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Achy breaky body

Chris Evans | 15:31 UK time, Friday, 4 December 2009

It all hurts, all of it, even the backs of my ears. . .

I was run ragged courtesy of four ex-tennis professionals one of whom won the US Open not once but twice. The sides of my back hurt, my neck hurts, my fingers hurt. You can spend as many hours in the gym as you like but there's nowt like playing hard sport to get you proper fit. Now here's the thing, apparently tomorrow it's even worse !!! Hey well as long as it helps the kids, bless 'em.

Right, my phone has been very naughty recently hence why I have not been able to read the posts. It was telling me there was a fault with our site, when you and the rest of the world were happily skipping through the various missives undaunted. As a consequence of this, I'm off now to go back four days on t'computer here at work to see what you've all been saying - especially about The Big Do.

Have a great weekend yous lot,





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  • Comment number 1.

    Oh dear Chris,

    Four days of our waffle




  • Comment number 2.

    Oh heck Chris...4 days..?! See you about a week Thursday!

    Feel better soon!

    Night night everyone else!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 3.

    ARF - Timbuk3 - The future's so bright.

    At least when you finally got to that 'one' pint last night you'll have felt like you earned it, and they always taste the best.

    Nothing used to come close to an ice cold Guinness after having the living daylights beaten out of you for 80 minutes on the rugby pitch.



  • Comment number 4.


    The only cure for it hurting tomorrow is to go out and do some more hard sport today!

    Agree with Rips tho' 4 days of blog. Might not get to start the show on time tonight!

  • Comment number 5.

    Damned and blast..that Rips beat me! Clodagh..you didnt tie him down very well did ya, did ya..?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 6.


    Expect many tea/screen moments. I believe Beezer is in charge of screen wipes.

    As those wise old Wham! boys said .... Enjoy what you do!

    And good luck with the tv commercial tomorrow - look out for La Love of Da Blog - she be da gawjus one!

    x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Poor you Christoph - you'll get a headache - 4 days - yikes!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 8.

    MSc Isn't that a conversation for post watershed?!

  • Comment number 9.

    post again for those who missed it.

    H x

  • Comment number 10.

    Typical! Just as I post on t'other side a new blog pops up. So to recap, my ARF is Wham and Wake me up before you Go go and my calendar guess is a candle.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 11.

    Meant to say Hells - brilliant stuff. Knew who santa was straight away though :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Hellen,

    What a gorgeous video, I can't wait to show the nippers that one tonight.
    Is Rupert still miffed about Terry nicking his scarf?

    Good work - I shall of course down load it and not just watch it on ewetoob!!


    Hey Scoobs........8^p xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Thanks for sharing Hells - really lovely video.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 14.

    Oh CLP, four days worth of blog to read - you'll be needing another pint or two after that!

    Did you get the fridge fixed?

    Love the video Hellen - had to watch it without sound and try and imagine the tune - wasn't very successful, so will try again later!

    Rips, are you OK?

    JG x

  • Comment number 15.

    Chris - Know that aching feeling well. It's age. Sorry but did you want the truth or something beautiful? No, that's not my ARF which is still I want to break free by Queen, even though I have eventually broken free. It's been a frenetic few days Chris, so good luck making any kind of sense over the last 4 days!
    Off dancing in a bit - I have the shin pads ready...


  • Comment number 16.

    Night Nic

    Have a grand weekend and let's hope the shaking stops and that you're not coming down with flu or owt sinister.

    Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep dancin'!


  • Comment number 17.

    Ooooh Chris, I am feeling your pain, you poor lad - hope it all eases soon. For the funny moments you might need to grab your aching sides during your 4 days worth of catching up, some of it is really funny!!!

    Take care one and all and have a fab weekend - "oh no we won't!", "Oh yes we will!", see you all virtually next week.

    Love 'n' stuff, Daisy xxxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Just a thought, if the blog is back to normal now, Chris won't have a clue what's been going on the last couple of days. He'll think we're all nuts! Oh right.......we are!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 19.


    You speak for yourself!


  • Comment number 20.

    Greetings Of The Season Ter CLP & ALL Blog Of The Blog Clan.......

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - Always loook on the brightside of life, the only teems ave been very 'appy ter say ave been ter court this morning, iz when ave been on them at me local tennis centre & noot Birkenhead magistrates - know what am sayin'!!!!
    Am soory though ter 'ear that yer 'urting in bits yer didn't now, sorry know, could 'urt!!!!!!
    A now, sorry know, what yer mean, sometimes at the gym when a feel all over fit & strong a try a new bitta equipment and for the next few dees yer aching.... which proves yer can't exercise every single joint and muscle perfectly!!!!!!!
    Like yer say it shows up especially when yer try a new sport!!!!!!!

    All a can say iz a 'ope yerv noot goot tennis elbow!!!!!!

    Which brings me te rme ARF Choice, any chance of some Elbow & their throw the curtains wide number.... most nice on the ears!!!!!!!!!!!

    CLP & ALLLLLLLL, 'ope yer all ave a most productive & friendly weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 21.

    I was wondering, do my old "researcher" posts still show as "researcher" or are they me now - I can only see them as "you" - cos it will be a bit confusing otherwise...

    I was also wondering if that made any sense at all?

    JG x

  • Comment number 22.

    Chris - are you doing the 'eeeee' and 'arararar's' as you stand up sit down, it helps you know, well according to t'other who is also suffering with all his cycling malarky!!

    Don't get eye strain with all the catching up........

    D'ya know I think it may be a fish 'n' chip kinda night.....


  • Comment number 23.

    Hi JG

    Both you and Nic are back to being yourselves in all the posts.

    If you sign out you will be able to see your name against your post.

    A xx

  • Comment number 24.


    What have I told you about saying the word "Birkenhead" in that lvoely accent of yours .....!?!?!

    x x x

  • Comment number 25.

    See. I can't even trype today.


  • Comment number 26.

    Hi JG, no you are back to Jakeygirl, to me at least. Who knows how the rest can see you.Watch this space!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 27.

    Loved the video, obviously Sir Tel's decided the time was right to concentrate on his burgeoning pop career. Personally, I'd like him to make an album of cover versions, my suggestion being `Firestarter' by The Prodigy....

    Chris - sorry mate, got no sympathy for you this time. If you're going around arranging matches with Grand Slam champions without knowing which end of the racket to hold, you only have yourself to blame! Next week, boxercise with Joe Calzaghe? :-)

    ARF - East Bound and Down by Jerry Reed...absolutely no chance whatsoever though!

  • Comment number 28.

    Andy_T..lol at your no.8 re my no.2! Glad youve managed to keep a sense of humour!

    Hellen..thanks for the video..absolutely brilliant! Well done to everyone involved.

    Right..this is not getting the post/cashing up done is it..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 29.

    Greetings and salutations from an icy cold, succinctly crisp and almost disgustingly sunny Vancouver,

    As we usher in the weekend and another week comes to a predictable close, I can but wish you all the finest of weekends.

    Let us enjoy unrivaled tomfoolery, unbridled jocularity and all manner of advent inspired indulgences.

    And remember, lord, ladies and gentlemen...One man's fish is another man's poisson...

    I thank you.

    Dr. T.

  • Comment number 30.

    Well, I'm going to head off home, so I'll probably catch you later for FNWC

    Have a good weekend

    JG x

  • Comment number 31.

    Chris, loved the video of the tennis, very funny, and you and Johnny definitely had a healthy glow by the end! Not surprised you're feeling it today, ouch I can only begin to imagine.

    Hellen - the Silver Bells video is amazing, everyone looks so relaxed and happy, thank you.

    Glad to see JG and Nic back to their rightful nomenclatures.

    A x (Today resembling Rudolph, nose glowing like a lightbulb)

  • Comment number 32.

    Jeayzus Lambie Pie yous'll lose the will to live if yous 'ave to trawl through 4 days a posts!!

    Any road up. Never mind yous mincin' round like a cowboy in sandpaper trolleys an' wit the thumb in a splint after a game a bat an' ball, 'ow d'yous think WE feel after riskin' life an' limb, springin' innocent hostages from incarceration by Al QaeBeeba. Rips 'as a shiner, I've a bald patch an' a cauliflower ear, an' we've all got chafe marks an' carpet burns. So go sort that flippin' phone out quick, an' while you're at it, give the fridge a good welly.


    Rosa Klebb.xx

  • Comment number 33.

    PS I think I said Chrissimus Stocking for the calendar.

    A x

  • Comment number 34.

    Ello Chezza,

    Errrr actually Birkenhead in proper scouse iz..... Buuuerkin'ead!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    Well done Pen!

  • Comment number 36.

    Well done Pen
    Bingo - beeerkenead as shouted out in the Cavern club ........... :o)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 37.



  • Comment number 38.

    Thank you Christoph, appreciated muchly!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Yay Pen!!! TOP choice! Am leppin' about as we speak.....



  • Comment number 40.

    Well done Penne!

    And whilst we're in a happy happy happy mood ..... the calendar of Advent today is ......

    A Bauble.

    which nobody guessed. Unless I missed it.

    Weekend rules:-

    Make your guesses if you're around and I will reveal all on Monday morning.

    Can I go home yet? Beezers Ribs are making my mouth water, and I'm yet to cook 'em!

    x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    Missed the ARF - What was it :-(

  • Comment number 42.

    Does Beezer know?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 43.

    And I thought I was onto a winner with my guess at the advent calender.

    have a good weekend all.

  • Comment number 44.


    Chris I hope the aches and pains ease up soon, but bless you for all the money you've made xx

    Well done Pen xx

    Well the gas man has been and fixed my pump - so I am glad it was something offical and not just me being a ditz! He was right grumpy though, rolled his eyes at me, cause I'd kept him waiting all of 10 minutes. Basically ignored me for the first part of his visit and then got all chatty and get this (he looked a right bruser) but he said he had one of those slanket things that Tiggs was talking about - made me chuckle.

    Down the church at the mo setting up for the Dickens Christmas weekend, well actually I'm not as I am blogging to you lot - so I best get on with it.

    Have a good one folks.

    Lots of love

  • Comment number 45.

    Thunder, Hold on Tight to your Dreams, ELO

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 46.

    See Pen - if you were on fb you would have the recipe :o) I was going to do a curry .... spose I could do a couple as starters.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Actually Beez, am on FB, don't ask me how or why, I only know how to play scrabble with one of my GD's. As for anything else, don't ask. Have acquired a 'few' friends don't even know how that happened, certainly wouldn't know how to request!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Thanks Penny

  • Comment number 49.

    Pen - recipe is in clp bloggers under bloggers who cook. (I think )

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Thanks Beez, I'll have a gander.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hello Everybody

    Well done Penny great ARF, had us dancing round the kitchen

    Glad to see your all back to your real selves! Well done on the rescue job. Sorry I couln't help but I was on look out for you!

    Will anyone believe me if I say I was going to guess a bauble? Only cos I guessed it yesterday & thought I'd stick with the same thing til it appeared? The thing is though, this it LITERALLY the first time I have been able to log in. Border guards are too strict at work & have spent the rest of the day sorting boys out to go to Scout camp tonight.

    Hope you all have a good evening.

    Mr Seza taking boys & I'm off to school Quiz night. Seems like a good plan to me!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 52.




  • Comment number 53.



    Me too


  • Comment number 54.

    Back home, eventually - note to self - do not try to drive through Tyldesley on a Friday night! I really should have learnt by now!

    Well done Penny - good choice, was bopping along as best I could within the confines of the car.

    Now, I still can't get this mousepad thing on the lappy working proper. It will move about ok, but won't do the scrolly thing on the RH side. Have tried almost verything and looked on goggle, but no help, so a plea to any IT-type peeps out there....HELP!!

    In the meantime, I'm back in the garagy bit, but at least that's nearer the fridge, which is where the wine is..Yay!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 55.

    Seza - camping, in December - you must have some hardy specimens there! Either that, or, just a tad crazy?

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    JG Wouldn't like to say!!!





  • Comment number 57.

    JG, I'm no IT typee, but if you go to control panel and click on mouse, you might be able to sort it out. No promises but it might help you.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Hey guys!
    Back from 2 days of assessing darlink little grads so I am declaring FNWC very officially open!

    Chris - when you have read the last 4 days posts can you do a little summary for me as I've not been able to get on much - work getting in the way PAH! also I am dying to see if I am back to debshasjoined - didnt like me name on there

    confirmation please lovely peeps!

    happy friday - off to watch cloud plus tele and make a start on me crimbo cards - sorry to anyone that gets the ones towards the end of the wine...................


  • Comment number 59.

    Greetings from Rudgwick.

    I have to say that now as my name doesn't give it away.

    Seems some people have been drawing names out of a hat in South Africa. Once upon a time, not that long ago, that would have been for the next lucky recipient of a 'necklace', but this is now, and this is football.

    Turns out we're going to play the USA, I remembered that as a fair amount of my DNA comes from there, and someone else, and another team.

    You know, I really can't get interested in this anymore. International football, that is. Don't get me wrong, I love footy. Played as a kid, badly, but I had a go, played even more badly as a teenager and then broke my ankle playing when I was 20. The message finally got through at that point and I hung up my boots. I support Fulham, as I have done all my life, although some would argue that isn't really football (I would remind them that we won a match in Europe last night and are 10th in the.....oh, you know), but these days the thought of watching these overpaid nancy boys pulling on the shirt of the country I can't get patriotic about simply leaves me cold. I was there in 96 cheering Gazza and the boys on as the whole nation went crazy for three lions, but something has changed since then. People often talk about the club v country thing, which do you have more passion for, and for me there is no contest. England to win the world cup or Fulham the FA cup? It is the Cottagers every time I'm afraid. I can't put my finger on what has gone wrong, may be it is me, but it probably comes back to money at the end of the day. Not just the obscene amounts paid to players, but the whole thing. Witness the world cup qualifying. With 'big name sides' failing to qualify by rights, what do FIFA do? Fix, sorry seed, the play-offs. I ranted a while back about Formula One and the constant 'tweaking' of the rules every time Bernie doesn't like something - sorry, the FIA feel it is appropriate - and it is now seeping into other sports so that the marketing men get their way and sell squillions more dollars of TV rights. Sorry, but it isn't right. Give me a bunch of lads in the park, with jumpers for goalposts, 'rush goalie' and 'next goal the winner' when it starts to get dark. That was real football. Well, it was in my day.

    Sorry about that.

    Peace + love

    M (fR)

  • Comment number 60.

    Evening Debs,

    You are appearing as your real name - doh, try JG's fix , her and Nic are back with us .

    Bottoms up


  • Comment number 61.

    Oh havent read blog yet - JG!!!! help what was the fix!

    Ohhh how rooooooooooooooooooood

    Hi MC!!!


    debshasjoined BLOG!

  • Comment number 62.

    Debs, see yesterdays post number 399. JG said go to top of page , at the settings bit type in your name . Hope i have remembered this correctly , not got much brain left tonight.

    Good luck

    MC x

  • Comment number 63.

    OK - As Chris likes a quiz

    I am blonde

    I am bubbly

    I am a mutly giggler

    I like a chardonnay or 3

    who am I?????


  • Comment number 64.

    Boris Johnson?

  • Comment number 65.


  • Comment number 66.

    Gordon Ramsay?

  • Comment number 67.

    No, hang on, it must be Hillary Clinton!

  • Comment number 68.


    not had surgery of the fizzoge - YET!


  • Comment number 69.

    Evening each

    Chris, don't you just hate it when stuff goes wrong?? I had a meltdown moment with a lovely man from India the other day when my Broadband had a hissy fit. Hope your achy bits feel better tomorrow.

    Have gorgeous little boys staying over tonight. Their parents have abandoned them to go to a party. Just arranging the midnight feast for the 7yr old (well he doesn't care what time it is as long as he gets his white chocolate fingers, crisps and ham sandwich). 9 yr old's midnight feast will take place a little later.


  • Comment number 70.

    LOL - not a fool suffering ejit who lets a raving unfaithful and idiot husband off the hook!


  • Comment number 71.

    It's the EVIL TWIN!!!!
    Loving your work xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Oh Annie - I'm on my way! sounds ace!!!

  • Comment number 73.

    OK - to save peeps going back

    Matt and others who want their blog names back

    Just go into the settings bit (very top right hand corner of the page), and put your blog name in the Name box that says optional - mine was blank previously, which I presume is how it managed to make me into a number, your's probably had your full name in it!

    Hope this helps!

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Am I me again Crumps????

  • Comment number 75.

    Haven't had time to read all your posts yet, but Debs: are you the woman who kidnaps elderly men from weddings?


  • Comment number 76.

    yes!!!! yay

  • Comment number 77.

    OOOOO Annie - how very dare you! and me in high heels aswell!!!!

    LOL - got a glass of merrrrrrrrrrrrlot in ye hand yet lovely????


  • Comment number 78.


    Thanks for the tip, but do you know what? I'm getting quite attached to my new moniker.

    'Matt'! Kind of dynamic, and to the point, don't you think?

    Well I did.


  • Comment number 79.

    Well, actually Debs, I might have!! Saucy piece! xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Debs - Imelda Marcos - oh no, that's Beez LOL

    Yes, you are indeed you again!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    Debs - just to let you know that it's Euston's birthday on Sunday, according to FB.


  • Comment number 82.

    Crumps - thank goodness for that! how was the SHOW???

    Matt - thanks for playing my game! but I'm back now so all is well!!!

    OK - going for a bit - or NO cards will get rit - see what I did there, a mini pome!

    seriously - I am fighting for space with lappy, cards, 2 dogs and balancing chards in danger of spillage - cant have that - laters!


  • Comment number 83.


    Welcome back dear

    MC x

  • Comment number 84.

    OK not gone yet - MATT - V V dynamic - yeyh baby!

    Annie - good girl!

    Crumps - that book is hilarious - said in a welsh accent ala stacey!

    JG - you saved me - ta muchly

    RIGHT - stop distracting me yoos lot!


  • Comment number 85.

    Show was great - except the fire alarm went off just after I made my entrance, on Friday!! Some twit had kicked a football and broken the glass in the alarm in the adjoining sports hall!

    We adlibbed our way through it and pretended it was happening in the 'hotel'

    C x

  • Comment number 86.


    I'm very happy with you being just Matt! And if you are happy, I'm happy!!

    Hopefully some of the peeps with their full names showing might get some benefit, but I have to say, what are the Beeb up to? Apparently all caused by some bloke complaining about user names over 30 characters on some other site!



    Researcher 13823163 had a certain ring to it!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 87.

    Chris, you were great on Top Gear, well done. Loved watching you talking to yourself! xx

  • Comment number 88.

    For all of those enquiring after my sanity on the last blog.
    I was merely joining in with the ' on the loose loons from earlier' who had me painted as a nose picking half-wit missing from a village that was looking for it's idiot!!!!
    God knows how they had the imagination to arrive at that?!

    For now I shall return to the comfort and warmth of my own usual brand of idiocy, density and specialness.

    Keep up the wood gork.



  • Comment number 89.

    Wotcha and bye for a bit - thought I had "one I made earlier" so faffed about on fb - now have to cook a curry from scratch! Nearly there though. Bums.

    Must admit Matt - I like the direct approach too and as my fav cartoooonist is also... Suits you hon.

    Anyone told Sus B yet? not nice her full name being here.

    Crumpy - ad libbing - now why did that bring a huge smile to my face? I can just imagine!!

    Next stage - getting hungry now grrrrr
    Back inabit

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Beez, yep, sorted, Sus B wise!

    I wish I could be more enthusiastic with me tea...

    Ok have bought ELH Finest Fish Pies for donkey's years, always able to cook from frozen - this pack says NO - DEFROST FIRST! Why??

    Well am damn well cooking it from frozen, so if I'm not here tomorrow...


    JG x who seems to have done a lot of Hmmmpphhh-ing lately!

  • Comment number 91.


    Speaking as the most non domestic goddess you could ever find, (well you cant be good at everything) i think you will be ok. If your'e not, can i have first dibbs on your car please ?

    MC x

  • Comment number 92.

    Rips my friend.. I do hope you're not serious and I haven't caused a problem for you with my silliness; I would be most upset if I thought I'd caused offence. Really.

    I am contrite. I only ever aim to lighten the mood but am the first to acknowledge it can go a little too far sometimes. I honestly thought you'd want to join in the wheeze but if it wasn't funny, you have my sincere apologies.


  • Comment number 93.

    MC - you crack me up - again!

    I agree - didnt like having me propar name on here - shall I complain and DEMAND entrance of a grand nature on the 23RD!!!!

    right off to write me letter......


  • Comment number 94.

    Well done JG - just popped over to fb and there you were! Sus hopefully sorted.

    MC - give me my virtual hubby back - just cos he cooks! Humph! ooops now I am humphing too JG :)

    Thank goodness for that beeps on cooker - ready to eat.
    Laters smiley peeps.

    Chin up Rips poppet.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 95.

    ooooo blog scandal - how did MC steal virtual hubby???
    do tell!


  • Comment number 96.

    Clodagh you soppy old Dufus - Go back and read it again, but this time have it in your head that I am joking and having a pop at myself and going along with what was absolutely hilarious.

    I'm gonna get your post modded you nutter.

    Not offended, not upset, not nothing.
    I obviously got the tone wrong and I hope I haven't upset you.....honest!!

    Carry on ripping it out of me, It makes me feel special xxx



  • Comment number 97.


    Ok , i surrender him back to you. We have been "married" three days, and not a decent meal on the table yet.

    Right, off to wander round and see if i can locate the kitchen....


  • Comment number 98.


    Its coz he is always posting on Fb about his cooking expertise, so........... i got down on my virtual knee and proposed LOL

    MC xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Ah phew tanks chuck.

    Am not immune to droppin' clangers, all the same....


  • Comment number 100.

    Hello. S'meeeeeeeeeeee!

    Beez, your ribs were divine, as always!



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