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You know it's gonna be an interesting day when.

Chris Evans | 08:35 UK time, Thursday, 22 January 2009

You know it's gonna be an interesting day when...

... you are shuffling around the kitchen making your morning cuppa and as you open the cupboard to get some honey, the biggest jar of coffee you have ever seen in your life jumps out to greet you.

"What the.... $%^Β£&*^( is that ??????" I breathlessly shouted at the dog.

It was like a monster. I swear I would have been less taken aback if Shrek had been hiding in there.

I can only conclude that my wife, I presume it was she who bought it, has lost the plot. There's only two of us and I never touch the stuff.

Honestly this jar is uber-industrial, it masked everything else in the cupboard.

Here's the thing on this one. Why does somebody, after years of buying one size of something, suddenly dramatically change to another size ? Tash must have seen this mega jar many times in the past and yet did not choose to select such, resisting it's temptation.

So why now ? Maybe it's been playing on her mind and she just thought yesterday was the day. Or maybe she has a secret addiction for industrial size consumables, one that she has been surpressing ever since we met for fear it may drive me into the arms of another and one that she feels she can no longer hide what with the baby coming and all.

Oh no, does this mean rusks the size of wagon wheels and churns of baby milk ?

Come to think of it, she has always been a bulk buyer of toilet tissue and a multi pack buyer of tinned tomatoes and beans. I've often wondered about that. And yes I'm sure I saw TWELVE tins of tuna one day at the back of the cupboard just behind behind the rock salt.

It's all coming back to me, there's more... I also recall, when we play golf, she loves one of those huge bags of tees, the ones with like a thousand tee pegs in there and she always has to have at least one box of a DOZEN balls. Ah yes, it's obvious now, the signs have always been there, last weekend she bought not one but THREE birdfeeder contraptions with FIVE different feeders on each. Local birds have been falling out of the sky ever since.

How could I not see, how could I have been so blind ? I have married a supersize buyer..

Tash is still in bed resting with the bump. I'm scared to leave my office, the giant jar of coffee is now sat on the sofa watching Sky News.




I don't know exactly

P.S. Remember, it's All Reqest Friday tomorrow, and you can request the first track through this very blog!


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  • Comment number 1.

    I like to buy in bulk - if you ahve the psace to store it why not?? Mr bp is amzed as I buy 1000 t-bags at once when they are on special as I am the only one in the house thatc drinks the stuff and thats a years supply but you ahve to think in the long term - so your wife is a practical long termist - be greatful for it!

    And i love the bulkbuy shop C*stco - they shop just amazes me and makes me want to buy everything in bulk!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 2.


    Buying in bulk is cheaper, dontchyaknow! Altho I can't imagine (with all due respect) that's really a problemo in the Evans household.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday!

    Chezza la Diva


  • Comment number 3.

    ARF .... either


    Back In Black - AC/DC


    This Charming Man - The Smiths


    Either toon will propel me back to Monday night and fill my head with images of a certain dandy fop/goth wearing a LBD!!!


    Cheryl the Diva

  • Comment number 4.

    How are you Christophe?

    You sound all super-sized out there my friend.

    It's a girl thing Chris. They will say they are just good at spotting a bargain, and saving money by buying in bulk, but don't believe a word of it. The ladies love to see big things in the cupboard. It's like a drug.

    I once opened the cupboard in the kitchen to find a huge multi-pack of cuppa-soup. It took a year to get through them. I ended up looking like a crouton.

    It's like shoes. I've got 4 pairs, that's it. However, most ladies are like Imelda Marcos. They are all Jimmy Choo'd up to the eyeballs. I blame Luis Vuiton myself.

    It's a 'have' thing. Bit like us blokes with cars and bikes and gadgets. It all goes to make up the complexity of life.

    Men and women were meant to be astounded by each other. That's the way it was meant to be. It's the venus and Mars thing.

    Mind you, I've never seen an industrial size jar of coffee watching the news!!


  • Comment number 5.

    Morn'! I wonder if Tash has realised that yesterday was the last time she was going to be able to get out of the house without being baby bagged to the eyeballs and had the foresight to stock up on the essentials - Coffee to keep her going throughout the day after those sleepless nights!


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning CLP,

    Buying in bulk - It is a girl thing, when things are on offer you've just got to buy them.

    I often buy in bulk, but not for me, just supplies for the church. But I do love walking around these warehouses seeing what I could purchase. The only thing I sneek into the trolly are multipacks of Aero Bubbles (I have a box under my bed as we speak). I do of course pay for them myself and not stick them on the church bill - that would be wrong.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday to you all


  • Comment number 7.

    Morning all,

    The only thing I buy in bulk is me beer, on a Friday evening on the way home. Stop off at The Cohens place and get a load of the big old bottles of lager in (they have a great selection and they all need to be tried) then off to the posh cakes section for TCMM with a final stop for a nice farmhouse and done!

    Aah! roll on tomorrow, as I'm off the stuff during the week.

    You should probably keep half an eye on Tash, next time you're at the auctions CLP.
    Those Prancing Horses can be quite expensive on their own...let alone in bulk!

    TFI Thursday.


  • Comment number 8.

    Ripples is right Chris.

    You want to watch it at those car auctions or the show will have to be renamed....

    Drivetime: The Ferris Buelleeeeeeer show oh oooooooooooh!!!


  • Comment number 9.

    Awwwwwwwwww ...... that's one of my fave fillums Tobes!

    Afternoon Ripples ....

  • Comment number 10.

    I love Ferris Bueller.


    When they send the nurse round has me howling.......

    "We heard that you were feeling ill, headache, fever and a chill. So I've been sent to restore your pluck, because I'm the nurse that likes to..............."



  • Comment number 11.


    I refuse to seak to you until you take me to see REB.
    It has been like Water torture all week. LOL!

    I am actually Green with envy and you're not bloomin helping....in fact quite the opposite.

    Taking Solace in the fact that I have England v France (Twickers) and Blur (Hyde Park) in the bag.
    Otherwise you would be in a lot of trouble Young Lady!!!!

    Good Day to You..

  • Comment number 12.

    ripples - your not allowed to mention blur

    they are my favourite band in the world alive today and i cannot go to see them becuase of work - so please don't mention them!


    super bp x

  • Comment number 13.

    How's the giving up going Tobes?

    Well into it now, good work fella


  • Comment number 14.

    Hey Ripples. Don't be like that - snot my fault we only "met" after the spare ticket had been snaffled up by another hottie friend of mine .... !!

    Tobes - if you say Ferris Bueller you will lose a t*e !!

    x xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Sbp,

    Right got it. Don't mention Blur.

    Oops just BLURted it out.

    Very bus this morning, it's all been a bit of a Blur.

    Sorry didn't do that on Blurpose (too tenuous?).

    Now you know what my week has been like, they are great though aren't they?

    Is there nothing you can do?

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 16.

    A couple are lying in bed. The man says,
    'I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world.'
    The woman replies, 'I'll miss you...'

  • Comment number 17.

    'It's just too hot to wear clothes today,' Jack says as he stepped out of the shower, 'honey, what do you think the neighbours would think if I mowed the lawn like this?'
    'Probably that I married you for your money,' she replied.

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi Chris

    I think it is a sign of nesting...

    Getting all the things Natasha likes to help her feel good whilst getting ready.

    Because Norman and I don't get out shopping much, we tend to buy stuff, whether we need it or not, because it was a good idea at the time *lol*

    Thank you again, bloggers for the welcome.

  • Comment number 19.

    the company could fold and I could lose my job - other then that not really!

    Its quarter end - I'm going to be busy

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 20.

    Last one .....

    Q: Why do little boys whine?
    A: They are practicing to be men.

    Love y'all!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    bagpuss - do you think that when they are drawing up the list of who to shed, your missing blur and working for them will cut any sway .....

    you LURVE Blur and Damon - go see sister! Life's too short.

    x x x x

  • Comment number 22.


    It's only a job!

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 23.

    Howdy bloggers and CLP. Hope everyone is well and in the pink.

    The blog is getting earlier and earlier - is this going to continue when you are up in the middle of the night attending to mini-dj?
    At this rate you will meet yourself coming back!!

    Bulk buying is just common sense as long as the items are not perishables. Loo roll, washing powder, bin bags, washing-up liquid etc - always make sure there is one to use and one to start on - then as soon as that is started, buy the next.
    I always look out for the 'bogof' and am no way brand loyal.

    In Tash's case, though, I agree with Dook - it's planning for the time she won't be able to get out so easily to do the shop.

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 24.


    I can't afford to lose one of them. I'm rather attached to them :)

    It's the third day Ripples my old mucka, hanging in there I am.

    "Excuse my French, but Cameron is so tight, that if you stuck a lump of coal up his *** in a week you'd have a diamond"



  • Comment number 25.

    I'm so cross today...Alitlle boy stopped me this morning and asked "what's your favourite Telly tubby" Sony Bravia 40" I replied...Cheeky little ......

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 26.

    Man and woman lying in bed....

    .....Man says to the woman, "Say something dirty to me?"

    ....The woman says, "That ceiling is filthy, it needs painting".


  • Comment number 27.

    Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi CLP Tash Huge Coffee and blogeroonees!

    Chis I would ask myself who in Tash's family/friends drinks coffee and prepare yourself for seeing quite a lot of that person when baby DJ comes along...she's probably preparing herself for the help and comfort that she needs once you have a wee one and you're out at work.

    Tobes- well done old chap that's brilliant...my mate Mimi is on day 4 herself and only slightly grumpy (much better than we'd expected to be honest!)

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 29.


    You wait until the baby arrives. Tash will suddenly do strange things whilst rushing about.

    You'll find the kettle in the fridge, nappies in the dishwasher, her mobile phone inside the toaster, and your car keys in the freezer. You mark my words. The fun begins soon my friend.......


  • Comment number 30.


    I'm not too grumpy but I wouldn't poke me in the eye today!! ;p


  • Comment number 31.

    Chris, it's all part of the nesting process.......


    Money's too tight to mention - Simply Red


    Money, Money, Money - ABBA

  • Comment number 32.

    All Request Friday?

    Queen -- I Want It All


  • Comment number 33.

    good ARF choice tobes, good joke re #26......

  • Comment number 34.

    hola everybody peeps
    Been lurking, way too busy to actually comment but finally have some breathing space
    Cheryl, so glad you enjoyed Mr Brand, have you come down off that cloud yet?!!
    Love Ferris Bueller too, not seen it FOREVER, really must check my immense DVD collection to see if I have it!

    ARF - Gloria Gaynor - I Am What I Am

    Laters chaps and chappesses

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 35.


    Quick - tell Natasha to do the take over thee beer & wine shopping from now on . .

    every cloud . .

    DtM x

    ps ARF:

    REM - Stand

  • Comment number 36.

    # 32

    I bet you do hun!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Tiggs

    Was thinking bout you earlier! The cloud of Brandage is still beneath my feet, and the grin of stupendous soppiness still firmly upon my faceage.

    x x x x

  • Comment number 38.

    its not a girl thing, no no no no no.

    If I do the food shop I buy what we need and the odd treat. If Errol does it he comes back with all of the 3 for 2 offers, buy 6 and save 4 pence offers and the buy one get one free offers - as long as its something we never eat, don't like and have no need for.

    Bear in mind, we have 1 drawer in the freezer, very limited kitchen storage space, and a fridge that is knackered.

    I appreciate that he is in the long term saving money, but when I have to give up my space on the sofa to accomodate the 48 pack of Quavers, 21 loo rolls and 6 packs of mince then I do have to question why?

    Got sofa in now, btw, but now we can't get into the walk in wardrobe....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 39.

    Won't bleedin' well get it though will I, eh?



  • Comment number 40.

    Mariella, he's doing it to impress you, the poor lad!!


  • Comment number 41.

    Weren't you ever told 'I want doesn't get'?

    Diva, glad you enjoyed Brandage, when are you going to see him again???

    Wossie back tomorrow night, might just dive in and see if he's changed any!


    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 42.

    ARF - Alaska Tiny Spark


    Queen - Its a kinda Magic


    Wonderstuff - Size of a Cow


  • Comment number 43.


    He impresses me in much better ways, without me having to do a Krypton Factor obstacle course over various groceries (groceri?).


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 44.

    "He impresses me in much better ways"

    Blimey, you go girl!!! ;p

    "tobes, weren't you ever told 'I want doesn't get'?"

    Yeah, I was, but I never listened. I always take the stone out of the cherry first though :)


  • Comment number 45.

    Fair enough hun!

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 46.

    ah, Christophe...the great multi-pack debate...and I bet if you ever go to the Swedish furniture store she comes away with a huge bag of tea lights for 99p...just you wait until she starts bulk-buying nappies!

    I just wish Wagon Wheels were still the size of rusks...

  • Comment number 47.

    pee ess is the Badger's birthday tomorrow. I have bought him a grey and silver striped shirt. This is with badgeriness in mind, but I think he's going to hate it...ah well...

  • Comment number 48.

    Wagon Wheels, didn't they used to appear MASSIVE? Now the size of a Jaffa cake (ish)...... or is it just us growing up?

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Chris - I definitely think it's a girl thing, well, it is in our house. I bulk by everything, you should see how much shampoo and conditioner I've got, just in case! And I've got every factor suncream available too. That's why my house is such a tip, my poor hubby has a lot to put up with!

    Oliver! was fantastic, I loved Rowan and Jodie, and little Oliver, Dodger and Nipper were fab too. It was a bit of a bonus getting a smile from the lovely Mackenzie Crook outside the theatre, it might have had something to do with me shouting out his name!

    Weigh in tonight, not been that good but been doing lots of yoga on the Wii Fit to compensate!

    Take care and happy birthday to those of you who are celebrating this weekend xx

    Em xx

  • Comment number 50.

    I'm the same with shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, loo rolls, washing up liquid, washing powder etc etc. Always have to have at least one in back up, can't bear to not be prepared!

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 51.


    'you go girl',

    Funny you should mention that. Just a few weeks ago I was around town, as they say, and walked past a couple of lads. As I past them I heard one of them say....

    'Cor, I bet she's a right goer!'

    Is that the same thing? Praps not...

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 52.

    I bet that was flattering wasn't it?

    'Cor, I bet she's a right goer!'

    Not going to be ploughing many fields if that's the extent of their patter.

    I didn't quite mean that when I said 'you go girl'.


  • Comment number 53.

    Isn't all this having multiple ARF choices somewhat against the spirit of the thing?

    My one and only choice -

    Whole Lotta Love

    from the one and only

    Led Zeppelin

  • Comment number 54.

    Aunty-Karen - the reason for mulitple ARF choices is that usually the first one is the one we REALLY want but deep down inside know that it won't get played but there is always hope! The second one is a backup!


  • Comment number 55.

    Sorry Aunty Karen. Guilty as charged but I just couldn't choose betwixt my two offerings after Monday night.

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 56.

    and the third choice?

  • Comment number 57.

    In The Wurds Of Weturning Wadio Twu's Wossey Boy....... Awight..... (well noot in 'is words exactly but maybe if 'e said alright, it would be awight.... with a 'w' but no 'arrrr' and 'elll')

    CLP And ALL Bloggies.....

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - Very interesting the coffee container case.... maybe Tash just saw it at 'alf price or maybe az she's goot a bun in the oven, she likes salmon and coffee sandwiches???.... secretly? - Know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Actually could be another cap thingy. Us cap's 'ate ter waste money and are the best star sign when it comes ter being money wise.
    So as yer get more product poundage saving pounds purchasing power with the largest container that's probally why she's purchsed it.
    On the other 'and maybe she's takin' Nostradamus books too seriously - stockin' up for the battle of armageddon - know what am sayin'!!!!

    As for the bird seed... been there.
    A bought two 25kg sacks of bird seed from me local nurseries about two years ago... still goot 'alf of it left now in the shed!!!!!

    GOURANGA 2009!!!!!!!

    PS Ave just 'eard Jeremy Vine iz dicussing 'doner kebabs' and what goes inter them.... wouldn't touch one meself! Think ave only ever 'ad one once... 'orrible!!!!
    Anyway thought of a kebab joke......

    Bloke goes inter a takeaway & asks for a doner kebab. While waiting 'e notices a incorrectly spelt sign that reads 'donor kebab'. 'e points this out ter the cook, the cook says "no it is mean't ter be donor 'cos of the secret ingredients!!!!!!?"

  • Comment number 58.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh a long blog terdee, but noot too long!!!!!!

  • Comment number 59.

    Ahhh! Yeah!!!! the third choice.........bit like CtD couldn't decide!


  • Comment number 60.

    PS Yer see it iz a capricorn thing... Super B post #1... just read yer post and a cap and a purchser of many teabags!!!!!

  • Comment number 61.

    bingo - you are so right - i buy lots of things in bulk to get the best deal!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 62.

    PS Ave been there with the teabags too.... if there on BOGOF i'll buy 4 and get 4 free!!!!!!

  • Comment number 63.

    to be honest, I could list a few dozen songs I'd like to hear for ARF - after all, I am trying to catch up with MW,a! for my ARF Hat-trick! But thought I'd just go for 2 ..... I'm not greedy!


  • Comment number 64.

    Me too Super B!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 65.

    I used to buy beer in bulk.

    Then, I used to buy cheap red wine in bulk, cos it's more sophisticated.

    Nowadays, I buy one bottle of good quality red wine- still sophisticated, but bulk buy headache tablets!

    Life's great pageant!

    ARF- Queen Bitch by David Bowie.

  • Comment number 66.


    I love that episode of Men Behaving Badly when they get drunk....

    ....."Let's get a kebab and go to a disco"



  • Comment number 67.

    jezza playing Buzzcocks!

  • Comment number 68.

    Oooh - anyone got JV on at the mo? I asked for this last week for my ARF .. cool!

  • Comment number 69.

    Flattered, perhaps not - but sometimes you have to take all thats given!

    ARF choice -

    well, as its my burfday I'm going back to an original request from ages ago...

    RUSH - Spirit of Radio

    if you please sir.

    Aunty Karen, I don't think ARF is a competition as such, and therefore multiple entries are not discouraged. If you happen to pick the song that makes Chris or whoever go 'Yes, thats the one', then mostly people will congratulate and commend you on your choice. After all, there are shed loads of songs to choose from, and I think 3 or 4 out of the whole selection does not necessarily give you more of an 'edge'.

    Good choice from you btw, and I have chosen only one as there is nothing else more worthy (in my mind) to be played to kickstart this weekend for me.

    MW, a!

    PS, although on 1st reading I thought, thats not Led Zep - thats ACDC. But thats a whole lotta rosie, totally different!

  • Comment number 70.

    For nearly all ARFs since I joined the blog I have requested Alaska by Tiny Spark and haven't had it played yet!

    There must be a reason - I've even emailed Mr. Evans to find out if there are any criteria that a song has to meet before it is played -but just got an auto reply back

    I am determined to hear it on the radio one day....however until i find out why it can't be played I will continue suggesting it with an alternative that maybe considered more suitable (for whatever reason)


  • Comment number 71.

    How come you have radio on? It's a Thursday!
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Tiggs - she's at lunch. Altho had excellent meeting with lovely man boss yesterday. Looking good for the future!!


  • Comment number 73.


    Peejays are coming off.

    It was all going so well too.

    Dog needs the vets though, so time to be growed up and get dressed.

    blummin animals!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 74.

    Hello one and all

    Well having a Coffee on the Sofa watching Sky News.. What's wrong with that.

    I suppose Natasha finds it saves time going to food shops buying in bulk.

    Had a meeting today with a Bathroom Company probably purely academic now but thats another story.

    Anyway I have a very small bathroom and the quotation was.... 46 thousand pounds, however given the Sale reduced to 23 thousand and with other magic discounts fourteen thousand pounds.

    I am still laughing.

  • Comment number 75.

    14 grand for a bidet?

    Surely not?


  • Comment number 76.

    MW, a!
    Hope the dawg is ok, but bummer that you have to un pj!

    Tiggs xx

    CtD, sounds like everything coming together for you, thankfully!

  • Comment number 77.


    The Associates
    Party Fears Two

    btw, best best show on the radio x

  • Comment number 78.

    Flippin heck prof!

    And I was annoyed at paying Β£25 for a shower curtain!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 79.

    Tobesterr of course I said no ...14 grand far too cheap I will have to go the 46 thousand option.

  • Comment number 80.

    Oh Question for you all!

    how do you clip a dog's nails? A fairly straight forward question you may think - HOWEVER.........

    the dog in question is "grumpy" to say the least - last vacincation required 2 muzzles! (He is a working collie (ret.) - so don't start on dangerous dogs!!!). About 12 months ago he had a Spleenetic Episode (!!!!!) i.e his spleen swelled up and burst - massive internal blood loss and not expected to last the week end. Since then he has retired (occasionally helping out on a consultancy basis!) and therefore his nails aren't getting worn down. I think that he would fight a sedative and be more "grumpy" and a GA seems rather drastic let alone expensive.

    Any suggestions? He wasn't too impressed with being led up and down the road from a Quad!!!!


  • Comment number 81.

    46 grand to take a shower?

    Where do you live? The White House?


  • Comment number 82.

    As we are doing ARF choices.

    Do you really want to hurt me? by Culture Club.

    (The answer would seem to be yes!)

  • Comment number 83.

    How about the New Firemen song, " Dance till we're High".

    It's great!


  • Comment number 84.

    I know and three hours he took dragging and dropping walls taps etc on his pc.

    At the end comes the punchline... I am sure you don't want to pay these prices although I work for Dxxxxx I can do this myself and will charge you about 10 grand.

    I reckon it should cost 3 to 4 grand tops.

  • Comment number 85.

    You should threaten to report him to trading standards and force him to do it for 500 quid or his neck in a noose.

    No job, no sell, no good.

  • Comment number 86.

    D'ya know what peeps, I'm having a fantastic day! Thanks.


  • Comment number 87.

    If I had that big jar of coffee I could do with chucking it at something at the moment!

    Just got through the door tried to unset the alarm and it isn't working. Can't turn it off. So sitting here with the burglar alarm going, Mr Debbie in a meeting can't find a handbook nothing.

    So have to sit here with the bloody thing ringing across Waltham Abbey. Any tips?



    Debbie x

  • Comment number 88.

    Tobesterr Ha

    My thoughts too anyway thank heavens for the Internet has saved me a fortune.

  • Comment number 89.

    Debbie find the electic fuse it's linked too and swithch off.

  • Comment number 90.

    i just opened the box, and it was just all sorts of circuits i didn't know what to do so i've had to close it up again.

    have to hunt for a handbook that hasn't been used for 9 years.

    thanks pp

  • Comment number 91.

    just press all the switches till you find the right one.

  • Comment number 92.

    Dook- I'm in pieces imagining the dog going for a run with the quad bike... Booboo has hidden in her basket at the very thought of such a practice!! lol!

    Have had leak in conservatory fixed today and so my ARF request is-

    Garbage- Only happy when it rains

    Mange tout!

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 93.

    the door was hanging on by wires and i just panicked and shut it up again. i couldn't see any switches.

    i panic too quick that's all.

    i'm going to have to go out for the afternoon, can't find the handbook.

    neighbour just knocked to see if everything ok.

    sorry for popping up like this with MORE problems i'll go away give you a break for a bit.

  • Comment number 94.

    Debbie - Throw the big red switch - this will knock everything off - then throw all the little switches off - put big switch back on and slowly one by one put the little ones on when you switch one on and the alarm starts off - that's the one you leave off! don't know what affect this will have on other things in the house i.e. central heating systems but it's the last ditch approach!!!!!

    Have the police turned up yet? or are your neighbours not bothered by the alarm? It would be interesting to see how long it would take for the bill to turn up - coz if no one phones and they don't respond - then what's the point in having one?

    Ours is aforementioned "grumpy" dog!!!!


  • Comment number 95.

    Debbie just don't get arrested for breaking in

  • Comment number 96.

    Where is everybody??

    Are people actually working and not shirking??


  • Comment number 97.

    Hi AliB - think they're all at Waltham Abbey flicking switches!

    I had to go out at 2 to see someone - got stuck in traffic due to an accident that's made the R2 bulletins - the person I needed wasn't even there after all - and then I got stuck for even longer coming back. So I wasted 1 hr 15 mins for nothing!

    Need a cup of tea - and a biccie! Grr.......


  • Comment number 98.

    I'm here. Have been getting a bit hot under the collar on the dark side, but I'm here .....


  • Comment number 99.

    Phew - thought you all knew something I didn't and disappeared!

    Sorry about your wasted journey df - still there is nothing like a cuppa and a biccie to sort one out.

    Watcha CtD


  • Comment number 100.

    Sorry - I had work to do ;-{ Back now!! :-}



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