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I've been told i can tell you this, so I am going to tell you this.

Chris Evans | 06:30 UK time, Tuesday, 21 April 2009

... working from 6 a.m. every morning for the past few months?

Well that's cos' the book is out this year.

I've started to write one several times before, I've even been paid for it once ! But now is the time. And to be honest it's almost done and dusted, incredibly I've nearly finished it already - unlike when I used to be given homework apparently I'm well ahead - first gold star for years.

I spent most of today at the publishers meeting all the guys who'll be handling the process from hereon in. Nice people but so many of them! Scary but good fun, it's good to be scared - as long as it's for all the right reasons.

I have wanted to talk about it for ages but have not been able to, which is a good thing I suppose - it's meant I've just had to knuckle down and get on with it.

So, there you are and here we go.

I have read loads of other peoples to see how they've got on with theirs and I have to say my favourite by miles is Dawn French's Dear Fatty. It's so her and because of its letter format - not as predictable as others. Her true character shines right through - it's obvious her words come from the heart, I loved it.

Mine's entitled -

It's Not What You Think

Because after reading it back I don't think it will be.

Lots of love you lot.





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  • Comment number 1.

    So,will be dashing out to get my copy.xxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Putting it on my Christmas wish list right now.x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Rips,you here yet?

  • Comment number 4.

    First time I could log on to the blog in ages was last night and I got told I had to wait til today for a big surprise... Like others, I sort of love, sort of hate that! So here I am first thing and HUGE congratulations to you Mr Evans... Am very much looking forward to reading it...

    Well done, a grand achievement.

    Lots of love (to all schloggers too - I missed you all!)

  • Comment number 5.

    When will we be able to rush out and buy it?

    Chris, you really are a man of many talents and surprises.

    Pheww! I'm relieved the show's not going anywhere too.

    Tiger x

  • Comment number 6.

    AH! There you are/it is....

    That is good news, it's not like you've lived a sheltered life. Should be a great read.....

    Might go straight to 'The Radio 1 years' chapter....unless it's not what I think!

    Morning all.



  • Comment number 7.

    My sentiments exactly about drivetime staying right where it is,it is isn't it?????

  • Comment number 8.

    Oh yes....Congratulations!

    Just casting my mind back to the GLR days when I first heard Chris and working my way through the events I'm aware of which involve CLP to today.
    That's gonna be a big old lump of book, if it is the autobiography....not sure that it's safe to assume it is though....

    Hi Jen, wondered where you were.



  • Comment number 9.


    Wowse. I already have a pile of biogs on my bedside table from Christmas last ..... need to plough through them now to clear the decks for CLP's tome.

    Bring it on!!!

    I must admit, I picked up on your early time-keeping and the other day when you said "Write" in your blog title .... well, you've been dropping mini hints eh CLP?!

    And based on your recommendation I may even give Dawn's a go.

    At least now I can take these darned suspenders off .... been pinching all night, they have!!

    Morning Jen - good to see you back! Morning Rips, MTF and Tiger.

    I love this time of day!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Deevs.x
    Did you also pick up on the 'publish' hint on yesterdays blog?

  • Comment number 11.

    Good Morning Rips and Diva too...

    Hope to catch up properly laters - may even be able to come to the FNWC if I'm lucky!


    ps I'm sure I heard you mentioned on the show t'other night Mr Rips...

  • Comment number 12.

    Sore point Jen.

    He basically adopted me....ahem!

    I've been sat, sitting on my front door step with Mr Snookie, all of my possessions crammed in to my Spider Man Rucksack ready to go ever since.

    Not a peep!!!!

    I wouldn't treat my own children like this.

    Oh well!



  • Comment number 13.

    LOL Rips. What an image! Have you packed your Gadget Boy pyjamas? And a peanut butter sandwich for the journey?

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 14.

    #10 - oooh no MTF I missed that. Doh!

  • Comment number 15.

    Woohoo for you! Congratulations on almost finishing it - like others I'll definitely be buying it (and reading it too!).

  • Comment number 16.

    Gadget boy pyjamas....check
    Peanut butter sandwich....check
    Don't know why though, can't stand the stuff!


  • Comment number 17.

    Right. Time to go get showered and fripperied! See y'all when I'm at the 9-5 place.

    May just fire up the Micra to some Spandau Ballet and "do a Gene" for the 17 miles or so to Cooooooolchester!


    Ya Deev of Da Blog
    x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    Rips, hon

    I do worry about you. In a good way!

    Deev x

  • Comment number 19.

    Good morning all Early Birds. Dropped in just before dashing off to work.

    Congratulations Chris. Like the others I will be getting the book and reading it.
    Like CtD I picked up on the fact that you were up and about early to write.
    So after Noah its the book thats born!

    Have a great day all.


    (PS Darce - a mini meet sounds great).

  • Comment number 20.

    Have to go or will be late.

    Rips - at least the weather has been good for waiting on the doorstep!

    Bye for now,

  • Comment number 21.

    Good Morning Chris,

    Congratulations! That is quite an achievement. I'm looking forward to reading it. Can't wait until it comes out so I can get a copy.

    Have a great day.

    Lots of love to you too and everyone else,

  • Comment number 22.

    Good job too Margot....my school shorts don't afford much protection and my grey socks only pull up to my knees!



  • Comment number 23.

    how exciting CLP - will be looking forward to reading your book - and presumely you get to do a book signing to i can finally (stalk) meet you in person - that would be fab!

    My mum has dear fatty on the go and I'm next in line to read it - we all enjoy a good auto biog in our family and they get passed round!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 24.

    Dawns was indeed Fab and I cannot wait now for yours :)

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning peeps
    A quick check in before I start work - proper.

    A book, eh? Who'd have thunk it? A guaranteed 'top of the bestseller list' item methinks!

    Bet as soon as we've all read it we start quoting bits on the blog.

    "Publish and be damned" as some famous phrase goes.

    Catch ya later, Crumps xx

  • Comment number 26.

    morning CLP ‘n’ all

    Congratulations, when will it be available? I can’t wait.

    Many moons ago back to your tv days and early radio, I’ve loved you. Mr P on the other hand, and I’ll be honest here, didn’t get you. It’s taken a while and now, whenever you are away from your post, he, yes he, says when will Chris be back it’s not the same without him!! You are his best friend on his long drive home. I think even he will have a peek at your book, even if it’s when I’m not around!

    As has been said I am so glad you are not moving from drivetime......YET!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 27.

    Wot's with the question marks!!?


  • Comment number 28.

    'Its not what you think!!!!!',leaves me a little puzzled still.You're not trying to tell us anything else are you Chris?
    How about just a bit of reassurance as an opening gesture on Drivetime tonight for all us daft,maybe,but dedicated bloggers.

  • Comment number 29.

    Phew, I can't breathe a sigh of relief now. Thought you were leaving us.

    MTF - yes, that's got me thinking too. Maybe it isn't an autobiography. Perhaps its a book about the blog? Or yellow cars? Or cups with probes? lol Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be a good read!

    Cheers CLP!


  • Comment number 30.

    my only thought - he has published all the blogs from the last three years with selected comments??

  • Comment number 31.

    Yes,but surely the blogs are already published and are here in front of us and accessible at any time?Just a thought.x

  • Comment number 32.

    Christoff Lamb Pie that's FANTASTIC news!

    Like everyone else I can't WAIT.

    And it's inspired me to knuckle down and pull mine together.

    Like you, I've drafted a few but in my case I haven't had the confidence to really push it forward and, despite the encouragement of friends and particularly the GD and, oddly, the ex-hubby, I've allowed disdain from one or two people who think I should concentrate on 'real' work to knock me down.

    So I'm going to get on with it. I spend enough time on here and elsewhere telling people to case their dreams and not to be dragged down, so should practice what I preach, n'est-ce pas.

    Good for you. One thing I'm sure of, it WON'T be what we expect.

    OO spooky! Sir Tel has just read one of me tall tales as I speak.. is it an omen?


  • Comment number 33.

    bagpuss - maybe we should have a bloggers guess as to what it is?

    Pen x

  • Comment number 34.

    Clodagh - did you hear Janet and John this morning? I laugh about them laughing!!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 35.

    Ooooh,look how many of us blogging at the same time, Clodagh you go for it.You will be up on that bestsellers shelf too.xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    SBP. Of COURSE it won't.

    Our CLP has way more about him and way more life experience to plagarise any of our efforts here. I am delighted to say.

    I'm so thrilled, can't wait. That's me sorted for Christmas.


  • Comment number 37.

    MTF - ditto


  • Comment number 38.

    can,t wait have followed you since big breakfast through virgin radio etc and now know what to put at top of Christmas list.Its only April
    yipee and well done CLP.
    such a relief I thought you maybe were leaving us as Pip said and concentrating on projects away from broadcasting
    so pleased for you.
    good luck(not that you have ever needed it)

  • Comment number 39.

    Clodagh - I'd definitely buy your book! Every post/tale is a gem.
    Crumps x

  • Comment number 40.

    CLP, how exciting! I'd be jumping up and down and clapping my hands if I didn't feel a bit queasy (sp?) today...

    And Clodagh, pllleeeeaaasseee get on with your's. After reading your blogs for the past year, I'm sure it'd be a riot!

    AF xx

    ps I started a diary once. But when I'd filled a few pages with "Got up. Went to work. Came home. Went to bed." it all seemed rather pointless ;-)

  • Comment number 41.

    AHHHH . . . .

    I see now (said the blind man) - thats why you're getting up so early these days - theres me thinking it was just you being your normal natural healthy self - now it all makes sense - perfect time to do it to - family established, best job in the UK and not a care in the world - good for you - hope it does well . . .

    Belfast fell into the best weather of the year so far yesterday, t'was truly a joy to arrive home in the sunshine, fire up the Barbie, and open a little bottle of vino blanco - it truly does wonders for the heart at the start of the week . . .

    So, back into the office, Tuesday morning all fired up - head down, hear we go . . Hump day tomorrow cant come quick enough . . .

    Have a great one . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 42.

    Morning all - lots of excitement from the world of bloggers so well done Chris - but I am with MTF - can we have some more info on drivetime????

    Crumpy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! what ever the 'number' you're as old as you want to be so enjoy your day - up to anything fab?

    See you all later1

  • Comment number 43.

    Thanks Debs2.Morning to you.x
    Off out into the unknown now to see what good I can bring into peoples lives.
    Now you all have a good day and we'll all be listening out for even a little mention just after 5 and thank goodness he is going to be there :}

  • Comment number 44.

    PS - also MIGHTILY glad you are not going anywhere! What would we do without you on drivetime!
    love debs2

  • Comment number 45.

    Great minds Debs2.x

  • Comment number 46.

    AW MTF - that sounds great 'bringing good into peoples lives' can you say what you do?

  • Comment number 47.

    The clue is in my title Debs2.x

  • Comment number 48.

    Gotta fly now.x

  • Comment number 49.

    MTF - how very clever!
    have fun sprinkling fairy dust!

  • Comment number 50.

    Morning lovelies! How fab - a guaranteed best seller CLP, congratulations! And if it's about you, then it's got a happy ending ... unless it's not what I think ...

    Gorgeous day here in Banstead. I finish most of my medication today so hopefully this time tomorrow I won't feel so grotty, but in the meantime, the sunshine sure helps!!!

    Lots of love all

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Well I could sit here all day and do nowt, or I could get myself into gear and get out to the tip, do some housework, clean the car and, oh yes, the reason I'm at home - DO SOME WORK! lol

    Catch you later.


  • Comment number 52.

    Morning All,

    Wow what great news. I will certainly be purchasing that, and as said by others, on your recommendation the Dawn French one as well.

    Clodagh - I would love to read your book too, you do crack me up with your ditties on the blog and on Tel's show. Also agree with you re #117 on the other page - got a bit of a gay crush on Claudia myself.

    The sun is shining in Kent, after a misty start. Off to have the hair done tonight, no more badger stripe for me (with apologies to any badgers out there).

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRUMPS xxx Sending lots of love


  • Comment number 53.

    Morninga ll

    WOW Chris, that's great news. Can't wait for more details and of course the release date!

    Hope the sun is shining for everyone to-day.

    Debs2 - we must think of another 'handle' for you.

    Have a good 'un all


  • Comment number 54.


    Penny x

  • Comment number 55.

    Great news CLP - can't wait to read it! Its not what you think - very clever, we will all be guessing for ages now but it will be a best seller whatever. Like Deev I'm going to read Dear Fatty after that recommendation and Clodagh's after that hopefully - Clodagh get a move on! So glad Drivetime isn't going anywhere - what would we do without you Chris?

    Loving the image of Rips sitting on the doorstep in his shorts and rucksack!

    Happy Birthday Crumpy - hope its a good one.

    Margot - I'm up for a mini meet if you are - Pen??

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 56.

    PS - happy Birthday Crumpy!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Phew ... drove Through The Barricades and made it to work in one peace.

    Have discovered I can do a mean duet with Tony Hadley ..... and got the giggles at the memory of a teen boyfriend proposing marriage to me when he gave me a copy of True!

    Oh yes!

    Today I'm gonna work til I'm Musclebound, and Communication won't let me down. It's my Instinction!

    I am Gold!

    Deev x x x

    PS: what are "seaside arms" ?!?!?


  • Comment number 58.

    happy birthday crumps

    tins - hope you feel better - big hugs coming your way

  • Comment number 59.

    Very good Deev - made me smile.

  • Comment number 60.

    Excellent Mr Evans!

    I can't wait to read it!

    C x

  • Comment number 61.

    Darce - This blog is a bit of escapism for me and no one, but no one (only you lot) know I do this and as I have said before I quite like the anonymity of it. That's not to say I wouldn't love to meet all of you and maybe, just maybe I will change my mind. I love social occasions but to attend a meet I would have to come clean!! However, keep me informed of any arrangements and we shall see.

    It would be really funny if I already knew you!!

    I sincerely love you all - well most of you!!!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 62.

    Morning all and good news A? Got a pile of autos by my bed still unopened but Christophs book - whatever it may be will be top of the pile.

    Happy Birthday Crumpy xxxxxxxxx

    Get writing Clodagh - guaranteed best seller.

    Back later

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Pen - yes I thought that, it would be very funny if I already knew you!! We must have been in the same pub at some time.

    As for the anonymity, I'm the same as you. When I went to the London meet, I said I was meeting up with old schoolfriends from facebook. If you change your mind you know I'm only down the road!!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Chris:

    I will most definitely buy your book. I would imagine this is going to be very cathartic for you - what a story this will be! And what a wonderful gift for your daughter to read, and Noah, in time!

    I constantly asked my lovely dad to write his book - he was a fascinating man and his story would have been wonderful to read. But, he never did get around to it, so well done you!

    Clodagh: is your book an autobiography? I am sure it would be brilliant - you are a natural writer - go for it. In the meantime, I'll be working behind the scenes to get Terry to write the preface!

    C xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Ah yous are all sweethearts.

    Ok am on the case. Not sure about the autobiography, mind, Chrissie; there will be a few people seriously nervous if they think I'm doin' an Only The Names Have Been Changed expose, hahahaha... more of a thinly veiled novel based on my own experience, interjected with Big Fibs as I am wont to do.

    In which case I'd best watch me step. Aunty Dot will be lookin' down from that big camp site in the sky and reminding me that when I tell huge whoppers I will get a big spike growin' out the top of me head.

    I don't want to spend the rest of me life wearin' a balaclava, a German helmet or a mohican as camouflage now, do I.

    Happy birthday, Crumps. Same day as the Queen huh. I'm curtseyin' as I speak.


  • Comment number 66.

    As I was saying, Clodagh ..... you are a natural writer - hilarious!

    And I should have said earlier: happy birthday Crumpy - have a great day!

    C xx

  • Comment number 67.

    I think I'll get Tobes to write my biography. I'm liking his style and he's "got" me to a T.

    My name is Rio, and I'm dancing on the sand ....

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi Christophe & all bloggers

    Likewise I am also relieved we're not losing you from evening slot. Even though I can only listen for a short while.

    Also take on board recommendation for Dawn French's book.

    Happy Birthday Crumpy - I'm sure I remember you saying you were near Wrexham - I work @ Hawarden. From my name you can probably guess roughly where abouts!

    Sun is shining down here in Hawarden (said Harden) hope it is with all of you.


  • Comment number 69.

    Thanks Janet - yes, well remembered, although work is in Telford - where it is also sunny at the mo!

    Bet the urge to be up in the clouds is rife, given your employer!

    Off out to lunch will work colleagues, very soon, when I can clear all the balloons, banners etc from my desk. It's great to be 50!, I can now continue to grow old disgracefully!
    Crumps xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Happy Birthday Crumps. Enjoy your lunch out. Shall you be coming back to work or going for a lie down before evening festivities?
    Sorry if I've missed previous birthday details. Have a great time!


  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Crumpy

    Hope you have a lovely lunch. Everyone assumes who I work for - when they hear WHERE I work. Unfortunately not so - just one of the other companies situated on the site.

    Glad to hear it's also shining in Telford.

    Regards Janet

  • Comment number 72.

    Mornin all,

    Sorry I know I'm late, overslept, dog ate me homework, then captured by aliens - oh ok, no I have just been well lazy sitting in the garden.

    I look forward to Chris' book, my sis in law lent me Dear Fatty - really enjoyed it.

    Tins, hope you are continuing to get better.

    Deev 'seaside arms' is that not a pub in Brighton?

    Well, I better get a move on, more laziness required, an I can because I'm worth it!!!!

  • Comment number 73.

    Oh yes,
    I know what I meant to say.
    Happy Birfday Crumpy

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Chris and gang,

    No time to read (except for Chris's of course!), thought something was going on the other day when you mentioned you'd been writing. As some of you may know I'm doing creative writing this year as part of my OU degree and the most recent TMA I've completed was life writing, which I assume is what you've been doing Chris.

    I agree, I loved Dawn French's Dear Fatty, the letter idea is great and it enables you to leave out the bits of your life you don't want to talk about it. The letters to her dad were very sad, but she came across as a pretty happy person. Jonathan Ross's book was a bit of a quick read and I didn't feel I really got to know him, but I loved the chapter on nits, is there one of those in your book Chris?!

    Take care guys,

    Em xx

  • Comment number 75.

    I was not having a good day until i watched this:


  • Comment number 76.

    Hi All, Just popping in again quickly.

    Happy Birthday Crumpy - enjoy it to the full.

    Darce, Pen - no pressure for mini meet. As Bingo would say - no stress (only he'd put it in his own inimitable way, that I have no hope of imitating).

    Clodagh - I agree whole-heartedly (sp?) with everyone else. Please get a book out so the world can enjoy your writing as much as us.

    Have a great afternoon one and all,

  • Comment number 77.


    Good stuff CLP, when is it out ? I need something good to read on my hols.

    Happy birthday Crumpy . hope its a good 'un.

    Bit of cloud going on round here, thats gotta go .

    Desk overloaded , but t'will keep me out of mischief till 5pm.

    Clodagh - we want a book ,we want a book !! ;-))
    MC xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Couldn't agree more about a book from Clodagh. Would be a very good read and the cause of many chuckles all over the Country...nay, the World.


  • Comment number 79.

    Phill - wow! That is fabulous. Thank you very much.


  • Comment number 80.

    Afternoon luvlies

    I've had a right proper productive morning. Cleared loads. Still got loads to do, but not as many loads as about four hours ago!

    I got Jonathan Ross's book for Christmas. Started it, but to be honest, I'm struggling. It's not an autobiography per se, is it? More a collection of recollections, in his own inimitable style.

    Also on the pile: Paul O'Grady's book (a real curve-ball from Mr Deev, but will give it a go), the John Lennon one from Tiggs (want to take it on holibobs but it'll be half my baggage allowance - it's huge!), Russell Brand's Articles Of Faith and Irons In The Fire, a biography on Che Guevara (1000+ pages!).

    I've just started a book called Sweetheart, about a female stalker/serial killer.


    Back in a bit.


  • Comment number 81.

    Hello Blog & CLP!

    What great news from the man himself! It's gonna be a guaranteed bestseller without a doubt! If the blogs are anything to go by it'll be entertaining to say the least.

    I can confirm that the snow here in Andorra is still remarkable and some resorts are now staying open as late as May the 3rd! Have had a couple of days out on the mountain and am having a day to catch up on emails etc today as I can get to a pc... My laptop is refusing to boot up and seems to be in a permanent loop of start up screen followed by xp logo then off. If anyone has any ideas then feel free to let me know (here or facecloth).

    Might even get the chance to listen to the show tonight and see if there's any more to find out about the publication.

    Many happy returns Crumpy!!! Have a great one!


  • Comment number 82.

    Oh yes, and the best thing about going on holiday ...... the airport bookshop!!

    All those "airport special versions" just waiting to go in my hand luggage!

    Going to get Piers Morgan's latest offering at Gatwick - his first two books were hilarious.

    Hi Lyndy! You on the piste again!?!?!?

    x x x

  • Comment number 83.

    Deevaski honeybun when the piste calls I have to answer!! xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Happy Birthday Crumpy.

    Really looking forward to Chris's book, hopefully I will learn a lot about how he succeeds!

    Hells, who locked herself out again by forgetting her password!!!! *doh*

  • Comment number 85.

    Morning, afternoon from sunny upstate NY. Well sunny for now anyway, it's supposed to get cold and rain this afternoon. Kind of a repeat of what we had all day yesterday. Oh well, the weather people are predicting a really nice weekend. Temps in the 70s...... can't expect better than that this time of year.

    Congrats Chris on the book. Sounds like it's going to be a great read. Please keep us posted as to when you expect it to be out.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!!!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Don't worry Hells, I was thinking of emailing Tel this morning with a TOG tale.

    As I was putting away my dried crockery, utensils, pots and pans etc. I went to put the tin opener in the fridge. I opened the door with the tin opener in my hand and then wondered what I was doing. In my defence it was 6:20, but I don't really think that is any excuse!!

    Oh well


  • Comment number 87.

    #86 *lol* Ali, I am sure I should have lost weight by now as I walk around the house constantly forgetting why I got up.

  • Comment number 88.

    Hells, you can be excused now you're another year older!!

    Hello Bond, lovely day here.

    Penny x

  • Comment number 89.

    I do things like that too. Although I think it's more down to "the gin" than senior moments just now!

    Hi Bondybum!

    Deev x x

  • Comment number 90.

    Ali: I really did laugh at your post. I do feel a little better knowing I am not alone! I must come down and go back upstairs at least 10 times every morning before I leave the house for work. Can't find my glasses/purse/keys/bag/coat. And I have absolutely NO idea why I am back in the bathroom!

    It's driving me completely crazy!

    C xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Deev - you are definitely not old enough for senior moments, so it's gotta be the gin!!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 92.


    to be as organised in the morning as possible everythibng (glasses keys etc) lives in my handbag - everythig put next to fron door so I have to trip over it before i leave -

    Still worried Im going top forget something important one day - like my clothes on a gym day or my laptop!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 93.

    Was going to say something then ........
    nah forgotten................

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Baggy - just don't forget your abacus!!

    have sent you something Blurry on FB!!

    'cited, maybe???

    Deev x x x

    PS: Penny - thank you! x

  • Comment number 95.

    deev = very excited - but need to calculate distances to southened/ wolverhapton to see which is closer and talk to Mr bp first

    super bp x

  • Comment number 96.

    Beesmum - lol

    Penny x

  • Comment number 97.

    OK - I am going to let you into a secret.

    If when I am lying in bed at night I remember something that I have to do in the morning, or take to work etc. and I can't be bothered to get up. I have a toy dog that hangs on my bed which I throw towards my bedroom door. Then when I get up in the morning I see him lying there and know that I was supposed to do something - doesn't always work mind!!

    PF - I'm the same age as Deev and don't drink - what's my excuse?? LOL


  • Comment number 98.

    Hells. Bless yous. Well, you ARE a year older, don't forget...

    But me, I've moved on up to the next level.

    Renee. (finger wagglin') "Ere. You know that thingy with the whatsiname on the top; you know, that thingy doo-da..."

    Me. "Yes. What about it?"


    I've entered the Twilight Zone and it's a one-way street.


  • Comment number 99.

    That will be the doofry near the wotsit then Clodagh - know what you mean!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Ah ha! Excellent, I can't wait to read it. I bet it will be great fun and full of your lovely wisdom!

    In the middle of writing one of my own on how I became a dog behaviourist and loving it. Finding the whole process very rewarding. Only hope I get published too.

    Cheer Christophe, we're all dying to read it I'm sure.

    Love ya loads.


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