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Good afternoon friends and thanks for logging in. . .

Chris Evans | 14:55 UK time, Monday, 7 December 2009

My word, is there really any need for all this rain?

Important stuff first, can Clodagh contact us via our normal e mail - chris.evans@bbc.co.uk. We need a chat re the 23rd, and seeing as we have some previous between us, I think she's a good place to start.

Next, Come Dine With Me has changed its format for their Christmas shows. Note to Producers - it's not working and making the "specials" less special than the normal shows.

Also, Joe still to win XF; and I went to pick our tree up this morning, it was number 341 in amongst 2000 and they weren't in numerical order - genius.

A grey day but nevertheless a good day - in our world, as I hope it is in yours.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Ello CLP, good afternooon pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Some may ask why ave a writted such a small blog commentation.... iz it just ter get 1st spot on the blog.... the answer iz..... YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By the teem a wreet out me blogs a always ended up 22nd!!!!!!

    Nooot a bad thing in itself but never the less ter be first for once in me life iz nice.... most nice!!!!!!

    Suppose i'll get moderated next!!!!!!

    Story of me life.... noot thatta want sympathy!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Back in a mo with me joke and ter read CLP blog work terdee............

  • Comment number 3.


    sorry for my absence - busy week last week then super busy weekend and today I am sick, at home and not online for long

    Sorry I havent caught up with the blogs, hugs everyone who needs one

    A rather green baggy

    PS- - other then CLP cryptic message to cloudagh - anyone got any news on the 23rd?

  • Comment number 4.

    Afternoon Chris!

    Firstly, divine pic of Noah on Twitter yesterday.

    Secondly, love Come Dine With Me - think you should do it: you'd wipe the floor with 'em!

    Thirdly - have phoned the divine Ms Rubbish. She will be in touch VERY soon.

    Lovin' your work!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris, Have to kind of agree and disagree too - you see I love Joe's voice but I think Olly's performances are fantastic. They have both been my favourites since the beginning. Good luck to all 3 of them though.

    How's the aches and pains? Any easier?

    It's a good job I am writing as I am sat her with a new filling and a very numb mouth and tongue! Speaking with a lithp!

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 6.

    Evening all!! Please accept apologies for my absence last week - I do have a note, I was away on my jollies!! A lovely, if very windy, week in Northumberland.

    (((Bagpuss))) hope you feel better soon.

    Hugs to all that need them and smiley cuddles to everyone else

    T xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris,

    Whad'ya mean previous?!

    She's mine - all five fighting feet of her!

    If that's alright with you Clodagh dear?

    I also have officially had enough of this blinkin' rain too.

    Advent calendar - A sleigh.



  • Comment number 8.

    Greetings Of This Season CLP & INDEED ALL Bloggies,

    Bingo Star ere..........

    CLP - Ave know, sorry now, read yer blog properly, CLP what's 'appening with a Drivetime Farewell Party Gig/ 'ello Breakfast Party Gig?????
    We're all still in the dark!!!!!!!!
    A need ter know for sure am invited so a can get me 'otel booked & train tickets all in good time!!!!!!!
    A really 'ope a am invited az a 'ope all bloggies are!!!!!!!!!!!
    Interesting commentaions regarding Clodagh, she seems really lovely & a enjoy reading Clodagh's blogs & 'earing 'er get 'undreds of mentions from Sir Tezza!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!
    Shame ave noot met Clodagh, 'ope she iz at the O2 Gig!!!!!!!!!

    Az for raining.... it's mad, ain't it, global warming.... MAD!!!!!!!!!


    'ope all 'ad a nice weekend.... a didn't!!!
    Na, what 'appened a started me new job atta butchers but ave been sacked after only 2 'ours!!!
    The problem waz me demanding new boss demanded thatta pluck some turkeys!!!!!!
    A said "soz, butta can't!!"
    Me boss said "a need yer ter pluck 'em, and fast!!!"
    A said "a can't!!"
    Me boss said "pluck it!!!"
    A said "a can't!!!"
    Me boss said "why can't yer???"
    A said "cos me knowledge of 'ow ter plucka turkey iz paltry!!!!" (get it poultry!)

    PS Talkin' of 'igh cuisine...... A see Gino D'Acampo 'as goot 'imself inter a bit of a mess whilst being in..... A campo aka the I'm A Celebrity Jungle for eating rat..... my advice..... stick ter only ratatouille in future!!!!!!!!!!!! NYA!!!!

    Oh well am off ter me maths class..... doing 'surds' terdee...... absurd if yer ask me!!!!!!!
    Wonder what letter comes after s in the alphabet????? Surds??? Mmmmn?????? Scratching me chin!!!!


  • Comment number 9.

    Sorry about me terrible blogs but at least am tryin' ter brighten up a dull December dee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wreet off ter maths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon all. Jalopies for my absence - had a busy one this morning.
    Christoph, I have no idea what you are on about - well, apart from contacting Clodagh that is!

    Forgotten what I was going to say now - so I'll go.......

    Beezer xx

    See you made the front page of the T'graph Bignick - well done on the charity run.

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh - that was it - advent calendar C-word Tree please Deevie.

    Just walked up the path to the office and it's like a stream - enough water !!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 12.


    Pigeons. As in "cat amongst the ....". Sicne your blog appeared my mobile has almost melted!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    OOOO right, 'ave e-mailed me details, am now hyperventilatin' an' waitin' on instructions.....

    By the crin.

    Ok, soon as I know, yous'll know, chaps, oh hurrah!

    Rips an' Bingo, xxx. Mind, Rips, if I was all yours yous'd be lookin' for a refund...


  • Comment number 14.

    Brown paper bag for Clodagh someone. Use your pansy hat for now dear...

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon Chris - Am with Beezer again on this one (we shall have to stop agreeing!)- only understood the bit about Clodagh.
    Bingo that was plucking ridiculous!
    Is there something going on on the 23rd then...LOL



  • Comment number 16.

    Cheryl - Have you now finally combusted?
    And advent guess - a present?



  • Comment number 17.

    Nic - I don't much like modern art and I hate heights too !!!!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 18.

    How's the lithp Daisy - mouth back to normal yet?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Good afternoon Christoff, et all the Blogeess . . .

    Good to hear you all well . . .

    All dull & grey over here in Belfast too . . .not good . . .

    the tree will be a coming wed/thurs this week if we can get our heads above water . . .

    Hope plans for the 23rd coming together . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 20.

    Dunno about me conbusting but I think my phone is about to self-combust.

    Baggy - hope you feel bettererer soon hon x x x x

    Beez - you on the gin again?

    x x x

  • Comment number 21.


    For the first time in a long time I watched CDWM last night.....I agree, didn't work.....

    I have a very sore nose at the moment......the dog headbutted me in a freak meeting of heads in the woods on Saturday, and my nose stud actually took a chunk out of my nose.....

    Hugs Baggy, hope you feel betterer soon XX

    OOoo Boss is back!

  • Comment number 22.

    Bingo- what the devil are 'surds' I know maths has changed a lot since i was at school but don't remember that.

    Cheryl- a christmas tree, guess for AC

    Hope those who have ventured out aren't too damp.

    AliB we currently hail from the same part of the world :)well done with the fundraising

    a good afternoon to all :)

  • Comment number 23.

    Well thats cryptic...but Clodagh..let us in on the inside knowledge as soon as you is let into the secret service..and breathe...brilliant!

    SBP.. dry toast and hugs on its way..xx

    Tinsel..welcome back, Northumberland one of my fave places in the world..x

    Daisy..hugs too..dentist stuff is horrible (sorry MTF!)x

    Not watched CDWM or TG from last night yet..have they been faffing with it?! Will watch tonight and give my opinion tomorrow..whether its wanted ot not!

    Oh, and can i just say ive not been on lunch all this time..no, ive actually been doing some work... i know, i know...cant quite beleive it either!

    mSc x

    PS - Rips..hows the tummy?

  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon all,

    That's an intriguing blog today Chri ,wow !!!Clodagh hope the outcome is what you desire ???

    Hope all others are well .

    Alib ,lovely work that you do and so rewarding .

    Deev,advent guess Xmas stocking .


  • Comment number 25.

    Deev - you should know by now - I don't "do" spirits.

    My phone is very very quiet - do you reckon it's broken?

    Forgot to say - big hugs Baggy - snuggle down with a puddy tat or two and well done Ali with the fundraising.

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Beez - Now you are scaring me!


  • Comment number 27.

    She's been scaring me for ages Nic!


  • Comment number 28.

    Scoobs and Beez - what I do not understand about the whole anaesthetic thing at the dentist is they jab you with that huge, incredibly scary thing in your gob, sit you down for 5 minutes and then they get the pneumatic drill on you while you can feel everything, but now, nearly 2 hours later I can't feel me mouth, me tongue - nothing. Why don't they do the jab things an hour before then you wouldn't care what they did with the pneumatic drill would you? I'll hand the ranty pants over now, sorry about that.

    Daithy x Thtill lithping and dribbling - not a pretty sight!

    PS - It is very exciting to hear Clodagh's in demand, God love her! Hope you don't crumble under the pressure m'dear!

  • Comment number 29.

    Hey Scoobs,

    Tummy's not bad (size excepted) and most importantly is no worse than friday which means that the 1 or possibly 2 beers I enjoyed over the weekend are not an issue......well that's my first and second opinion anyway.
    Thanks for asking 'tis very kind of you, but I think that is as far as I can drag this ailment now in terms of sympathy x

    Your better half sounds like a grafter - if he fancies a change of scenery send him my way!!


  • Comment number 30.

    Ex squeeze me - I'm not scary........much..........
    B O O !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Big hugth Daithy - thoon be feelin better.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 31.

    OH! That didn't sound at all like it was meant too!

    Hi Daisy,
    The last local anaesthetic I had was for a very important operation, well impotent to the CMM and I - if you get my drift.
    Moving on......as the doc was operating, I was nearly screaming in agony, so eventually he paused and said "oh does that hurt" to which I sobbed yes.
    He replied "I don't expect the anaesthetic has fully kicked in yet" before carrying on.

    Sorry if that's too much info, but I empathise - hope your dribbling stops soon.



  • Comment number 32.

    Cheryl - But hopefully not scarring you...



  • Comment number 33.

    Hiya Gang

    Made it at last! Sorry for my latelyness, have been watching over the fence!

    Christophe. That is indeed an intriguing blog. I hope that now Clodagh has contacted you, you have been extra nice to help her calm down.

    Mind you, am wondering about this "previous"!! Is there something you're not telling us Miss Rubbish??

    Deevs, how's the phone? Have you had to plunge anything into ice cold water?

    Daisy & Baggy Hope you all feeling better now

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Oooooh Rips, that's just plain nasty that is. You poor love, it's a good job you don't have that kind of thing more than once isnt it?

    I am sure I will be returned to my former glory in the next couple of hours, Sorry for the whinging!

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 35.


    Ice cold water, or even ice cubes. Now why didn't I think of that .....

    x x x x

  • Comment number 36.

    Firstly the important stuff. Please can Clodagh email me on my usual email. I would like the opportunity to create some previous.

    Secondly, Come Dine with Me, even though is compulsive viewing once you've akshully turned over to it because there is b all else on, is the same same same same same. Smarmy narrator. And if they know they're cooking tomorrow, why the blimmin heck don't they get the shopping in BEFOREHAND. And then they go into a butchers or similar and say 'hallo Ron' even though this is prob not the bloke's name, and pretend they go in there all the time instead of handy superstore on nearest industrial est. Is beyond me. Also if they're gonna get turtley pie-eyed the night before, why don't they do their prep the day before...all the times they say 'well it'd be better marinated overnight, but I've only got ten mins...' Ach ye ken what I mean.

    Don't watch X-Factor, but Ali to win Strictly.

    ...and it's lashing it down darf sarf...

    Are you not doing your Roadside Christmas Trees this year then? MFR will be disappointed...

    it's the squirrels I feel sorry for

  • Comment number 37.

    Now Now Deevs, just you be careful what you do with those ice cubes..................

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 38.


    mr bp guesses todays advent calender is a kitten dressed as santa riding a unicycle juggling chistmas puddings - do you ever wish you hadnt asked?


    Thanks for the get well wishes

  • Comment number 39.

    Afternoon Chris and thanks for Blogging in!

    You really do have everyone in a tizzy over the 23rd, is it wrong for me to find it quite amusing?

    I haven't watched CDWM yet, but will do tonight, why if something isn't broke do they have to fix it?!?!?

    Hugs to those who are poorly {{{}}}


  • Comment number 40.

    Hi Seza - I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning it, but Clodagh was also Chris' greatest contributor on the R1 shows, she went under the pseudonym 'Val from Wigan' and so good was she that only a few months ago I asked on here if anyone remembered her.
    Chris read her faxes nearly every day from memory and I look forward to things coming round full circle and hearing the two of them sparring on the breakfast show in January - if that's what happens.

    Hope you don't mind me blowing your cover Clodagh! It was all positive xxx



  • Comment number 41.

    evening folks,

    Rips, you are not completely on your ownsome. Me dad has not been well, and it was decided he should go for a biopsy. For reasons of respect, modesty and not wanting to be modded I shall be using planet names to replace some delicate wording. I'm sure you will work it out...

    Nurse - Righto Mr Wolenski, first thing we need to do is freeze your Pluto before carrying out the operation.

    My Dad - Err no you won't.

    Nurse - Yes, its quite a simple procedure, but we need to freeze the Pluto to numb it beforehand.

    My Dad - No, thats not right.

    Nurse - Honestly Sir, its nothing to be worried about.

    My Dad - Wel I am worried about it as the op is supposed to be on my Uranus.

    Nurse - Let me just check (rifles through papers). Ah, yes. So it is!

    Thats a close call, or shave, not sure which analogy I should use really!

    Love much,

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 42.

    pees eess I spoke to Lyndyloo earlier. She can only do FB on her phone, and currently has no access to internet / blog etc. She said that El Bumpo is much better on the medication and since the cranial osteopathy, so she's taking him back to see the ostepath this week. She's got her lovely mummy staying with her, but if any of you would care to get in touch, please do, she'd love to hear from you.

    She's just on her way back from buying a new router, which she may well have up and running before I finish this, but you never know.

    Give her a shout just to say hallo! (That goes for you too, Christohple)

  • Comment number 43.

    Haha Daisy - You certainly weren't whingeing!

    As for the 'having it more than once' he did stress that it could possibly be reversed.........

    ......No it bloody can't!!



  • Comment number 44.


    PMSL - Pluto!!


  • Comment number 45.

    Aha Rips, I do remember (I think) The mystery unravels!!

    MW,a! LOL although suspect your Dad wasn't at the time.

    Worked with a chap who had the same op as Rips (I am guessing). Sadly there was a problem and he ended up having to have 6 weeks off work so his discreet little visit to the Doctors ended up not being quite such private knowledge!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Next, Baggy (is exactly what I was gonna guess..are you me?), Beth, Rips and Daisy...is no fun being poorly, so hope you all recover very soon...and Beth, if it turns into two lovely black eyes, just pretend you've come as Alice Cooper!

    Anyhoo, advent calendar, a robin...

  • Comment number 47.

    PS - Hope he's on the mend now btw, sorry.


  • Comment number 48.

    Didn't think we were allowed to mention the V word Rips and I'm sorry but your description of your non anaesthetic. I really did laugh out loud. Sorry :)

    Beez xx

    he he he tee hee...... outa here............

  • Comment number 49.

    V as in Val of course

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Rips..bless you..glad the beers didnt hurt! And the OH is a bit OCD tidy and it HAS to be done occasionally! But, yes, he is a grafter and doesnt even mind me sitting and reading the papers whilst he grafts..bless him!

    MW`a..brilliant! Hope your dad ok!

    Daisy..i have never `touch wood` had to have the big needle thing at the dentist..but i`m sure drooling is a good luck on you!

    Never knew Clodagh prev identity either.. shall look forward to it continuing in the N Year!

    Seza..lol at the icecubes! (lol..how old am I?!)

    Right...really must log off now..thanks for the company as ever..

    mSc x

    PS - Ali.what are we going to do without our monday Flash Forward?!is it sad to be missing it already?!

  • Comment number 51.

    Still waiting for the results to come back, but we feel fairly confident that all is well. Thanks for asking.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 52.

    Forgot the advent calendar - Star please, or a pink Angel - can't make my mind up so may I be so bold as to have 2 guesses please?

    I am about to try a cuppa tea now so lets see if I can do so without dribbling it all done me front!

    Rips, I never listened to Chris on R1, but I can imagine how hilarious Clodagh was then as she is now!

    Right, off to try and drink without spillage and burning!

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 53.

    Of course Beez..whatever other V word could you mean!

    Sorry Rips!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 54.


  • Comment number 55.

    Told you Deev - I don't do spirits !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Meant to say thanks for all the good wishes about the fund raising and Jules small world eh?

    Scoobs, I don't know how to tell you this but I read somewhere that FlashForward isn't coming back until March, this is due to the Winter Olympics. It's not at all sad to be missing it, I am too, I just hope they do a recap, so we know where we got up too. Otherwise there is always the FF website to keep us updated.


  • Comment number 57.

    OH CRumbs - I hope I haven't overstepped the mark.....I genuinely was her second biggest fan, after Chris!

    Now I'm nervous - but for very different reasons to the rest of you.
    Anyone have any good hiding places - preferably higher than five foot off the ground and with a rolling pin proof door on it?!



  • Comment number 58.

    Clodagh - Don't put yersen down!!!!
    Everyone a seem ter get involved with always asks for a refund so we've goot something in common... noot that am saying yer common or INDEED mesen!!!!!!!

    PS ALL - There's some words that scare me.... everytime a woman am going out with tells me am 'such a nice bloke'.... a worry az ave lost count the amount of times ave 'eard that said ter me. So, so, so many times & it always seems ter be when the end iz near!!!!!!!!
    Women don't like nice blokes.... do they?????

    Jules - Surds are : Roots of rational numbers which cannot be expressed az rational numbers!!!!!!
    A surd iz an irrational number!!!!!!
    Reminds me again of similar ter speeches by the PM or chancellor on the economy!!!!!!!

    Nic - Sorry about me bad jokes but at least am trying!!!! LOL!!!!!


  • Comment number 59.

    Bings - but you Are a nice bloke - and brilliant company.
    C'm'ere you are obviously lacking a Beezer hug.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Hahahaha Rips no of course you haven't, bless you!! Am most touched.

    In every sense a the word, hohoho.. yes, that's me. Mithered poor CLP to death via the fax machine bless 'im. So when 'e says Previous, that's all; he knows I'm nowt but a harmless daft aul bint really.

    Any road up; am off for a cuppa an' a valium..


  • Comment number 61.

    Hi all. Daisy have you ever tried using a straw or whistling with a numb mouth? Cracks me up every time! Doesn't work mind! Went for a check up last week and all is well, lost a filling that evening! Will last out till Jan I hope but will have to lay off the toffees over Christmas.
    As for Flash Forward, I too am going to miss it but hope it doesn't drag out like Lost and Heroes, I gave up on both of those.

    Ta ta for now, Lin x

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi again

    Couldn't wait - notebook on order and will be delivered tomorrow - I will then be able to FB whenever I like!!!!

    Interesting comment re CDWM clp, I wonder how the format can be changed, perhaps they all cook in one place or go to each other's house to cook??

    Off home now, quizzing tonight....

    A xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    The Monday Meeting all done and dusted. (also known as the Weekly Whinge)

    And so as not to keep yous in suspenders for any longer than needs be, the Advent Calendar window # 7 is .....

    A lantern

    Grats to .... nobody!


  • Comment number 64.

    they did a xmas cdwm a few years ago and each participant cooked one course at their own home, so the guests moved houses between courses

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Guys - sneaky peek on here whilst everyone else is in a meeting! shhhh

    Oooo Christoph has previous with Clodagh aka Val - lucky Clodagh! We are waiting with baited breath - but I think you should dust off your best had and your jimmy choos dear! You're in!!!

    Right wont be on line tonight - festive dwinks with the team

    Catch you all tomorrow!

  • Comment number 66.

    HAT - meant HAT! thats before I have a dwink!

  • Comment number 67.

    Misstoedipper, What laptop have you ordered? I hope its a good one.

  • Comment number 68.

    Oh dear.

    I am such a bad cat owner.

    Just clearing up after Growler after she decided to have a little tiddle on a paper carrier bag. Methought the best cause of action is to carefully manoeuver said bag to litter tray and pour the offending substance into it. I conquered many an obstacle, including the coffee table, a pile of paper work and several shoes and my final hurdle was Benson, another cat that was sat very still on the floor. Unfortunately I lost concentration for a spilt second and ending up pouring the delightful fluid all over him.


    MW, a! who also has a slightly damp shoe.

  • Comment number 69.

    Now Christoph, for those of us who don't tweet, can we please have a photee of Noah on here?

    Rips, the V op versus giving birth, I rest my case. BTW Mr P was exactly the same when he had 'it' done! Woos springs to mind, lol

    He he, MW,a should've maybe taken litter tray to paper bag.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Ahh, shucks Pen.

    That would've involved logic, sense and cleverness. 3 things I really can't lay claim to. Some days its a challenge being me!

    Still, at least its interesting

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 71.

    Wow, where did that come from? Just had a spurt of domestic goddessness! Cleaned the kitchen, dusted the lounge and dining room and hoovered all round, even the stairs which I hate. Must be sickening for something I guess. Now off to tackle the ironing, I must be really ill!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 72.

    CLODAGH - wow wee...............how very blooming 'citing for you love!!!!

    ((((hugs))))) to all those who need it - sbp etc who have been under the weather.

    I love come dine with me. I watch it with the girls (12 & 9) - we had our own version at home, we all planned for our own menu & cooked for the others on 3 nights and had to provided entertainment and we scored each other - it was fantastic!!!!!

    Catmel x x

  • Comment number 73.

    Diva - advent calendar if I am not too late (have only skimmed the posts) is star - if you have already said it then that is my vote for tomorrow unless it was a star today and then I will choose again..........

  • Comment number 74.


    You have Star for tomorrow my dear!

    Persisting dahn here, y'know.

    Dinner ready - Mr Deevs cooked tonight and it smells blinkin' delightful - some pork curry thingy with wild rice.



  • Comment number 75.

    All this stuff re. CLP's 3-prong runt tree has me remeniscin' about the time I was the worst farmers' wife in the history of agriculture, when the hubby opened the Pandora's box that was the farm shop, and sold Christmas trees. Naturally, we got to eat all the deformed sprouts, ugly cauliflowers an' bananas like summat off Doctor Who; but we also used to get the ugliest, scaldiest runt tree of the litter tht nobody else wanted. One year he actually brought in the most spectacular, half-baldy, S-shaped tree that leaned off like the Leanin' Tower a Pisa. Ergo I eschewed the baubles an' hung silver-sprayed beer-mats, miniature booze bottles, sparkly knickers, musical socks, a tin of Andrews Liver Salts an' a pair a beer-goggles off it, and draped it in bog-roll, in an Homage to Christmas overindulgence. And stuck it in a large traffic cone the police had left outside the gate.

    Ha. I mean. I might 'ave bin a cr*p missus, but the most resourceful. Yous can't 'ave it all, chaps.


  • Comment number 76.

    By the way Rips. The V word, hahahahahaha hilarious!

    And reminds me of a good friend of ours who had his done by our local doctor, also the local pig-farmer, on 'is kitchen table.

    I have to say, his robust, rugger-bugger subsequent younger son owes his happy existence to the inefficiency of the said medic. And the bluntness of 'is vegetable knife, presumably.

    Praise the Lord. It's a miracle.


  • Comment number 77.

    Evening each

    Am sooooo miffed!!!!! Taken ages to get on here. Sign in...... don't recognise password...... reset password!!!!!


  • Comment number 78.

    Woo-hoo Deev!!!!

    Fab choices!!


  • Comment number 79.

    Ahh, made it home! Wonderful!

    What excitement!! Aww Clodagh, like the "previous" bit, and how exciting!

    It's stopped raining here, or it had 15 minutes ago...never know around here, but hope so as Finlay is in the garden!

    MW,a - hope you're Dad's OK, and I think Pen might have had a point - hilarious though! Reminds me of the time I covered Finlay in red wine - was carrying a glass through to the lounge, half-tripped over one of Finlay's toys, and as he always with me everywhere, he was dawdling back into the lounge in front of me! Hence, he got the lot, right over his head, back, tail, ears the lot!

    Stank for weeks he did! even after we bathed him!

    JG x

  • Comment number 80.

    Well done Annie! x

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    Hello Gang

    What you do Deevs? Are officially a Christmas Cracker? Was eating dinner so I'll have to go listen again!!

    Now I've put my tree up, the sparkly sweeyie lolly decoration i bought in Selfridges with the Diva catches my eye everytime I go past. Makes me smiley!

    Is pouring again here. Can there really be any more water up there to fall down?

    Ate too late to go to Jazzercise tonight - shame. ;-)

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Thanks JG, but don't know why I was blanked. Am still spitting feathers.

    BTW: Clodagh!!!!!!! You lucky girl. xxxxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Woooooo Hooooo indeed!

    Its now official - I have a lovely pair of crackers! And that's the third year running hat-trick - huzzah!! Back o'the net!

    Jst downloaded Florence & The Machine, now off to download some Status Quo (blame Wogan - he played Paper Plane the other morning!), and also download some Killers ... read my mind ....!

    Back later.

    Deevs, and her Crackers!

  • Comment number 84.

    Oh dear, just had my sister on the phone. Rips, how do you manage 4 of them!! Mine is as miserable as sin!

    She's given up smoking, and drinking, and is dieting, all at the same time - just before Christmas!!!

    Have just given her a good talking to about the too much at once thing!! She does need to give up smoking, cos apart from anything else, she can't afford it, but the others are surely for January???


    JG x

  • Comment number 85.

    Just home.

    Earlier than usual, but late enough!

    Cant wait to hear from Clodagh ( hope the stye is better) about what CLP wants re 23rd!!

    All very exciting eh?

    Off to concoct some dins, really dont know what I fancy.


  • Comment number 86.

    Haven't read any posts yet, have been harrumphing about having to sign in!! Ok, am better, back later when I've caught up.


  • Comment number 87.

    CLP, back to this tri pointed tree.

    Yes to the Angel and yes to the star too.

    Now what about putting connected to Noah on the third, afterall, it is his first Christmas tree.

    Only a thought, cos he wont be able to remember this one, but you could take some piccies for a future keepsake.


  • Comment number 88.

    Hi MTF

    That sounds lovely but missed the bit about the tree.

    Bet someone makes a Noah's Ark tree Dec!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Hi Seza.x

    CLP has a 3 pointed tree that he described a a runt!

    Its nice to have something a bit different dont you think?


  • Comment number 90.

    That is different!!

    Bet CLP's house is really Christmassy!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi JG,

    Not 4 but 5 of them....and probably much like yours - good times and bad times but generally they're pretty good!

    Deevs the Christmas cracker eh!



  • Comment number 92.

    I've got a set of antique antlers above my fireplace, we hang baubles from each point and stick a long oval shape balloon in between them, bit like a mousse head type thingy.

    Beat that for a bit of class!!

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi Rips

    Do you have brothers as well or is it just you and the girls?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Truely Classy MTF!!

    Don't know how anyone'll beat that!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Its just one of those things you do to amuse the little ones, cant imagine stopping!!

    Will try and slap a pic on fb, when we get around to decorating.

    Little ones are 16 and 18 now!


  • Comment number 96.

    Have just watched The Gadget show, well, boy1 watched & i was doing other stuff, & they said next week was not only last show of the year but last show of decade!!!

    How scary is that?!?!

    Was only "The Millennium" 5 mins ago!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Bet they'd complain if you didn't do it though


  • Comment number 98.

    They do it now!!

    Blimey, you are so right about "where did the millenium go?"

    Mind you, it makes sense now that I dont recognise the old dear looking back at me in the mirror, horror!!!


  • Comment number 99.

    Put me up for Ten years Younger !!

    I would do it.


  • Comment number 100.

    MTF Could tell you that was a very interesting discussion when I did some training on Alzhiemers, but maybe I won't!!

    Seza xxx


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