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BLOG 373

Chris Evans | 15:01 UK time, Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Perseverance, how about this perseverance ? Last night I realised I had never...

...used the word persevere or perseverance, ever !

I'm not the kind of persevering person. I'm happy to continue with things for as long as it takes but perseverance to me sounds like too much of an effort for the wrong reason. I smell the right or the wrong and if it's the right, I carry on doing whatever the situation needs but i wouldn't describe that as perseverance, I would just describe it as getting things done. I'd graft for ever to get something I wanted but persevere ? No thank you.

Gold prize for stretching the thinnest strand and dresssing it up as a slice of substance for...
Sir Trevor meets The Duke. It was merely a five minute interview on a dodgy camera as Prince Philip escorted Big Mac off the premises wasn't it ? Hilarious ! Next week it's Fergie Down Your Doorstep...Where are you Fergie? We could have done with her on The Big Breakfast.

So what's happening to me ? Last night I thought the opener to the new series of The "F" Word was brilliant, like jaw droppingly so. Laugh out loud funny... and Ramsay seems to exist at such a pace, he often doesn't have time to get fully formed words out. Is he like that 24 hours a day, with the kids, with the in laws, in the bedroom?! I think he may be.

What else? Oh yeah, had a dream last night which involved a fully formed musical that doesn't exist in this world. Can't wait to get back to sleep to see how it turns out.

Off to read what you write now.






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  • Comment number 1.

    T - con't from other blog ... and you just know he'd treat you like a lady!

    Always important in my books!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP .... we have a pub in the next village called The Perseverence. Shortened to The Percy for the locals!

    But that's Suffolk for ya!

    CtD xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Chris - snap

    last night I drempt the first half of a Dr who episode with new aliens my brain invented plus small grass clumps like ginea pigs - and this night i'm looking forward to the end :-)

    one nice thing TLOML said about me the other day is that I knew when to give up - is that a good thing?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 4.


    Ave recently been reading an article in me local paper about The Society Of The Short Sighted. Chair aka Cath Articbottom says the society ave applied ter the local council for planning permission for some extra reserved parking places outside The Society Of The Short Sighted even though as they've all got bad eye sight they can't drive.

    I can SEE their argument though!!!!



  • Comment number 5.

    My goodness it worked in one 'it!!!!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Ah Gordon, Gordon, Gordon ... he is soooooooo charismatic!!

    Good news from Beesmum on yesterday's blog!

    T xx

  • Comment number 7.

    PS CLP BIG congrates on the 373!!!!!!

  • Comment number 8.

    Thanks a lot Tinsel (previous blog) CLP should play I Feel Good - walked back to my room with the nurse and I made her do the Morecambe and Wise dance!! She was daft enough to do it!!! Bless

    Perseverance - boy have I got it and just as well!!!! (previous blog!!)

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Crikey Bingo you are working!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 10.

    I had the same thought about old Gordon rushing everywhere. Good to see him back though.

    Shame Janet S P didn't fall flat on her face in that muddy field - how did she every get 4 men to marry her.......madness!


  • Comment number 11.

    Ola one and all

    Wonder what the musical is called Mr Chris, could it be "Life is a caravan oh chum".

    Speaking of ALW Who could not find that man attractive. The Musicality the wit. And I think he's had his eye bags done.

    Voices too attract or distract. Now I hate a Newcastle accent. It reminds me of someone I would rather care to forget in my past.

    I suppose we all have our pin ups mine is Steve Wright. Gawjus.

    Toodle oo

  • Comment number 12.

    B's Mum - Ave got one liner joke ere but i'll bang it on the blog only if you wanter 'ear it!!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Yes please Bingo but if I laugh out loud I may have an accident after this morning!!

    Go for it

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    A funeral directors 'as just gone outta business,

    a spokesperson said the competition was too stiff!!!!!!!!!



  • Comment number 15.


    ...wow that's fantastic news re: every 6 months x x x

    I'm all on track, back to work on light duties 2 weeks on Thursday


  • Comment number 16.

    Bernard Manning eat your heart out Bingo.

  • Comment number 17.

    B-sMum - Fan-bloomin'Tastic!!!!!

    You must be chuffed to bits. Will raise a glass to you and yours tonight.

    Bingo - LOL very very funny!!!!!!!!!

    re Gordon Ramsay - why does he jiggle up and down when he talks to camera? Makes me a bit dizzy. He's still gawjus tho!

    Laters gang!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Am glad you like... am tryin' ter entertain a few ere but sometime sam nooot sure if me 'umour is funny, silly or just plain..... insane!!!!


  • Comment number 19.

    Ta Bingo but I'll smile at anything today!!

    coco Went to see B Manning in Birmingham - he was really rude and I laughed my socks off - quite a few left though! Went with the old pc club buddies.

    KW light duties would be what then? Not seconded to Manchester tonight I hope?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 20.

    CtD I am going to down at least a bottle of red tonight!!

    I like crinkly men too!! Lived in faces I call them!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 21.

    I like your jokes Bingo praps I am insane too!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 22.

    B's Mum

    Went to see BM a few months before he died. I and everyone else missed the punchlines as his delivery was not good due to his illness. Saw him years ago though, but his jokes are not for here if you know what I mean.

    A p...i walked into a Pube etc etc

  • Comment number 23.

    sorry that was Pub

  • Comment number 24.

    Well done B-sMum, brilliant news.

    A x

  • Comment number 25.

    Inspector Coco you aving speeling probs too?

    CLP - Me comments earlier... I witted, sorry writted, writted Winnegago... mean't Winnebago.....


  • Comment number 26.

    Or is Winnebago... Winnabago????

    I don't know.... I don't know!!!!


  • Comment number 27.


    I think we should have gone to specsavers!

    good evening.

  • Comment number 28.

    B-sMum: wrinklies:

    Steven Tyler
    Mick Jagger
    Gordon Ramsay
    Keith Richards
    Ronnie Wood

    Cold shower now .... !?


    Enjoy ya red. I'll be with ya.

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Thanks all - am bouncing off walls at the mo.

    Oh yummy CtD bring them on!! and Charles Bronson
    George Clooney
    Mick Jagger was wrinkly when he was young!! Saw him live moons ago - munch!!

    Aww what a shame coco - I hate to see people struggle like that when they have been just the opposite.

  • Comment number 30.

    B's Mum - it's always lovely to hear such good news. Enjoy the red, make sure it's a good'un!

    GS x

  • Comment number 31.


    ...basically stuck behind a desk getting to do menial tasks that other's can cuff off to me!!!
    Would love to be at Manchester Citeh's ground tonight, what an atmosphere. Approx. 100,000 Scots expected, class following.


    PS, I've a huge grin on my face since I read your great news x

  • Comment number 32.


    I persevered thru the blog...... obstacles, hardships, discouragement.

    I wrote one, and it disappeared in the ether.

    I came back, and the subject had changed.

    Woe Is Me.

    I love My Husband.

    I'm going home to bite his bum.


  • Comment number 33.

    AND I'm going to eat a mountain of asparagus tonight - couldn't get my daily fix last night cos of this morning (know what I mean CtD) tee hee!!

    Beesmum xxx


  • Comment number 34.

    DWNB01 ...... that's one of the funniest things I've read on here for yonks! Hope hubby has braced himself ...!!!

    Nearly home time.

    Hey ho! Sausages for dinner tonight. with garlic mash. And veg. And gravy.

    And red wine!

    I love my husband too!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 35.

    DWNB LOL!!!!!!with no accidents!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Oh B-sMum - just last eve Mr Diva and I were discussing the "downside" of growing ones own asparagus! It's so true vis a vis the weird "aroma" that emanates!

    It grows blimmin' quick though. We've been eating it morning noon and night for the last 3 weeks - I'm amazed we've got any friends left!

    20 mins to go ......

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 37.

    KW Watched the lunch time news - what at atmosphere in Manchester - zillions been there since yesterday and no trains back to Glasgow tonight!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 38.

    KW could do with me over there - used to get grabbed to do last minute typing stuff cos I could type so fast so they could get to the p club!!- little monkeys used to line up. still do one and a half spacing?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 39.

    I have tickets to see the Zombies in Manchester tonight, have you seen the crowds!! maybe I will have to use plan B.

  • Comment number 40.

    Hump day greetings - and birthday greetings to Jenniferferfer - hope you've had a good day and it continues into the evening.
    Perserverance - yes I do but I'm sure many times it could be classed as "cut yer nose off to spite yer face". Still someone's got to do it, I suppose.
    PS DWNB01 - perhaps a nibble would be nicer?

  • Comment number 41.

    Lovelysheila - what a lucky girl...... heard JW this morning mentioning the venues. Saw/heard Colin Blunstone about five years ago - still brilliant.

  • Comment number 42.

    The blog is Bingoing me again grrr
    Lovelysheila you will never make it - Manchester grid locked apparently - just heard Sally traffic confirm. Do you have wings? if not you can borrow mine! or just take a leap and get them to pass you over their heads - always wondered what that would be like

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 43.

    DWNB still giggling re your blog!! tee hee!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 44.

    By the way - Coco ( for your info Nev Gingembre) you gave away who you were on clp's blog 370 - your comment 65 Prof plum!! oops!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 45.

    All at Manchester ternight........


    Means 'good luck' in russian!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    Jeni Happy Birthday - sorry forgot to mention and I'd made a note!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Well impressed Bingo!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Bolshoye Spasiba... B's Mum,

    means 'thank you' in russian!!!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Okay gotta go out for me 4 mile jog by the sea now but it's okay ave goot a Walkman radio so i'll still be able ter catch CLP's BIG show!!!!


  • Comment number 50.

    Many thanks Beesmum if the happy birthday was aimed at me... although I've always wanted a summer birthday mine's in October!

    Will have a sneaky sip of hubby's beer tonight to celebrate in advance though :)


  • Comment number 51.

    Oh crumbs!! - is it 6 oclock yet - can I start drinking?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Well I think I will have a drink tonight as it's my Birthday and my husband has given me a nice bottle of red wine, he is busy in the kitchen making a curry for dinner and listening to you on the radio, can life get any better!!!

  • Comment number 53.

    That's very sweet of you thanks Wilsma!! only just read your post,so the answer to my question is yes it can!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    hurrah, I've not gone mad! jenniferferfer are you another jeni? happy birthday to you :) I might still join you in the birthday celebrations ;)

  • Comment number 55.

    persevere,chip away,keep going with thead down,......i tend to just keep going to hmmmm....im persevering getting slugs and snails of me dahalias and marigolds....first of four days off.....yes its tough but ill manage.....or persevere....

  • Comment number 56.

    Evening each

    Perserverance is killing off dandelions. Yes folks, they're still there and have been multiplying like rabbits while I've been away for a few days. But, Chris, perserverance is probably not good when you're trying to keep a relationship going, especially with an alcoholic! That's hindsight speaking.

    Ireland was hot, hot, hot. Stayed in Limerick (go to Dolans pub for food and music), visited Killarny, Adair and Trallee (don't bother with that one) and Dunratty Castle. Great time was had by all.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Hey gang,

    Struggling to keep up with posts at the moment, will have a proper catch up later.

    B'sMum, brilliant news for you, so happy to read that. I hope that you are celebrating right now x x

    Jeniferferfer, happy birthday x

    CtD, too true regarding the school 'scrum' as I call it. The sea of buggies and kids working their way towards you on the pavement is pretty scary and they move out of the way for no one!

    Loved the F Word last night too. Wonder if he will strip off and get changed into his white chef shirt this series as he often does. Phwoar!

    Nite all
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 58.

    Happy thirsty thursday one and all.

    Gordon R - yummy there is a large billboard pic of him near my house mmmmmmm

    debs - you sound brighter?

    Happy birthday for yesterday Jen

    I wonder if littlesthobo is amongst us now?

    OMG I think I heard thunder (I feel scared!)

  • Comment number 59.

    happy birthday to Jen for yest, and Debs for tomo x

  • Comment number 60.

    my tip for getting rid of weeds in your garden....put a bit of salt on them.....salt 34 p for a large tub.....weed killer a fiver yes folks a FIVER.....nuff said.

  • Comment number 61.

    morning all

    unlucky to Rangers last night, was rooting for them, however, what a boring way to play, aim for 'nil', maybe score near the end or win on pens.....not good, but heyho.
    Thought Ferguson was immense, Juande were you watching?

    Going away for the weekend tomorrow on the north Norfolk coast - me, MrsW and the 3 jam-eaters....can't wait.

    Have a lovely day y'all

    Dr T - hope you got here ok and enjoyed what you've been missing

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 62.

    I didn't get the second half on my dream last night sop now I will never know the end - anyone want to write it for me ;-)

    happy birthday to all thoses celebrating this week - its my newphews celebration tonight so i have an optimus prime (other transformers are available but not the correct one) at the ready.
    Super bp x

  • Comment number 63.

    Morning one and all

    Super-Bagpuss wonder if your dream ended with my nightmare this morning. I was up with the larks at 06.00. I went downstairs to make my cuppa and next I found I had stepped into something soft and slippery. I screamed as I realised I had dog diarrhoea all over my bare foot. I screamed out load and hopped my way back upstairs retching at the same time to put my dog doo foot under the shower.
    Great start to the day hope it gets better.

    Gimgembre Hope the Knee examination went well. You will be doing Black runs in no time.

    Dandy Lions. You need to get them roots out or they will keep coming back.

    Have a good ya’ll.

    Coco with wiffy feet.

  • Comment number 64.

    Super bp - thankyou! you've just solved the problem of what to get my darling husband for his birthday!! His mum always recounts when he was a little boy he wanted optimus prime for his birthday - they had friends and relatives up and down the country searching for OP but to no avail, they had all sold out. I forget whether or not somebody managed to procure one for him... But! His birthday is in August and so... if I hunt down an OP now, I will be in the Best Books for a good long time :)

    Not looked out of the windows yet today, but I did hear someone on the radio this morning complaining of monsoons in the South :( ah well, at least the garden's getting a good watering. When the sun shines again it will be all green and lush again :)


  • Comment number 65.

    Coco :(

    My parents' cat has been banished to the kitchen overnight now, she has taken to leaving inappropriate presents in inappropriate places. Dad thinks it's retribution for leaving her on her own so often. Hope she's not turning into a vindictive old lady :(

    Hope your feet are less whiffy now...


  • Comment number 66.

    inspectorcoco my sympathy goes out to you ,you havnt any luck at all my freind

  • Comment number 67.

    I can see this developing, Chris - how about calling it "CLP: The Musical" - we could even get Andrew Lloyd Weather on board - Tinsel - ;)

    Gingembre - re: the Cherry Coke. I was hungover yesterday and I find it's the only cure - out of a can, never a bottle. Enjoy your weekend away x

    Beesmum - a belated "yay" for your good news; and eating so much asparagus? Mr Beesmum (or would that be Beesdad?) had better brace himself!

    Debbie - make sure you pick a stonking ARF request for your birthday tomorrow!

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning all
    No rain yet but pretty grey. No hangover must have been the reservoir of water I had to drink after procedure! Yummy yummy full tummy - mountain of asparagus (himself ate it too) and chinese take away!

    Anyone else have my problem with Youtube facebook etc? If I try and get on it's like something out of Indiana Jones hitting me - walls coming down, spikes out of walls and a big rock rolling down and shutting me out so nothing gets to the server. Takes me half a day to unlock everything!!
    (hence missed what you were doing coco on youtube - what was it?)

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    B-sMum - I've only just discovered FB. It's fab. But I wish more people would write on my wall - feeling decidedly unloved in the wall writing department!!

    We opened a bottle of Merlot in your name and toasted you last night!

    Bloggers: shall we all campaign for Altered Images' Happy Birthday for Debbie tomorrow (and all bloggers who have had birthdays recently - seems a lot of 'em!!)

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Jumping Bean
    Animals do the most amazing things don’t they?

    B’s Mum. Actually the You tube clip is from an Old Temptations Clip
    There is a girl dancing with a bow in her hair overshadowing the band before she is told shuffle off. It’s not really me but I am sure you have had your inbox deluged from time to time with ladies wanting to show you their web cam. Or is it just me?

    Lazy Kev

    Thank you most kindly, but my Mother used to say β€œMuck for luck”.

    Anyway any nice young man out there want to suck my toes?

    Oh dear best get some real work done.

    Toodle oo

  • Comment number 71.

    Aaah Rosie taht explains it...when I saw you wanted to murder one I thought we were gonna have to call the Inspector in???? ;)

  • Comment number 72.

    bloody blog

  • Comment number 73.

    bee's mum, come join us on fb

  • Comment number 74.

    Coco - gross early start for you, happened to me once with MrsW's cat at silly o'clock one morning....bloomin' 'orrible

    ARF tomorrow should be Beesmum's choice, that's my opinion anyway x x


  • Comment number 75.

    I give up now, in bingoworld with MfR

  • Comment number 76.

    CtD - going to yr wall now

  • Comment number 77.

    Coco I am sure that must be lucky in some way???

  • Comment number 78.

    Thanks KW
    ARF I FEEL GOOD diddle diddle diddledum!!! Love that bit in the film where the dog jumps in the car to the poodle and they play that song!!
    On one liners are we now?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Just had a damn pop up and can't get on my server - Oh joy!!

    thats why cant use facebook KW

    coco love the Temptations, was it the originals?

    Beesmum xx

    Back in a tick - have to unlock heaven knows what in the way of firewalls etc.

  • Comment number 80.

    How do I get to your facebook CtD?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Beesmum, we're all on a page called CLP Bloggers

  • Comment number 82.

    B'sMum - you have to look for me under my real name (which I can't put on here)

    Or there's lots of us on CLP Bloggers page - I searched for that when I first FB'd (I think you have to set up your own FB page first tho?!?)

    All new to me ... still learning, hence why ...

    Gingembre - I couldn't do the online chat thing just now. Couldn't figure it out!!!

    Dufus, that's me!

    CtD xxxxx

    (for one day only - Cheryl The Dufus!!)

  • Comment number 83.

    Hello everyone,

    Hope you are all well. Feeling a bit stressed today as lots of arguing going on with my kids and the ones I look after, quite difficult to know how to deal with it.

    Did anyone see Child of Our Time last night? Been watching it since it started as the kids are the same age as my youngest. Terribly sad about Eve's mum, I thought of you and your little girl Gingembre, I was watching with my eldest and we had a big cuddle (he doesn't usually let me anywhere near him as at twelve he thinks hes a bit big for cuddling his mum!) I look a complete wreck today as I cried so much - very sad.

    em xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Nearly back - naughty porty it was the Beeb leaping in to my computer. Just a couple of Indiana Jones blocks to go so I can get some work done.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 85.

    It's Bingo-ing again grrr
    Will have a go at fb when I'm up and running - must email myniece as she's on it.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Oooh goody parcel arrived with my goodies ordered at week-end when my knees started shaking - retail therapy and all that!! little (big) tinker.

    Beesmum xx

    P S It's started raining - garden could do with it - water the dandelions!!

  • Comment number 87.

    ooo-er it's chucking it down!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 88.

    and I was going to do SO much washing at the week-end!!! Yeah!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Flippin computers - see you when I see you!! - now how do I fix this!!! uuumm

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 90.

    B-sMum - where are you? We need some rain on the allotment but it's dry as dry can be here in Suffolk at the mo ....

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Yay!! It's raining .... thank you Mother Nature


  • Comment number 92.

    CtD I'm in the flippin server room (our 4th bedroom/boxroom in house) all else failing going to power down -have a cup of tea and see what happens!!
    25 miles south of Birmingham in Worcestershire - thought it was coming up from where you are - it must have missed you?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Oh it's reached you - good 0!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 94.

    good for the old spareeey grarss!! rain on

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 95.

    We need rain to plump out our radishes, onions, garlic and get the spuds and 'snips going!

    Rock on!!!!



  • Comment number 96.

    its been raining down south here since early this monring - we had thunder and lightening to wake up to - not a great start to the day

    emma - m been watching child of my time since it started as my newphew is the same age as them - so sad about that little girls mum - i hope their commune can help out and her dad stays at home a bit more - she is such a brave little girl

    super bp x

  • Comment number 97.

    Good afternoon all,

    Had a lovely day out yesterday went to Stonehenge and Avebury and did some culture as I have a weeks holiday. Today is all overcast so am catching up with all CLP and the bloggers news.

    So congratuations to Gingembre for being able to go back on light duties, home is nice for a short while but work is satisfying and daytime telly is awful.

    Congrats to Beesmum for your continued recovery and to now being on 6 monthly checkups - enjoy your asparagus and red wine.

    Congrats to Cheryl for getting on FB and I'll catch up there later and leave you a massage (sic) for relaxation.

    Missy keep up the good work

    Bingo and MwK you are both still making me laugh - enjoying your posts.

    Off now to enjoy a cup of coffee


  • Comment number 98.

    Wish I had the room/energy for all your home grown veggies CtD lucky girl.
    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Oh 'ellllloooooooooooo all of the blog,

    Lazy Kev - slugs, I know away ter get rid of 'em for free.....

  • Comment number 100.

    Salt Bingo?

    Beesmum xx


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