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What still no baby ?

Chris Evans | 07:47 UK time, Monday, 2 February 2009

Yep, still no baby, not even...

... so much as a sniff.

So instead, a massive food weekend, movies and then more food.

The World's Fastest Indian, recommended on these pages many months ago, what a fabulous film. We all wanna be Bert don't we ?

Now, I have just been informed that there are snow buses and snow trains into London today, that's snow good !

S'pose all this means I'm gonna have to fire up the trusty old Land Rover to get to The Radio 2 Station Broadcast later on but wow, hang on there, wait a minute, if I take the Landy and Tash starts all the gubbins later, how wil she get to the hospital ? D'oh.

Although somehow, I don't think it's going to be baby day today, not if the little mite has had a glance at the weather that is.

I feel a very slow, albeit pretty, Monday beginning to unfold.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Urm - you mean drive herself there ??? I don't think so Christoff !!!!!!!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 2.


    I drove round bucks/berks in my Coupe - if your careful its okay ;-)

    shame about no baby - we are all waiting to meet him/her.

    super bpx

  • Comment number 3.

    Did your blog get delayed in the snow CLP?

    Happy Monday!

    Chezza of Divaville

  • Comment number 4.

    Oh - its snowing! I live in a place that has not seen snow for 10 years... and yet - its snowing!! Only prob it that the rellies were supposed to be coming today but now - no can do!

    If its all request Monday does that mean we get to pick the first tune? If so i want hnery Priestman - Grey's the new blonde :)


    *I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness or ablities that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.* William Penn

  • Comment number 5.

    Oh I really should check my Spellings!

    Thats Henry Priestman :)


  • Comment number 6.

    Hi guys,

    How are you all enjoying the snow? Got to go and pick up all my little ones from school in a minute, terrified they might all get snowed in at mine!

    Watched a film Into the Wild at the weekend, very good if rather depressing. Watched Once last week, really enjoyed it, great songs.

    Made Jamie's stuffing yesterday, very yummy. number 1 son loved it!

    All the best with the baby Chris and Tash xx

    Em xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hello again all. Still snowing here. Been out 3 times with the dog so far, AND made a snowman. Daughter and her boyfriend were just looking out of the window at me as if I was a nutter! I'm so glad I don't have to pretend to be cool ha ha!! One of the joys of getting older I guess!

    Mr Evans, could you not do the show from your house somehow? Surely technology could assist???? (Not that I have the first clue how it would work, but there must be someone out there who does??!)

    Hope Tash and Bump are warm and comfortable

    Take care all

    T xxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Ok, CLP - why don't you let us in on the secret of how this blog thingy works? You type it up at home at X time and send it off to the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ (am I right so far?) ...........then some minion at BH has to put it online and on days like today when they're way too busy - probably filing their nails or counting snowflakes or....... or.......... whatever it may be.......it takes almost 7 HOURS for that to happen?! Yet your original message still has its original time-stamp!

    Why does that happen I wonder? Babies are born in less time (not first ones usually though!). I thought we were in the digital age now at the good old Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ. Maybe not?


  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris,

    Good to hear from you - poor Tash, she must be getting really uncomfortable now! Baby Evans is certainly make us all jump through hoops at the moment - I was checking the blog every half hour at the weekend ..... just in case!

    Hope everyone else is alright. It is very cold in Glasgow, but just light snow flurries in the the city centre. However, the suburbs are another story - really heavy snow - I am dreading going home! Have been wearing my wellies since 7.15 this morning - a girl can't be too careful!

    Take care getting home you guys!

    C xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    CLP - I think you are winding us up about Tash driving herself to the hospital......I sincerely hope so!!


  • Comment number 11.

    Surely she'd be sledged there by a team of huskey dogs ......


    I'm outta here in a mo, so ...

    wooly arsenal gloves - check
    wooly arsenal hat - check
    warm poncho - check (i don't do coats)
    bus fare - check
    iPod - check

    Right, off to find a bus to whisk me home to Hicksville. Wish me luck!

    Chezza of Divaville

  • Comment number 12.

    Hello gang

    So how are we all today? Cold enough for you?

    Poor Tash, she must have had enough now bless her. How exciting though, not long before you meet your baby.

    Made it to work this morning no problem, home again, no problem. Where we live looks beautiful at the moment, most of the snow is untouched and everything just looks lovely. Hate it when we get to the grey, mushy, slushy stage. Yuk.

    Back in a bit.

    Debbie x x x

    PS: Cheryl, am cooking something later that requires desiree potatoes, what's the difference between those and maris pipers? And does it matte if I use these instead. I aint going out again today!

  • Comment number 13.

    I'm in the same situation! My wife was due on Wednesday. Still no Bub?! Nada!

    With all the white stuff coming down, I'm a bit worried about going to work incase I can't get back to take her to the hospital! What we need now is a snowplough ambulance on hand, just in case. Now I'm praying for the baby to cook just for a few more days!

    Hope the road from Farnham to Frimley Park hospital is OK or my planning has gone where the sun don't shine!

    Feeling your pain dude!

  • Comment number 14.

    The best laid plans o' mice an' men gang aft aglay!


  • Comment number 15.

    Well I'm sure that there will be a plan for Tash should the baba decide it's time to face the world. It'll know when the time's right xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Greetings Ter The CLP, The Tash And INDEED ALL Of The Blog,

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - Yes it's crazy, abitta frozen ice cristals drop on the ground and 'alf the trains are off and all the buses!!!!!!
    Don't wanter start complaining terdee az a like the snow, even though it causes 'assle!!!!!
    Snow turns alot of adults inter kids..... and the adults who don't become kids for the dee..... well they should!!!!!!
    Ave been out around London terdee and there's people taking photos of the snow everywhere.... children and adults playing in the snow, snowmen everywhere.... it's great ter see people for a dee leaving the rat race behind and the simple things in life bringing 'appiness ter most!!!!!!!
    Thuoght of a poem whilst walking around London.... forgotten the words now... might bang it on later if a can remember it!!!!

    Am very close ter R2 HQ... wondering should a pop in for a brew up??????

    PS CLP - gotta idea.... Tash az 'er pilots licence... doesn't she???
    Why don't yer get Tash ter fly you over BC 'ouse and then yer can parachute on the roof of R2!!!!!!!!
    At least yer can say yuv dropped before Tash!!@!!@@!@!!!@!!@!!!!!!


  • Comment number 17.

    PS 'ope a didn't cause VERY serious offence by writing 'snowmen'..... is 'snowpersons' ok instead!!!!!!

    Mad world!!!!!!!

    PS - A LOVE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Bingo, I've not long come in from the garden with Mr Debbie and LM, we made a snowperson too. Quite a scary looking one!

    Looked out of the window at work to see a bunch of drivers having a snow fight in the car park today. So if you couldn't get any 'warbies' bread today in the South East, there's why LOL!

    So you're right Bingo, gives us another excuse for some fun.

    x x x

  • Comment number 19.

    Totally agree Bingo - even grumpy Mr B was playing snowballs with the dog this morning !!!! big kids we all are !!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Quick p.s. for CLP and Chezza too.

    I bought the Shakespeare book by Bill Bryson on your recommendation Chris and finished it this weekend - I agree that it was very accessible and interesting.


  • Comment number 21.

    ok so now i am happy!! it is SNOWING here FINALLY!!!! not much, admittedly, but at least there are a few flakes!! off outside with small boy just for the fun of it all!!! he was only 9 months old when we last had snow 3 yrs ago so as far as he is concerned it is a "lizard" out there!!


    CG xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi I thought OH1 the baby must be on the way as your blog was late, he or she must be very comfy and warm in there.Hope Tash isnt to uncomfortable,Come on Junior we re all waiting.x

  • Comment number 23.

    Ello, yes Debbie C and B's Mum.... make ther most of it dudes..... a present from russia for all of us......

    Maybe the russians are controlling the weather.... colder it gets more gas they can sell us!!!!!!
    Abet The Putin iz rubbing iz 'ands... noot ter keep em warm but at the thought of 'is Gazporm dividend...... "ochyen khaRAA..shooo!!!!!!!!!"

    Das veedanya!

    PS - Bet there's now snow on the Wirral were a live... we never get it there!!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Ahhh! at last - the Cairn is closed - defo means the snow is heading my way (((GGGGGGGG))))


  • Comment number 25.

    Have just had another galivant with the Booboo in the snow playing fetch the snowballs... she still doesn't get it hehehehe! Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 26.

    It just shows how many sneaky blogs at work must come in... it's been very quiet today Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 27.

    It's coming your way cornishgirlie. It's been snowing in Gloucestershire all day.

    Can't believe there are so few blogs today. It is either sneeky work bloggers as Lyndyloo said or they are all out playing in the snow and having fun.

    Good luck Tash. Hopefully it wont be long now.

  • Comment number 28.

    lyndyloo - saw your pics of booboo on fb she is ssssssssoooooooooooooo cute!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Cathmel- She's also a big softy who's afraid of most things.... apart from the snow that is! I think it's because I took her over to Andorra when she was a little pup with Roobear and she fell in love with it! Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 30.


    Car still dead so mechanic friend looking at it tomorrow. As long as I have it back for Friday and my inking I'll be happy.

    Quite enjoyed getting the bus today really - nice to sit and let someone else do the driving while I just listen to some toons on my pod.

    Stew now in oven. Gotta go do dumplings!

    Back later.

    Cheeza x x x

    You handsome devil!

  • Comment number 31.

    Know how you feel - grandchild due on same day - good luck grat show by the way

  • Comment number 32.

    Know how you feel - grandchild due on same day - good luck great show by the way

  • Comment number 33.

    Well done Cheryl of the antarctic. Still no buses running at all in my area!

    I've just had a big bowl of chilli and rice - on days like this I always think you need good comfort food like stew or chilli!

    I also think an evening snuggled in front of the TV is called for.

    Haven't seen anything from Mr Bond today - hope all's ok for you all over there.

    Back tomorrow!


  • Comment number 34.

    Maybe Bondy's got a superbowl hangover Derbyfi - didn't he say something before the weekend about Superbowl parties and it being a bit mad over there ...?

    I've tried with American Football but just don't get it. I can't fathom the rules which is a bit of a problem.


  • Comment number 35.

    Bond is a superbowl freak so he may have a headache and a day off! xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Now cooking leek & potato and minted pea soups for the rest of the week mmmmm xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Ditto The Tobester?

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Chris
    Sorry to have missed your show today. I was busy playing in the snow with my kids, instead of listening to you as I normally do when I am rushing around the M25.
    Don't worry about the little one, I am sure he/she will be here soon and hopefully is just waiting to share my birthday, which is tomorrow!!!.
    Hope all goes well, love the show,
    Julia x x x
    PS please say hello to Jack and Holly!

  • Comment number 39.

    It's a quiet ole day on the blog... I may have to come up with a game... how about... words that make you go... ooooh!

  • Comment number 40.

    I'll start with...... "Green & Blacks"

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi All,

    Still no baba Christoff, dont worry it will be here soon then the fun begins yay.

    Snow driving today, hand brake turns, slide stops, wheel spins, woo hoo love it !!!!

    Words that make me go oooooooohhh


    The best meal MWa cooks, it's just awesome. Bit smokey tonight tho lol

    Now i'm a dead man walking lol, pizza for the next week lmao

    Enjoy the snow one and all,

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hello Snow fans!

    What a strange day, I had to get into London via Thame (otherwise the subbies we use would have had to take a day off unpaid) so left mega early. The usual Muppets making what was a reasonably safe journey, bloody unpleasant!

    Arrived in London at about 7:30 seemingly all on my tod.
    Started in Clerkenwell, where they have introduced a new extreme sport...On roads made only of ice, a pedestrian leaves the pavement to place themselves directly in front of a car which whilst travelling at the speed of a snail would still stuggle to come to a halt before flattening the now, breakdancing pedestrian! They were all at it, then there were the cyclists hahahahahahaha!!!!

    Following a relaxed breakfast at the Clipstone street Cafe opposite R1, I headed up to Hampstead...Wow that's where everyone was, they were even Snowboarding on the Heath.

    Finally, back to the office, switched on the Laptop, stared at the screen, switched off the Laptop, picked the kids up from school with the CMM and spent the afternoon building an iGloo (is that how Apple would spell it?).

    I'm glad we can't cope with this amount of snow...imagine the cost of ensuring that we could, and imagine not having the free fun we've all had, what a bonus!

    Lyndy, I'm not one for Chocolate but would offer....are staying down here all night?

    Chez, I can't believe you've ever sat at the front of a bus....You are definitely one of the girls on the back seat!


    Ripples x

  • Comment number 43.

    Evening each

    Hope Tash hangs on till this snow's gone.

    Didn't attempt the car today and didn't go to work, although I hauled the hiking socks, wellies and Cairngorm jacket out the boot and set off to the shop. It was horrible on the way back - couldn't see for snow and when I got home I had a pile of it on my head - very fetching.

    Now, I wonder if Mrs. Mackay has come out of retirement and is standing by with her shovel on the Cockbridge to Tomintoul road?


  • Comment number 44.

    Make that "are you staying down here all night?"


  • Comment number 45.

    Ripples - I'll give you back of the bus!!!



  • Comment number 46.

    Alwight Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere again.....

    Just remebered bits of me poem and just been filling in the gaps......

    'Snow The Pace'

    As the snow...showers... fall for a day,
    for 24 hours.... no more the daily job and grind,
    work... we are forced to stay... away,
    the rat race.... we leave behind,
    we have to slow..... the pace.
    As children get another day.. away.. from their schools,
    unlike many adults.... they.. are no fools,
    in the snow... they play.
    Whether you like the siberian weather..... or not,
    slowly adults... usually on the run,
    revisit the childhood they forgot,
    and join in the fun!

    Tatty bye.... ter all little chill blanes!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    Afternoon/evening everyone,

    Sounds like you got the snow we normally get... No hangover this morning for me though. Great parties..... the Superbowl itself, not so in my opinion......

    Busy Monday for me today....I really hate Mondays!!!! Hope you're all safe with all this snow around. Drive safely and slowly if you venture out..... and stay warm....

  • Comment number 48.

    Right. I am completely done in so will say nitey nite to y'all.

    Hope I can sleep tonight - got the excitement of the bus again in the morning - wooooooooooooohooooooooooo!!!!!

    Stay safe. Stay warm.

    xx x xx x xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Hello and goodbye CtD.......

  • Comment number 50.


    Who saw Whitechapel, how good was that??? Can't wait to see part two!

    Talk about quiet in here?

    Errol x

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Errol,

    Very, very quiet here. Must be all the snow or something.....

  • Comment number 52.

    I'm still here - faffing about.

    Maybe some people are still trying to get home. Took my youngest an hour and a half to get a couple of miles.


  • Comment number 53.

    I'm off too. Night all.


  • Comment number 54.

    Goodnight Annie-G..... stay warm!!

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi chaps - I'm here - well actually been chatting to James on fb - still here 007 or on yr way home!!????

    Annie stop faffing!!!

    Bees xxxxx

  • Comment number 56.

    I guess it must be the snow lol JLF, I have to say I did have so much fun in it, why oh why does this country grind to a halt when the white stuff comes. Was in Norway a few weeks ago and nothing halts them in feet of snow and i'm sure thats the case elsewhere too.

    Still, school kids love it and have fun,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybee i'm still a kid in an older body hahahahaha

    Errol x

  • Comment number 57.

    Still here. Left early and now home........

  • Comment number 58.

    Errol I want that strog recipe - just can't get it right - me !!! Would say twist her arm for it but dread to think what would happen to you!!!


  • Comment number 59.

    Well James - what do you think about the wimps??????
    ickle ickle bit of snow???

    Bees xxxx

  • Comment number 60.

    LMAO....... BeesMum, LMAO.......

  • Comment number 61.

    Yeah - we thought you would James !!!!!

    he he

    Bees xxxx

  • Comment number 62.


    I can but ask for the recipe, and don't worry bout me lol I ent no wimp either, love snow, shame it will prob be gone by tomorrow

    Errol x

  • Comment number 63.

    I wish our snow would be gone by tomorrow.... we're supposed to get single digit temps this week......

  • Comment number 64.

    Errol - I said earlier - even grump Mr B was playing snowballs with the dog !! Big kids we all are!!
    Going to Brum??? recipe awaited!!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Poor James xxxx I've just checked and we're minus 3 C - bit of skidding about on the cards in the morning on all this melting couple of inches stuff then !! Oh joy!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Next then it will be flooding.......

  • Comment number 67.

    LOL - Bondy - too true!!!! and oooeee London area - three parts of the news taken up with it!!!!

    Reading between the lines earlier with Bingo - have a feeling he thinks we are in for a scorcher summer (sorry Bingo - am I right?) guess what? after the floods - hose pipe bans!!!!! Stay where you are James!!!!! tis mad here ! -

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    LOL Bees..... no hose pipe bans here in the land of the plenty.....LOL Although we'll have flooding in the spring when all our snow starts to melt in June.....LOL

  • Comment number 69.

    June!!! for goodness sake!!! Just falling about thinking about that happening here!!!

    Bees xxx

    (message on fb)

  • Comment number 70.

    Got it......

    I was being a little sarcastic, but it's not unusual to have a white Easter.......

  • Comment number 71.

    Was about to reply and thought better of it!!! over to fb and out!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 72.


  • Comment number 73.

    Hi Christophe, I saw the Worlds Fastest Indian a few weeks ago, Great movie. Isn't Anthony Hopkins just brilliant?
    Hope baby Evans stays put till weather more conducive to travelling, or do you fancy delivering him/her yourself?
    Good luck for the main event.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 74.


  • Comment number 75.

    I would say it was a given that the baby will come while the weather is inclement......

  • Comment number 76.

    Am I first in today?

    After lots of nice soft stuff yesterday we now have hard frozen ridges and sheet ice to contend with. I saw lot of people using the tyre tracks down my road to slide on last night - cheers folks from any drivers wanting to travel down it today!

    I plan to leave my car exactly where it is and put on my walking boots if I need to go anywhere. It must be good for me to get more exercise anyway!

    Happy Tuesday to all


  • Comment number 77.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    Where's all the snow gone?? Norfolk is green again today! Yesterday was great with all that snow, I went to work at 6am, roads empty, slippy and slidey all the way in too....brilliant.
    Mind you probably not much fun for those of you with horrendous dumps of the stuff.

    Hope 'tash isn't too uncomfortable and l'enfant Evans is here safe and sound sooner rather than later.

    transfer window has closed, Spurs holding their own reunion at the moment for ex-players...wonder how much Greavsie would cost us? Best striker we've ever had, could do with him now!!!

    2 more night shifts then 2 weeks off - woohoo.

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 78.

    Hi Gingembre

    Don't know if you take the Times but they had a long skit on Sat about Harry getting Greaves, Chivers etc playing for him - and his wife too!

    I'm glad to see Keano back but think it should stop there.


  • Comment number 79.

    morning df,

    fully agree with you, enough's enough. We needed a big cente half and tough midfielder reall. Oh well.
    I have front row tickets to an evening with Jimmy Greaves in March...can't wait.
    have a good day

  • Comment number 80.

    morning all

    Made it to the office by 7 this morning so I could have a go in the gym before work - I know - I'm mad!

    Still lots of the white stuff round here- very icey at the mo - and yet I have decided to wear my new boots with heels and a skirt - well I need to cheer myself up somehow.

    yesterday the office was like a ghost town - wonder how many will make it in today?

    Hope all are well

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 81.

    Gingembre - can we get a couple of Ledley King clones - but without the injury gene?

    Hi sbp - yes you must be mad! Gym? at 7am? Does not compute..................


  • Comment number 82.


    its surprising how a wedding in 7 months and a over weight wiifit mii can motivate you!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 83.

    Oh believe me - the stress as the wedding approaches will make the pounds drop off!

    Even when you think it's all in order - something will happen. Like the wedding planner and hotel manager both leaving for a better job one month beforehand and being succeeded by someone totally clueless!

    I hope yours goes without a hitch - but best to be prepared!


  • Comment number 84.


    Thanks for the advice - i am the wedding planner and i have a big book full of everything that should happen on the day - complete with phone numbers and reciepts!

    My fella thinks I'm mad but it would be nice for the day to happen as we want it too!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 85.

    Morning all,

    It's funny listening to you both talk about the football, I have no interest in it, never have. But I know every single person you mention and am up to date with all the comings and goings.

    When it comes to my real love...Rugby, I struggle to recognise half the players in my own team most weeks.

    Amazing how much info we absord without realising...Ho Hum!

    Super BP, DD leads me to believe you live around the Wycombe area, if so what are the roads like, as need to head over later, will probably avoid the route by chequers but need to get up to Handy Cross, coming from Aston Clinton, any ideas!?

    You could be my very own Lynn Bowles if you like.

    Take care

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 86.

    MR - the main roads are pretty good - came through handy cross at 6:45 this morning and it was fine - hope that helps ;-) - I know its a pain but it might be worth crossing to the main Aylesbury/Wycombe road and coming that way?

    Good luck

    super bp x

  • Comment number 87.

    Thanks Super BP,

    Where are you getting married, just out of plain nosiness ('scuse spelling).

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 88.

    i'm getting married in a village just outside of wycombe - sorry to be so vague but there are spies everywhere - reception is in a golf course between amersham and the chalfonts!

  • Comment number 89.

    Morning everyone! I decided to defrag the pooter last night so didn't see what was going on. Whitechapel was fab though!!! Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 90.

    No worries,

    We were married in the church at Hughenden as I lived in Naphill at the time with the reception at The Bull Gerrards Cross, can't place your venue but anywhere around there will be Terrific. Good luck!

    Rips x

  • Comment number 91.

    SBP -

    I'm sure you are sick and tired of people 'trying to help' with the wedding plans, but at the risk of being petulant I have some advise for you - having 'been there, done that' on several occassions.

    Firstly - Don't sweat the small stuff. If it all goes according to plan, then great - but if not then all that happens is you have a story to tell.

    Secondly - The only thing worth worrying about is the weather, and you can't do anything about that, so don't worry!

    Thirdly - The only important thing is that you and he are both there, and that you and he say yes/I do/I will at the appropiate time.

    Fourthly - Don't forget to enjoy it. Many a bride has spent so much time and energy planning the wedding that they spend the day checking everyone else is ok, everything is in place and so on. Once you are dressed and walking down that aisle forget about the rest, and try to spend some time with your new hubby. (nudge nudge and a winky dink)

    I think thats it....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 92.

    sbp - just don't try to do it all yourself or you'll end up chasing your own tail!

    The hotel where we had our do appointed someone to manage the day for us even though we organised the flowers, music etc ourselves, and well in advance. But on the day lots of little things didn't get sorted and my husband had to step in to resolve two things whilst I was getting dressed!

    Still, all was well in the end! I'm sure yours will be fine.

    Hi Ripples - I'm much the same with my rugby team as they seem to change loads of players every year! Couldn't name you many off the top my head right now.


  • Comment number 93.


    MWa is soooo right. My first wedding had many many 'mis-haps' so much so we ended up in quite few national papers, in fact I recall CLP and Gaby mentioning it on the BB. However I will never forget that day for every reason good and not so.
    My 2nd wedding was in the Caribbean and it was glorious heat and sunshine.....apart from the day we wed!!!! But again, I'll never forget it for all the right reasons.

    Here's my advice....

    ...every so often stop what you're doing, step back and absorb the moment, treasure the scene, store it in the memory bank and then do it again a bit later.


  • Comment number 94.

    Good advice Gingembre - much of my memory of that afternoon is a blur!


  • Comment number 95.

    df - now if blur (or just damon albarn) were at my wedding that would definatly makle my day

  • Comment number 96.

    Bang on with that last bit Gingembre, make sure you choose the right Best Man and Maid of Honour too.

    I've been to several weddings where they forget that they have jobs to do, and not just to get hammered.

    Derbyfi, my biggest problem is that we seem to be scouring the southern hemisphere for winners of the 'Most complicated and difficult to pronounce name in the world ever' contest...I give you: Sailosi Tagicakibau and Tonga Lea'aetoa as two shining examples.

    Anyone seen Deev? I bet she's been chucked off the bus for sticking chewing gum under her seat or sneaking on with a fake pass!

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 97.

    Ripples - Yes, tough ones! They even beat some we've had. Also my team seems to pick guys who sooner or later end up in court on assault charges. I know it's a man's game but even so..........

    Re best men - that was probably our biggest problem of all, and in retrospect not a good choice - but he's family so it made it all very awkward!

    sbp - wouldn't that make the new hubby jealous? LOL!

  • Comment number 98.


    I skated my way into work even in my boover boots. It was quite slipperly but a very pleasant walk none the less. Think I shall leave in the daylight as some of the way home is without street lamps and I don't want to fall A over T!!

    I wonder if today is the day for Baby DJ - exciting.

    Talking of rubgy, the Six Nations start on Saturday, can't wait - all those hunky men and their thighs!


  • Comment number 99.

    Derbyfi- is that Lesley?

    Bless him
    Rips x

  • Comment number 100.

    Good morning everyone - sorry for not participating yesterday - did get into work but was busy and left 30 mins earlier than usual but I did lurk - reading all the stories.

    It's still snowing here - got another inch overnight and still managed to drive cautiously until I got to the main roads which had been gritted. The company bus brought me the rest of the way in to work and better than yesterday made here within 30 mins. Yesterday it was 1.5 hrs.

    I hope those who managed to get out and about yesterday were safe and those who got to work managed to get home okay last night.

    Off to complete this work so I can leave at 5 tonight.


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