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Bring on the Goofy

Chris Evans | 10:45 UK time, Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Morning all, I joineth you this picturesque morn from...

... sunny Berkshire. Sunny now, although moments ago, we were dumped on once again froma a huge height and what a dump it was ... indeed so, as a big a dump as person could imagine.

What no baby ? Still no baby and not even any extensive movement of which to speak. Tash says not today.

So, it is to the daily radio broadcast where my thoughts turn once again. Today, amongst countless other things, I want us to discuss the lengths to which one may have gone to secure a date...

I have a pal who saw a girl he liked so much in the car in front that he bashed his car into the back of her so they would have to exchange telephone numbers.

Did anything come of it ?

I'll tell you on the radio.

Stay warm out there. I began the day with a fried egg sandwich - loads of butter and lashings of ketchup, calories don't count in the cold !





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  • Comment number 1.

    I'm in sunny berks - just outside maindenhead - you anywhere near me CLP?

    be careful in the snow and good luck to Tash

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Ah Christoff. I refer to my previous missive.

    And I myself was nearly bashed into by an irate trucker upon disembarking from HMS Eejit in Holyhead last night. But it wasn't to get me phone number.

    Does Silly Cow count as a chat-up line?


  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris - I think Tash is very wise waiting until this bout of snow is over with.

    I don't think I've gone to any unusually great lengths to secure a date but have made a fool of myself many times in my younger days by mooning about over some unsuitable chap in the hope that he'd ask me out.

    Always worked out badly - I reckon the right ones are the ones you just end up with without planning anything!


  • Comment number 4.

    Snow! What snow? The little smattering we got here yesterday has melted under the deluge of RAIN we are getting now ;-{

    That being said me and Mr. Egg are off on Holibobs (well long weekend) on Friday to .............. AVIEMORE!!!! Ski slopes here we come!!! :-}


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning everyone,

    Hope you are still staying warm and safe. Not much to report from here. Looks like the storm we were supposed to get mid-week is going to miss us....for a change. Catch up with all of you later.

  • Comment number 6.

    Greetings Ter CLP, Tash, The Non Budging Baby And INDEED ALL.....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Ave 'eard yer mention this bump date story before on air.... but a don't think yer told uz all the full story......

    Sadly..... been there.... done that.... ok noot on purpose in my case.... the outcome....
    I think yer can guess the luck I ave!!!!!


    PS The egg butty.... yer can lower the calories if yer use low fat spread, low fat ketchup and.... sunflower oil ter fry.... oh and brown bread!!!!!

  • Comment number 7.

    Dookegg - 'ope yer ave a nice weekend in the 'ighlands of Aviemore..... sounds nice!!!

  • Comment number 8.

    PS Clodagh - Yep beware of the Irish truckers.... alot, but noot all, are crazy.... speed limiter turned off...
    Ave yer ever noticed when ever yer see a truck overtake yer on the motorway at 65+.... it's goot Irish plates!!!!!!!

    The reason, they've gotta boat ter catch at all costs!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    As it happens, it's gloriously sunny oop 'ere in Wigan this morning; I'd say we're in for a lashing later, though. Ergo I'm off without delay to Knutsford to meet and throw buns at the cousin Baz, so I can avoid the inevitable carnage on the Thelwall Viaduct later.

    And can I just say that, treacherous though it may be on the roads, nuisance though it is down there in the Big Smoke without your buses and trains, the snow does bring some joys with it. Witness the scene when your Yorkshire Terrier leaps out into it for the first time, when a nice fat blue tit lands on the tit box and gets hit by an avalanche. And how sad is it when your snowman melts and leaves you with a frozen stetson and a carrot. It's all part of life's rich tapestry.

    It is February after all. If we were up to the fetlocks in July, we'd be entitled to be p***ed off about it.


  • Comment number 10.

    Morning everyone,

    Poor Tash, bet she just wants to get on with it all now. My first child was 2 weeks early, so 2nd time round was on red alert 2 weeks before she was due and she was 3 days late!! Third time 10 days early.

    Good luck, surely we will have some news by end of the week!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Clodagh- I'm larfin all the way there... that's more the sort of bump I'd get!

    Bingo- have you really bumped a gal for a date?

    I can't remember a guy even bumping into me on foot to draw attention to himself to maybe get a date.... what is it I'm doing wrong? Will listen carefully to the show and pick up tips me thinks!!


  • Comment number 12.

    And what a joy it is to see kids being allowed out all wrapped up with no supervision, playing in the woods, making snowmen, playing snowball fights and sledging... all without the aid of a dayglo jacket or a safety net!!! See kids can have fun if they're allowed to!! Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 13.

    I agree! I had chocolate yesterday for the first time in a while and I had a bacon sandwich this morning.

    It's clouded over here again are we due some more snow on the Shire of Bedford?

    (I also managed to lay my hands on a Wii Fit on Saturday so I've been doing that every day so it balances out)

  • Comment number 14.

    Bingo. Bless you.

    But the reason is they're eejits.

    I must say here that though I'm fairly intrepid behind the wheel and will drive anywhere in most conditions and at speed, I myself was actually very nervous last night and was greatly relieved to be home unscathed.

    The number of trucks flying past in really treacherous conditions was staggering. They might believe that they are in a large, robust vehicle but splatterin' the rest of us isn't clever. And I, along with most of the other drivers, wasn't tootling along; I reckon I was probably doing an ill-advised speed myself.

    Stupid, guys. Plain stupid.


  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Clodagh - ah, the Thelwall viaduct - I used to have to cross that one every weekend. Must be one of our greatest engineering problems - at that time it was partly closed and under repair for far, far longer than it was fully open!

    So glad only to have to do it occasionally now. Not my favourite place - especially on windy days!


  • Comment number 16.


    Bumping a girl from the rear, oo missus, is also, I am led to believe, an increasingly popular way of getting her out of her high-performance car so the bumper can make off with said car.

    Take care girls if you're in the Ferrari. Don't get out.

    Right HAVE to go. Tell me shrup somebody.


  • Comment number 17.

    Clodagh - shrup!! ;) xx

    Hurrah the snow is still here, we had about 6" here in Steyning, it's amazing! Although now it's semi-melted and re-frozen so pretty and treacherous. Won't be attempting to drive over the hill this afternoon, going to have to go the long way round into Worthing.

    Yesterday's highlight was waiting until the Benjimonkey was asleep, then running into the garden and making a snow-angel - and then lying there in the snow giggling!

    I secured a date with my dearest, mr jumpy, by calling him every night for an hour for a week. My brain chemistry must have changed, it was extremely out of character for me, and at the time I thought it was perfectly normal to find out from his parents that he was at somebody else's house and then call THAT house to talk to him. For an hour. Only now do I look back and realise it could be perceived as stalking..... ANYHOW, it evidently worked as here we are many years later still tootling along :)

    Butternut squash and coconut soup for lunch today, if I ever get a chance to make it that is.

    Wrap up warm and go outside and make snowmen, or snow boulders (there are several on the field behind our house, taller than your average big kid), or snow angels....


    and the jumpybean

  • Comment number 18.


    Don't tell the elf 'n safety that kids were actually enjoying themselves without a safety net.

    They will be out stopping them now!

  • Comment number 19.

    Sunny here in Northants but cold. Let's hope for ice rink conditions to end soon where the gritters don't dare to travel!

    Why do gritters not treat roads outside school's!? Perhaps if they did, there wouldn't be as many school closures as the buses won't pick the kiddies up!

    If babe has any sense he/she will stay well put in mum's tum.


  • Comment number 20.

    They apparently don't grit the roads outside health centres either, which strikes me as slightly idiotic. Slip sliding away....

  • Comment number 21.

    Clodagh - Yes, alotta eeejitts out there on the roads!!!!!!!
    The thing iz when yer drving a big hgv slush or rain doesn't affect it cos of yer weight unlike in a car.... unless yer get onter ice then it affects yer more - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    There's alotta truckers of all nationalities always in a 'urry..... me a chill behind the wheel.... don't get there any quicker by rushing or being aggressive ter others!!!!

    Lindyloo - No, 'id never bump anyone for a date... well i'm noot that desperate yet... put it that way!!!!!
    Na, suposse a should tell the full story of what 'appened iz... a can feel another Bingo story coming on ere... 100% true though!!!!
    What 'appened iz, although ave never 'ad any points, ever, on me licence and goot max no claims bonus, in the 18 years ave been driving, after doing over a million miles, yer bound ter ave the odd little bump.
    A waz in Manchester a few years ago when a car passed me and cut right in front of me... as 'as often 'appened before many a time but as that did another cut in front of that car and 'ad ter slam on az a car in front of that decided ter suddenly stop and turn right (yer get the full info with me)... Well all braked 'ard but me being in a big truck... this time a couldn't stoooop in time and just bumped the back of the car.
    The idiots that caused it all drove off except for me and the car I gently ended up 'itting.
    I goot out ter check the other driver waz ok but I waz abit annoyed at their cutting me up!!!!
    Out stepped a very attractive 20 something who looked abit annoyed but shaken!!!! Aka shaken and slightly stirred!!! But noot too much!!!!
    When we saw each other there waz an instant attraction and we both started chatting and laughing off the incidentation and the very minor dentation in our vehicle (I only 'ad a cracked # plate, she only 'ad a small scratch on 'er rear end) (Bumper rear end that iz)
    I think she waz suprised ter see a trucker who's noot pregnant with twins!!!!!
    Bit of a stereotype people ave of truckers - we ome in all shapes and sizes!!!!!
    We exchanged numbers/ insurance details and that waz it!!!!
    I thought should I phone 'er for a date... but foolishly didn't!!!!!!


  • Comment number 22.

    Arternoon everybody!
    Snowed all night in Wilts, still white now but roads are clearing. Left work at 3.30 yesterday as I had a 5 o'clock appointment and didn't want to rush!

    Most peeps made it here but none of our main publishers were available for consultation so it wasn't a particularly frutiful day, oh well!

    Anyway, lunch over, time to work!

    13 days to go

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Just been swimming with the year 4s, lovely to see how much they've progressed. One of the children I mind is leaving today, tears all round I think. Made her a cake yesterday, managed to get red food colouring all over my hands, it gave me the look of a mass murderer!

    Take care guys,

    Em xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Have you noticed that patch on the weather map that's had no "weather" while you've all been snowed-ed or droond-ed? Well that's Skye and we've had nowt, even the mountains down the road are losing their cover.
    Aviemore should be well covered though so don't worry, it will be worth the effort.
    As for pursuing the love of your life - I joined a Folk Club to be near the target of my affections. Now that's what I call dedication.
    Baby deliveries - Caesareans are the thing, by appointment. Sat by 3 of those. I didn't need the epidural though the wife did.
    Oops, that's "former" wife, after I joined the Folkies......

  • Comment number 25.

    PS All a 'ope Tash drops soon!!!!
    A don't know much about pregnancy.... but if Tash gets ter 18 months... what 'appens then????

    Ave 'eard at some point yer goot introduced????

    Introduced ter who...a midwife??

    PS - I don't know if it's just me but it's gonna be such a terrible downer ere if we find out Tash isn't pregnant but secretly dining at truck stops daily!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Ah, i hoped it would be today.
    My youngest was born at 14.20h four years ago today. I'm having a lovely reminisce about a bright sunny day and two lovely midwives (one a man!)with whom we shared a late lunch on my bed afterwards with big grins on our faces.
    Still, the average length of a first pregnancy is 41weeks and 1 day so Tash isn't even average yet.
    Nothing works better than nipple tweaking at 3am, I've read all the research!
    Avoid that syntometrine like the plague, some pregnancies just cook longer,
    NCT antenatal teacher and lecturer in midwifery

  • Comment number 27.

    Only joking CLP/Tash!!!!!

    No offence mean't... just me bad sense of 'umour!!!!!

  • Comment number 28.


    first time blogger but wanted to join in the fun! tons of snow still with me here in manuden herts. Great Fun1
    lotsof luck with the new baby
    little MT

  • Comment number 29.

    Little Majortom
    Welcome to the madhouse! You'll have great fun here, that's for sure!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    For the record my car is still in the garage (yes there is someone in the world that uses the garage to park their car) and it can stay there till I "have" to go out. Until then I shall work from my little office here... I'm sure the roads are much safer that way. Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Just had to share my lunchtime delight! No not that you filthy minded people...

    I just popped out to the bank to do a bit of work banking and decided to treat myself to a doughnut - caramel. Well I didn't realise that inside it was custard - I love custard doughnuts - what a lovely surprise.

    It's the little things.


    Welcome Newbies

  • Comment number 32.

    oooh Ali, now I want a custard doughnut!!!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    And welcome little MT... what do they say? You don't 'ave to be crazy to be 'ere but it 'elps! (in the stylee of Bingo) Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 34.

    absolutely right there Lyndy!

  • Comment number 35.

    I just had a big bowl of porridge with banana bluberrries & yoghurt for my lunch... prefer the idea of doghnuts though (o) xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Ahh, another Numptonshire person. Welcome Steffib1.

    And Littlemajortom, does that make you a minor major?

    Sorry, I'm stuck in with him indoors working so am getting just a tad bored.

    No music, no radio, no tv. Just him droning on the phone trying to get poinments for a job he doesn't like. Bless him, not a nice situation to be in.

    Bees - my strog recipe contains a couple of secret ingredients, the main one being vodka (oops, not that secret!) which gives a smoother, more delicate mouth feel and flavour. The other comes to the grave with me I'm afraid. I did tell Errol, but he can't remember - or at least thats his excuse.

    Back later, sozzies are spitting!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 37.

    sounds good Lyndy, I had a warming (and curing) bowl of Chicken soup!

    tiggs xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Still can't get Somebody out of my head, and my i pod still hasn't been charged!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Thanks for the welcome MW.

    Bring on the doughnuts please.....anything's better than the slimming soup I'm about to consume.

    My car also in the garage - yes even though I have to flatten the wing mirrors to get it in and then squeeze myself out of the car (hence the slimming soup!). My beloved is doing the driving - so nice to have a partner who will take over - still getting used to that!


  • Comment number 40.

    Mwa - pity you don't drink - could get you sloshed in Birmingham until you spill the beans!! Perhaps Errol will remember if we get him sloshed!!!!??

    Bingo/Clodagh - if I dare to partake of one route to get to Wales - I get the Irish lorry drivers on their way to the ferry! Yikes !!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    sorry Steffi, meant to say hi to you today!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi to newbies

    I'm hungry now you lot !!!


    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    why on earth did I type today? Meant 'too'............!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Thanks Tiggs. Great to be here. Have been reading and laughing out loud with you all for ages. Now finally got round to getting on board.


  • Comment number 45.

    loads of people do that, me too, just lurk forever then suddenly take the plunge!
    Wel worth it once you take that first step though, this bunch are fantastic!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    welcome to all the newbies - please join in and chat away

    super bp x

  • Comment number 47.

    Bees, by all means get Errol as sloshed as you like, but I warn you now, all he is likely to remember is how to get nekked and show off his tatts.

    Not a bad thing to be honest, but might cause a scene in the middle of Brum

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 48.

    Hiya Steffi! And for all those partaking in the brum meet I can't wait!!! Got no secrets though so I'll just have to get sloshed for the sake of it and hope I don't fall over!! Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Surely date manufacturers do a sterling job of securing dates already into small boxes of 12 or more and storing them on supermarket shelves. This little minxes won't escape then, especially with an extra layer of cellophane.

  • Comment number 50.

    Good avo, Christoph, the impending one . . .

    greetings from sunny Norn Irn - havent been hit yet by snow covered raindrops (or Manna from Heaven as I would refer to them , had they induced me to an early day off work), so we still have to wait for winter over here . . .

    Baby dj . . . here we go, here we go, here we go . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 51.

    Now I'm over the excitement of my caramel/custard doughnut I shall comment on CLP's blog.

    I can't say that I have been to any great lengths to secure a date, that's probably why I'm still single. However, I have asked a couple of boys out, for both of them to say that they didn't see me as anything other than a friend - doh!! I am actually still friends with them, although one is married with a family or his own and I must confess that my heart still skips a beat when I see him.

    I shall listen with intent tonight to see if I can pick up any hints. Not sure I like the idea of driving into the back of someone though just for a number - seems a little drastic.


  • Comment number 52.


    The following takes place between 9AM and 9:10AM

    Newcastle, Co.Down (where the Mountains of Mourne sweep down to the sea):

    Sausage & fried egg buttie, with a dab of ketchup . . .MMMMMMMMMMMMMM

    DtM .

  • Comment number 53.

    #25 - Bingo - you crack me up!!

  • Comment number 54.

    arfnoon everyone!

    off work this afternoon... which is a good job really as work have blocked the blog. boooooo.

    hope everyone's surviving the snow... future FIL nearly didn;t this morning... skidded down the drive on his bum hahahahaha. brilliant.


  • Comment number 55.

    Cooked brekkie reserved for the weekend here....if only to keep the waistline in check! And then it's the 'full-on, full fat plate full' including black pudding if i can lay my hands on the genuine stuff down here.

    Have to make do with a bowl of 'wood chippings' during the week. At least it's washed down with a decent cup of coffee.


  • Comment number 56.

    breakfast this morning was one piece of dry brown toast washed down with water. Lunch was slimline cup a soup and sunflower seeds as snacks - see previos blogs for reasons but its working - my weight is now normal!

    Super bp x

    (feeling a little bit envious at the mention of doughnuts)

  • Comment number 57.

    Bienvenue all the newbies (come on lurkers what are you waiting for?)

    The youngest daughter cannot go to school again today on 'ealth and safetly grounds so we have amused ourselves by making the following:

    White chocolate crispie cakes
    Milk chocolate cornflake cakes
    Sultana & cherry scones.

    The house smells heavenly...................................


  • Comment number 58.

    Super Bp

    Sorry to mention the "D" word. But I can sympathise with you.

    I turned 40 last year and decided that I need to lose some weight (I find it's a bit easier with a goal in mind), well without wishing to boast of my success - but I will :) I lost 2.5 stone and feel so much better and healthier. So far I am managing to maintain the weight, even with the doughnut. It's not easy, but I don't see the point of going back, especially as I've had to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes - it would be such a waste.

    Keep at it and you will look even more stunning on your big day.


  • Comment number 59.

    Afternoon everyone

    I've been lurking today (apart from my little hello and I love you all this morning) - it's been so busy here - fab!!

    I'm starting to wane tho. Been awake since 3.30 am just contemplating. Naval gazing. Mulling. Thinking it over.

    Whatever you wanna call it, I was mightily relieved when the alarm went off and it was time to get up and go go go!!

    How odd is that?

    Still bussing it - the Micra is with the car doctor today. Apparently he's not sure what the problem is either. Yikes!

    Its quite nice bussing it (apart from the 3.40 fare each way). I get to listen to my Pod and the stellar toons thereon!

    It was actually quite a nice feeling standing at the bus stop yesterday afternoon in the snow with The Beatles serenading me. And then .... when I got off the bus at the other end, it was still snowing and the Robbie Williams song from Bridget Jones happened to come on the Pod. So - nobody in sight, this little deeva takes it upon herself to do some serious splish splashing thru the puddles whilst being asked "have you met miss jones" by his Robbiness.


    Right. Nuff o'that. Back later!

    Chezza la Deeva
    x x x x

  • Comment number 60.


    I have missed you xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Really? Thanks Cath. Need a little love at the mo in Divavilla!


  • Comment number 62.

    Really! If I were closer I would be bringing you some of Maddie & my home made scones

  • Comment number 63.

    It isn't quite the same without your imputs Chezza, so welcome back.

    I've enjoyed my walks to work the past couple of days and too have been know to sing out loud to my ipod. If anyone hears me then, quite frankly, I don't care.

    This morning I skated along to the following diverse section:

    Texas: Sleep
    Dido: I'm no Angel
    Lauryn Hill: Lost Ones
    Oasis: Champagne Supernova
    Take That: Shine (thought of you Debbie C)
    REM: Drive
    Mariah Carey: Just to hold you once again
    Take That (again): I'd wait for life

    It's amazing what a shuffle can produce.


  • Comment number 64.

    I'm finding it hard containing myself on the bus. Not in a flasher kind of way, but I want to get everyone singing along with me!!

    One day, they will lock me up. For sure.

    The Diva is trying ...... honest!

  • Comment number 65.

    Ah thanks AliB, have that song going in my head and I really need that!

    Ok so now I'm fed up with the snow. Not here where I live because it still looks so fresh and untouched. But beyond that it is mushy, slushy and grey. Yuk.

    Haven't caught up, only one the last couple of posts so hope everyone is ok today.

    Wassup Cheryl by the way you ok matey?

    Off to check on LM who has been playing in the garded for ages.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 66.

    Oooh fried egg sarnies. I had scrambled egg on toast, the eggs were layed yesterday at my mates small holding - fandabbydozy!
    The snow has reached deepest darket Cornwall, and I'm loving it. :)

  • Comment number 67.

    I think I'd be quite happy to be the nutter on the bus... it's always they that come and sit with me in any case xx

  • Comment number 68.

    well finally made it in to work this morning. Very foggy on the way in..... we don't normally get a lot of fog. So it's weird, you get the snow, we get the fog..... the whole world has gone upside down....LOL

  • Comment number 69.

    i know that feeling James!

  • Comment number 70.

    Going back to Chris's blog, I can't really think of anything out of the ordinary I have done to get a date.

    All I can think of is way back when, when I first clapped eyes on a younger Errol, bedecked in tight black jeans, big cowboy boots, heavy metal type t-shirt and leather jacket, with blondey brown curly hair reaching to his waist, a smile to die for and a twinkle in his eye - and he was chatting to my brother.

    I sashayed over, whispered in my brothers ear something that I won't repeat here, gave Errol a look from under my eyelashes and sashayed away again.

    I think it was about 3 minutes later he was by my side, buying me a drink and chatting away.

    Ahh, good times....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 71.

    Afternoon boys and girls, oldies and newbies and everyone in between!!

    Just been out for a long walk to check out the roads - I know the major roads are reasonably clear, but there is NO way I am driving my little Corsa up and down snow, slush and ice covered hills to try and reach them even if I could dig her out of the snow and get her to the end of our road = wayyyy too scary!! I have seen so many people skidding, getting stuck, trying to dig themselves out - it's just not worth it unless you absolutely have to - or unless you're lucky enough to have a 4 x 4, in my opinion. I'm fortunate enough to have a job which means that the world won't implode if I don't get in for a few days!

    For all of you that do have to be out and about - please take care!

    Going back to CLP's blog today, I wish we could go back to the days of good old fashioned 'woo'ing'! I'd love to be woo'd with cards and flowers!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 72.

    I'm not so sure that Errol woo'd me.

    More of a Woo Hoo by my reckoning!

  • Comment number 73.

    LOL Mwa - I wouldn't mind a bit of woo'ing followed by a bit of a woo hoo!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Don't blame you sparkle..... it's not worth ending up in an accident....at least that's my philosophy...

    It's hammer time......LOL

  • Comment number 75.

    Me neither Tins and Mwa ;)

  • Comment number 76.

    Ah what a nice thought....being woo'd. Mr Debbie isn't very good at romantic.

    Tinsel, am I an oldie or an inbetween by the way hehe!

    I don't mind driving in the snow too much really. As long as you take it very easy on the parts most affected. I took the flatest route to work yesterday to make things easier, but you don't always have that option do you?

    One wall of my lounge is taken up with patio doors and the garden looks so lovely and bright through it. With a big, ugly snowman peering through at me now!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 77.


    Your opening line above answers your earlier question!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 78.

    ooooo Debbie, I think there's a joke somewhere along the line of, that's no ugly snowman that's.......... (fill in the blank).....LOL

  • Comment number 79.

    Debs, I think there's a song about inbetweenies ... ??? But for some reason I keep thinking of the Funky Gibbon song ... see what you've done now???? ;-)

    Oh well, doggie is desperate to go out for another romp in the snow, so on with the wellies again!!!!


    T xxxx

  • Comment number 80.

    'Do, do, do the funky gibbon...we are here to show you how....!'

    Thanks for that Tinsel LOL.

    Ah I see Cheryl. You need some woo'ing. Join the queue, just behind me.

    Oh 007 I don't know what the blank should be, am I being dim here?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi Christoff

    Best show on the radio!! 12 months of boredom on a dating site then BANG!! there she was the lovely Angie from Ripon. Love at first sight hate it when I have to travel away. Try the bumpy ride and a bit of naughty..... worked for my 2!!

  • Comment number 82.

    oooooo Bondy!!!!

    I must confess that I'm the Un romantic one at home. Mr Egg just shakes his head in dispair! I don't "do" Valentines nor cards at christmas - and anything slushy will inevitably result in my fingers heading for my throat in Puky fashion!!!

    I enjoy small acts of affection i.e. flowers for no reason, a hug every now and then (as long as i'm not trying to do something else at the time though!), mug of tea in bed etc.....

    I know he cares 'coz he comes home everynight and doesn't complain (much) when my feet are cold! He knows i care coz I make his tea everynight, and bath his dog when she's smelly!


  • Comment number 83.

    Debbie, I left it blank for you and others to fill in. For example it could be: That was no ugly snowman, it was gordon brown in a leotard..... or something like that.....never mind. It's just my warped sense of humour...

  • Comment number 84.

    No nothing wrong with your sense of humour 007. It's me being dim :-)

    I don't do slushy either dook but it's certain tokens or acts that are romantic in the most subtle but lovely way.

    Just trying to think of something subtle that Mr Debbie may have done lately................................................................................................nope.....see how subtle he was?

    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    Thanks Debbie,

    Hi Dook, how are things?

  • Comment number 86.

    I've always said I'd rather have a cup of tea!! Well not quite ALWAYS..... .but you know what I mean! As long as you are there for each other - as Mr PF and I are, that's what matters.


  • Comment number 87.

    Bondy - that wasn't what you were meaning......... was it? Or was it my warped sense of humour that made me think reflection (Sense of Humour courtesy of DAD)

    There's something......What aspects of your self can you directly link to one of your parents?

    Hypermobility - MUM


  • Comment number 88.

    Penny - my thoughts exactly re TEA!

    Poor Mr. Egg - he's married an uncaring tea jenny, that bends too much, and has a weird sense of humour!

    Ahh Well - sh*t happens!


  • Comment number 89.

    Hi Dook.....LOL I didn't think of that.... I was more thinking that it was someone else not a reflection......

  • Comment number 90.

    Meant to ask, are you the TOG, like CLodagh is?

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Sorry Debs - in my defence...... in the words of Lilly Allen " its just the way I function" Blame my Dad ...... it's ALL his fault (with possibly some input from the Forces! (that's armed not dark!))

    I'll just go back to my feathered nest and be quiet for a wee while!


  • Comment number 92.

    Tiggs, I am a OG but not a TOG!! although I listen most days. Is there another PF? They don't usually allow duplicates

    Pen x

  • Comment number 93.

    didn't Boy George once say he'd much rather have a cup of tea than sex?

    i'm sure it was - sometime in the 1980s i believe.

  • Comment number 94.

    Afternoon all. Was lovely and sunny here earlier but it's turning mighty chilly again now!

    Mr df doesn't do 'wooing' or big romantic gestures either but I love him just the way he is - most of the time anyway! LOL.

    Saw a family of snowmen in a garden down our road earlier - two parent sized ones and two little ones. Sweet!

    Roll on 5.00 - today is dragging.


  • Comment number 95.


    I gave birth 10 days after my due date, to the cutest little boy - Riley! Tash must be fed up to the back teeth of people asking 'how she's feeling?' or 'any news?' the trick is to say if she could hold off tomorrow because you've got something you must do - in my husbands case Johnny Lee Hooker concert in Birmingham, he got back at midnight we went to hospital at 2 in the morning!! 3pm the next afternoon and hubby is as knackered as new mum!! It has to be a genuine event though not just the pub

  • Comment number 96.

    CtD.....LOL Isn't he in prison now for chaining some guy to a bed or something..... may be he should have stuck with tea......

  • Comment number 97.

    derbyfi, no what you mean.... it's only 11:14 here, still a long way to go for me. Are you happy with robbie's return????? Ol' 'arry has been a busy chappie han't he......

  • Comment number 98.

    Hi Bondy - yes happy with that, especially as Defoe is injured - I do hope he's not doing to be another 'sicknote' one!


  • Comment number 99.

    CtD - I think that's where we were going!


  • Comment number 100.

    mandarino.....that's quite the story....


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