived (just) - and so did England - result!


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  • Comment number 1.

    I think you should introduce jonny as jungle jonny from now on..........LOL

  • Comment number 2.

    Oo err Guvnor, you aint have late!
    Hope your not to kn.... sorry exhausted tonight and have had a fabby time. Carnage at the BL household today. Mr (or Mrs) Fox has had a banquet on my lovely chooks - managed to knobble 6 of them. The only saving grace is that they didn't just kill them and leave them, but managed to cart them away through the fields. Think they must be feeding their little darlings. Such is nature, to be honest think we've been really lucky up until now!
    Can't catch watch the challenges - been waiting for MONTHS for BT to sort the speed of me broadband.
    One of these days (said in hope!!!)


  • Comment number 3.

    Thanks Hells Bells!!

    Get yerself to Wimbledon on the TV...these poor guys are on their last legs!

    CLP, you were RIGHT!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 4.

    ... and so it goes on 54 games all in the final set!!!

    No one deserves to lose this match!

    erm... beginning to sound like a bbc commentator!

    Suzie... xx

  • Comment number 5.

    I was thinking the same thing Susie!

    How on earth have they kept going?? 6 hrs and 46mins today, so far, and another 50-60 mins of daylight left!

    JG x

  • Comment number 6.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 7.

    Welcome back Bingo - did CLP intervene?

    I am sure that you are wrong about the final, I have stopped saying things like 'I hope they win' and 'fingers crossed'. I have confidence in the England team and they will win win win. bugrit - Germany have just scored.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    now... I did not do that...

    I hope they transfer to the Centre Court - JG... it needs to be compelted and I can't believe that the victor has to play tomorrow!

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    well what have you done to break house rules then Bingo?

    Those poor men on court 18 - how on earth are they keeping going and as for the poor umpire locked in to that chair!

    Susan x

  • Comment number 10.


    No need to panic if England get Germany in the next round and it goes to penalties because they've got Stuart Pearce on the coaching staff, Oh dear!

  • Comment number 11.

    boozy what was the final score of the tennis...... I don't fancy an England Germany quarter final though..... don't write off Ghana just yet though......

  • Comment number 12.

    I agree Susan - the umpire needs a medal for his stamina to sit in a chair all this time... he may be in danger of DVT... like on a long haul flight!

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    They must transfer, but they need to be able to have some practice time on it...it's so difficult isn't it? They must be at exhaustion level and need proper food...there's nothing in the rules for this situation!!

    They can't surely be expected to play tomorrow! I would expect both to be hospitalised!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 14.

    Bondy - no final score yet... 58 games all final set...

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    btw "shaken, not stired" Bondy - I echo MTD ffb - nice to see you here at this time! You've been missed.

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Evening all!!
    just switched on the tennis about 10 mins ago - i thought there was a mistake on the scoreboard!!! maybe its better to stop now while its equal though! wish i'd seen more of the match, the little i did see looked enthralling!

    other than that, how's everyone today? great here in sunny Cornwall - loving the weather and nearly the weekend!! woo hoo!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks boozy, nice to be on again. Can't believe that game is still going.......

  • Comment number 18.

    Bondy - suspended until tomorrow now... 10 hours play over two days going into a third... stupedous! And fantastic tennis...


  • Comment number 19.

    tennis now suspended at 59 games all in final set - how do you contemplate moving tomorrow to finish it?

    Amazing x


  • Comment number 20.

    It would be funny if it ends in 5 minutes tomorrow......

  • Comment number 21.

    dafter things have happened Bondy - fingers getting numb so any sign yet that I can uncross them?
    Nice to see you btw

    S x

  • Comment number 22.

    hmmmmmm not sure I fancy our chances against Germany on Sunday.......

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi S, positive call today....... hopefully good news to share tomorrow..... thanks for keeps things crossed for me.

  • Comment number 24.

    Bondy, did you call a full days holiday?

    What a fantastic tennis match!

    Bring it on on Sunday...although that has put the final kiss on me getting to the Leeds meet:( I thought I might have escaped if the match was on Saturday!! GRRRRR!!!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 25.

    Brill 007 - glad to see you have had a well earned day off. Daphster must be happy too

    Right I am going to try and sign out

    Night all

    Susan x

  • Comment number 26.

    Woohoo!!! I'm going to Leeds on Saturday!! :)))))

    I'll be driving myself there and back and only for a few hours, so Clodagh, you up for a lift there and back, and an afternoon out?? Pin yer 'air down though!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 27.

    Evening Everyone

    Well that was an epic tennis match. Isn't Isner tall, 6'9" I think they said. They both did really well, it's a shame someone has to lose.

    Sounds like a great day has been had by CLP and the team. Looking forward to seeing the video on Friday.

    Mr Bond - I can't believe this was your first day off in a year. I know the americans don't 'do' long holidays but that seems a bit crazy. I hope you've enjoyed anyhow, well deserved and much longed for I should imagine.

    BLY - I am so sorry to hear about your chooks; it's just rotten, poor wee things. I'm absolutely paranoid about foxes getting my youngest boy's rabbit. We're kind of rural here so I just hope that they have enough to eat where they are so they don't have to venture into gardens to feed.

    MC - I managed to slip in a 3 mile run this aft. First time I've run on my own in ages so I was a bit nervous as to how I'd do. I ran out of the village and into the countryside and it was so peaceful with just the birds singing; I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm hoping to get another one in before the weekend. I'm thinking about doing a wee 5k next week. One of the local athletics clubs is running it. How's your 16 week programme going?


  • Comment number 28.

    PS, Clodagh, you can DM me on Twitter if you don't want to go on FB, or other folk have got my mobile no, like Scoobs, MTF, AF, MC etc

  • Comment number 29.

    Whoop whoop for you JG.

    Night night Sus, sweet dreams.

    I'm going to get off and have an earlyish night.

    Glad CLP and the team survived the obstacle course, I was a wee bit worried you know.

    Rightio, night night and sweet dreams Everyone.


  • Comment number 30.

    Right, I need my bed! Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 31.

    couldn't help myself but glad I popped back - that's great JG - see you in Leeds x

  • Comment number 32.


    What a pity the game on Sunday isn't on ITV, then we could have had Gareth Southgate pontificating about participating in a penalty shoot-out with the Germans while the camera cuts to Stuart 'Psycho' Pearce sitting on the bench.

    Perhaps the Beeb should find out what Chris Waddle is doing for the weekend!

  • Comment number 33.

    JG, after the win and the phone call I thought I deserved taking the whole day off but still had to deal with a few calls and several emails........

    S, The daphster is a love sponge..... if I am here she is usually curled up beside me...... as she is now

    Gaily, americans just don't treat their employees well in terms on holidays. my current one makes you work a full year before you get your 2 weeks holiday. You then have to work another 5 years before you bump up to 3 weeks....... Your run sounds great. I did what they call the corporate challenge a few weeks ago. That was a 3mile race that I did in 29 minutes. A little slower than I wanted but I finished in the company's top ten.

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi all.

    Back at a reasonable time tonight.

    I've passed the most beautiful fields of golden ripe barley today, mixed with poppys struggling to show their lovely red faces.... Come to think of it, thats what I see in the mirror too!!

    You see, the sun, as much as I love it, seems to leave me looking like a woman of a certain age, of which I suppose I am too!!

    Still, as I was reminded today, I have one of the best jobs at this time of the year.

    I had a very near miss today. It seems that our local council didn't spend enough over the winter of their budget, so....

    The gritters are out in force and chucking down tonnes of gravel on sparcely applied tar.

    Now most of our hills around here, involve a 1 in 4 climb.

    I got Puffball back from the garage today looking very happy with her new tyres.

    So, I set off onto the Brendon Hills then hit the newly appplied grit.

    No matter how low the revs, she struggled to get any traction and was basically having a problem climbing the hill.

    Then, I met someone in a 4x4 that had no problem whatsoever with traction, after all he was coming down the 1in4!

    He spotted me and braked, then braked again and the dust cloud gathered and I braced myself for impact.

    It was a bit like one of those westerns.. finally, the dust cloud cleared and we found ourselves literally a foot apart.

    I breathed a huge sigh of relief and had a quick chat with the very young shaking driver of the 4x4 and we went on our merry ways.

    Tomorrow, I will be tackling the local council about the perils of driving along our country lanes and asking them why.. the trees that were laden with snow and came down on the power cables, are in fact still resting very heavily on said power cables.

    Yet they can waste money on stuff that will be in the gutter, blocking drains within the next day or so. Please dont let it rain!

    Anyway, on a brighter side. Pop out and have a look at the moon tonight. It has an awesome pink tinge to it.

    I have a feeling this may be a long one and I might be talking to my self once more.


  • Comment number 35.

    Hi all,
    Your late clocking in Chris ,you must have had a busy day .Hope the challenge went well.

    Well it looks like the footie went well also .So what happens next???

    Just popping in to wish you girlies a good Leeds meet and have a great time .Looking forward to the photos .

    I wont be around over as I'm Taking my eldest away for the w/end as she desperately needs a break so Mums come to the rescue .
    Quite looking forward to it really as we've not done it before ,it will be make or breakso to speak .Whatch this space .LOL.

    welll I'm off to bed now ,did promise myself some early nights as this hot weather is a bit draining .

    Take care all and enjoy your Thursday .


  • Comment number 36.

    Glad you are safe MTF. That was a near miss.

    Time for bed boiinng.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    MTF, not alone, actually, I still need to water..oops!!

    OK, the chances of me getting back are zilch! Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ blog thingy no longer works on my phone!

    Night all!

    KG x

  • Comment number 38.

    i'm still here MTF! but not for long - heading for bed in a mo! lovely day down here again today - Falmouth looked fab as ever in the sun!

    still hard to get kids in bed at a decent hour when the sun is shining! it just feels different doesn't it, not to mention all the birds singing outside the window!

    looking forward to this weekend - Abba tribute concert outdoors at a local country park on Friday and Mika at Eden on Sunday!! how cool - hope the weather holds though!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 39.

    wow MTF, glad you're okay.

  • Comment number 40.

    Sunny and hot here with temps in the mid 80s. England win (hooray!!), tennis has started, and aren't we play one day internationals against the Aussies...... oh and I took the day off work.......

  • Comment number 41.

    MTF, glad your ok.


  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Bondy. Sorry, seem to have missed you lately.xx

    Hope you are getting decent weather now, I think last time we chatted, the weather was challenging us all.

    We are not used to it as you know!

    mtd, we are confusing a lot of folk with our very near similar initials.

    So, when you are being called mtf, does that make you a miss toe fairy??

    And when I am being called MTD.. ( although it rarely happens to me.) Am I a Moblie Tooth Dipper???

    I think and this is only MHO, you should take with great honour, the name that our lovely Beez bestowed upon you.

    JG, CG, no-one ever gets you two confused do they??

    I love Falmouth, especially the ice cream van out on the point there.


  • Comment number 43.

    Hi MTF, weather nice at the moment. In the 80s for the next few days anyway..... watching the highlights of the England game...... again.....

  • Comment number 44.

    MTF, just been out to look at the moon, must say it's a lovely night in the garden. xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Four minutes to curfew!!

    Pop in a word if you are still up..

    Mind you, not a curfew for everyone.


  • Comment number 46.

    You see how long it takes me to post a comment!!


  • Comment number 47.



  • Comment number 48.

    Night MTF and everyone.

    Sleep well.

    Sorry MTF, just been out walking Holly.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 49.

    just thought I would pop on and wish you all a good morning and happy thirsty thursday..... we have germany on sunday and have to go into that game believing we can beat them... hope you all have a great day...... back to work for me...... groan....... but will my good news come at last today???????? only time will tell......

  • Comment number 50.

    morning peeps
    got back 30 mins ago from dropping Mr Tiggs off, already 14 degrees c, scorchio!!


    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    My baby's just gone to big big school for the first time!!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 52.


    Sorry about my rant last night - this morning the sun is shining, I got a lift froma strange man into work and I feel much brighter.

    Although - can you belive my luck at the moment

    I keep the key to my office door on my house keys, came in this morning with no house keys as I didnt have to drive (hope that makes sense). However spare key is locked in cash box in recpetion drawer.

    Key for cash box is (I think) sat on my desk in locked office

    Cash boxes are remarkebly easy to break into - get into office - not cash box key - its sat happily somewhere else so i didn't have to break into the cash box to get it.

    Opps is all I can say!

    Onwards and upwards


  • Comment number 53.

    Morning all

    Seza - before you know it, you'll be waving your baby off to Uni and dreading his return laden down with laundry for you! {{ HUGS }}

    D'ya know, it's 6 months since the 02 gig? Where did that time go? It seems like a few weeks ago - not half a year.

    Happy Anniversary to my FantasticoRolastico ;-) x x x

    Footie was good yetserday weren't it?! I watched it here at work in reception with about a dozen others, apart from us the building was completely emtpy with many of the tenants leaving at 2ish, with files tucked under their arms muttering something about "working from home" ..... purleeeeeeez: we was not born yesterdeeee!

    Baggy (from t'other blog) - you have to be patient with recruitment, and I agree wholeheartedly with The Auld Ripster: you will look back at this and wonder what the fuss was all about. Yes, now you feel like pants, struggling to cope and desperately seeking a pinprick of light at the end of the tunnel. Trust us, things will get better but you MUST have paitence. Have you made a list of everything you need to do, prioritised it, time-managed each task? Maybe set aside a chunk of time to go through emails rather than opening them as they arrive, thus interrupting your mind from something mid-task? Just a thought.

    Anyway my friend, please feel free to tell me to mind my own but there are many of us on here who have been where you are, and know what we are talking about. Chin up chuck!

    I'm on my own in the office today as my boss is at HO all day in meetings. I've bought the isplod in so can have a bit of moooozic on in the background whilst I work my way through stuff she's left for me.

    Right, onwards and upwards troops!



  • Comment number 54.

    Good morning to you all, on this lovely sunny day here on the south coast.

    Seza ,Little man is now big man ,how nice ,but not for you seeing is he's your baby ,my baby is a tad older ,but I still like to call her my baby .I just get ,OH!!!!mother .LOL.

    Baggy ,what are you like ???.you're not having much luck of late are you .
    Take a step back and breathe honey .take care .

    Have a good day all.


  • Comment number 55.


    Thanks Deev for reminding me - today is my half birthday - the last 6 months of my 20's!

  • Comment number 56.

    Morning peeps - couple of days off work for me, hence the chance to say Hi.
    Drizzling here at the mo. Hope it clears up by this afternoon as the school where I am chair of governors is celebrating it's centenary.

    It will be a shame if the outdoor stuff is spoiled. As we are all being asked to dress for one of the decades from 1910 to 2010, I have opted for the swinging 60's (the decade I would have been in my primary school) and am getting out my tie-dye and dressing up as a hippy!

    If I can get someone to take a pic, I will FB it later.

    Hi to Bondy - long time no see, and also to the usual suspects, I will see some of you in Leeds at the weekend.

    Will pop back later,
    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Crumps, you will make an amazing hippy! I can see you with plaits in your hair and a floppy brimmed straw hat for starters! Or am I tihnking of you in a "Flake Girl" kinda light, wafting through a field of poppies in the evening sunlight ...... ? ? ?

    Baggy, you can go off people you know! You are but a mere slip of a woman with your entire life ahead of you, whereas I am officially middle aged and have the creaky joints and wrinkles to prove it!

    Bids - have a lovely weekend with your daughter.



  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all

    Bright and warm here in MK - I hope the weather stays this way for the weekend.

    MTF - much as I loved Beez, I really don't think that name suits me. It's not yours or my fault that other people have slips of the finger (same as slips of the tongue....). I don't mind a bit of confusion occasionally, they usually realise what they have done eventually and it is not as if they think I am you or the other way around.

    I therefore proudly remain

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Morning all, it's a bit grey and drizzly here this morning, although some rain would be welcome to be honest, as we are being threatened with water shortages up here in NW England. We've had hardly any rain at all this year!

    I have a bit of a dodgy computer this morning, so need to reboot and try again...

    JG x

  • Comment number 60.

    deev - best laid plans - i keep trying to make a list and work through it but things get in the way (inc my boss)

    At the moment I am trying to sort out some journals and remotely training a person in switzerland how to raise invoices!

  • Comment number 61.

    Mornin' all.

    By the crin what a nail-biter yesterday, what wit the footy an' then that tennis match.

    The Brother-Outlaw has given me 'is view on said tennis.

    "I know 'ow 'e feels," says he. "I've bin' tryin' as 'ard as them two for YEARS to shake YOU off."

    Bloody cheek. 'E'll flippin' miss me when am gone, I keep tellin' im.

    Anyway. What the .. is all this nonsense today about this proposal to breath-test pregnant women to see if they're smokers.

    Well now. If I was in any doubt as to whether I smoked, a clue would be to think if I ever stuck a fag in me mouth an' lit it.

    Seriously though honestly. What garbage. So the poor, beleaguered midvives, as if they hadn't enough to do, now have to breath-test their ladies to find out if they're smokin' Then what?

    Although I've never smoked a fag in me life (apart from one unfortunate incident at aged 9 with me mate Judith, her 8 year-old reprobate three-wheeler bike-ridin' psychopath brother an' a packet a stolen Woodbines, but that's another story), and hate what the ciggies do to people's health and well-being; and, I have to say, am driven to a quiet fury by parents who claim to be on the bread-line whilst smoking 100 a day, ok so Head In Lion's Mouth here.., I staunchly defend their RIGHT to smoke if they so wish. Just don't blow your smoke in my face and watch what you do with your fag-ends. And most smokers these days will go right on the turn if preached to, understandably. If anybody lectured ME in this way about bitin' me nails or takin' too much sugar in me tea, I'd get belligerent too.

    So there. Blue touch-paper lit..

    And before I hit the road, am just reminded of the time I was taken, aged 5 or 6, by the DDF down to the rugby club whilst he had one of 'is "meetings." Hm. Anyway, there I am, pad and crayons to hand, sat at a table with a bottle a pop, happily sketching what I saw around me. Upon returning from said "meeting", I proudly showed Renee me sketch. It was a copy of a plaque on the wall behind the bar. On it was a cartoon of a large, cross landlady, and underneath the caption,


    Aye Thangyou.


  • Comment number 62.

    Morning all.

    Tiny droplets of water in the air here, I'd hardly call it rain.

    I would love a good old storm now,as its so muggy.

    Anyone off to Glastonbury??

    I will be spending the next couple of days trying to dodge the vast array of campervans etc, that are trying to get there.

    Gradually ticking off my 'to do' list.

    Oven next... Think I will put on some motivational music to scrub by. Any suggestions?

    Bring on the fumes!!


  • Comment number 63.

    Clodagh, I love you!!

    Seza xx now smiling!

  • Comment number 64.

    And Clodagh's story reminds me of the time I was about 6 and went to school on Monday and wrote the "What i did at the Weekend" story.

    I wrote something like "we played at the park and then we went to the pubns and we played in the garden cos mum and dad were in the pub"

    Most of my Monday stories were like this, at least in the summer, so it was lucky that the teacher's son played cricket with my dad so she knew the true story!

    Panda Pops!! Remember them? Yum yum!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Panda Pops!!! Bright flourescent colours such as pink, (cherryade), green (limeade) and the classic orange (orangeade!). Also Cresta fizzy drinks - the polar bear cool dude advertised them - always got a really foamy head from Cresta pops!

    And jubblies. Huge trianglular lumps of coloured ice that tasted of ..... well, ice. and not much else!

    Happy Dayz!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 66.

    Jubblies, you could somehow suck all the orange colour out first then get left with the lump of ice which tasted worse than the original ice if that is possible.

    What were those drinks in plastic tubes that could be frozen?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Ice pops? The ones the newsagents used to sell for about 2p?

    My faves were grape flavour slush puppies, but again, NOT thru a straw as it sucked out all the flavour and just left a load of ice in the cup!


  • Comment number 68.

    Brain freeze, how painful is that??


  • Comment number 69.

    I love Jubblies, not sure we are talking about entirely the same thing though!



  • Comment number 70.

    RIPS - my thoughts excatly!!! thats what Mr bp would say

  • Comment number 71.

    RIPS!!!! Norty step, now!

    (although Nic seems rather fond of baps ....!?)

    Brain freeze - I was just thinking about that. Very hurty indeed MTF.


  • Comment number 72.

    Right, the song that I should have played to the oven cleaning is "I cant get no satisfaction"

    Splashed out on a more expensive cleaner, the one that the puny guy advertises...

    What a load of rubbish.

    Off to the 99p shop this avvo to get my usual brand and the oven cleaning will recommence tomorrow morning.

    What a waste of time and money.


  • Comment number 73.

    Hello back again. Tne triangle ice things used to be called Calypso's here and the plastic clear tubes that you froze were tip=top's.

    I also used to recall that the ice=cream van had, as well as cornets to be filled with Mr Whippy, shell shaped wafers that were like a little dish. Fab with that runny red sauce (I hesitate to call it raspberry!)

    If the van cam around at tea-time on a Sunday, mum would give me a pyrex bowl and say "tell him to fill that" - lovely with tinned peaches - all slippery, yum x

  • Comment number 74.

    Good morning blogettes

    Jubblies .... Jubblies

    Saw them in our local shop only the other day. Thought they'd stopped making them but obviously not.

    On completely different note - knowing that some of you are big Beatles fans do you know about the Mathew Street Festival that happens every August Bank Holiday in guess where ........... oh you're ahead of me. It started over 15 years ago as a load of Beatles tribute bands and has now expanded to all sorts of tribute bands on stages all over the city centre.

    It really is a great day out and a lot of the pubs and clubs get in on the act as well. It's all free and you can wander from one stage to another - though I'd suggest sensible shoes and an umbrella!!!

    Last year we saw a fantastic Queen tribute band from would you believe - Argentina! Also a great Beatles tribute all the way from America called The Cavern Beat I think - they were great - the 'Paul' even played left handed - how dedicated is that.

    Hope to see some fellow bloggers there this year.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 75.

    We had calypsos too Crumpy.

    Maybe it was a North Wales thing eh!

    Our ice cream van used to play the tune...

    Somewhere my love...

    Theme tune to erm,, give me a mo.


  • Comment number 76.

    Dr Zhivago?

  • Comment number 77.

    Dr Zhivago!


  • Comment number 78.


  • Comment number 79.

    Doh, beat me Crumpy. LOL.xx

  • Comment number 80.

    I had to go back and double check the spelling.


  • Comment number 81.

    PJ, that sounds like an outing.

    Hmm, now I might have to put a plan in action.


  • Comment number 82.

    PJ - I know about that festival - its on my list to do one year!

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Blogettes

    Super_bagpuss - don't leave it too long - with all these cuts might not happen for ever. It is a fantastic experience and all free !!!

    Regards PJ

    PS Crumpy - Calypso's used to be made in my village - believe they have moved to your 'village' or Wrecsam as I believe others call it.

  • Comment number 84.

    Baggy - see if you can book into A Hard Day's Night hotel - it's right on the front of The Beatles Quarter and Mathew Street where The Cavern is. Happy memories with Beezlesand, and Bingo of a fab Sunday afternoon last November.

    x x x

  • Comment number 85.


    What about Walls Funny Faces? And my very favourite aged 6ish was the "Lolly Gobble Choc Bomb". My brother's at the same time was Sky Ray.

    A x

    PS Chin up Baggy x

  • Comment number 86.

    Aha, just remembered the catch pahrase for Cresta - "It's frothy maaaaan."

    A x

  • Comment number 87.

    PJ, are you from North Wales too?


  • Comment number 88.

    Hi BG.

    How many weeks to Devon now?


  • Comment number 89.

    Doh, got the 2 fat ladies again!!


  • Comment number 90.

    Errm, about 7 I think MTF. We were getting into practice last night with a few rounds of 21s and Old Maid. Teen2 actually laughed once or twice at my comedy shuffling! That's the plan for this week, a bit of "quality family time" (!!!) of an evening instead of gethering round an old episode of Lead Balloon. Tonight it's Rapido, if the playdough hasn't seized up.

    A x

  • Comment number 91.

    Old Maid? ...... you called?!?!


  • Comment number 92.

    Gethering is like gathering but with a CBA expression. Actually just a typo.

    A x

  • Comment number 93.

    Chezza, if you are the Old Maid then you should be hiding in a sinister fashion.

    A x

  • Comment number 94.

    Thanks BG.

    Just reminded me to add some games to my packing list.


    Dont remember that one.


  • Comment number 95.

    It's not a card game, it's like Pictionary but with playdough. Great fun.

    A x

  • Comment number 96.

    Morning Everyone,

    Oh Baggy you poor soul. Sounds like you need a break. I hope you manage to get some rest at the weekend. The others are right, it will get better, you'll find your feet and you'll wonder what you were worrying about. Hang on in there, it'll be worth it.

    The iced lolly debate - we called drinks frozen in plastic tubes ice poles and we also had Thistle Pops. They were a bit like Jubblies but they came in containers slightly bigger and wider than a plastic coffee cup with a foil cover sealing in the contents. The little corner shop in our village made iced lollies in containers which had spaces to make 12 lollies. They poured in the juicy mixture and added wooden lolly sticks before sticking them in the freezer - they were 1p! My favourite iced lolly was a Zoom, my sister liked FABs.

    Dr Zhivago is my favourite film in all the world - mmmm Omar Sharif - totally gorgeous.

    PJ - sounds like a fab place to go. My eldest boy is of an age that may appreciate a day out like that, not so sure about the younger boy - will have to sort out the logistics of getting there but will give it serious consideration.

    Bids - I hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter. My younger boy is off to PGL this September for a long weekend and I'm really looking forward to spending time with my older boy (although he may have different ideas as it's his last weekend of freedom before he starts his 'A' level course.)


  • Comment number 97.

    Hi Gaily, what's PGL? Visible Panty Girdle?

    A x

  • Comment number 98.

    Boleygirl - my sense of fashion has often been described as sinister, but never hiding!!


  • Comment number 99.

    I mean, Panty Girdle Line, doh.

    A x

  • Comment number 100.

    Chez, then you'd be a rubbish Old Maid.

    A x


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