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Didn't he do well?

Chris Evans | 09:49 UK time, Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Obamarama that is...

... every night for the last two and a half weeks and I mean every night, my wife and I, The Girl on the Sofa, Natasha - you know the one, have gone out to our favorite pub to have dinner.

It's something we absolutely love to do. I have one pint of bitter and two glasses of wine along with a random starter and then the rack of lamb.

Tash has a bottle of fizzy water, always has the soup to start and then a random main.

It really is one of life's great pleasures. Sometimes we discuss our day, other times we organise, we may take turns at the crossword but mostly we just chat.

So important to chat.

Some couples I know are afraid of going out for dinner together for fear of what they will talk about. Such occasions are a time long passed. But no, just do it and don't be scared of the silence.

Silence is sometimes a good place to start. Like everything, the more you do it, the better at it you get.

Anyway what has all this got to do with your man Obamarama?

Not much, other than last night we came back from our treat earlier than usual so we could catch up with how the new kid got on over in Washington D.C.


"Didn't he do well!"

My goodness, it looks like he may be ready to sort us all out, let's hope so.




P.S. Last night was the quietest night on the texts we've ever had. I'm glad we only get a first ever black pres' once in a lifetime.



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  • Comment number 1.

    Me and Mr bp get to go out every so often and we find that if we do run out of things to say we can play games - word games that is!

    It has kept us going to and from London a fair few times and nearby passengers like to join in when we get stuck!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Can I be first CLP? Can I?

    df x

  • Comment number 3.

    df - sorry mate

  • Comment number 4.

    D**n - no I can't!

    I love going out to eat with mr df as we don't always see each other much in the week and we rarely run out of things to say - but some couple never seem to utter a word the whole meal! Silence can be golden but not all the time surely?


  • Comment number 5.

    sbp - you're forgiven!


  • Comment number 6.

    You know you're in a relationship that's going to last when you can shut the hell up for 5 minutes and enjoy each other's company in total silence.

    Difficult one for the ladies that, I know, but us men cope.......



  • Comment number 7.

    Oh, and day 2 of giving up smoking is going okay. Although I did want one with a cup of tea earlier.

    I survived that one.


  • Comment number 8.

    Well done Tobes - keep it up (and no, that isn't another reference to those boots!).

    You're right re 6 though - we are both quite outgoing but can sit for ages immersed in books or the paper and say nowt until one of us finds a bit we want to share.


  • Comment number 9.

    "until one of us finds a bit we want to share."

    Behave yourself Fi :)


  • Comment number 10.

    That was said in total innocence! I meant an interesting news item or funny section in a book! Honest.........

    Not sure what you were thinking of.........?LOL


  • Comment number 11.

    I'm only pulling your leg.


  • Comment number 12.

    I'm keeping out of this one - don't get out much - YET !!!

    Beesmum xxx

    girlies you are letting me down - if you don't like going out to buy shoes - loads of sites on the internet!!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    No, really?!!? :)

    Now this is all great fun but I must do some work - back in a couple of hours maybe.


  • Comment number 14.

    well me and Mr CG are off out together for 2 days tomorrow! there might be the odd silence - but we are good at talking too! i think it is v important to do things without kids etc to distract if you can! but out EVERY NIGHT for 2 weeks would be FAB! mind you i would make the most of it too while you can, CLP!!

  • Comment number 15.

    In response to an earlier post how does one go about getting experience of being a world leader.

    Its not like a job where you start at he bottom and get promoted higher and higher until you reach the top.

    On a similar theme a girl in my sons class at school applied to do a degree in miwifery and a presitgous university. She was refused entry on the grounds that she did not have the relevant experience!

  • Comment number 16.

    To be comfortable in eachother's silence is the sign of a good, healthy strong relationship. BUT I would hate to be one of those couples you see in hotel breakfast rooms with newspapers held up to their noses and just the occassional grunt passing betwixt them.

    I also cringe when you see young couples out and about. They are "together" but may as well not be as 95% of the time they are on their respective mobile phones talking to someone else. Or even worse, plugged into an MPS player.

    What's THAT all about!?!?!

    Tobes - now picturing you in a Russell Brand LBD with high heels. Niiiiiiice!!!

    Did someone say I was weird??

    Hell yes!!!


    x x x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    That's the age old argument! How can I get the experience if I can't get a job, and how do I get a job without the requisite experience!

    Someone has to take a chance/risk at some point.

    It's like the move to more formal qualifications before you can get a job interview! I have employed people with degrees and also people with bare minimum GCSE's, but quite honestly give me someone with common sense and a can do attitude who is prepared to work hard and learn, and I am happy. Qualifications on paper don't necessarily mean a good addition to the work-force!

    DD out

  • Comment number 18.

    I get really angry when I see "post-grad" in job ads. At 21, they may have a degree in how to open a bottle a plonk, or how to get on a reality tv show, but no real life/work experience.

    Even at 40, it's easy to feel overlooked in the job market purely through the lack of 2.1 or 3 years at uni.

  • Comment number 19.

    I have qualifications to a professional level but that only means that when i move roles i can demand a certain salary and it makes me easier to place - most of the stuff i use in my work i learned on the job (as it were)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 20.

    That must be another reason that I didn't get married... I didn't have enough experience lol!!

  • Comment number 21.

    The best night out my hubby and I had in a long time was my birthday, we often socialise with friends over dinner or at a wine bar but we decided that just the two of us would go out for a meal, and it was great.

    We didn't stop talking all night and it did us the world of good. We have three children and life is hectic most of the time, very important to touch base with each other every now and again!

  • Comment number 22.

    Didn't he do well that of course reminds me of the Generation Game.

    I can now see Obama seeing all the US problems passing infront of him on a conveyor belt.

    Will he remember them all?

    Going out for dinner has become a bit expensive for some. A group of friends have decided that we will do our own come dine with me sort of compo.

    It's not all about food the entertainment during the evening will count.
    Might do my Mary Hopkin impersonation.

  • Comment number 23.

    Silence vs talking....... there is always the exception that proves the rule.......Mr. Egg....

    On Saturday I was running around like the proverbial blue bummed fly, supposed to be somewhere at 6 but was over an hour away - typical. Flew into the house (after being blown backwards as I came round the corner) changed shoes, jacket, nipped to the loo - ready to go. Mr. Egg was going to drive as I was cream crackered - bliss I thought 10 minutes cat nap to recover........but no 20 seconds couldn't go by with out some comment being made...."Oh that wind is strong isn't it?" "Yep"............ "You can really feel it pushing the car can't you?" "Yep"................."Did you see that?" "Nope my eyes were closed!"..................."Do you know what we are going to get for Tea?"


    Long night journeys........ 8 hr drive ..... he will drive during daylight as he gets really tired in the dark - so off we set.....him chatting away like a good 'un then night falls....we swap over...."ZZZZZZZZZ" is all I hear as I drive the next 4 hrs - do I get a chance to sleep/nod off/cat nap? Nope, do I get a chance to chat? Nope But I do get to listen to music I like!!!! ;-}

    Ahh!.... men!


  • Comment number 24.

    Keep practising Lyndy_loo!

    Your time will come.

    P.S. Hope you fixed the delinquent computer

  • Comment number 25.

    After the amazing show from Mr REB t'other night, "Didn't he do well" and "Brucie Bonus" puts a completely different image in my mind!!

    Not to mention a HUGE grin on my face!!!

    Chezza xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Watched Obamarama yesterday (Sorry CLP)
    Impressive or what!

    I work for an American company and I havent heard such positive comments from my colleagues across the pond for years.

    Lets hope he gets time to make the change.

  • Comment number 27.

    That would suit me Prof - Sing away !!! suits me down to the ground.

    Soo agree with you Dissing - willing and able employees though are as rare as hens teeth. Once had one over qualified little darling when I told what was expected - said "couldn't hack that" - charming !!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    B's - Did they get the job? No! Thought not!

    DD out

  • Comment number 29.

    Got it in one Dissing !!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Sorry meant to say - afternoon Mr Thunderclap !!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Thanks ThunderclapN! I'm not sure what's going on with my computers I think it may be more to do with the BB and less to do with the machines.... but really what would I know?

    Beez- you can rest assured I do shoe/boot shopping...in shops, on line, anywhere I'm not fussy!!

    & Booboo
    (now back from the walk along the canal in the mud)

  • Comment number 32.

    Your journey's sound like mine - although mine are shared with my 21 yr old son - not having a 'significant other' as they seem to be called these days!

    He chirrups away the whole journey!
    A friend likened it to a hen pecking at your brain!!
    You above all should be able to say if that's a good description.

    C xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Atta Girl Lyndy !!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Bearing in mind part of our conversation this morning! Is anyone listening to the Job experience discussion on Jezza at the mo?

    Family favours to get opportunities!

    DD out

  • Comment number 35.


    When I started work a few years back at a public service company, there were only about a dozen surnames on the internal phone list - and a payroll of about 450!!

    Nepotism? What nepotism???


    Chezza xx

  • Comment number 36.


    Believe me, if we could afford it, we'd go out every night too! Aren't you a wee bit fed up with the lamb, though?!

    As cornishgirlie says, make the most of it while you can! Your lives are about to change in a way you cannot begin to comprehend!

    As for talking ..... MrS and I have never run out of things to talk about. Mainly because I have reams and reams of trash stored in my brain! It always amazes me when you see couples in restaurants who never say a word to each other - why on earth would you go out for a meal together if you have nothing to say to each other?!

    Of course I watched the news last night and I really do hope that this wave of love and desire for unity will last in the US and around the world. Barack does seem a good guy .... what a huge job lies ahead of him!

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    HI Chris

    Norman and I work together all day and talk every evening. It has been like that for us since we got together nearly five years ago.

    We never are lost for things to talk about.

    Hey, isn't the Firemen new song "Dance till we're high" brilliant!!

    Hellen x

  • Comment number 38.

    B's Mum Once upon a time there was a tavern, where we used to raise a glass or two..... pity we don't have sound.

    Oh forgot to mention sorry but I don't like texting, it's a battle with that predictor text. Apart from asking Steve Wright to play Misty for me, it's a medium I don't care to use.

  • Comment number 39.

    I made it! Shed tackled and i got out in one piece..yay!

    Now, talking..GM and i have about an hour each night when we get in whilst making dinner that we natter away...no tv,no music, just us talking about our day and the usual rubbish..and its vital. And we never run out of anything to say. But, equally we can sit for hours on a sunday with the papers and not talk..well i can..GM has an attack of MrDookitis every now and again and insists on showing me things i have already read..Hey ho!

    RIght, cheese on toast digested..still waiting for s*y man...between 8 and 1 you say? and its now half 1 and no sign... oh joy!

    But, means i have to stay in..might even tackle the wardrobes now... help!

    mSc x

    PS - Bees- fear not - i have lots of shos/boots/shoe boots/sandals etc etc. I`m a size 8 which is not unusual now but i still find bargains at end of seasons and HAVE to buy them! Oh, and the odd full price pair too...! x

  • Comment number 40.

    Mmmmm Nepotism.

    I worked in the same company as my father for 10 years. He told me about the job, (I was 17) I applied, got the job and then spent the next 10 years trying to prove that I got the job on my own merit and not because my father worked there!

    We were in different divisions, never travelled to and from work together (even though I lived at home). Most importantly we had something to talk about, shared a common interest. They were happy days. Unfortunately we were both made redundant, along with half the staff! He took early retirement and I moved onto other things.

    Lyndyloo #20 perhaps that's where I'm going wrong as well LOL!

    Not being married I can't really relate to this blog. But me and my best friend are a bit like a married couple in that when we spend most Friday evenings together there are nice companionable silences. Neither of us feels we have to talk but when we do there is no stopping us!

    Happy Hump Day

  • Comment number 41.

    Am back again and just had a quick catch up - some very interesting issues raised today.

    Nepotism takes many forms - not just the original, family link thing, but also the fact that someone went to the 'right' school, or University, or comes from the 'right' part of the country - which still can count for a lot in this country, IMO.

    As a northern, working class ex-grammar school girl I've often felt that being a woman was less of an issue than my accent or background was - certain interviewers only want to appoint or promote people in their own image.

    And that's without bringing race or religion into it! Laws can do so much but changing hearts and minds and allowing talent to flourish is much harder.


  • Comment number 42.

    Neopotism.....hmmm... my first two jobs were all my own doing (hotel receptionist (18 months) & vet receptionist (9 months)) my third and present (7 Years) was gained due to the job becoming a full time position and the then incumbent was free lance with other clients and couldn't comit to full time, the fact that my employer knew me from being 10 helped there me thinks.....Oh and the fact that the freelancer was my Mum!!!!!!

    If you really want a position or work in a "sphere" i.e. law then surely you do your research, engraitate yourself to prospective employers, talk to people in the field and then if something comes up use your contacts and previous research. The entire world works on who you know, and contacts.

    We know you can buy groceries from ELH, but if you knew your local producer you could get them cheaper - how do you get to know your local producer - you research and talk to people who might know. Is that wrong?! Why can't people get off their donkeys and help themselves.

    Qualifications aren't the be all and end all. I have a Business Honours Degree -can't say I use it!!! I could do this job with out it. But hey ho!

    akaGrumpy - like Mr Dookitis!!!


  • Comment number 43.

    Neopotism - the action of New Pots!

  • Comment number 44.

    or Neopostism - a new post that sets off a brand new topic maybe?


  • Comment number 45.

    I don't often run of of stuff to say but I think that's probably because I work on my own from home quite a lot so crave company at the ned of the day....


  • Comment number 46.

    Morning/Afternoon everyone,

    Day 2 of a new America...... yup I really think that is how a lot of people here see it. Still lots of talk about yesterday, new foreign policy is supposed to be announced today, if so he certain isn't wasting any time. Although it will be good for the US to HAVE a foreign policy other than we'll bomb the cr*p out of you if you don't agree with our way of thinking....... hmmmmmm

    Interesting days ahead. Analysts like to look at the presidents first 100 days in office and compare with previous presidents.....

    One thing that struck me about his speech yesterday was, "people have chosen hope over fear"....... that is SO true. The other party really do and have put the fear of god in a large portion of the county. Namely if you don't vote us back in, you're letting the unmentionables win.... or words to that effect...... sorry for rambling but it's all stirring stuff.....as they say.

  • Comment number 47.

    # 44 - liking neopostism a lot!!

    #42 vs qualifications - isn't a lot of it a bit of both? i can see that sometimes knowing the person would make you definitely sure you would NOT employ them! but in a field where jobs are hard to come by, it seems that you need to do as much holiday/vacation work that you can and get to know as many people as you can so that when you DO get those qualifications you have a lot of options to look at. but without the necessary qualifications you may not get the job, depending of course on what it is, and speaking mainly from my own field of work! also people are doing lesser jobs to gain experience so that it helps when the job they really want comes up.

  • Comment number 48.

    ...and let's face it...who wouldn't stumble over their words a bit, if they were being made President of anywhere, least of all America!

    So, what do you reckon Christophe...Barack Obama is going to go right to the top of people's imaginary dinner party guest list? Except you won't need him there! Neither would me and the Badger I have to say...both of us can talk the HL off a D given half a chance...and the other one is breathing in at the time...

    hi hellenbach! Are you here from Togland?

    lancashire hotpot with an oyster

    Dissing...I nearly meet all your criteria...do you need an administrator?

  • Comment number 49.

    I do think that there is a tendency these days to specify that the job is only open to graduates when it doesn't really need a degree or very specialised knowledge/training, and someone with a good all-round education, strong people skills and a bit of common sense could do it perfectly well.


  • Comment number 50.

    The only thing I need administered is discipline! ahem!

    DD out

  • Comment number 51.

    Afternoon boys and girls, you all sound pretty chipper today!

    Have to confess that I've not paid a great deal of attention to Mr Obama, but from what I've picked up he seems to be a decent chap. Best of luck to him, I hope he's given the chance he needs to do what he needs to do.

    Me and Mr Jumpy regularly set the world to rights on car journeys, and still love going out for a meal! Tricky bit isn't the jumpy-monkey, but finding a place where the ambient noise is quiet enough to hold a conversation without having to raise your voice. Those places are becoming few and far between, and when we find one we make a note of it!

    My first real work experience came from working for both my parents, in completely different fields of work. And, because I was trusted by them, I got to do far more than your average work-experiencer. And then there's nothing beats a bit of temping for tempering your confidence.

    Happy hump day all - wonder if I'll manage to get dressed at any point today....!


    and the jumpybean

  • Comment number 52.

    Ooh just remembered. Mr Jumpy's current job was only open to graduates, and he and a couple of others were headhunted if you like from uni. Only, he never actually finished his degree - the others did - but the company wanted him over the others, and decided that finishing his degree or not wasn't an issue!

    I guess the only time he'll find that not finishing it might be an issue is if he ever wants to really move up the ladder, or change jobs - but this is a long-term job more than likely (another rarity these days) so there's time yet to conquer that degree, even if for now it is only so's he's got proof on a bit of paper as to his ability.



  • Comment number 53.

    Greetings Ter CLP, Natasha AND ALL Blog Operatatives.......

    CLP - Err gotta joke but first.... a just thought a bet a can guess what flavour soup 'the girl on the sofa' 'as.......

    I'd say.... either Mushroom, French Onion or.... mmmmmnnn errrrrrr.... errrr.... errrr Tomato...... and probally in that order of preferred preferences....?
    No actually a change it ter Tomato first Mushroom second??@???

    Just guessing.... a capricorn thing..... earthly yer see..... things outta the ground us caps.... mind you missed out Vegetable!

    JOKE....... errr Pound troubles? A 'ear, with me ear, there's been anoother run on sterling.... yes it waz the Sterling 10k Road Race!!!!
    A few tryin' ter lose a few lb!!!!! NYYYYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!@!?

    GOURANGA 09... ter ALL.... even arguementatative blog friends.... 'cos that's the kind of person I am!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    PS I 'eard Jeremy Vine talkin' about 'nepotism', don't know what it means???

    Is it ter do with ice cream?

  • Comment number 55.

    That's Neopolitism, or anything done after Ice Cream!

    DD out

  • Comment number 56.

    First of all, am very jealous that Jumpy isn't dressed yet...

    Second of all, Dissing...tsk tsk and don't get me started...remember the Moose...

    Third of all, I can highly recommend the M&S (other highly priced food selection premises available) low calorie (because they're 3-4-2, and nothing to do with a waistline as I also purchased six peanut and chocolate bars) mushroom risotto. But most definitely NOT the cherry tomato risotto which was mainly water with lumps in.

    There is no fourth. Luke Skywalker will be disappointed.


  • Comment number 57.

    Hello all

    Mr Debbie and I haven't eaten out for so long that I couldn't tell you when it was.

    Mostly down to how expensive it can be, partly because we have forgotton how to be a couple and not just mum and dad.

    I could go into more detail especially when it comes to us talking to each other but then you would all end up as depressed as me!

    Have a busy rest of the week, friend and her boy round for tea today, at school in LM's classroom tomorrow morning then weekly bread drop off to MiL. Then out with a friend Friday afternoon. Let's hope keeping busy, keeps me out of trouble.

    Had two bags full of bread on the way home today, the car smelt lovely! Have a bag of seeded batch, crusty and some tea cakes for my friend.....85p the lot.

    Off to tidy up a bit before she gets here.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 58.

    Would you Adam and Eve it?

    I'm hardly what you would call a prolific user of our railway network, so imagine my complete disbelief when booking my advance rail tix for the Midlands Bloggers Meet to learn that for a chunk of my train journey, I'll have to schlep it on a bus replacement service due to "scheduled engineering works".


    I will however, be there!

    x x x

  • Comment number 59.


    I can't believe you would ever manage to get yourself deliberately in trouble my dear!


  • Comment number 60.

    That's not what I heard......LOL

  • Comment number 61.

    Dissing Dave - Wonder if Neopolian 'as any links ter this?

    'old on... Napolian a mean't!!

  • Comment number 62.

    What a bummer Chez! What portion of the journey is it? Is it a big bit or a little bit? And Bond you are soooo right! lol!!


  • Comment number 63.

    Hi lyndy!! How are things?

  • Comment number 64.


    Where I live, we have a little "Ivor The Engine" branch line to get to the big scary line into London.

    The cheap Apex tickets are not available from our country bumpkin station as it's not on the mainline so I have to drive to the mainline station (30 mins - town where I work Mon - Fri), then pay about 8 quid to leave my car there (could've walked from home on branch line), then get on a bus/coach thing to almost London but not quite, then get on a train into Liverpool Street, then get on the tube to Euston then provided I survive that, get on a train from Euston to Brum.

    All to meet you my dear!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 65.

    Did I just witness the first blog assassination, of our Deb's character by Chez /Bondy and Lyndyloo! It's a conspiracy theory I tell ya!

    DD out

  • Comment number 66.

    DD......of course not, but please may no attention to the man with a gun on the grassy knoll.....LOL

  • Comment number 67.

    Did you actually mean Napoleon Bingo? The Big French N, the Napster, Wellie's mate?


  • Comment number 68.

    Hey you lot, I am indeed a good girl, maybe hasn't always been the case but most certainly am now.

    Was referring to a different kind of trouble anyway :-)

    Just had a bit of a wobble so keep me busy here until my mate turns up please!

    x x x

  • Comment number 69.

    sure you were.....wink, wink.......

  • Comment number 70.


    you are an attractive mother and wife - a self surficient worker and a great mate.

    repeat as many times as needed!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 71.

    Phew, getting there bp....thank you!

    Heart rate slowly getting back to normal.

    Hate it when this happens.

  • Comment number 72.

    Don't talk to me about trains. I could tell you some shocking stories as I use them regularly to go to Birmingham.

    Words fail me.


  • Comment number 73.

    Birmingham you say.

    14th March, MotoGPs allowing, of course?!?

  • Comment number 74.

    ..or you could always bring the team with you!

  • Comment number 75.

    14th March?

    What's that then, I only skimmed the posts above. I has been a busy boy today.

    I'm not due out until 8th April, to Qatar.


  • Comment number 76.

    I don't want to make you feel worse Deb - but what is making you feel down? You have little LM, a daft stepson who gives you hugs (wish mine did that!), a great sounding job (specially cheap bread!), a roof over your head, and a hubby (who just doesn't think sometimes - just like mine!).

    I wonder if it's a bit of Mummyitis (doncha just love adding itis to things to make it sound like a disorder?!) - that strange phenomina (da da dada dah!) when a mum starts feeling alone and unnecessary when their youngest starts school?


  • Comment number 77.


    Mail of FaceCloth


  • Comment number 78.

    of? on!

  • Comment number 79.

    I just checked my email. Aaaaaaaaaaaagh I see, a little meet up. Let me see what I can do.

    However, I'm an expert on the canal/mailbox and Broad Street areas. That's where all the bars and eateries are, plus a majority of the hotels.

    Been there maaaaaaaaaaany times.

    If you need any help?


  • Comment number 80.

    May do!

  • Comment number 81.

    Just read my previous post and it didn't read well - Debbie Love - we all need our Mums no matter how old we are, and if left to their own devices Hubbies and Stepsons would just loose themselves under piles of dirty washing, plates (and when they run out - take away boxes). They couldn't do with out you! Occasionally they (the older ones) need reminding of it - but deep down inside they know it!

    That's better!


  • Comment number 82.

    Surely there is a quicker route for you to get to Birmingham Cheryl?

    That sounds bloody horrendous. Via London?

    I thought the run from Bournemouth to Birmingham was bad enough.


  • Comment number 83.


    I'm not very eloquent, unlike some people on the blog, who can explain things very well and always come up with the right words.

    I'm not a Mum or a wife, so don't always understand the things that Mum's and Wife's go through.

    But I am a great hugger so here goes......


    Sending LOL (and that's not laughing out loud).


  • Comment number 84.

    I took advice from National Rail Enquiries Tobes, and that's what they recommended so I've booked it - can't really argue with sixteen quid, and I don't wanna drive.

    I'll make sure I have a book, my iPod and a peanut butter sanger in me handbag!


  • Comment number 85.

    AliB - wifes. We go thru all kinds of doo-doo in the course of wifehood! x x x

  • Comment number 86.

    Afternoon Bond! All's well at chez-lyndy thnx...

    Eeeuuoowww Chez that's a bit pants ain'it?

    The good news is the journey from Euston to B'ham is a nice one xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi Dook, how are things with you?

  • Comment number 88.

    Peanut butter sarnie?

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh yes, the cornerstone of any nutritious train journey meal.

    sixteen quid is good. They put up our fares by almost 70 per cent from Bournemouth to Brum. That's the cheapest ticket direct.

    You can, at un-godly hours, get an indirect service via Euston for 16-21 quid, depending on variances, leaves on the line, the mood of the driver etc :)


  • Comment number 89.

    lyndy, glad to hear it. Are the foxes playing at the weekend?

  • Comment number 90.

    Agreed. Euston to Brum isn't that bad, especially if you can hop on a fast Virgin train.

    I might partake in a glass of wine during Drivetime.

    I was desperate for a fag an hour ago. I will survive, I will.


  • Comment number 91.

    Hello again.............

    Didn't we give trains to the world? And now just look at us!

    I read somewhere the other day that in Japan station masters take it as a personal failure if a train leaves their station late and some even take extreme action to remove the 'shame' - I'm not advocating that in any way, but sometimes think our people could be a bit more customer-focused.

    That said, the guys I've spoken to at Derby station have always been quite pleasant, but some of the London ones - polite words fail me!!


  • Comment number 92.

    LOL Tobes! Do you think it's a pre-requisite at train drivers school to be inherently stroppy?!?!

  • Comment number 93.

    I'm going Virgin!

  • Comment number 94.

    Born again Chezza?? LOL!


  • Comment number 95.


    Now there's a thought ......

  • Comment number 96.

    Miserable gits, we call 'em in London, where I grew up.

    "The train will be stopping at Derby, Birmingham, Leamington Spa, Reading and Oxford. Well, I say Reading, that's if I can be bothered as the wife left me this morning and she's from Reading.........so on reflection, forget that, I ain't doing Reading, tough"

    I'm training it to Donington this year, Derby, in fact.

    Fi, in Holland, the train service is one of the best in the world. Simply superb, and run to the second, and you could eat yer chips off the floor!!



  • Comment number 97.

    ooooooo CtD you can't set yourself up like that.. ooooooooo I could says loads but I'll behave......for now.....LOL


  • Comment number 98.

    Cheryl, I'm saying nothing!!!



  • Comment number 99.

    The pendelino's rock!!!

    Bond- we played on Monday night and won Yippee (still top of the lowly league) and we play on Saturdayagainst Hartlepool and then again on Tuesday against Brighton so lots to keep me occupied.... Did I mention we now have a "box" at the footy? It's very posh and I prefer my season ticket seat but am going to have to go and show my face for the next 2 matches...


  • Comment number 100.

    Tobes - not sure if Derby station is still a building site - I don't go through there very often but it was awful when I went to Trent Bridge last summer.

    And the train was just 4 carriages on one of the busiest days of the year for that route! Sardines and then some...........

    But I'm sure it will look lovely if it ever gets finished!



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